
Author Topic: Yet another Mario Fanfic...Very Long  (Read 9988 times)

« on: January 09, 2005, 12:33:04 PM »
I accidentally posted this story in the General Boards....but anyway it's here now.
I will be posting chapters whenever possible, and everything in italics would be in the middle of two *'s. Enjoy!! And, yes, the character Victoria is (c) by me.
-R I S E of the M U S H R O O M
K I N G D O M-

Chapter One: Painful Memories

The wind was blowing against the roof of the Super Mario’s small and uncomfortably cramped house. He lay next to his brother in their bed, still awake from the haunting of his nightmares. The Super Mario and his brother lived in the Mushroom World, a world quite different from any other. Here, the inhabitants, rather known as the mushroom people, lived in harmony as they carried on with their lives, scurrying from place to place, working in the small town known as Toadtown, or working in the princess’ castle.

Super Mario rose from beside his younger twin brother to walk groggily into the even smaller bathroom. He looked into his reflection in the mirror.

And it looked back.

Super Mario turned on the water faucet. He cupped his sweaty palms under the running water so he could catch some of the water for himself. He swirled it around a bit, and then splashed it into his face, trying hard to wake himself up. He studied his image: dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a bushy black moustache. He grabbed a towel from the counter and dabbed it across his sweaty face. Super Mario inhaled deeply. He placed the towel now saturated with sweat back onto the counter in which it came from. Super Mario stared once again into his reflection. Everything around him seemed to fade away as he slipped into another nightmare.

*When the world was young, the magnificent creation called Earth slipped into a deadly war. The Humans wished that their race own the Earth because they claimed to be more powerful. The mushroom side disagreed with the Humans and wished that they should own the land for they were far more intelligent, and would use the land sparingly for all to roam freely. This plunged the Humans and the mushroom people into a war over who shall own the land. The war had finally stopped and the mushroom side cleverly used the great seven STAR SPIRITS to split the Earth into two parts: The Human World and the Mushroom World.

The Mushroom side was blessed to find that one night, the two future protectors of the Mushroom Kingdom had arrived as infants that night. They sat bundled in a bunch of blankets crying uncontrollably. The Star Spirits were huddled around the infants, chatting away on what to do with the blessed babies.

King Bowser knew about the babies. King Bowser and his koopa troop were the only evil beings that existed on the Mushroom side. He wanted horribly to do something about this matter, yet he knew that he nor his koopas, goombas, or any other of his beings could withstand the power of the Star Spirits. Bowser stayed tucked away in his castle were no mushroom man or woman dared to go, even in their life depended on it.

The Fourth Great Star Spirit cradled the babies in its arms. It knew that if they left the babies here in the Mushroom side, King Bowser would do something terrible to the infants. Their only choice was to send them over to the Human side where Bowser could never threaten their lives.

The babies landed in Brooklyn, New York on the doorstep of an old house of an Italian couple. The family was happy to find baby Mario and Luigi there, and took them into their arms as if they were truly their own.

The time in the Human side was one of the happiest periods in Mario’s life. He and Luigi were taken very good care of and were sent to the best schools. Their parents always made sure they were never without food or water. They were given nice, comfy beds and a nice sheltered house. Those memories didn’t seem to last long enough for Mario, however…*

Super Mario was brought back to reality by a soft tapping on his shoulder. He jumped from excitement but was relieved to find Luigi standing groggily behind him.

“Mario, what are you doing up so late?” Luigi yawned.

Super Mario, still staring into the mirror, replied, “I just had a few nightmares…” Super Mario walked from the bathroom and dived back into the comfort of his bed. Luigi followed him out. He slowly slipped into bed and pulled the comforter over himself.

“Are you okay, Mario?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Mario then dozed off to sleep.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

The sun was shining brightly that morning. Although awake, Super Mario’s eyes were still closed. He was exhausted. Pulling the comforter off of him, he rose from the bedside and stretched. Luigi was already awake, and was cooking breakfast. Mario exhaled and slowly walked into the kitchen. Luigi was sizzling bacon in the frying pan.

“Good morning, Mario!” Luigi was always cheerful in the morning. Mario took a seat at the table, and in a few minutes, Super Mario found a plate of eggs, bacon, and sausage before him. Luigi then sat down with a plate of his own food, as well.


“Is there something wrong, Mario? You were acting a little strange last night.” Luigi asked with a concerned tone in his voice.

“The nightmares seem to get worse every night…” Super Mario trailed off. He placed some egg in his mouth. He chewed slowly. Then he spoke some more, “They’re about mom and dad, I don’t know why though. Maybe there’s something wrong? Maybe they’re trying to tell me something? Maybe we could go back to the Human side and just check on them…you know, and then come back here?”

“Mario, I’m sure they’re fine, I mean, dad’s about sixty three know and mom’s probably like fifty eight or something, they don’t need us around anymore, we’d just be a hassle. They’re probably wondering were we’ve been all these years…I mean we’ve been living back here in the mushroom side for about three years now? Four?” Luigi said. Super Mario remained silent and continued to eat his breakfast.

More silence.

“Mario, if you need anything, you know you can talk to me…” Luigi trailed off as well. The rest of the breakfast went like that, both brothers talking back and fourth about Mario’s troubles.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

It was in the middle of the day and it was hotter than ever. The sun was blazing in the sky, and was burning the back of Luigi’s neck, who sat under a large tree in their front yard, lost in a book. Super Mario, however, was also outside. He was walking along the dirt path that led straight to Princess Angelina’s castle.

Princess Angelina Toadstool was the love of Mario’s life. The second one to be exact….then the image of Super Mario’s long lost fiancée flooded his mind.

Her name was Pauline.

It was in the middle of the day, and Mario and Luigi were now on their lunch break. Mario sat chatting to his girlfriend, Pauline with the radio playing in the background. Pauline was a tall woman, (much taller than Mario) with silky blonde hair and crystal green eyes. She was wearing a red dress.

Mario stared out into the city of Brooklyn, New York.

“It’s a beautiful day,” Mario commented.

“Yes, it is,” Pauline agreed. Luigi was sitting next to Mario on top of a building. They were into the construction business and they loved it.

“Breaking news! A large ape escaped from the local zoo and is now running around the city!” the radio blared. Mario looked at the radio obviously confused. Not thinking much of this anymore, Mario continued to eat his sandwich and talk to Pauline.

The building rattled.

Mario looked around.

Nothing was there.

More rattling this time it was more violent.

Mario was now very confused. He dropped his sandwich and rose from the ground. He looked around. Still nothing was there. He looked to the edge of the building to find a very large ape scaling the side of the building. Mario warned his brother and girlfriend to run from the edge of the building. Mario then saw a large hand reach the top of the building.

The ape that the radio was warning the listeners about was right in front of them. It was about seven feet tall and was disgustingly hairy. Its large meaty hands reached out and wrapped around Pauline’s small neck. Her airway was apparently cut off; her hand was around her neck and was gasping for air.

Mario had to think of something fast. His mind was racing. He needed to use his surroundings…then something came to mind. He pushed a barrel over to where he was standing and pushed as hard as he could. The barrel rolled down the building and hit the ape very hard. It dropped Pauline who lie still on the ground, and fell off of the side of the tall building.

Both Mario brothers ran over to Pauline. Mario touched her hand.

It was very cold. He put his head to her chest to check for a heart beat.


Mario tried harder this time, but still heard no heart beat. Pauline had died from a lack of air. Mario dropped to his knees. He cried. His own girlfriend died in front of his eyes.

As much as Mario wanted her back, Mario knew that was impossible. If only he would have made his move faster…If only…if only…

Super Mario shook his head. He was standing still in the middle of the dirt path. The nightmares and daydreams didn’t stop. When one ended, another started. He knew that if he just made it to the castle, he’d seen Angelina and that would get his mind off of everything. So he continued on his way to see the princess.

Edited by - GenocideGtarist on 1/13/2005 7:11:16 PM
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2005, 01:52:42 PM »
Chapter Two: A Close Save

The darkness of the castle in the far side of the Mushroom Kingdom would scare away almost anybody. King Bowser’s castle was the home to many dangerous creatures, plants, and the most deadly of all, Bowser himself. His seven kids tagged along behind him as he marched into the dungeon.

They then reached a large door with two hammer brother koopas guarding it. When they heard the loud footsteps of Bowser, they moved to the side and pulled the door open. Bowser stomped past them and continued on his way down a winding staircase that leads to the dungeon. He stepped down at least four steps at a time, which made him reach the dungeon much faster than his kids.

All of the kids were walking behind their large father, now practically running to catch up with his long strides. Bowser reached the end of the staircase and stopped dead, which made the kids, smash into his large shell, sending all of them down the rest of the stairs.

Iggy was the first to hit, then Lemmy, then Larry, then Wendy, Roy, Morton, and Ludwig. They all fell on top of each other at the bottom of the stairs. Their father sighed and continued off into the dungeon. The kids were now arguing.

“Iggy, you HAVE to watch where you step!” Wendy, the only girl complained.

“I’m sorry, it was an accident!” Iggy shouted back.

“The both of you SHUT UP!” Roy was the biggest one, and probably the meanest.

“Why don’t you shut up?” Morton argued to Roy.

“Why don’t I? ‘Cause I’m not the one who sent us crashing down here!” Roy looked eyed Iggy viciously.

“I said I’m sorry!” Iggy’s small and squeaky voice was not heard over the constant arguing of his brothers.

Lemmy, Larry, and Ludwig were standing off to the side. Lemmy whistled.

Everybody stopped arguing. Lemmy sighed and continued into the dungeon. His brothers and sister were staring. They all stopped and followed Lemmy into the dungeon.

This was probably the scariest place in all of the mushroom side to be. Many strange and vicious creatures made their home here. The scariest and most dangerous one of them all was Hookbill the koopa. He was about the size of a car and his beak was very sharp. He was now chained to the wall, surrounded by obviously frightened koopas.

The children passed Hookbill and continued on their way. They saw their father talking to an old magikoopa with a beard and large glasses. They all saw the fear in his eyes. The kids walked over to their father and caught part of their conversation:

“I’m sorry, master!” he wailed.

“THIS IS THE LAST TIME YOU SHALL FAIL ME, KAMEK!” Bowser raised his trash-can lid sized hands and slapped Kamek hard over the face. The kids all heard a loud cracking noise. Bowser had broken something, and the kids were not looking forward to know what bone it was.

Kamek was now on the floor, his nose bleeding. Bowser walked away from Kamek and continued on down the hall. Bowser could be a very dangerous being sometimes.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

The sun was just setting over the skies of the Mushroom Kingdom, and Luigi was still sitting in the same spot under the tree, now asleep. He yawned deeply and rubbed his eyes. He got up from the shady tree and looked around. No Mario. He checked his watch and then noticed that Mario had been gone for about four hours. That was much longer than he was usually gone. Luigi followed the long and stretched path that Mario took. He smelled smoke in the air.

That wasn’t good.

He now began to run and soon broke into a sprint. Luigi’s long legs let him cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time. The smoke he smelled was now visible. It was black. He stopped at the end of the path to find the princess’ castle half torn apart. There was a large hole in the wall and the front door was missing off of its hinges. Most of the castle was on fire.


He was probably still in the castle. He sprinted over to the opening. The fire was very hot. He covered his face and ran into the castle. He looked everywhere to try and find somebody. The smoke was too thick. He was sweating badly now. He ran in random directions trying to find somebody or something. He tripped over what felt like a leg. He fell to the ground and hit his head hard. He looked what he tripped over to find Super Mario’s limp body.

Luigi started to panic much worse now. He pulled his brother out of the castle and laid him on the ground. Mario’s face was covered in black dust. He looked at his face and found a long cut down his cheek. Luigi drug his brother to a fountain of shooting water. He splashed some in his face, desperately trying to wake him up. Super Mario stirred. His eyes opened slowly.

“Mario? MARIO! What happened here? Where’s the princess” Luigi asked.

“B-Bow-Bowser…” Mario mumbled.

“Bowser? He’s back? Oh, no! He must have taken the princess…” Luigi softly placed his brother on the ground. “I’ll be back!” he ran back into the castle. He was looking for a mushroom man or woman. Maybe they could explain what happened more clearly? He ran up a flight of stairs. He opened the nearest door to find a room with a large bed in it. Somebody was in here…

“Hello?” Luigi asked.

“Mario?” the voice asked.

“Luigi,” he told the person. “We have to get out of here!” A mushroom woman came out from under the bed. Luigi motioned her out of the room into the thick smoke.

“Maybe you could tell me what’s going on?” Luigi asked her.

“I’ll tell you once we get out of here!” she said. Luigi and the mushroom woman ran down the stairs. Luigi ran to where the door was supposed to be, but instead, Luigi ran into something hard. There was a large piece of wood blocking the exit to the castle. He wanted to find something to throw at it. Everything in there was either on fire or too small to do any damage to a large piece of wood.

The air was running low. If they didn’t get out fast, who knows what could happen. Luigi backed up and rammed into the wood. It made only a small crack in it. It would take too long and they would probably run out of air before he could break it. He needed to look for a window. Most of them were too high to reach. He knew there were others in some rooms somewhere. He told the woman to follow him into a room. Luigi opened the door. It was also smoke filled and hard to see anything. He felt around the room. He felt a chair. He felt around it and felt a table.

He knew instantly where he was.

He and the mushroom woman were in the dining room! Luigi knew the castle by heart and knew there was a very large window that he and the woman could reach. Yet it was very far away, the dining room was pretty long. He grabbed the woman’s arm and began to run for the window. There was now very little air left and there was still a good little ways to run before he reached the window. He wondered if he should just stop. He could end up like his brother, but he might not be found.


He wondered if he was okay. He had forgotten about him. If he could get out of the castle and reach Toadtown, he could get help there. Hopefully he could contact the Mushroom Fire Department. Yet Toadtown was about a three hour walk from the castle. That would be too long to run, especially with Mario with them. Luigi would probably have to carry him if he was still too weak. This left him with very few options.

Luigi had reached the window. He ran to pick up a chair. He carried it back and tossed it at the window, which luckily shattered. Luigi picked up the mushroom woman (they are only about two feet tall,) and looked out the window. It wasn’t a very high jump, but it could injure him or the mushroom woman if they landed the right way. But all that mattered now was if they made it out alive. Luigi took in some air, and jumped out the window. He landed on his ankle, which twisted it.

“OUCH!” Luigi let out a cry of pain. Luckily the woman was alright. He rose from the ground slowly. He mushroom woman helped him walk as best as she could. They hobbled (or Luigi did,) all the way back to the front of the castle where Mario still lay unconscious near the fountain. Luigi sat on the ground next to his brother. The mushroom woman cupped her hands in the water and caught some she opened Mario’s mouth and he drank it. She waited.

Mario’s eyes opened, but didn’t close back this time.

“Good, you’re safe!” she was very relieved, and so was Luigi. Super Mario sat up straight and rubbed his head.

“What happened?” Super Mario asked.

“Well, Bowser, his kids, and Hookbill the koopa invaded the castle. They destroyed almost everything, thanks to Hookbill. They took all of the mushroom people in the castle, yet I was probably the only one who wasn’t. That’s why you found me under the bed, Luigi. I was hiding from Bowser. I really thought I wasn’t going to make it out alive, but thanks to you,” she spoke. “He took the princess as well.”

Both brothers sighed.

“What’s your name?” Super Mario asked her.

“My name is Victoria,” she stood up to her full height, with her hands on her hips. “I’m a good friend of the princess,” Victoria said.

“What are we going to do about the castle?” Super Mario asked.

“Toadtown is too far away, the castle would be burned to the ground before we even get there!” Luigi said.

“That looks like that might be our only choice,” Victoria said sadly. “I lived in that castle my whole entire life….now it’s gone. Angelina was like a mother to me….” Luigi saw a tear run down her face.
“So you’re the only mushroom person left?” Super Mario asked.

“I’m the only one left from the castle. Who knows what Bowser could be doing to the mushroom people now?” Victoria wondered.

“Well, we need to stay somewhere for the night,” Luigi just now noticed that it was getting dark outside. “We’d better start looking for someplace to stay.”

“Couldn’t we stay at our house, Luigi?” Super Mario asked.

“We’d have to hike through the Mushroom Forest, and it’s only safe to do that in the daytime. Who knows what beasts come out at night in there…” Luigi trailed off.

“I guess Toadtown is the only place to go to…” Victoria said.

“She’s right,” Super Mario said. “Come on, Luigi, let’s go.”

Victoria took one last look at her now burned down home. All the flames were put out, only to leave her with a large pile of now scrap metal and some part of the wall. That was about it. She wiped the last tear from her face and followed the two brothers to Toadtown.

Edited by - GenocideGtarist on 1/9/2005 12:44:07 PM
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2005, 01:58:23 PM »
Posted this reply at the original topic-I have no way near finished your story but by a few paragraphs alone I say your narrative skill is a brilliant one (and it is my favorite kind to read and write)
Keep up the good work.

Working out for an hour and a half makes you get bigger muscles. Writing for an hour and a half makes you a better writer
~Stephen King
Working out for an hour and a half makes you get bigger muscles. Writing for an hour and a half makes you a better writer
~Stephen King

« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2005, 02:02:41 PM »
Thank you, and i have considered becoming a writer, but it's hard to decide when i wish to become both a writer and a musician....but who knows?
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2005, 03:16:17 PM »
Chapter Three: Meeting the Chancellor

The two humans and the mushroom person made it safely to Toadtown, and were lucky to find another mushroom person to let them stay in his house for the night. Right now they were on their way to the Chancellor of Toadtown to tell them the horrible news.

Super Mario, Luigi, and Victoria walked through the streets of Toadtown, passing many shops and restaurants. Super Mario and Luigi stood out, considering they were just about the only two people there who weren’t mushroom people. All the other inhabitants went up to Super Mario’s waist.

It was pretty hard not to lose Victoria in the crowd of mushroom people; she was the exact same size as all the others.

The Chancellor’s castle was humongous. It towered over all the other buildings. Right now, two mushroom men were guarding the front door. The three approached the door, but the guards stepped in front of it.

“You don’t have permission to enter the Chancellor’s castle,” one spoke.

“Oh, okay,” Luigi was just about to walk off when Victoria jumped in front of them and said:

“Do you know who they are?” Victoria sounded a bit flustered at the moment.

“And why does that matter to us?” the other guard asked quizzically.

“Because they’re Super Mario and Super Luigi,” Victoria said.
“Oh….go right along then! Sorry for the inconvenience!” The guards moved over and opened the doors. Victoria folded her arms, apparently satisfied with herself.

Super Mario studied her. He had never really got to see her face; it was very dark last night. He was about two feet tall (just like the other mushroom people), she had sparkling blue eyes, and she wore a hat with pink dots that looked just like a mushroom, only without the stem.  She wore a pink vest and a white shirt under that. Her brown boots barely made a sound as she walked behind Super Mario and Luigi.

The halls of the castle were very elegant, with many paintings of various people all over it. There were many staircases and chandeliers. The place was very well lit.

There were two staircases on either side of the castle walls that led up to a balcony. And on that balcony was a very large door.

“Maybe he’s up there?” Victoria took the left staircase. She ran up the stairs amazingly fast. She looked down on Super Mario and Luigi. “Coming?” she asked.
Super Mario ran up the stairs with Luigi following behind. The bunch approached the large door. Luigi made a fist and raised his hand to knock on the door.

Right before he could knock on it even once, the doors swung open to reveal a long room with about seven thin windows on both sides of the room. At the end were a throne and a mushroom man with a long beard sat in it. The three followed the path that led to the man in the throne.

“Who goes there?” the old mushroom man spoke.

“Mario, Luigi, and Victoria,” Super Mario spoke. Victoria tugged on Luigi’s overalls.

“The Chancellor is a lot older than I expected,” she commented.

“The Mario?” the Chancellor asked.

“Yes, Super Mario,” Super Mario said.

“Approach me,” The Chancellor ordered. Super Mario walked closer to the Chancellor. He kneeled in front of his throne.

“What brings you here?” He asked.

“We have brought bad news….”Super Mario trailed off. “King Bowser has invaded the Mushroom Kingdom and completely destroyed the castle. He captured the princess and all of the mushroom people. Well, not all of them. My brother, Luigi, found one last mushroom person in hiding. Her name is Victoria. She is the only person he found.” Super Mario explained.

“This is terrible,” the Chancellor rose from his throne. “Luigi, Victoria, approach me,”

Luigi and Victoria did so.

They both knelt down next to Super Mario.

“I know you three are after King Bowser. I also know that to retrieve the princess back, it will take much skill and lots of courage. Take these with you,” The elderly man held out his palm to reveal three tiny mushrooms. They were zooming around in his hand.

The three gaped.

The Chancellor was holding out to them three Super Mushrooms. If the holder wished, the small mushroom would grant the holder great power.

Luigi and his brother both took one mushroom. They bowed in thanks. Victoria was the last to take one. She also bowed. The three set off down the hall.
“Mario!” the voice of the Chancellor echoed throughout the hall.

Super Mario turned.

“I hope we meet again,” The Chancellor raised his hand. “Thank you,”

It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2005, 04:22:46 PM »
I was wondering if i should post some more of the story? I don't want to post like the whole thing in a day....Well, it's like twelve chapters....i'm not sure.
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2005, 05:22:34 PM »
I guess i will, then. Moving onto Chapter Four of our story....

Chapter Four: A Talk with the Princess

King Bowser looked down on Angelina Toadstool. She was held captive in the very top of Bowser’s castle, chained to the wall.

“Good morning, princess.” Bowser smiled devilishly. Angelina turned her face away from Bowser. She couldn’t bear to look at him. She stared out the only small window and looked out into the direction of what was her castle.

Help me, Mario!

“What do you want?” Angelina spat.

“Why are you angry at me, princess?” Bowser cackled. He walked around and looked out the small window. “Filthy mushroom people, they pollute this disgusting world we live in. Who shall be the next target, princess? How about the Chancellor? I’m sure we could get something out of him on where Super Mario is.” The large beast now turned to face the princess. “What do you think?”

“I think you’ve lost your mind,” Angelina said. “You know Mario has defeated you before, and he can do it again without trouble,”

“Is that what you think?”

Angelina nodded.

Bowser cackled again. He walked over to the door.

“We’ll talk again, princess.” Bowser then left the tiny circular room. Angelina then heard the door lock behind him. She looked out the window once again.

“Where are you, Mario?”
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2005, 05:28:30 PM »
Chapter Five: Aboard the Airship

Toadtown was very busy that morning. Super Mario, Luigi, and Victoria were wandering the town, chatting about the princess.

“We can’t just sit here, we need to take action!” Luigi said.

“Yes, I know,” Victoria sighed. “We don’t even have a plan yet. And who knows when Bowser could show up again?”

“Victoria is right, Bowser could show up anytime. We do need to watch our backs, however.” Super Mario said. “Does anybody have an idea for a plan?”

“How about we cause a distraction, sneak into the castle, grab the princess and go?” Victoria asked.

“That would be too easy…” Luigi thought hard.

“Wait! I have an idea! We could sneak into the air shafts in the castle, crawl through them, and sneak into the princess’ room. From there we could use a rope to climb out of the castle, and back to Toadtown. Then we could inform the Chancellor. He would know what to do. And besides, the security there is tight, Bowser and his gang could NEVER get past them!” Victoria looked at both the brothers, waiting for a response.

“You know, that just might work….”

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

King Bowser opened the door to Angelina’s cell. He walked in slowly. She was apparently asleep. He cackled. Bowser closed the door behind him and walked over to the princess. He raised his hand and touched Angelina’s soft face. His claw was softly piercing into her cheek, leaving a trail of blood.

She woke immediately.

“Hello, princess.” King Bowser spoke in a soft, welcoming tone that Angelina knew was completely unreal. Bowser’s real voice was deep and demanding.

She dabbed her cheek on her dress.

“What do you want?” Angelina noticed that Bowser was undoing her chains.

“I was told by one of my troops that Super Mario, his brother, and a mushroom woman were spotted outside my castle. They’re coming in to get you, princess. I’m afraid that I can’t let that happen.” Bowser took off her chains and lifted her from the ground.

“Where are you taking me?” Angelina asked demandingly.

“Somewhere far from here…very far.” Bowser opened the door to Angelina’s cell and walked upstairs. The upstairs were filled with paintings of Bowser everywhere. There were also many statues, and some lights here and there.

But mostly darkness had taken over the large room.

Bowser walked along the halls of his castle with the princess hanging limply over his shoulder. He walked out a large door.

They were outside the castle.

“Here we are, the Koopa.” King Bowser stared proudly at a large pirate-looking ship with two large wings on both sides. He placed the princess on the ground next to him. Out of nowhere, two hammer brothers came out of nowhere and loaded the princess onto the ship. Bowser laughed. He walked back into the castle.

“IGGY, MORTON, LEMMY, LUDWIG, ROY, WENDY, LARRY, GET OVER HERE NOW!” Bowser’s deep voice echoed throughout his chambers. Almost immediately, his seven children came clambering out from the darkness.

“What?” Ludwig asked.

Bowser scowled. “Come onto the ship. We’ve made a change of plans. Mario is somewhere in this castle looking for the princess and we are leaving this place before he gets here.” The seven kids followed their dad outside the castle and ran onboard ship. Wendy watched as some koopas and parakooopas boarded the ship. Slowly, Kamek shuffled aboard.


*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Luigi was sure he had bumps on his head from the number of times he had hit it on the roof of the cramped airshafts. Victoria was leading the group of three as they traveled above the ceiling of King Bowser’s castle.

“We should be reaching the princess’ cell by now…” Victoria peered down a vent below their feet. “Yep, this is it. Come on!” She removed the vent and slipped into the cell. Super Mario jumped down, then Luigi. They found themselves in a small circular room. There was a small window in there, letting in only a small bit of light.

“This place sure is gloomy…Where’s the princess?” Luigi asked. He was looking around the room. He looked at some books on a small table. He looked behind it….

“DON’T MOVE!” A magikoopa and a rather large goomba entered the room. Luigi, startled by the sudden entering of the two Bowser minions, fell behind the table, unseen by the others.

“You’re coming with us!” the goomba bit Super Mario’s pant leg and pretty much drug him out of the room. The magikoopa forced Victoria in front of him, so he had both Mario and Victoria and wandpoint.

Luigi rose from behind the table. He was shaking. The two minions had taken his brother and friend away. He followed them downstairs. The castle was eerie. Luigi didn’t like the dark.

He heard a door open, and figured that was the two creatures who took Mario and Victoria away. He followed the sound into a larger room…a dark room. There was one large window in the place. Luigi ran over to it and looked out of it. A large ship was rising slowly into the air. Luigi looked closer. He saw the princess!

“Angelina!” he whispered. As much as Luigi wanted to see his brother and friend, he knew Mario could take care of himself. He followed the ship outside. It was almost too high for Luigi to reach. He sprinted over to it. There was a large anchor on the ship and it was slowly being pulled into the ship. He jumped into the air and grabbed it. His palms were becoming sweaty now, and he was losing his grip. He had to hold on…

Luigi’s eyes were shut tight. He didn’t even notice that the anchor was already sitting inside the ship. It had already been pulled all the way inside. He looked around in the ship. A couple of koopas were walking around, and one was asleep at its desk.

How am I going to get past these guys?

Luigi rose from his spot.


His leg had tripped over the chain, causing a noise to echo in the small chamber under the ship. All three koopas looked around and finally spotted Luigi on the ground.

Oh, boy…

It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2005, 05:34:14 PM »
Chapter Six: Captured and Locked Away

Super Mario had now grown worried for his younger brother.

Where could he be now?

He was falling behind Victoria, which made the magikoopa jab him in the back with his wand.

“Keep moving!” The large goomba was leading the two across a long hallway.

Super Mario wondered where he and Victoria were being taken.

*Help me, Mario!*

Super Mario’s eyes perked up. He looked around the dark place to find out where the voice was coming from. He looked behind him, beside him, and in front of him, but he found nobody else than the goomba, the magikoopa, and Victoria.

*Please, help me!*

That voice sounded familiar…

Before he knew it, he and Victoria were pushed into cramped cells in a damp, dark hallway. There were other beings in other cells, as well. The cells went all the way down the hall! Mario wasn’t surprised that Bowser had a prison chamber in his castle.

He looked around in his cell. There was nothing but a small chair attached to the wall and a wax candle that was about to burn out.

“Victoria? Are you okay?” Super Mario asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she replied. “Where are we, anyway?”

“Looks like we’re in Bowser’s dungeon…Who knows what beasts live here?” Super Mario took a seat and stared into the candle.  â€œI wonder where Angelina is now…”

*Mario and his brother had quit their job as construction workers and took over the family business: plumbing. It turned out that both brothers were quite good at it. And pretty soon, they ran their own company: Mario Bros. Plumbing Service.

Mario missed Pauline dearly, and still thought about her every waking moment. He knew very well that he couldn’t see her again; he didn’t let that interfere with his work. Mario was not one to let things slow him down.

The Mario brothers were one day asked to fix a series of pipes deep into the sewer system. Of course, they agreed.

When they reached the broken pipes, they found the reason why:

Creatures were breaking the pipes in half with their sharp beaks. These creatures looked much like turtles, except they were much, much larger.

All of a sudden, the brothers fought off these “alien” beings with powers unbeknownst to themselves.

Shaken by the sudden burst of energy, the brothers felt a strong rush of wind come by inside the sewers. They were swept off their feet, and into the lands of their birth to live in harmony forever…or so it seemed.*

Edited by - GenocideGtarist on 1/9/2005 3:37:53 PM
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2005, 06:16:32 AM »
Chapter Seven: Angelina

Luigi dropped the last koopa shell to the ground. He was sweating a little now that he had defeated the three koopas. He kicked the other two out of the way and opened the door that sat in front of him.

He didn’t know where to look first! The princess could be anywhere, the ship was huge. He also needed to look out for Bowser and his kids; he really didn’t need to come in contact with them at a time like this, or any one of them for that matter.

The door opened into a slightly smaller room with a large engine bolted to the ground. He approached the large piece of metal.

He heard footsteps.

Now nervous, he jumped behind a large crate that sat now in front of him. He peered over the side of the box and looked at the next door across the room. A koopa entered the room. He walked over to the engine. The turtle pulled out a wrench and began to tighten bolts on the engine.

Luigi had to get to that door!

He rose slowly from behind the crate. He wiped the sweat from his face and tip toed across the room. Luigi placed his sweaty palm on the door knob and turned it slowly.

No noise….good.

He opened the door even slower, praying it wouldn’t creak. He opened it about half way, and slipped through. He was then greeted by a long winding staircase. He crept up them slowly, hoping once again not to make a sound. He came across a window about half way up the stairs. Luigi peered out of it. He could see the whole rest of the ship that flew very high above the skies of the mushroom side. Luigi then wondered where the ship was headed. And if he could rescue the princess, defeat Bowser, (which he really didn’t think he could do by himself,) and then he could possibly steer the ship back to the Mushroom Kingdom. From there he could rescue Mario and Victoria.

Luigi continued his way up the stairs until he came to another door. He opened it to find himself in a small square room. In a lit corner sat a desk; an empty desk. An on that desk lay an open book. He approached the desk and placed his hand on the book. It was empty. He flipped continuously through all of the pages to find that all of them were completely empty.

“Hmm…odd…” He picked up the book and placed it in his chest pocket. (the book was fairly small.)

He looked around the small room he had found himself in to find it otherwise empty. There was a door in the far left corner of the room. Luigi walked over to it and opened it. He was now on the deck of the ship, watching the large wings flap with enormous power, while the jets in the back helped as well.

He looked around.

At the very front of the flying ship were the seven kids, Morton steering.

Bowser must be around somewhere…

Luigi looked up at the crows nest.

The princess!

She was tied to a long pole that extended above her head, with a flag tied to the top. A koopa shell was the symbol. Luigi walked to the left of him, right behind the building he was just in. There were two koopas keeping watch in the back. And right behind them was an opening in the floor. He stood to his full height, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was in there.

All he could see was black.

He turned away to walk in the direction of Bowser’s children. He then stopped. He could walk pretty much anywhere and get noticed. He was trapped. If there were some way he could create a distraction….

He spotted a rock on the ground. Luigi smiled. He picked it up and ran back into the direction of the two koopas. He tossed the rock into the opening in the deck. Luigi ducked. The two koopas, startled, looked into the hole, looking for what made the noise. The both peered into the hole deeply. Luigi now ran over to the koopas. There was a hatch. He closed it on top of the two turtles, sending them flying down the hole, and that’s when he closed and locked the hatch.

Alright, two obstacles gone! Now just to deal with those kids…then Bowser…

He slowly approached the crow’s nest, and began to climb up the net that led to the top. He was trying to move fast so the kids wouldn’t look back and see him, but he knew if he did go fast then he’d probably stumble and then the kids would surely notice him. He slowed himself down, and before he knew it, he was at the top.

He reached behind Angelina and began untying her.

“What are you-” her eyes perked up when she saw Luigi. “What are you doing here? Where’s Mario?” Angelina asked.

“I’m here to save YOU,” Luigi finished untying her. “Alright, did you see Bowser go anywhere?”

“Yes, he-” Angelina was interrupted.


“NO TIME! LET’S GO!” Luigi grabbed Angelina’s arm and began to climb down the net. And by time he had touched the ground, he was surrounded by all seven kids.

“Let go of the princess!” Wendy shouted.

Luigi didn’t know what to do. He looked at his options:

One, he could hand Angelina over to Bowser, two, he could try and escape the kids, or three, he could try and fight. He knew as well as the princess that he didn’t stand a chance against seven of Bowser’s own kids.

I wish Mario were here now, he’d know what to do, he ALWAYS does!

Luigi peered past the kids and looked into the hole he had trapped the two koopas in. He noticed that it was rattling, and a large crack was forming in the center.

“Dad won’t be very happy when he hears about this!” Lemmy stared deeply into Luigi’s eyes.

“Wait…who’s steering the ship?” Ludwig asked dully. All seven kids looked around. They had stupidly left the steering wheel unattended. Larry ran over to the wheel. He was trying to control the ship, but was already going down into the ocean.

“WE’RE GOING DOWN!” Larry shouted.

Luigi, now sweating badly, looked over to the hatch to find half of it missing. The other half was open. A large creature emerged from it.

King Bowser came out from under the ship.

“What in the name of Star Road is going on here?” Bowser hollered.

“DAD! The ship is out of control! It’s gonna crash!” Roy said to his dad. Luigi looked over to the side of the ship. He could now see land. The ship was about to hit!

Luigi, still keeping hold of the princess, ran to the very back of the ship.

“Hold on, Angelina!” Luigi tightened the grip on her arm. She grabbed hold of one of his. The ship was going to hit in about ten seconds…

The ship crashed into the water, and was sinking amazingly fast. Now fully underwater, Luigi’s grip on the princess came loose, sending both in different directions. Luigi noticed that all seven kids and Bowser were swimming to the surface. Luigi had to get back to the princess! And he knew very well that if he didn’t find the princess fast, it might be too late.  He swam toward the direction he saw the princess go in. His ears were starting to pop. Not a good sign. Then he spotted her! She was floating in the water. Angelina had passed out.

He swam faster towards her and grabbed her arm. Things were slowly growing black. He was running out of energy, and if he didn’t get to the surface fast, who knows what could happen to him or the princess! He was getting closer, yet things were growing blurry now. His hand was above the water, and now things were slowly disappearing.

He was now above water with the princess in his arms. He was gasping for air as things came slowly back into focus. He looked around for any sign of land, and unluckily found nothing. Luigi was tired; he needed something to lie on.

There was no telling where Bowser and kids could have gone to, and at the moment, Luigi didn’t care. He knew he needed to get the princess somewhere, because she was getting heavy on his shoulders. Wait…Luigi spotted a rock nearby, a large round one. He swam towards it as fast as he could, (which was fairly slow,) so he could lay the princess down. It was just a little farther, and he didn’t know if he could make it. Things were going in and out of focus once more, and he was beginning to feel dizzy.

Finally! He reached the rock. Now he placed the princess on the rock slowly. He placed himself on the rock next to Angelina. Things were spinning….spinning….spinning….

It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2005, 07:10:09 AM »
Chapter Eight: Return to the Castle

“You’ll be okay…just rest, alright?” a voice spoke. Luigi opened his eyes. He saw a mushroom man with a long mustache standing over him, dabbing a wet cloth over his head.

“W-w-where am I?” Luigi asked, still in a daze.

“Why, you are on a cruise ship. We found you and a lovely young woman out cold on a rock…what were you doing there anyway?”

“I don’t remember…” Luigi stood up. He was lying on a small bed in a very nice room, with the old mushroom man looking up at him. “Where’s Angelina?”

“Pardon?” the mushroom man asked.

“The woman with blonde hair,” Luigi answered.

“Ah, yes. Follow me, please.” Luigi followed him out of the room and into a long hallway. About three doors down is where the old man led him into. Angelina was staring out the small circular window in a room identical to the one Luigi was in.

“Mrs. Toadstool, you have a visitor!” the elderly man left the room.

“Come in,” she said. “Luigi, you finally woke up, you had been out for about an hour now. I woke up on a large rock in the middle of the Mushroom Sea…don’t know what happened there…” Angelina trailed off.

“Bowser and his kids must have gotten away…that’s not good. But at least you’re safe. The Chancellor has been looking forward to seeing you again.” Luigi informed her.

“Well, we should arrive back in the Mushroom Kingdom in maybe two hours or so…”

What will happen to Mario and Victoria? What will become of Luigi and the Princess??
Well, i know....but thats not the point...

Edited by - GenocideGtarist on 1/10/2005 4:03:18 PM
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2005, 06:19:39 PM »
Chapter Nine: The Escape

Super Mario woke from his slumber. His eyes opened slowly to once again greet him to the old damp cell he was now placed in. He rose from his chair and walked over to the tough metal bars. He looked around. Super Mario saw many other cells with many other prisoners trapped away inside.

He wondered where Luigi was, if the princess was safe, and where King Bowser was now. He knew those questions couldn’t be answered now.

Super Mario heard something scurry across the floor, and he turned…or he tried to. His foot sank beneath the floor, making him fall and slam his head on the ground.

What was going on?

He then noticed something was sticking out of the floor, and it wasn’t his leg. There was a sheet poking out of the floor. He removed his foot and took off the cloth, revealing a large hole in the floor.

Super Mario gaped. He was staring at his way out! Without thinking, he quietly lowered himself into the hole. Super Mario was greeted by two circular paths. The one to the left seemed to be very short, and went in the direction of Victoria’s cell….

He took the left path.

He placed his hand on the ceiling of the hole he was in, and felt something soft…something like a cloth… he pushed up on it, and luckily it gave way. He peered into the new cell he found himself in to find a small mushroom woman asleep on a bench…


Super Mario pulled himself out of the hole and crept into Victoria’s cell.

He approached her slowly, and then gave her a soft nudge on the shoulder. She stirred.

“Mario?” She asked groggily. “Mario? How did you-”

“Be quiet! Follow me,” Victoria hopped up. She saw Super Mario disappear through the floor paneling. She stood there, amazed. “Coming?”

She followed Mario into the hole.

“Where are we?” Victoria asked.

“I found this tunnel in my cell…It was covered up by some cloth and some dust was on top of it, so it was practically invisible…follow me,” Mario came back to the entrance and took the right path this time. “And it just might be our way out of here!”

This path was much longer than the other.

After about five minutes of crawling through the winding underground tunnels, Super Mario spotted a light. He crawled to it…
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2005, 07:57:57 PM »
Chapter Ten: The Chancellor

Super Mario, Luigi, Victoria, and Angelina attended the Chancellor’s funeral the following day. It was held atop a large hill behind the remains of Angelina’s castle, overlooking the mushroom sea.

The funeral was held early in the morning, with the sun just barely poking out from behind the clouds.

Super Mario looked deeply into the coffin in which the elderly mushroom man was held, feeling very sorry that he had to go that way, all by himself. He wished there was some way to bring him back.

The POWER of the mighty STAR SPIRITS cannot be destroyed.

We are doing all we can to rebuild Star Road, and bring peace to the mushroom side once again…

We need just a little more time…

We CAN bring him back…

With just a little hope…

With just a little faith…

ANYTHING is possible.

We CAN bring him back!




It was a miracle.

The limp body of the Chancellor was brought back to life. He slowly rose from his coffin and looked around at all of the staring eyes that lay upon him.

He looked around him. Then his eyes fell upon the coffin.

It was then that the old mushroom man fainted on the spot.

The happiness that once lived in all the hearts of every living being in the mushroom side was slowly restoring. The Chancellor was back to his old self again, and Angelina’s castle was slowly being rebuilt.

Although only the Chancellor himself knew, Star Road was finally restored as well.

The only question that lay unanswered: what was King Bowser up to now? Super Mario knew that if he didn’t make a move fast, King Bowser’s army could rise, more powerful than ever imagined…and if that happened, who knows what kind of evil would be unleashed then…

It was an awesome thought, knowing that the power of the Star Spirits had revived the Chancellor, rebuilt Star Road, and they were beginning to conquer over evil and flood goodness into this world.

And it was only a matter of time before Super Mario had no more time left and was forced to infiltrate the castle of the dreaded King Bowser.

Super Mario took that as a last resort, however, things were hectic enough and Super Mario didn’t want any trouble just yet.

While her castle was under heavy construction, Angelina was lucky to have the Chancellor let her stay in a room for as long as she pleased inside his castle. And Super Mario knew that’s what she needed, a place to rest. She had had enough of an adventure for a long time. And he didn’t want anything to happen to her, Angelina was the love of his life, and always had been ever since he first entered the mushroom side.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

King Bowser strolled up and down the dark hallways of his castle that morning. His footsteps echoed throughout the chamber as he took each step.

The sun was setting for the first time today, letting off a pretty orange glow that spread across the whole mushroom side. Bowser continued down the hall and into a long winding staircase that we all know leads to the dungeon.

Bowser smiled devilishly as he passed each and every prisoner’s cell.

And then he came to the cell Super Mario was in, and then looked into Victoria's. Yet no prisoners remained...

He saw the tunnel he and Victoria had escaped in. “WHAT! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!” King Bowser slammed his fist into the brick wall, easily breaking part of it. “GUARDS! CHECK ALL THE CELLS CAREFULLY FOR ANY ESCAPE ROUTES WHATSOEVER!” Now fully enraged, he watched as all of the guards remove the prisoners from their cells and began to search their cells for any way possible to escape.

“I cannot let Super Mario escape from me once again!” King Bowser exclaimed.

He was now examining the cells carefully himself.

“I don’t know how you manage to slip out of my traps, Mario, but I’m sure if won’t happen again…” Bowser cackled as he walked away from the prison cells and into the larger part of the dungeon where Hookbill was kept. He passed the large monster and continued on his way down the hallway. He passed the room where his children stayed, and took a right down another hallway and up a long flight of stairs. He then entered a large circular room.

His room.

There was one large window to the left, giving him a perfect view of Toadtown and the princess’s castle, or what was left of it. He smiled, the memories of his destruction of the princess’ castle coming back to him.

It was then that he walked over to his desk and picked up a picture of Angelina Toadstool in his palm.

“How I love you, princess…”

*Note to any readers....the final chapter is up next!!!

Edited by - GenocideGtarist on 1/10/2005 6:00:34 PM
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2005, 07:00:43 AM »
Nice story, it's looking good! Keep up the good work, man! I looove stories..:)

Close the World, Enter the Next
-Serial Experiments, LAIN-
Close the World, Open the Next
-Serial Experiments, LAIN-

« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2005, 03:48:16 PM »
MISTAKE!!! The final chapter is NOT up next....but after this one, it will be, though. Sorry!
Continuing with our story...
Chapter Eleven: Showdown

Luigi lay next to Mario in their cozy bed inside their house. Everything was quiet, only the sound of Mario’s snoring filling the house.

It was then that he felt an odd tingling feeling in his chest. Then next was the sound of pencil writing on paper. Luigi looked at his chest pocket to find that something was moving in there. He pulled out a square object…

The diary that he found in King Bowser’s Airship…

He hopped out of bed and walked into the bathroom. He turned on the light and opened the book. There was writing in it all of a sudden...writing that wasn't there before.

Luigi began to read a page that seemed to be stained with tear drops, making it tough to read the writing.

*October 10, 1987

My father’s funeral was held as of today. He was buried near the Mushroom Sea, atop a large hill.

He died about two weeks ago when our house was broken into by some koopas…Bowser’s filthy army.

As tragic as his death may be, I must continue with my life, as I am a princess. I’m a very important person. And now that my father is gone, I know have control over his old castle.

Well, it’s time for me to go to sleep. Good night,

Angelina Toadstool*

Luigi was amazed. He was looking at past writings of Angelina.

What was it doing in Bowser’s Aircraft?

What other things could this journal hold?

He couldn’t wait to find out…

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

The next day the sun was shining brightly in the sky, and Luigi was sitting under the large tree in him and Mario’s front yard. Luigi stared out into the Mushroom Sea, thinking about the journal, which now lay open in his lap.

Luigi looked over to his brother who was working in the yard.

*Should I tell him? I mean, Angelina IS his girlfriend…he has a right to know. Luigi thought. I’ll just look around a bit more…*

Luigi flipped through many pages of the book until he came to one that seemed to stick out although it looked like all the others.

*June 17, 1997

King Bowser has locked me away in an airship and took of to some place he called Dinosaur Island. I sure hope Mario comes soon, or who knows what could happen. I’m sure we’ve already left the Mushroom Kingdom.

Angelina Toadstool*

That happened only a few weeks ago. Apparently Bowser had taken the journal away from her and stored it in that room he had found it in.

How careless…

*December 25, 1987

It is now Christmas time all over the Mushroom Kingdom, and my father had bought me a locket as a gift.  It must have cost him a fortune; it looks like it was carved from solid gold…

It even has my name engraved on the front. And inside it is the last picture that was taken of me and my father, the very night he died.

I miss him so…*

Luigi closed the diary, placed it in his pocket, and walked over to his brother to help him with the yard.

Bowser looked out onto the Mushroom Kingdom. He was standing atop his castle, which gave him a very good view of the things below.

He looked off in the direction of Mario’s house.

“I don’t know how you escape from me every time, Mario. But I can assure you that this time will be different…KAMEK!”

The elderly magikoopa waddled over to Bowser from the other side of the building.

“Yes, master?” he asked, pushing his glasses up his beak with his claw.

“Send some troops to search the kingdom, bring Mario to me.”

“Yes, master,” Kamek waddled off down the staircase leading to the lower sections of the castle.

Bowser looked now at the large volcano that made its home in a far corner of the Mushroom Kingdom.

“I’ve got a plan to rid Mario and Luigi from this world for good…” Bowser then took the same staircase to the downstairs portion of the castle that Kamek took. He followed a pathway that lead to the backyard of the castle. He exited a large door and walked onto a large landing pad where his new Aircraft was being built.

It was almost identical to the last one: two large wings on both sides, cannons, masts, and the lower deck where Bowser would stay. He estimated it should be done in a few hours. King Bowser walked past this and exited through a wooden door that would lead to the training grounds of his castle.

He cackled when he saw thousands of koopas training for the war that was sure to outbreak soon.

“The Mushroom Kingdom won’t stand a chance…”

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Super Mario couldn’t sleep that night. The feeling of being watched was flooding his mind, and just about any noise would make the hair on the back of his neck stand up straight.

He dearly wanted to wake up Luigi, but he felt that would be silly. He knew that there was nothing there, and he also felt that it was his duties as the older brother (although he was only a few minutes older,) to face his fears without making the other brother scared.


A rock came hurdling through the window.

“What was that?” Mario was now awake.

“Come with me…” The twins got out of their bed and walked outside.

Eyes open wide, mouth agate; the brothers had no idea what had hit them. They were surrounded by Bowser’s henchmen.

The news spread fast: the Mario brothers were nowhere to be found. The Chancellor had sent out many mushroom men and women to look for them, but had unluckily found nobody. The Chancellor was continuously trying to comfort Angelina who was now sickly worried.

It was now obvious that Bowser had captured them both, yet there was nobody brave enough to travel into Bowser’s castle, or anywhere near there. Victoria was the only one who wasn’t afraid. She knew well that Luigi had saved her life and that she should do so for them. They were her friends and she couldn’t let anything happen to them.

She then set off towards the Chancellor’s castle in Toadtown.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

“Victoria, what are you want to do is suicide. I’m afraid that I cannot let you do something that dangerous.” The Chancellor frowned.

“He’s right, you are my top servant, and I can’t afford to lose you.” Angelina spoke from behind her. “And besides, Mario and Luigi can handle themselves, they have always managed to escape from Bowser all the times he captured them.”

“But Mario and Luigi are my friends…I can’t let them down…”

Angelina kneeled down next to her. “They are my friends too, but I know that can make it out.”

“Listen to me! Bowser very well could kill the both of them, and I can’t let that happen!” Victoria was now shouting. “You have the remaining mushroom people from your castle here to take care of you until your castle is rebuilt. If you lost me, then couldn’t you just make Toad your top servant?”


“I’m going whether any of you like it or not!” Victoria ran out of the room.

“I’m going with her, she’ll need my help.” Toad was apparently listening in on the conversation. He followed her out of the building. “Victoria!” Toad shouted out. He then spotted her when she was just about to exit the castle grounds. He caught up with her and said: “Hi,”

She jumped. “Toad? What are you doing here?” She asked.

“I can’t let you go to rescue Mario and Luigi by yourself,”

“NO! Toad I forbid you to go. I can’t be risking another life…”

“So you’re saying that you’d rather face the Koopa King by yourself?” Toad asked. Victoria said nothing and continued on her way out of Toadtown. Toad smiled as he followed her. “So you have any idea on where King Koopa took them?” Toad asked.





A voice that was all too familiar rang throughout every one of the Mushroom people’s ears then. Victoria looked to the sky to find a large ship flying through the sky…

Bowser was flying overhead.

“Mario and Luigi are on that ship!” Toad exclaimed.

“Come on Toad, let’s follow it!”

The two ran from the spot they were at and soon broke into a sprint. They could tell that they had no chance of catching up with the ship, but at least Bowser told everybody where he was taking the heroes…

Or was it a threat?

Everybody knew that Bowser was no dummy. It was sad that such an intelligent mind belonged to such a foul being…

It was obvious to Victoria and Toad that Bowser was only formulating a trap to capture anybody who was dumb enough to actually come after them. And besides, the Brothers had escaped from Bowser countless times before…

Victoria was arguing with her self the whole way there.

If she were to go after them, there was about a ninety five percent chance that she would be seriously injured.

And it was true; the Mario Brothers could handle themselves perfectly fine without two mushroom people barging in…

But she wondered what could happen if she and Toad didn’t help…

It was a tough choice to make.

It was then that the thought entered her mind: The fate of the Mushroom Kingdom was in their hands, and they must stop at nothing until the Mario Brothers were saved and Bowser was defeated.

The Airship had landed on the volcano about and hour ago, and the mouth of the volcano was surrounded by koopa troops. There was a very unsteady wooden bridge in the middle, where Super Mario and Luigi were now at.

“It is only a matter of time before sparks will start to erupt from the volcano, easily catching the bridge on fire. I was thinking of just pushing you two in, but I decided that you two must feel all of the pain you have caused my in the past years…” King Bowser looked at the two twins with his icy stare. Both brothers were tied onto the bridge, completely unable to move. “I’d say you only have a few minutes until this volcano will surely start to spark, and then my troops and I shall leave you two to burn.”

“You won’t get away with this, Bowser. I’m sure the Mushroom Army is already scaling this volcano.” Super Mario spat.

“I like a challenge,” King Bowser cackled. He turned to face the Mushroom Kingdom. You received an amazing view from top of the volcano. He stared into the moon. “It’ll be somewhat sad to see you two go, but you are just obstacles that need to be removed. Yet when you two are dead, this will be the first step in my plans to rule the Mushroom Kingdom. I shall force the princess to marry me, making me an honorary king. From there I shall make all of the puny mushroom people my slaves, while my army gains power. I will own the Mushroom Kingdom completely, giving me power to do whatever I please with it.”

“The princess would never marry you,” Super Mario replied.

“Is that so? You haven’t even got a taste of my army’s power. I can force her to do anything. And the Chancellor shall face the same fate as you two.”


The two brothers faced each other. Super Mario looked into his brother’s eyes, which were bulging. His face was beat red and he was saturated with sweat.

“I don’t want to die, Mario,” Luigi said.

“We won’t, Luigi, we won’t.” Super Mario looked deeper into his brother’s eyes. “I won’t let that happen.”

Edited by - GenocideGtarist on 1/11/2005 1:51:53 PM
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2005, 07:44:34 PM »
this IS the final chapter of
"Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom"!

Chapter Twelve: Fall of the Koopa Troop

A spark then landed on the bridge right in front of Luigi’s foot.

“It looks like the process of your elimination has begun.” Bowser smiled devilishly.

“Bad enough for you, it won’t finish.” A voice spoke.

Everybody on the volcano turned. The face of Victoria was looking at Mario and Luigi. Toad emerged from the side only a short time after Victoria has spoken.

“Victoria!” Luigi was relieved.

“You send two small mushroom people to stop my army? How pathetic…” Bowser looked at the beings and smiled. “KAMEK!” A creature flew overhead faster than lightning, grabbing Toad by the back of his vest and carried him to the opposite side of the volcano.

“Toad!” Victoria shouted. “YOU FOUL MONSTER, GIVE ME MY FRIEND BACK!” She threw herself at Bowser, who easily blocked her attack with his arm. He elbowed her in the stomach sending her flying back.

She landed hard on the ground.

Gasping for air, she rose.

“You want more, do you?” King Bowser snapped his fingers, and two koopas came from each side of her. She punched one square in the face, and kicked the other in the shin.

“Is that all you have?” Victoria smirked.

King Bowser frowned.

“Victoria!” Luigi was calling her from the bridge, which she noticed was not far from catching fire. She ran towards them but was unluckily scooped up by Bowser. His massively large hand could squish her with one try.

She was struggling to set herself free, but the more she struggled, the tighter his grip.

“You will watch you friends die before you, little one,” Bowser faced her in the direction of Mario and Luigi.

“NO!” She bit into his arm very hard. She was at last freed from his grip. She sprinted over to the brothers. She began untying Luigi’s as fast as she could, fumbling in her hurry.

“You’re only one more person to die, Victoria.” Bowser pointed at the bridge. A flame was spreading fast across it, and coming straight for Mario. “Alright troops, let’s go. They don’t have a chance now.” Bowser began to walk over to his ship with long strides when he felt something smack the back of his head very hard. He turned to find Luigi standing beside him.

He looked over to the bridge that was now engulfed in flames. Yet there was nobody on it. He then noticed that Super Mario and Victoria were already fighting off troops.

“CURSES!” Bowser threw a punch at Luigi, who easily dodged it by jumping into the air, and landing on his head. Luigi began to run from behind Bowser and over to Kamek who was still holding Toad. Luigi jumped up high and landed on the magikoopa’s broom, releasing Toad from his grasp, and flipping him over completely. Toad thanked him and joined the fight with Victoria.

Luigi looked over to Bowser who was coming in his direction. He grabbed the small man by the throat and hung him over the boiling hot volcano.

“Mario!” Luigi was gasping for air. Super Mario looked over to his twin who he noticed was dangling helplessly over the mouth of the volcano. Super Mario ran from the battle and over to his brother. He was running faster than he had in his life and in his hurry, he tripped on a rock that sat in his path. He flipped completely over and landed on his face, just inches away from the lava pit. His eyes bulged.

He quickly got up and continued on his way to Bowser. He was just about two steps away when Bowser loosed his grip on Luigi’s neck, letting go completely. Mario panicked. He dived over the short gap between him and Luigi grabbed him and caught him in mid-jump. He landed successfully on the other side, both brothers safe.

Bowser frowned once again. He approached the brothers slowly. He slashed Mario across the face, which fell to the ground unconscious. Luigi was enraged.

“Let’s see you find a way out of *this*!” Luigi elbowed Bowser in the stomach. King Koopa lost his footing and fell to his death in the lava pit.

Then it hit Luigi.

He had defeated the Koopa King once and for all.

It wasn’t too late before many mushroom people crowded the volcano, and took out the remaining koopas. (*The New Mushroom Army, perhaps…The old one was wiped out when Hookbill destroyed the castle). Bowser’s old airship was used to transport everybody back to Toadtown, where it was searched and destroyed. The New Mushroom Army invaded Bowser’s castle and wiped out everybody there, and then destroyed it.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

A celebration was held the next day in Angelina’s castle which was fully rebuilt a couple of days before.

All of the mushroom people were able to move back into her castle, and Angelina was overjoyed about the victory over the koopa troop, and the reconstruction of her castle.

Yet just outside the structure, a large crowd of mushroom people from all around the Mushroom Kingdom had gathered together to hear a speech that was held as of today:

“We would all like to honor the two brave mushroom people who risked their life and saved our Mario Brothers,” The Chancellor spoke. “Victoria and Toad are those two. And we would like to award them for their ways…” Two royal guards emerged from the sidelines and handed each one a medal that said: THANKS TO OUR HEROES, VICTORIA AND TOAD. “And I would also like to thank the Mario Brothers for protecting our world for many years.

We hope they stay here for a long time.

And we would also like to thank Luigi Mario for his outstanding courage yesterday, by defeating the Koopa King single-handed. Thank you, Luigi.” A round of applause filled the quietness.

Luigi was blushing terribly. It was usually his brother that took the applause for his good deeds, but this time it wasn’t. It was him. Luigi Mario.

Super Mario nudged Luigi in the arm. “Take a bow,” Luigi, now blushing worse, approached the crowd and bowed.

He returned to the sidelines with his brother and Angelina.

“I’m proud of you, Luigi.” Super Mario smiled for the first time in a while.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

A large feast was held inside, the many long tables filled with mushroom people and others. It had been what seemed like ages since the brothers had eaten, so they wolfed down all of their food.

It was then that Mario rose from his seat and to the front of the dining room. He cleared his throat in the microphone that was in front of all of the tables to get everybody’s attention.

“I would like to ask a very, very special person in my life an important question. He turned to the table he was currently sitting at and faced the princess.

Angelina Toadstool, will you marry me?” Super Mario asked.

Angelina rose from her seat and looked into Mario’s eyes deeply.

Silence filled the room.


The hall exploded with cheers and whistles. Many rose and clapped hard. Super Mario eyes the Chancellor at the corner of a table. He smiled at Mario and joined in with the crowd.

It was memorable day in the Mushroom Kingdom, one that was sure that nobody would forget: a day of joy and happiness, a day that came rarely in the Mushroom Kingdom. And finally, the Mushroom Kingdom had Risen above the Koopa Troop.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *


“You may kiss the bride,” spoke an elderly mushroom man.

Super Mario looked into Angelina’s eyes.

*“I love you so much,”*

It was then that both shared a long, magical kiss. Super Mario looked out into the crowd of people who were cheering for him. He spotted Luigi in the front row smiling. He nodded his head. Super Mario looked out of a large window and into the sun. He smiled to himself and nodded as well. The sun shining into his eyes, he wondered what other adventures were held in stock for him…

It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2005, 05:58:26 PM »
That was great! When did you write this story?

« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2005, 07:16:21 PM »
Well, when i visited my dad in florida, we stayed in an AWSOME motel right next to the beach, and that was the perfect setting...anyway, i typed it on my dads laptop, thinkin it would turn out like all the others...nothing. but then it started to develp...and I said: "Hey, this is really something!" so yeah. and Mario RPG was dominating my life, so i got someideas....
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2005, 12:55:40 PM »
this took me a long time....sorry. due to a misunderstanding and my carelessness, the title of my story "Rise of The Mushroom Kingdom" led people to believe that it was the story of the popular flash movie, created by Randy mistake. It is a completeley different story created by a completeley different person...I'll be working on the title.

Edited by - xenocideguitarist on 6/23/2005 11:56:47 AM
Alas! I have returned. (3/22/07)
