
Author Topic: The Takeover  (Read 3346 times)

Mr. Koopa

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« on: July 30, 2005, 07:56:22 PM »
CHAPTER 1: The Fall of A Great Empire

They say what goes up, must go down.
100 trillion years ago, there was a giant empire that stood high above all. The empire was called TheHethons. They lived on a planet Nitro which was on the farthest reaches of the galaxy. The Hethons were a race with people that were very large in size. Despite their looks, they were equipped with greater technology than we could imagine. Their empire was very notorious because they ruled any planet they came for, destroyed any who did not bow down before their mighty wrath. The leader's name was King Hethon. The name was passed down from leader to leader. The throne had a spell on it which was set by the first Hethon. Any of the leaders who tryed to bring peace to the galaxy was painfully skinned at the first good deed. This is what made the empire so cruel and powerful.
One day though, a powerful hero stood up to the Hethons. The hero's name was Zarth. Zarth was from the planet Aries, a planet that was non-stop war. Zarth was a small child on his planet and never was one to fight. He was banished at age 15 to a small planet called Boron. That is where he was named Zarth. Noone knows his original name.
He was proven worthy to hold the spirit sword at 30. Through-out the galaxy, he was known as "The peace-man that rode a sword."
He brought to peace to many planets, slowly pushing the Hethon's power back to Nitro.
Finally he destroyed the leader and all who was to be one in the future by locking the curse of Heathon 1 into a cave. The curse was stopped by the spirit sword which was in the seat of the throne.
This was the fall of the greatest empire.
The galaxy celebrated the defeat of the Hethons, but knew one day that the heir would pull the sword from the throne and bring back the terror.
Nitro was a barren wasteland for 500 billion years.
Now the planet is inhabited by a new race.
They call Nitro in this period...


Edited by - Mr. Koopa on 8/1/2005 12:53:44 PM
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa

« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2005, 08:20:46 PM »
This is an awesome story....but if it happened 500 years ago, then how was it barren for 500 billion? Keep going, I want to see the rest!

"YOU FOOOOOLS!!! YOU''VE MESSED WITH THE NATURAL ORDAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" ~ The story telling crow from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

Mr. Koopa

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« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2005, 09:37:42 PM »
CHAPTER 2: 500 Billion Years Later

Mario and Luigi just came home from a fight with Price Wart (He tried taking over Mushroom Kingdom by blowing a giant bubble around the castle and sending it up to space.) They decided to celebrate at Olive Garden down the street. They went home again and found a notice on a door.
"To Whom It May Concern,
   We regret to inform you that you have been evicted. We want you out of this house in 15 days.
 Thank you."
Mario and Luigi were dumbstruck.
"We can't be evicted! Mario exclaimed, "That is our only way into Mushroom Kingdom!!!"
"Maybe we can stay at Peach's castle?" Luigi asked.
"No... we have work up here! We have to build-" Mario started.
The letter was put there 13 days ago.
"Mamma-Mia!" Mario and Luigi said in chorus.
They ordered a moving truck in the morning and had their things removed.
They found a small apartment in the Queens area. Both of them were acting like they were in the best home they've ever lived in, but they were thinking about the same thing... Mushroom Kingdom.
Meanwhile, at Mushroom Kingdom, Wario and Waluigi were there ready to harass Peach.
They snuck through the pipe during the orientation for the house.
"Genius idea of digging under the castle to get them!" Waluigi said to Wario.
They fell into an odd cave.
"Man! This is great!" Waluigi whispered.
Wario said nothing because he was having a vision of a man being slashed and bleeding on the ground. Then a man sticking a sword into a throne. Wario suddenly became aware of what to do.
"Wario? Wario?"
"I AM NOT WARIO!!!" Yelled Wario, "I am King Hethon!!!"
Wario put his hand on the throne  and something crazy happened. Wario became taller, his waist shrunk and his chest widened up. A black beard appeared and his muscle was more pronounced. A green light surrounded him and he went to the surface. Waluigi followed him and found Wario blasting the castle. It turend from a beautiful sight to a dark place. It began to look like long pointed rocks. The people who inhabited the castle were pulled out and stood in front. Wario floated to the only flat point of the castle which was on the top.
A large blast of green light covered all of Mushroom Kingdom. It lost all of it's beauty. The trees lost their leaves, the grass turned black. Goombas turned grey and grew sharp teeth and claws, the koopa troopas' shells turned a dark brown and they also grew sharp claws and teeth, and the rest of the creatures that once inhabited Mushroom Kingdom became stronger and  faster, but the color was gone.
Mushroom Kingdom became what it used to be, the underworld of planet Nitro.

Edited by - Mr. Koopa on 8/1/2005 1:03:11 PM
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2005, 09:46:13 AM »
CHAPTER 3: A Cry For Help Ignored

Wario stood laughing because his kind was ruling again.
Waluigi yelled at Wario, "What are you doing! This is too much!"
"Ahhhh Waluigi. My brother, my partner in crime." Wario said quietly, "We can rule all of these puny planets together..."
"This is too much Wario," Waluigi said, "You can't do this!"
"Then Leave my sight you weakling! BEGONE!!!"
In one swift movement, Waluigi was backhanded off of the peak and dropped to the ground.
Peach grabbed her phone and called the Mario Bros.
"Mario we need your help!" she said
"I-I can't!" Mario said back in Queens.
Mario dropped the phone on the chair.
Suddenly the other phone rang Luigi got it.
He walked in slowly, "We've been fired from our job! We can't move the buisness to a new location.
"Why!?!" Mario screamed already going through something bad.
"1st of all, we were already in the hole because of the big new plumbing buisness that has a chain all over the New York City area."
"Uh-huh, Mario nodded, "And?"
"2nd, the boss did not like the way you were hitting on his wife at the Olive Garden!"
"I couldn't say no to that wine!"
The phone Peach gave them rang again. Throughout the day Mario and Luigi were answering the phone all day with "sorry" and "We can't" until Luigi threw it out of the window.
Some guy yelled, "No littering and threw a McDonald's bag at the building.
"That was our only memory of Mushroom Kingdom we had left!" Mario yelled.
"We've gotta accept the truth!" Luigi said angrily, "There is no way we can get there! Plus we need to find jobs instead of Listning to Peach's stupid complaints!"
"Take that back NOW!!!" Mario yelled and he grabbed Luigi by the neck. They got into a little scrap. Thier fighting each other was not helping any for Mushroom Kingdom.
Meanwhile, the Pricess was in tears as Nintendo characters attacked Wario. Kirby and Link went for the great force, but they were no match for Wario's power. Samus and DK charged up their most powerful moves, but they just got it back 10 times worse. Even Bowser and the Koopa kids went for an attack, but one-by-one they were defeated. There was no hope now.
Wario now rose more. He was now on the surface of the Earth.
"Now it really begins!!!"
The green light came back again as Wario began his ultimate reign, starting with Brooklyn NY.

Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2005, 10:42:06 AM »
CHAPTER 4: The Beginning

Brooklyn was in a shadow. The civilians were running for their lives as demons in metal suits and Trojan helmets came from the ground.
"I told you!" said a man wearing a sandwhich board that said "the end is near." "Now Lord! Leave these non-belivers to rot in Hell and bring me with you!"
Suddenly a bolt of lightning came down and zapped the man.
Mario and Luigi had no idea of whats going on right now. They had just found a job at a construction site.  They have a low wage but had enough to pay for their apartment.
At Mushroom Kingdom, Wario was standing in his ancestor's throne, pulling at the mysterious sword in the throne.
"I don't understand..." Wario panted, "I can't get it free!" Then he realized that he needed the heir of Zarth to free it. But who was the heir? He looked at the symbol on the sword. It was a shilouette of a Mushroom. He knew now the heir of Zarth.
The shadow came to Queens as the Mario bros. were going home. They stared at the giant cloud. They went to the thickest part which was like a tornado. It seemed it come from their old house. They neared it and tried to open the door. Then they rang the doorbell, and a fat man in a small stained wife-beater answered.
"We need to come in!" Luigi said.
"Yeahh, you can come in," the fat man said, "Over my dead body!"
"Don't you see the frikin tornado coming from a room in your HOUSE!?!" Mario yelled over the sound of screaming.
"So there's a tornado in my room!" he said, "Why the hell should I care!?!"
They were stumped.
"Do you realize that this is the end of the world as we know it?!?" Luigi said
"Yeah he he he!" the man said, "Just tell that to the fried weirdo over there."
They turned around and the man with the sandwhich board was laying on the ground burned to a crisp.
Another bolt of lightning came down and Mario and Luigi dodged it. The fat man was killed.
"He said over his dead body!" Luigi said slyly.
They walked over his dead body and stood by the pipe that lead to the Mushroom Kingdom.
"So this is what made Peach call us all this time." Mario said.
Luigi stuck his hand in the tornado and found he could go through. "Geronimo!"
Mario did the same and went into the pipe to stop this evil force.

Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2005, 02:20:28 PM »
CHAPTER 5: The Heir of Zarth

They landed in the dark grass which was hard and sharp.
"This is terrible..." Luigi sighed.
"Is that the castle?" Mario pointed to the pointed roofs of the Hethon castle. As they neared it, they almost tripped over Link's almost dead body. They hopped over it and fell into the hole Wario and Waluigi dug.
"Hey a sword!" Mario said as he tugged at it. It didn't budge. Luigi did the same but it also didn't move. Then Wario stepped out of the shadows.
"Wario!?!" Mario and Luigi said together
"No! Hethon!!!!"
He charged for them so both dodged him. Luigi attempted to kick Wario in the face but Wario turned his head to the side. Mario went for a punch, but Wario backhanded him into the wall. Luigi came from behind but Wario's purple robe tied him up and slammed him to the ground.
Across the room a hand was lifting the sword from the throne. From a 3rd person view the sword was shown in the heir's hands as it went and was slammed right into Wario's head. It bounced off and Wario's fist hit the heir.
Later it showed the Heir's eyes opening with Mario and Luigi looking down.
"Could this be the one Wario was talking about?" Mario said
Luigi shrugged.
The heir was a tall man in black overalls and a indigo shirt and hat.
"What's going on!?!" Waluigi demanded.
They explained the story of the Hethons exactly as Wario told it.

The power of the blade was useless unless he could get Zarth's Mushroom. It was 5 feet high and all you needed was the sword in a small slit on it. The Mushroom was guarded by a triclops.
"I'm willing to stop my brother!" Waluigi said, "But I think that's the sword talking."
"We can do this!" Mario said, "And we will help!"
Luigi stood there with his arms folded.
They looked at him for a moment.
"Please Luigi?" Mario said, "For Mushroom Kingdom?"
Luigi turned his head and smiled, "For Mushroom Kingdom!"

Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2005, 04:10:09 PM »
CHAPTER 6: The End

Waluigi stood in front of the triclops. He was ready for it. Luigi and Mario were sitting outside because they couldn't get in.
Waluigi jumped at the monster and swiftly sliced it's arm. The monster let out a roar and stomped on Waluigi. Waluigi had the sword stuck up straight so it sunk into the creature's foot. It let out a yelp then got really mad. Waluigi went for another shot at the monster's head, but a club came from it's hand. It batted Waluigi against the wall. Waluigi rubbed his head and got back in a fighting position. The triclops went to slam it's club on him, but it tripped on a rock. It feel face first toward Waluigi, so he raised his sword again and it's third eye landed on the sword. It died because that was it was the triclops' power source.
Waluigi looked at the Mushroom. It was about 5 feet tall and had black spots on it. He stuck the sword in the giant mushroom. Suddenly, Waluigi was thrown backwards. The Mushroom rose on a pillar and shrunk to the size of a fist. It turned into a fist and Wario climbed out of the dirt.

The sword was actually a key. It was Zarth's sword ond only ones with his blood could weild it. But once in the hands of King Hethon, he could do what he wants with it.

This was a dark day for the planet earth. Deamons rose from the ground everywhere. A great statue arose in the air where Wario stood.
All of the planets Hethon ruled were under his control again. Demons even rose on those surfaces.
Wario knew he had to go to Boron which is the source of the sword's power. He flew to the planet, but it was uninhabited.
The planet's power was scattered to another planet. Wario was still in a human form so he could not take the extreme cold of Boron and was frozen.

The planet Boron to this day is known now as Pluto.
Even though Wario is frozen on a planet far away from Earth, this story is not yet done...

Edited by - Mr. Koopa on 8/1/2005 7:27:36 AM
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2005, 05:10:19 PM »
CHAPTER 7: Heathon's True Form

On Earth, everybody was in suspense to figure out when Wario would come back.

He didn't

Wario was frozen to death on Pluto, but the power left in the sword allowed Hethon to show his true form. The Mario Bros. went to the Mushroom Kingdom and found the Earth was still under the Hethons Rule. They conversated until a powerful force slammed into the ground behind all of them.
A man who stood 8 feet tall and wore a robe that was purple and black with the shape of a sword on the back. He also looked like a human except for the large jaw and pointed ears. His hair touched his shoulders and his beard was long like a pirates.
They stared at him until Waluigi demanded, "Who are you, and what do you want with us?"
"This," Hethon said
A beam of light came from his finger and it went through Waluigi's heart. Mario jumped to attack Hethon and missed. Luigi did the same and missed like his brother. Luigi fell near his nemises and touched his arm getting up. Luigi now realized he had a special connection with Waluigi. Luigi got the power of Zarth in him. Luigi saw Hethon charging at him. Luigi swung at Hethon which blew him backwards. Luigi powered up a green missle and attacked Hethon. Hethon was blasted back another 5 feet back.
"ENOUGH!" He said, and he pulled out Zarth's Sword. He attacked Luigi and cut his cheek. Hethon went for another attack, but Luigi kicked him in the stomach. Hethon was not phased and sliced Luigi's other cheek. He uppercutted Hethon and sent him to the flat part on top of the castle. Luigi climbed up there. When his hand touched the top, Hethon grabbed his arm and threw him against a wall. Luigi got up but was hit in the gut but Luigi grabbed Hethon's arm and launched him against another wall.
Mario did not know what to do so he climbed to the top slowly. Luigi was getting beat up back and forth, back and forth. Luigi gave him a couple of blows but was just tossed around. The sword started glowing. The power from Boron was coarsing through it.
Hethon smiled and threw Luigi to the ground. The sword was at his neck. There was no hope.
"Leave him alone!" Mario stood at the other end.
Hethon turned around and went for Mario.
Luigi saw his oppurtunity and snatched the sword.
"NOOOOOOOO!" Hethon screamed
Luigi flipped and let the sword drop into Hethon's head. Unlike Waluigi's attempt, this was succesful.  
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2005, 08:19:58 AM »
CHAPTER 8: The End of The Beginning

A wave of green light came over the Earth again and everything came back to normal. Luigi turned around to see the beauty he has brought back and turned around to pull the sword from Hethon's head. He was gone and so was the sword.
Luigi and Mario finally lowered themselves down to the bottom. Peach, Toad and all of the Nintendo characters greeted the brothers as they came down. Even Bowser gave them a pat on the back.
The only two who did not come to see them was Wario and Waluigi. Both were killed in the incedent.
Waluigi was buried...
in the Mushroom Kingdom dump.
Another flash of light appeared and there was a cloud shaped like Hethon's face
"Now what?" said Luigi.
"He's not comming back!" said Mario
"NO! Not him!" Luigi yelled, "We still live in a crappy one-room apartment far from the only way to Mushroom Kingdom!"
He was right.
How were they supposed to get into Mushroom Kingdom?
This tale though has just begun.
The curse of Hethon 1 was not locked up again by Zarth's sword....

                   THE END

    The Takeover 2 will be posted soon.
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa
