
Is this the best story you've read?

of course!(yes continue it)
not really(no stop it here)
i don't really know(undecided)

Author Topic: A Mario Story  (Read 2347 times)

« on: February 12, 2006, 12:11:28 PM »
    One day Mario was sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast. Later in came Luigi.
Luigi: Hey brother of mine what are you doing?
Mario: Eating. What does it look like?
Luigi: I am so bored and I have nothing to do.
Mario: I am sorry. Maybe you should find something that doesn't involve bothering me.
Luigi: Pffttthhh.
( The mail has just arrived. Mario goes to get the mail and brings it back into the house)
Mario: Let's a-see what we have-a got here today: bill, bill, bill, junk mail and more junk mail. Oh here we have a letter from the princess. Let me read it and see what is says.
Luigi: Okeedokee then.
Mario(reading):" Dear Mario, I have been captured by the evil Bowser once again. Please come help me. I have been taken to his secret hide out but he won't say where we are. It is up to you to try to find me. Hurry and as always...HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sincerely yours, Princess Toadstool"
Luigi: You heard her we need to find her.
Mario: What do you mean about "we"? I think it's time you realize i can do this without your help.
Luigi: Well fine then! I guess you won't need help if you get caught by a piranah plant, or get lost in the woods somewhere and lost forever never to return.
Mario: Well I guess you can come along. That is if I ain't insulted you into not coming.
Luigi: Aw what the heck. I'll go with you if it makes you happy.
Mario: Good let's go!
Luigi: Alright!
(Mario and Luigi gear up for yet another adventure. They pack extra food and clothes to help them out. They are now ready to go once again to save the princess.)
Mario: I hope nothing bad happens to us. I mean like you said what if something bad happens to us? What if we get lost for days and end up getting eaten by pirannah plants or something else? What if...
Luigi: Don't worry.Besides, have no fear Luigi is here.
Mario: Oh great.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 06:12:33 PM by mario_luigifan104 »
I see poop.

« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2006, 06:11:49 PM »
Maybe by finishing the story i can get some comments.

(Mario and Luigi start out on their journey to find the princess)
Luigi: Hey Mario?
Mario: Yeah Luigi?
Luigi: I was just thinking what if this isn't all worth it?
Mario: What do you mean?
Luigi: Well what if the princess has set us up or something? I mean even though she hasn't done that to us yet, there still is a possibility that it could happen sooner or later.
(Mario slaps Luigi on the side of the face)
Mario: Don't ever say that again! I doubt that my one true love the princess would ever try to set us up just to bring us down. It was her that helped us when we were first strangers here. It was her that found us a place to live. It was her that...
Luigi: Ok I see the point.
( The two continue on walking to Toadtown which isn't but 5 miles away. Meanwhile at Bowser's Castle, Bowser paces around nervously in circles and starts talking to Iggy, one of his cousins)
Bowser: Curses. I despise the Mario Brothers.
Iggy: Why?
Bowser: Because I just know that they will soon be here to rescue the princess once again and I will have to somehow stop them. I have devised and used every plan known to humans and koopa's everywhere. Aw man what am I going to do now?!
Iggy: Relax your magestic cousin sir.
Bowser: Don't use that talk with me.
Iggy: Sorry. Anyways what I am trying to say is that we are in a spot up in the mountains of the Valley of Bowser in your secret hideout. In fact, we are somewhere that is so far back up in the mountains that even those stupid Mario Brothers will never find us.
Bowser: Oh shut up. You don't know how smart they are. You don't even know those pathetic loser brothers like I know them. They are too smart to be dumb as to not knowing where my secret hideout is. They will find out where we are hiding, and you can bet your hind end on that! (mocking Mario) "Oh Bowser this-a time you are gonna die, and I will-a be number one again."Hmmph makes me so mad I could...AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Iggy: It's ok Bowser. I have a plan! In fact my plan is so great and good that nothing can stand in the way of
it or anybody.
Bowser: Really? You mean that?
Iggy: Yeah.
Bowser:Well then start talking.
(the two start talking of how Iggy will disguise himself as the princess and convince the Mario Bros. of how he let her go, and she (he) wants them to go see Bowser for an apology. Meanwhile we rejoin the Mario Bros. in Toadtown as they decide to stop at a local soda shop for something to eat and drink.)
Mario: Man am I a-tired.
Luigi: Yeah me too. I can't believe we've only traveled five miles.
Mario: How do you know how far we've gone?
Luigi: We passed a sign five miles ago that said"Toadtown 5 miles".
Mario:Oh. Well we've been making good timing. Say are you as hungry and thirsty as I am?
Luigi:Yeah. I could go for some food right about now. Hey look a restaurant. Lets go in and see what they have to eat.
(The two walk into the restaurant to eat. Later we will reveal what they eat and also there will be more on Bowser's evil plot. Will it work this time? Is it really foilproof? You'll just have to wait and see.)
I see poop.


  • Bruised
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2006, 08:04:09 PM »
Iggy is actually one of Bowser's kids.  Plus, you'd think Iggy would know why his "King Dad" hates the brothers.
Regards, Uncle Dolan
