
Author Topic: favorite video game developers.  (Read 2908 times)

« on: April 13, 2002, 08:41:33 AM »
my fave is squaresoft. nuff said.

crash: d@#N! sexy fujins on snubbull shima!

« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2002, 08:47:50 AM »
i trust them to make good games ( like final fantasy 10)

wario: i love it when daisy is naked.
im a wario, ima gonna win!

« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2002, 11:28:48 AM »
Its simple Nintendo! They do get help making games. I do however like Rareware,Hal Labtorys,and Hudson Soft* (*Mario Party 1.2.3 helpers)

Mario and Yoshi rule! is a great Place for Yoshi! Ps.Visit the message board! note:Im also Ludwig Von Koopa as well as SuperYoshi7175. Ps.again Ok Join the Mario Clan the only clan totally devoted to Mario!
Should I put something here?


  • Quadruped
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2002, 05:18:23 PM »
I'll post one that many of you may not have heard of:  Treasure.  They are the masters of random and chaotic 2-player platform games.

Go Moon!
Go Moon!

« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2002, 03:32:58 PM »
I like Infogramers. Even if they are a thrid-party company they have cool games. Mission Impossible is the best game ever!!!

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2002, 04:27:01 PM »
 I would say Squaresoft, but I'm losing faith in them when they continue to put out 'below their standard games' such as FF8, and FF10.
 I like Capcom for their fighters, and BoF, but BoFIV left me wanting more.
 Nintendo is good, but they make their share of bad games as well.
 Konami, I never cared much for 'em.
 Enix, Dragon Warrior is good, but the series is repetative, but not bad.

 I'd say I like Square the best still, but my faith is wavering.

 I am Nobody
 Nobody is Perfect
 I am Perfect

« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2002, 05:58:19 PM »
*Dark Deep Voice* Nintendo.....

*Rythmic fast voice* Sega!

*RockMan's Voice* CapCom.

Sign my Petition!

ReturnRoshan: What Petition?

MamaMia Mario: Hmmmm,that''s right I should start a petition before asking people to sign it! I knew I forgot something!
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2002, 09:56:40 PM »
below thier standards my @$$!FINAL FANTASY 10 is my favorite game! ( aside from spyro or crash)

iie! anata motsu miru ano hitotachi saigo no no jibun watakushi jishin
 shoototsu bandicoot!

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2002, 05:36:37 AM »
 If those three are your favorites, they must have been the only games you have played.

 Final Fantasy X, is like FFVIII, in the fact that it was an alright game on it's own, but no where near the quality of a Final Fantasy. IX was pretty close to that line, but not quite.

 Let's see, the characters were very 'dry' this time around and the plot has been used many times before. Auron (sp?) was the only one who was actually cool. Tidus was a whinny little brat, one of those characters that you just want to kill off in every battle, Wakka was nothing special, Yuna, she had very little depth, Rikku, maybe she was a little more well rounded in story than Yuna, but not much, LuLu, the only story she and Wakka had was Wakka's younger brother.
 They did the summon spells, or Aeons, like they did the GF's in FFVIII. Each Summon had little story behind them. I miss the days of FFIV where every summon had some story. The Summoning felt more like playing Pokémon than Final Fantasy. "Ifrit, Go! Use Hell Fire attack, Now!"
 The Sphere Grid system, now that is terrible. I hated it. Why does Square continue to change from the Battle system. No Exp or anything.... Now I always liked leveling up for awhile in RPGs, and now, I can't do it in the same fashion as before. If I run out of spheres I have to go get more.
 Now, voice acting can be good in a game, such as Lunar 2, or Phantasy Star Online, but FFX was bad. I really disliked it, I didn't feel convinced with the emotions. At least they matched the mouth flaps.

 If you are going to reply in a similar fashion to this as you did to my last, please do not bother replying at all.

 I am Nobody
 Nobody is Perfect
 I am Perfect

« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2002, 10:46:42 AM »
no ive played more games than that. of course
 if your not gonna buy it then more for me!

two things im addicted to: playstation and ciggarettes.

« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2002, 12:41:40 PM »
Does anyone care about InfogramerS? They are surperior to Squaresoft.
