
Author Topic: Keyboard Smash  (Read 21119 times)

« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2009, 07:58:51 AM »
67 ,mkj

Ow my face.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.


  • Tortuga
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2009, 10:27:25 AM »
xzcdfrtvgbhy nhmuyfrgtjmnki
"It'll say life is sacred and so is death
but death is life and so we move on"


  • Banned
« Reply #32 on: July 11, 2009, 10:43:57 AM »


  • Arr! Ay! Oh!
« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2009, 12:25:10 PM »
ikjujumbvgbgv ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 789oopntb gf
What's your problem, Cambodian?

« Reply #34 on: July 11, 2009, 02:11:38 PM »
One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2009, 03:08:16 PM »
L is real 2401


  • Tortuga
« Reply #36 on: July 11, 2009, 03:23:23 PM »
"It'll say life is sacred and so is death
but death is life and so we move on"


  • 1.41421356
« Reply #37 on: July 11, 2009, 05:47:19 PM »
AA fanboy and proud!


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #38 on: July 11, 2009, 07:05:28 PM »
Eternal Star
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse

« Reply #39 on: July 11, 2009, 08:15:42 PM »
One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

« Reply #40 on: July 23, 2009, 06:24:41 AM »
jgu nbhgkufufmhkmhgk 67eeeeee7i7i7i7ie5ed5t 7eied 5

« Reply #41 on: July 23, 2009, 07:43:03 AM »
Keyboard not found! Press any key to continue.

Yes, I typed that with my face.
Kinopio is the ultimate video game character! Who else can drive a kart, host parties, play tennis, give good advice and items, and is almost always happy??

Hacker Pikachu 25

  • Technicolor nightmare
« Reply #42 on: August 05, 2009, 09:10:20 PM »
hyere we goooooooooooooooooo = nose

b   65g cgbfv cgbfv cgbfvggg gbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv6t5kilol6gtyhg mnbhj = hed

Hedgwde3r46kumhijwderfs 7uyhjg hedak, nu mur hedshot @_@
Klonoa is the best game I've played YET!!!


  • Old Person™
« Reply #43 on: August 13, 2009, 06:12:51 PM »
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

« Reply #44 on: August 13, 2009, 06:57:11 PM »
ROM hacking with a slice of life.
