
Author Topic: My own story!  (Read 3247 times)

« on: February 27, 2005, 09:32:15 PM »
If any one is intrested in sending ideas to me for my story, please, give me ideas, for future plots. I'm judging that no one will reply, but here goes anything. Here's my story, if you like reply to me at Please reply, tell me what you think about it! Its called battle of worlds.Not to far from a town called Clutz villa is a barricaded wall. On that solid stonewall; behind it is a war. The wall is besieged now and then. I am in this town at the moment; I am a spy, warrior and a death warrior. I was born unusual to my parents; I always was the unique one in the family, except for my brother Aragon. My brother was weird in some way. You see, I was born half human, vampire, dragon and Uruk-hai, a curse was born upon me, same as my brother but his appearance was different, much like a human to the eyes but behind the skin is his true blood that is never revealed.

My parents threw me out of the house because they felt shame. Since then it’s never been the same. My brother Aragon came with me, surprise isn’t it. Things that are, things have passed and most of them are lost, even forgotten.

My brother and I wandered the far marshes across the globe to stay. The bitter cold sour apples drenched in the smoke of leaves. At a citadel throne fortress is a king. Called King O’ Lonto’s.

There we will remain under his guard in the western border. In the shadow lands we pass. The map clearly says that we are in Shadowlands in the forest called Sirlith forest, then lumps of mountains, which is called Stinker mountains, the worst of the mountains. We stalked in the callous forest to see a hut, a place to rest tonight. In the peak of my eye I saw a dull gray pebble stone house, just cozy enough to sleep in.

A man lived there, Mr. Szhoebock. He is a very kind man. The house needs some work. Many paintings he had, lovely but dull in the surrounding of his atmosphere. You see I am a painter as well; the colors of the house have to match as well. In the grim skies above is a gathering of clouds meaning a storm.

The crows sat on the pole at the top of the old rusty mansion. The crows coughed in their despicable evil roar. A whistle of wind blew past Mr. Szhoebock’s house, in the quiet murmur. I to had to face the real world.

That mid summers evening we slept with a fright, of Mr. Szhoebock’s workshop making sturdy noises in our little pokey ears. I woke up suddenly. I opened my bag and saw my book, called history events, so I decided to read, oh! By the way my brother is a fighter, an excellent one of course. Making mankind better is his will. He likes making strategies to destroy the invading forces or a special weapon used in combat.

I on the other hand I am a skilled fighter in battle, yes! I read many books of the world of battle to even making your house pleasant. That’s how I win my battle; by estimating what my opponent will do next to destroy him. I also can foresee the future from time to times. I read silently my book in the little cave, which was especially for me with a little tortoise shaped lamp. There I stumbled upon an amazing page, as if it were the ending of all worlds. The book was blank, it wrote to me saying a big battle will be besieged on Mr. O’Lonto’s fortress. You must help them to bring in reinforcements; the battle of a lifetime will reward you in history. What ever do you mean? I mean that your name and your brother’s will live on forever in books such as history. That is your reward. The book shut with a bang, smothering all the dust in my face. I got up in a drastic way, but to see it was another dream, that I foresaw in the future. We must quickly ride to Odontoris.

They will be killed. That morning we set out in our wild vast path to our reward. In the forest we walked. As we walked we came upon a spring to get some water, we were almost out of the first big bottle of water. My brother read the head stone as we drank the sparkling water. As soon as he realized he spat his water right out, and then I too did the same. It was too late we had injected ourselves with poisonous water.

The head stone said be warned of the Dead water for it is very deceiving to drink drink drink drink! Our heads spun like a merry-go-round. We fell to the ground in the crinkled leaves that blanketed our fall. I was dreaming again, might I say I felt firmly drunk in this dream I tell you. I was in a trance. I was drinking in an inn. A war was being presented to us. War had begun, the fortress was be besieged to its death.

It was over. The invading forces were finishing all of us off. Elersterg is my name that is drunk. Elersterg. Elersterg. Elersterg. Elersterg! A voice called out to me. It was my brother Aragon. I got up again, saying we got 10 years till we get to Odontoris. Then we followed our reward. Walking we stopped at a rental shop called Re Re rentals of cabbage and coach. We rented a coach and rode to Gagustan village to stay at a rest room. In the vast carriage were toilets, bedrooms and a place to sit and also storage facilities. As we were in the carriage I saw smoke rising from the town.

I grabbed my telescope to see that the town was in chaos, burning as an invading force destroyed everything in its path. The rebels were the invading forces.  The gang was called S****.  The town was being burned to a crisp. I passed the telescope to my brother and he thought more carefully than ever.

We resulted that we must search the area and contact a force to wipe the gang out and we would head out to Acktheliion city. We passed the little stores that peered into our carriage. As we came to the gate the entrance stonewall was smashed and flames set a sail in the area. I called some helpers to put out the blaze. In the alley roads we saw marching squadrons deployed in the area to take care of the rebels. In the other side I saw rebels burning as they go! We returned the village to normal. My brother and I got on to the coach and rode on to Acktheliion city to get a few things that my brother and I needed. We slept peacefully that night as it bumped over rocks.

I got up and said where here brother, “we’re here!” I jumped out of the carriage for joy and ran to the flea market to some stuff. Of course I could use weapons. I went to the dragon shop to get transportation. My brother asked for a Nazugul, but I asked for a special breed, Nazugul Nigghogg. A baby one until it grows up, but it’s extremely fast at scouting the area and I got on top it with shining unpierced armor, a blade sword Twin Killer, Son’s of the Souls the rarest swords of them all I got, a knife, two piercing medium size swords and a bow. My brother on the other hand had armor. A sword. A knife. A crossbow and he is a sorcerer. A special talent of his. Mine is that I have a special move but I won’t reveal that, okay its that I can use the earth as my alley, some sort of magic, I can call upon Son’s of Thunder to destroy anything, or Apocalypse. Very dangerous if you can’t handle it. My eyes go on fire; with flames I destroy everything in my path. One thing that’s weird I can do is call upon evil spirits to fight for me. Also I can form myself into gods, heroes and evil heroes into my souls, like evil spirits into me really nasty. Then I have power unimaginable.

We stayed that moonlit night at a secret Botel, secrecies. I read information about Aktheliion city. On the lonely side of Aktheliion, on the border of Narg and Gangustan, is a small, broken villiage called Remage villiage, meaning a villiage of rebels. In that village are an arms dealer and provider of shelter, books, weapons, food and more. My brother and I should make our way there. In that region you must be extra careful, another war is on its way, to Conhone, a 3 day journey to cross, the lake of acid, and lousy mountain, over to the checkpoint place called Inerstraite. After we pass that, we arrive to Robertson the conjurer. A mysterious man in the forest of Mutters. A great thing lives their in a little lousy grim cave, and in the other is a far great danger, be warned of it’s stinky breath. Be a warned to fight.

Then to Conhone, to battle. When war is finished we make for BrigmStone fortress to the evil Urrus. We must finish him, Doctor Redus in his lab, Pot Pot in the land of underground mines, Mrs. Kissalot in her house of Smooches, Mr. Ridnick Captain in the ships and bays, Mr. Ding Dong in the Misty Marshes, Mr. Mr. and Sir Rineabot in the warfactory of gules, Dreads of Dreadflick in the Detention room of Reptiles and Mad haters, Loterien of the long forest, A thing in Fright cape Tower, Lady Ivy of the Ivy plant nursery and finally the battle of our lives to Odontoris to fight the evil of everyone… [Satan] hell, in other words. Our victory will please us by destroying him. Once I had read all the information, I snuck it into my bag, and went in search to Remage village, in our fortress coach. I hopped in, and the rider ran off in a high speed. In the coach I had a daydream, about nothing really. It felt as if I were drunk

. I sat up again, to see that we had just passed an Ivy bush and into the rusty old gates to Remage village. In there were peaceful people, in little one-bit operation selling markets, many things to buy. I stopped off in a Botel six, and stumbled upon a tavern, with toxins on the lavished shelf. I grabbed a bottle of Pite, which is like a beer, with whisky. Served in a tall mug, about 85 centimeters depending on how much you drink. I drank the toxins meaning alcohol. In that particular tavern I saw a wretched sign, with a wanted criminal, Gongonstas. He was the head, leader of the Gongoston Gang in Remage village. He had been sentence to death. I was a bit amazed, because I thought they would never catch him. I read a daily newspaper, the Ogoston Flash paper, where no news is caught quicker. In that article of Gongonstas, he had been killed today in the Coco hospital. While my brother was refreshing himself in the bathroom, I managed to sit down in the Creak files and records. In a case I grisly scanned through it, to see he had many transgressions. His reign of chaos was over but, the Gongoston Chaos fighters suspects, Tenchco Laddess is up to his plans, with the campaign arrival of switching places for head leader of the new gang called Execution Prime Gang. He will manipulate every market for money, by building his empire, better put that on the list, The fighter for Laddess the rebel wager. After we finish this journey of ours, then we can. As for now our journey is pretty long. Anyway, they also say there are illegal, firworksman and arms dealers in Remage village, I plan to over power them to go some where else. Right now, the Fighters say, the Gongoston team is vulnerable to any attacks. George Bignicks is on the inside, allocated the where abouts of the gang, Eastwerd Fone, town capital Gang City, two hours from Remage. The fighters are bringing in 20 strongmen, and 5 snipers and backup in the trolley bulk war vans. On the out street is a ship of prisons, Big Bus

. It will fit over one thousand. If problems, then call us. Did you know, gunpower is just discovered to the Remaginas, if they all die, it will take the others, 20 years to figure out? It’ll will be good, just saying that. Once that is settled, on the west coast of Brombgon, is an illicit, drug company to be solved in Remage village. In there are off shore oilrigs, which supply illicit oil, buy getting money. In the factory is a mass-producing Gang of 100. To over power its nation we must call of aid to Thrangstun, not to far, far worse than this village. But I do not know now. Let me see. AHH! Yes the records are all wiped out. No! Rebels. Perfect, I’ll tell them to call aid to Thrangstun.

Thrangstun used to be a hell hole, if you know what its like. Soon, to the south is a hobo stand, which won’t give up the Hoiljin Casino, and Drug Company behind, which is legal. Again we got to take it out, with the aid of Mob bload, in a comforting area beneath the surface of ground. Underneath are they, thousands and millions. They will take 100 hundred thousand, to 50,000. Soon it will be clean just like Thrangstun, records all clean, with tourism so money comes back to life. Harrah! I called my brother, and he agreed to help.

That night we marched to the Fighter lab. I told the fighters, we would help too. They prepared us with an accelerating weapon that I had not touched or sat foot into the future. A gun, a perfect souvenir, one they gave as a machine gun, they other as a one shot powerful gun, with sniper vision, a kit to change the gun as well, cool. I went to the armor platform, where armor was made. I brought out a metro future guard. Too sophisticated. When finally I saw a perfect armor, sealed in glass, it had said, the Sons of the Souls armor, the brothers known as Twin killers. A sword lay there too. Twill killer sword, Paladin fusion [king sword], and the Son’s of Twin god’s Souls, magical sword. Very powerful. I know my armor would be pierced, but nothing like that would. I bought upgrades on my armor and weapons, my bow, had not normal arrows but lead poison fuel shots, like ammo, but hook it on to the thread head. You can where a shin time pad, which increases your strength, faster shot, aim perfect. I went to the transportation center. I saw mangles, like jeeps, but more big, wide and smaller, with a hard surface, unbreakable. Frantically I was a bit upset, for not getting the armor and swords. Lords of fighters will be rewarded, peasants will groan and die, but we will live forever in names of history. So we did, and we ran and hopped onto the bike leading the way, learning the place first. Wearing bulletproof double jacket vests.  We rode to the rebels first, shooting at us, as we shot them down, leading the way

. I ran through the side street, and bombs and gunshots we fired directly at me, when I put a microchip on the bike slid off it, dragging the bike into the building. I stumbled and fell, injured on the ground. The building was bombed to the ground with an exploding sound when I was lost, even forgotten in the bomb, at last did, but spurring appeared, in the shadows, it was him, Laddess, and Aragon my brother, went up to him, and removed his head for their silence. Soon after that I had just made it running.

To a nearby alley to catch my breath and I stalked to the shop with fighters and my brother. I walked past through raiding the place, going upstairs, everywhere to search for them. Know one. A silent hush grew; a shadow and a threat also grew on our minds. A bomb was planted. Watch out, a bomb. Run! We ran out the building taking many people alive, until there was one baby stuck in the 100th level, I went in there, I grabbed the baby showing it to them, happy. When the place exploded, and I was tormented by the gravel and building to my face. Securers came to my aid hosting me on to the stretcher, to see if I was all right, and suddenly I coughed up some dust, ad saw my gritty hands and face in the mirror. I stammered saying Brother! As soon as possible I was rushed to the hospital, Frankford hospital. In that accident I felt deserted by many. In the sparkle of the sun, my eyes opened briefly to see the doctors I front of me, talking to my brother. As they decided its best for him to have the operation. On the operating table, Dr. Redus, was taking care of the operation, taking leave of his other function hospital. In the drastic procedure they propped a special device. I don’t know why but that morning I said I want to be my brother and I cloaked into him, I had just discovered I could shape shift into anyone or anything. Remarkable. I then asked my brother; I can turn into you, shape shifter.

We set off, to the Botel 8. We had then got a telephone call, that the building was the arms dealer, there hiding in radio shack dump ville. Tonight we leave to make for dump ville. As I drank my spinach, brandy soup, I hinted a little bit of garlic Parmesan in my soup, which mixed well with the brandy. That night I set off to the arts, and war, museum. You know I love books, so if there’s any on sale, I’m buying a few. Also I would want to see how war developed in their sector, interesting. So I grabbed my jacket, on the bike and away we go. In that ride I stopped to see. I saw the rebel gang. I radio in saying, here comes trouble brother, tell the fighters, barricade the entrance. I’ll be there soon, over and out! I got off my bike parked into the metal smiths, you’re wondering why, it’s because I have to some adjustments, and it’s a safe place too. I ran on foot slowly, like jogging to the back of the station. I slam opened the door, to say, There coming, the rebels! Now! Then the crowd reacted saying ohh! My, dear me. They will also come from the back. Secure the front and back. Prepare for war. Motorbikes I said, they’re here. Where is my brother? Here he is. The rebels are trying to break the door. Put spears in front as a trap. The rebels pulled throw the steel door, and jabbed them selves into sharp spears, though some past that. The fighters stood their ground but could not hold long enough. My brother and me pushed aside fighters. My brother was with the sword, while me with, the bow and arrow shot them. The back started to rustle. After a while I ran out of arrows, then I pulled out a machine gun, 1000, rounds per second. Shooting like fire spitting out from a dragon, burning as it goes, in this case killing them by guns

. Then my brother cut threw killing as he goes. Finally the rebels breached the back. We were trapped to our doom. Then I pulled to the back, to help. When I went through them, a mad man was killing all the fighters, and then he came upon me, until he knelt to his knees to his doom, meaning death. This place want hold any longer, I thought to myself.

Bring in the crossbowman. They arrived in the nick of time, fire, and away the arrows went throw the armor piercing as the go. Archers, prepare, fire! Spearman, fire! The door was back to normal meaning that the door was clogged with rebels. As for my brother, their entrance was under work, so much. Our path was clearing of rebels. We ran out with guns, and gunshots wee fired at the rebels straight dieing. As we reached the outside, a campus was nearby were the rebels stayed. The rebels, from the back fled to base. Arrows, fire, and as they tried to escape most of them died, in the wilderness. The outskirts of the shops were deserted, and fire was among them. Quickly we ran inside, shut the door, as it, and were dainty, almost coming of the hinges. Wile that was happening, outside was terrible, poison dart arrows were flinted at fighters, like an ambush. The door came apart. Work men, brought in a heavy seal door, wood, mud clay, metal, steel and iron plus brass. It was done.

The gate course was sealed. It was now the worry of the front, and then we decide to climb the stairs leading to roof with archers, crossbowmen and snipers.

We reached the plight of the roof, and saw hundreds of camps, catapults, were little with burning fire ready to be throw at the station fort. Troop carriers to stop at the top of the building to land the platoon maneuvered by the Galds, which is a strong ox, then we brought in Shield death warriors, upper class of fighters. The front was almost over run, until the workmen coat it with the fine armor, stronger than every door you could think of. Soon enough it was fixed. The troop carriers were almost there; hold them back I yelled, archers, and fire at the ox! Hold them back, here and their arrows, catapults stones, gunshots, bombs, everything was being thrown at them and us. The first platoon carrier was stormed in, as the rebels ran; archers fled back behind the shield death warriors. I said Draw swords, spears and archers fire!

To WAR ! The warriors, the rebels and I marched very fast, not quite like march more like running. We ran into the rebels, killing thousands, especially the warriors. The warriors are men and a beast, their face is unusual, but their armor is broad and thick, and underneath is another thick plate of armor, bulletproof vests, breastplate on top of all, and a hard metal cardboard metal tin shirt. Thick as but very strong. A sword, long, pointy and thick, two daggers, and one emergency knife /sword. The rebels came like savage orcs, with rusty old little daggers, knives, spears, small and little, broad swords, and spider claw hands, meaning a spear with three metal sticks, sharp like a digging rake. Again the archers fire, as the platoon ran wild into killing.

The other platoon was sent, pull back, and pull back! Then my brother Aragon appeared coming to destroy the next landing platoon, before they came we place sharp daggered and barbed wire, which would kill many. They fell for the trap. As some reached they were struck down by rains of bullets. Many rebels had tried to make it, but most of them struggled in agony. Just looking at them makes you cold and sick. One rebel was caught on the dagger, squealing, as it ripped his intestines, just as more pain as getting trampled. Some bombed the daggers, and reached past it easily. Arrows, fire! Then two men grabbed more barbwire and 20 daggers to fill it, so the rebels could not get past. Night blanked the station; little lights filled the street like rows of insects. Platoons, armies were marching to the station, reinforcements were needed immediately. We called Conhone for help, and the wolves. Then we called South station to bring the bus and reinforcements, and tanks. Catapults neared the station with its rank. Gears plumping, and away the fowl pieces of ember, ash and rock went into the station. Burns, setting out the stones fire. Conhone rode quickly, with 500,000 thousand, but not enough to beat the rebels, they had 900,000. Wait a minute the wolves responding saying yes, and they will be in the air on the King of Eagles. I was a very good friend of Niron, the Aces wolf. Your soldiers of Gagustan, what ever happens to this station you will hold your ground? Night was banished, away and the morning sun rose. Conhone did not arrive for the wolves arrived in time. The roof was stormed in by the rebels [monsters]. The rebels weren’t humans, but beasts, of some sorts like orcs. That is not the rebels, they’re heads are on poles, those are monsters, beasts, traitors, savages, like orcs, what type of beast is that, which I have never seen. Doors of shutters opened and beasts with crusted weapons appeared, killing as they go. What is that I replied, what beast is that? They are too strong for us. Arrows, and crossbowmen. Fire! The daggers were uplifted, and ladders were marched into the area to overcome the wall, of barb and daggers.

Armies of little areas sauntering to the station. Conhone must arrive, the door want hold much longer. Dusk of eve was rather too quick, but I didn’t understand, they don’t like light, they should have died, when we killed them, easily. They are not orcs, they’re something else. I must get a sample of the body, to observe. Conhones soldiers, struck immediately at the armies seeing the fort station being smothered with the beasts destruction. Allegiances joined, swarming down the field, with lights flickering about. Like water on rock Conhones soldiers came. The eagles chirped their signal, and swooped the land. The door is breached, they have broken through, and you must stand your ground. Like wild flames they came, with savage weapons. Swords! Charge, fire arrows! Riflemen, machine guns, send a volley of bullets. Fighting for our last breath, we struggled. The earth was dense, and squirmed in its furious patience, it was to close, who would win this battle. Death, misery, and conquest. Catapults firing slowly, the time stand still, if it likes it was. Fire, ash, and armies marching to destroy the town. Who had sent them? The leader shone on the grosom stone rock, with his right arm he shook it, and patters of rain fell.

A storm came; lighting struck heavy and enabled the place with its mud. Armies of allegiance ran. Spears of the enemy lay silent, waiting for its prey, to fall for its doom. To close to tell, from the south area, the beasts approached running heavy on the mass land, with their clans of broad shape swords and heavy metal, spiky cradles. Rusty thin arrows flocked in the air to ground to seize and execute its enemy. The top of the roof was being hunted; the front gate was breached, the armies coming to destroy the Conhones. What will happen? At Vamp Urrus. Plans of excellence, I am going to finish them off, send in my beast platoons, A.K.A Triuruiktons, an excellence breed of triceratops and Uruk-hai, very strong, send in a platoon to hunt for Conhone, the first ever breed of excellence, we shall, drive the hammer hand of war, with the iron fist and bang, and a new order will rise. The time of the Conhones is over, and to battle! I am but a conjurer, like a vamp wizard, with many talents. I am a vamp wizard indeed. I can turn into Dracula. Special breed. Start the process, of blood fusion, with dragon, Uruk-hai, Dracula’s, Satan’s, and sorcerer. I will be a perfect master breed, with plight. Kronos, will you not shower you faith and powers into me. If you want power you must have allies. You must join with Satan’s army, a massive army. Too strong for your kind. Bring the seeing stones, what orders do you command me, oh! Grim, wise one. Build me an army worthy of allegiance. We have business to do, what does the firmament of fiery skies tell you, what does the storm eye of Satan command, what does the eye command my lord! Meanwhile at Elersterg. The battle was over, the station was taken over. Count O’Moirés, I said to myself, he’s behind this.  My brother and me must go to Conhone and warn about this evil. The armies of the enemy arised and ran in plight. I ran down to the passage way, men fighting for there lives, still not giving up. Where is the buster blader warriors? A tap on the door, I opened it, and all the rebels were dead. They had come, get in there. Moving back the men they died. I ran to the middle of the window. Thousands of the beasts flinted weapons at me, I was the only one out there and of course the buster bladers. I can’t hold, and I ran, Elersterg, behind the wall, fire arrows! Aragon said, we can’t hold any longer. There numbers are too many. We must run. The Conhones rode fast, the leader of the beast said, prepare your arrows, full ranks you maggots. Wait! Fire

. Fire again. Fire at will. There charge is too strong. As they Conhones came, they chastised the beasts heavily. Sweeping them like a tide, when it reaches the bay. All of them ran. As the arrows shot them down, and also the rifleman. The eagles, there landing the wolves in the forest as an ambush, lets go with the 100,000 arrow men. To the forest. We made it their just in time. A column of beasts approached this way, Signal now! Fire! Arrows were flinted everywhere as the wild men, and the beasts became aware that it was a trap. The trolls, squirmed and ran in front, and fell to the ground. The horrid beasts had found out. Spears. Charge! Long bowmen, fire! Swords broke through their weapons. Our newest invention by Aragon. Cannon. Pull back. Fire the cannons. Fire! Bombs fled from one place to another killing them all. Sprays of blood collected in the puddles. And the newest inventions, cannon gun, fire the machine gun. They ran searching in vein of death. When they came close, arrows were absorbed to their bodies. At the utmost, fires of arrows were cindered at the hazy haystack ad burned their path to go on. All of us, got up, took out swords, from the other end horsemen and buster bladers came.

The armies were trapped. Meeting at the same time, they nearly clashed. Not a single causality was lost. Many lives weren’t paid for it. The grass was devastating with its awful decoration of dead bodies, of filth. Fire lit. The skies turned to its heavens and shone on earth. That battle was over. Be ready, for another attack. Make this place more fortified. In the forest you should have a watchtower and a spy tower further. Make walls, arrow towers, better weapons, and more reinforcements. I leave with my two best fighters, equal to the 2nd best warriors in the world. Leon and Leon. They will guard your place. Our journey is further away. I bid you farewell. Again, my brother and me set of to Conhone citadel. As we rode up the hill Remage city was nearby. We did not stop, until night. Remage city we past as we rode ahead. The wild we went into. As far as we could, we rode to the check point of Inerstraite. Then we went into the old tavern\mill place called Fury Fox, the tavern. It shone bright as it swung with its brittle sound. My brother and me ambled in the tavern and found two seats to our selves, without opening our hoods. In the corner I some my cigar, looking at a man. He had a large gem stone ring, a small medium size hat and a rather fat nose. Our identities were unknown by these weirdoes. I read the paper, banana split times. A split second of time this newspaper comes. I read the headlines about Mr. Hog, his faithful servant of O’Moirés, he was banished and sentenced to death. Mr Hog is dead, presumed dead, escaped in other words. He is on the lose. In other news it says, Mr O’ moirés is a villain. He may not be acting in good faith. I scrunched the paper up, furious. He is a villain; he will strike Conhone very soon. I picked my drink and left it on the waiter’s table and I left the tavern to the motel. There I refreshed myself, and walked into the pipestone driveway, which seemed to curl up.

The motel was small, with cubes and cubes of places. Very small, like it was on a hill, about to dip into the depths. I turned the nailed hand eye shaped door, and nothing but silence. The air was very close and dense, not even a space to breathe. Dim as it can be, very dark and anxious motel it was. As I went through to the room of mine, I saw little yellow flames flicker on the sides of the wall. All arranged in neatness. I guess that’s why they pasted those lights on the sides of the walls, because it was very shallow. Dark especially. I opened my door. I, who is Elersterg, I went into my temporary residence, and took of my velvet jacket. I hung it on the gray hook stool. Placed wood and oil. Set a fire, to burn. A crisp crinkle of wood began to chatter, with embers of fire. On the surface of the desk, I transferred a cigar into my mouth, reading a book. A simple book about Remage city and Merlin the conjurer. I sat in my obstinate leather whole chair, and lit up my cigar, with smoke in the air. As I smoked I saw the fire burning gentle, but steady.

I followed on reading silently, I said to myself we would have to pass Merlin, then to Slithering Sidewalk, very far up a head. To Mr. Swill, wait until a few days pass, he’s my grandfather after all. Visit many extravaganza places. You know, have merriment. Anyway, I followed on, and again said to myself, we would have to also pass through, Eyes of Eeerie. A place where people mainly steal, and watch you. In fact there’s a roadblock

. I sat in my wooden leather chair and fell asleep. In that following crack of dawn I found myself in bed. I think my brother came home a bit late and separated me into my bed. Eventually I woke up, and departed fury fox and the other locations. Finally we departed. To Merlin the conjurer it was. I leaped onto the brown horse and traveled to Merlin the conjurer. Not to far ahead. As my brother and me rode, we competed each other.

I rode slowly, until I boomed off to Merlin’s cottage, defining that the winner was I! Merlin came out, he didn’t look like a wizard, only the hair, gray black hair, but what really defined him or verified he was a wizard was his staff, a tall staff with three gems, an eye on top.

He said welcome, to my cottage. It looked rather small, but at the back was a mansion, and on top was a massive tower. I expect it to be where Merlin does his miscellaneous. Meaning magic. I walked up to him, and bowed, and got up. My sons, no need to kneel to me said Merlin. He always said us as sons, because we were like his sons. What is it today? I see you need medical, war equipment and others. I will refresh you to your rooms. Do not go through that pipe. It leads to danger. I cradled through the stairs trying not to break anything.

The house was as brittle as glass. Everything seemed to plunge into the ground. Towering in the 45 meters tower was really scary. Everything was silent not a generator to be heard. I peaked through the widow, and saw potions, monsters that lurked cracking its shell, like cage. I was determined to reach Odontoris.

I sauntered the area and came to my room. I opened the fragile hand knob. All too rusty. The room was filthy. Like someone else was here. I looked down from my widow, still too high. Someone who would plunge would be crazy! Also it is safety glass. I loved books. I asked Merlin, do you have books. Ohh! Of course, millions.

Come with me to the private library. Wow! It was filled with books, to rows and columns. Troches transcend on and off. A label read on the other side, evil, is warned! I walked into slowly as if each heartbeat of mine pounded and thudded like I was going to my death. Slow, movements, reading the sides of the books, each one interesting then the last. I paged upon many books reading Clone Arts, war of war lords, and The art of war, Crudding marshes leading to the westing fold of the sun, Ghost towns of the nearing west and gules and helpers of evil. I picked all of them and ran of to a quiet spot in the whispering darkness with a little light shape lamp, covering me in a little cracked in part, made for me with hollow sounds it came and went. Dripping sounds of chills went down my crawling neck. I pressed the light to keep me fine. I sat immediately turning the pages saying boring boring. As I realized that the lights were turned out and I got up and threw my lamp up and blew it out in the darkness.

As I said, show yourself, I do not fear death. A crumbling of a wall fell of. I scampered and looked both ways and the other sides and saw up but nothing more than darkness.

Meanwhile Merlin and Aragon, Aragon

 Lights have been dimmed could you call your brother and take him with you to the powering station. Aragon said, what is wrong with the electricity Merlin, shouldn’t it be perfect, unless, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Elersterg. Back to Elersterg, he coated his arms up, and took his spear out with a little shield, and flamed the spear, meaning burn the spear with hay and oil mixed with fire. He lit it, as if it would show who it was, but no it didn’t it blew out, the spears flame just blew, into the winds hand. A noise appears in your dark room, and you flinch. Your eyes bicker with the dark saying what is it. He walked towards the entrance, making his way to Merlin in the tower.

The great door in front of him shut and a drizzle of rain opened the window and I turned back looking at it as it hit the sides of the wall again and again. I shook my head and turned back walking the other way, to the forbidden library; at least those two candles were a flame, but no! It also went out. So I was in complete darkness.

The bows of my doors were shrinking when all my years of life faded. A strike of lightning appeared and faintly six assassins were crawling nearing me. I pulled my machine gun out throwing the rounds of bullets at them as they swiftly jumped past me but was it assassins. I turned to shut the window and a pipe came out, with a dart.

A noise went like Floot was that dart flying at me, as I was hit like going. Was this the end? At the far end. Merlin said, that’s why the generators not working, assassins, but who. I know whose behind this, I cannot summon his name aloud but he has another name called Dark spirits of Essence. Or usual called Kronos, the burning flame summon, a altered version of the moon colliding with an altered extra sun ten times the size of the normal one. Like an eye watching the whole world, thousand times stronger than anything you’ve ever seen.

Have you seen the pictures of his tower it leads so high called Burning flames of the west or Shargurd. Remember the dark, dark tower, with a bridge, with thousands and thousands of armies, about 2 billion, remember, it said, a battle of war will be thrown at everyone, he was the great emperor guard of Time, he was killed, assassins had killed him but no ordinary assassins, these were the, The Dark Forsaken. Mutated by evil, the dark one Kronos had many powers, summoned by Rong, or Eyes of the sky, he is Hadkread.

Meaning hate. The uperversion of Dark essence, and Hades, like nothing ever seen, in any other world. Remember the great heathen armies of old. A great battle that lives on forever. The special breed, of fighter mutated, the great werewolf of ages, with shining silver armor, with coverings everywhere, they were undestroyable, and in the sky vampires, flying ones, and the great Dracula, with Sauron, armies joined with also Hades armies and of course the Dragons army, he will launch an army to destroy this world. They will that is why we must reach Odontoris.

But us what do we have, men, elves, wolves, defense cans, undead knights, dwarves, falcons, horse double knights [horse is a knight and men on the horse knight]. We will be lucky to survive this battle. There forces are regrouping, scattered everywhere in the east, sand, wet, air but long enough all will answer Evors call, that is the lands name, Evor or known as the Forsaken land. The full strength will be hard to deal with; if they lose we must form our armies and destroy their remaining forces. We then turn south taking us to Evor, it will be their last stand of reunion, and ours to shake them. Their wall is very solid to break; it is two big massive stones, together and a great wall behind it leading 2,000 meters high and 2,000 meters long. And behind that is the enemies, and great tower glooms, with a storm of wilderness waiting at the top of a tower, he waits to be free! He needs his door to be free and straps removed and he will arise, but now he is laying there strapped in a coma. He takes spirit form as the great Evor or burning Flames of the sun bigger than the sun, 50 times the suns size. The gate opens and you see a beam of black reddish light, passing through, that is he, Evor! It is a crippled site, no alive things to be seen growing, dead, like black coals everywhere to be seen and covered. Armies of gaze appear, in the dim land, and on the other side are the Forgotten lands of the Perished. Whoever enters may wish to die now, because ghouls and creatures of weirdness, which experiment on you and turn you into a special monster.

We are not the average humans, we are humanators, an exact replica of humans but different in our blood, from many countries with sources of evil that first started out, when Drune the jagged king of war, was mutated, and paralyzed into humanators. We are his blood that, will stain the land of blood with good, but now we hate him. He that takes his land, and reclaims his stone eye will have power, an eye of forsaken and evil, only used by Drune the wielded Black Emperor now, guess who he is. You’ll never find out, you will be surprised. Shocked too. Never mind that, we must hurry to Elersterg. Meantime at Elersterg. The assassins, shot an arrow, a black one, and missed me, just passing my face, brushing against.

Then a creaking and wild opening, the door was smashed down it was Aragon He came, with a gun, shooting rounds them, it was a bullet with acid, and when his bullets were all gone he flinted it at one of them, and opened as a metal sword, and pin something, the lights returned but it was a piece of thread. Merlin appeared like thin black dust, disappearing each second, to wherever he wanted. So he picked the piece of thread, and read, it, with a face very shocked, and looked worried at Elersterg, and showed, Elersterg the piece, death of your doom, and the window was broken, but how quite, and Aragon butted in, that is because they are shadows of their masters, they are Forsaken Deogals, [Kronos commanders]. They’re evil as quite, and very nasty to be killed. Scary, no faces or nothing, just shadow, very dark. Very strong, none of us could face one of them, and the general, Guardian Kronos. Or his name is called Dark Spirit, the black sorceress, and Dark essences is, I tell you now, the Black Emperor. He was mutated, and formed Dark essence soul into his body and tiny bit of Kronos. He is the ultimate, into fiery casim, with his two forms, The Demon Kronos or ultimate Kronos, smaller but very powerful, all fear him. He has silver armor, with a black face covered, and a pole staff strong, with the sword inside, Black Storm. A black sword, very strong, when power reaches, he bolts on fire, and storms are heard crashing, and the sword goes on black red fire. He is the one. Know one can defeat him, but I let you on a secret, someone’s blood turns against him, very strong breed. Can’t tell too much. His armies are too strong, maybe Forngord Black warriors can help, but very evil that place, with ghouls and ghosts. It will depend on Odontoris. They must call allegiance.

He is the biggest army in the world, it will 5 billion, and our at least must be 4 billion, or 6 billion, some allegiance dwell in the mountains, but they are Tin Busters, 1 billion plus back archers, equaling to 6 billion depending on the other forces. We must research this thread, all evidence must be gathered in order to defeat satan, bang, a another piece of thread came from out side, see you at your death, your Father, the odd one, the odd one said Elersterg that doesn’t make sense, research on this book, let me open it, ahhh here we are, its said he had a son, and he banished him, and ugly scar remains, like a storm of two dark eyes, let see Elersterg, no nothing. I don’t see anything.

Guess we should call it a night, and my brother and Merlin turned away, wait, I have bad dreams, I can’t remember, my memory is fuzzy. We will prepare your baggage tomorrow, you will take leave at my underground fort, its my house at the bottom, you just staying here at the top, I’ll seal today all entrances, because, the enemy knows our place, we must go to my cousins house, in the water with an underground water home, no water, free air, we will be safe there, he is Gerlin. We make for the refuge early morning. Sealing everything, you will sleep tonight at my house, incase you get attacked again. AS I went, I knocked my hand, and fell asleep to my bed, and slept. I woke up in my dream, I then saw, a wild werewolf like bear, half bear and dragon rambling towards a demon, and broke the demons wing, and feasted on its flesh. I woke up saying, Noooooo! What is it said my brother, why were you startled, only a dream, I’ll wake Merlin up, to take tests on you, you must know what’s causing this disease, and I need my sleep, come, no time to spare. WE awoke him at once, with a startle, a rustle, and I opened the blanket, then I heard noises, now I remember faintly he told us to meet him there. I ran up the stairs, with my brother, yawning as my eyes shut, each second, and then I fell sleeping. Merlin said my brother, he’s sleeping, it will be easier to do the tests, and very well said Merlin. My brother grabbed me and put me in the chamber. They paled a substance into my nose, and then the dreams evaded slowly. Battle of Doom I said. What the said my brother, and Merlin just stood there saying, remarkable. Satan, I said, what. In that very moment, violent things happened, In the system it showed, heart rate pumping higher than usual and the muscles expanding, and rage came, the metal cuffs broke, and my eyes were white as dead. I struggled. The muscles were massive, and hair came in tufts, STOP! What, who said stop, it was Aragon, Merlin free him, okay said Merlin. And Merlin anti sprayed me with a red toxin stopping my violent vibrations.

That following dead tired morning I was exhausted, not knowing I couldn’t fell anything. Drink said my brother; it will heal you making your unusual self to swell down a bit. What happened said I. don’t worry about that I will leave to another time of our tales. I got up and went to the work tower, and brought n interesting artifact, Merlin popped out of the back, saying I see your interested in that sword it is the dragon dweller sword, very good use. Take it. Here is my bow when I fought in the long battle, it is the Dragger bow, speed of lightning and no waste, exactly pin points your enemy. The lot, the works. Here are my war machines, I think you’ll need this for your dreams to keep you stable, and here is something for you, ma it be a help I times of very dark evil! And I give this to you, because you were appointed this task to destroy this one evil.  Your evil will haunt you forever. Remember that my son. Aragon I see your early today up, yes! I fell very tired from yesterday; I think we will be staying here for at least another week.

Do not worry, go and have breakfast! I can’t said I. I’m going to rest instead, okay!  I went into my room, and peered in and saw an unusual creature, it seemed to want something it was mumbling to itself and I threw the sheet over it and brought it to Merlin! Merlin I shouted! It’s a creature of some sort let me examine it. Ahh only a little pet of mine examining who is living here. That night we went to bed, and a week passed by. In the meantime we were leaving in that moment. Merlin, we’re leaving with you to Gerlin, and sailing to Conhone once we get up to the ground to Elthel River. WE will meet at the fury fox if some mishap happens. WE walked faster to Gerlin and arrived, a shake a tremor. Hurry into my house, above onto the ground. Here it is the lost city of Ethel underworld, I call it that because it’s the lost city of dead souls. Haunted? Yes! Take the hue line of mist to the cave, and follow your way to Conhone. OK. So we seta sail in a little boat, drifting away further into the gloom. I looked at the ruins, all crumbled. Snakes, wild beasts were the only last moving thing alive their. Whispers of souls came into my spine, and I shivered closing my body underneath, trying to sleep. Aragon was sailing and saw the statues of the Snake god, Krirtries the lost soul of Iliana. She was cursed never to fall in love with him again so it was and the curse reflected on both of them, making Krirtries the lost soul of War!

He cursed this world, forever now in shadow, now and then sometimes a speaker of evil priest comes here and beckons, and chants the words of the Unspoken soul. Their in a villiage was a boy named Randle, he was conquering as he was advised by his king, and he came upon her, Setria the apple of love. They both fell in love and spent their days in secret loving each other, and then general faragon found them loving each other, stripped them both, cutting both their heads off. So this place is the dead soul city. Never to return again. We passed that area and came to Red Dead Lake nearing to Conhone but we suddenly drifted, and the boat broke sinking into the lake and reaching out to the land landing at the fury fox. We entered the wet street as the it poured down; slums and homeless people roamed the streets warming themselves from the fire. We walked with fear and arrived at fury fox, as it shone bright. I so restricted are, and entered, and strolled upon all the members. In darkness this meeting was held. It is agreed we will really talk at Deagon’s palace kingdom. He will have many people their. Pack as soon as possible and get ready for this journey. Weapon requirements are needed bring medieval clothing and weapons, this is not the future, and they have not discovered gunpowder.

We will leave that to them. Move quickly the enemy is moving fast! We will pass through to Conhone but a specific mission must be taken care for then we ride for Conhone. We must destroy this venue, in the local place we must destroy the platoon, they mostly live in darkness we will blow up the place that is the only future thing we will use, but in old times. So the wall will open and water will fall destroying the place. Hurry! Till our next meeting. So we hurried onto a carriage riding us to the border Vedf. We will run from there. His place is near with a big place with a large old building mostly open, with lots of forest and fauna. We rode and the morning woke me up as I realized we had to get of.  We ran through the forest. As we passed we saw the leaves fluttering everywhere as I said to myself be it autumn? I ran as fast keeping up with my brother an emerged to see this wonderful magically city. I walked over the bridge, and tiny trickle of water pass through my little ear. I passed through and many had come from strange lands. I walked over to the large outdoor building. Merlin or should I say Raulf as he prefers to be called, Raulf was there standing, talking to Deagon. Raulf spoke, yes the darkness is deepening, we must have an army ready for war. Send word to Conhone, you must gather your full strength, I have had a little consume of Urrus, he will send an army, from ever side. Satan, will destroy everything, it maybe down to the secret south, Faragon, the city Hyuis.

We will not survive. They will have to march towards the Estragon Evor plains. He is readying his army; he will soon benefit from mankind, and unleash his threats upon the worlds. 10 of his special riders are the Deagol Forsaken riders, 5 of them are the undead knights, and the other is Sword stalkers. You know what they’re, dead shadows of Satan, each one a minor god. The strength of the few gods, Anubis, Hades, Kronos, and the might of Set. These are very unlikely to be defeated, but once in a lifetime in the great battle of long, against the evens, both matched equally, 20 billion-and 20 billion. A battle that was patrolled and was ruled by Satan. Never underestimate him. Remember he has two forms, like A Demon, or the black magic Satan. He has a staff, and his staff glows bright black red, and his power gathers. Using his magic he calls upon with his staff he points out, throwing the men with his magic, uses apocalypse, thunder, and fire. Swords of his are unimaginably, couldn’t be broken, one touch of his blade and you die, of his need. Do not think he is just a myth, only a certain people or should I say, he had a forgotten child, his son, when Satan was first in disguise as a human. He was banished never to be found. He is the only answer to this evil. He will appear sometime. It has said, when he unleashes this army and with him fighting, his son will be they’re, but reincarnated, and change into something. Ahh! Elersterg I see you and your brother have made it. Yes indeed, what’s all this talk about Satan? Raulf spoke say, ohh! Nothing, never you mind. I will leave that tale for another time. You go now and see to your brother, and we will soon, have this secret meeting. Deagon spoke, as Elersterg left, so, what you’re saying, is Satan has come back. His armies are stronger than ever, and the battle of our lives awaits us soon. Yes! Said Raulf. I should say, Urrus has joined, he is my long nephew. He has his head, he has gone mad, and he will raise Conhone to the ground. We must defeat him; whether or not he is my nephew he has betrayed us. There is one task we must enter

Ringsonic, my man, what is up!

let''s a go
Yeh ha
Go luigi
mmmm! bananas mmmm!

« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2005, 10:51:26 PM »
One suggestion.
Enter key.

"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


  • Steamed
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2005, 11:32:27 PM »
Whoa! That's hypnotizing if you move the scroll bar up and down repeatively... Ooo...

"What? A half-gallon already?"

« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2005, 12:47:40 AM »
My mouse wheel almost broke from using it too much...

''If Timmy has seven apples and Peter has five apples, why don''t they just shut up and eat?''
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2005, 04:09:21 AM »
Please can someone delete this baloy. I'm sick of this.

I have changed and you have too!
let''s a go
Yeh ha
Go luigi
mmmm! bananas mmmm!

« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2005, 05:55:31 PM »
Did you really write that? It doesn't soundl like you... but pretty good, I must say.

If a tree falls in the woods, do all the others laugh at it?
