
Author Topic: Fake LoZ:OoT Cheats  (Read 9398 times)

« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2007, 05:05:50 PM »
Matty got banned? Huh... didn't notice that.

Super Scarecrow Song

Get the scarecrow song, but do it like this...

<, v, <, v, A, ^, v, <, A

And when you play it, instead of the Scarecrow helping you to hookshot, like 100 scarecrows will rise out of the ground and attack enemys! :D

« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2008, 10:28:45 AM »
How to play as gannondorf
First, shove 55 packets of rice crispy treats into your N64. Any more, and Link will cut you head off. Then watch reruns of "Two and a Half Men" 9,999,999 days straight.  Now you should be able to recite every line of every show. Annoy everyone at the forms until your kicked off. Now put in Zelda: OOT and beat the game 9,876,543,210 times. Gannondorf will say that you wasted half of your life doing this and he will reward you any way. Congragulation, you can now play as Gannondorf and can transform into Gannon.
"Floor ice cream gives you health!" - Pit, Kid Icarus Uprising.

« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2009, 04:39:35 PM »
Get the Musical Ending

Complete the game with everything, no deaths, no unopened chests, no missing Heart Pieces, etc.

This must be done with all three files, all named Link.

After you beat the third file, Ganon will wake up and start dancing.

Then Link and Zelda (she won't appear if you kill her) will dance along to the Super Mario Bros. Super Show Theme, same with everyone in the game (including enemies) will do the ridiculous dance.

Horray, you have seen something weird!
Does Matty mean Plumbers rap or Do the Mario ? Any WAy, Play as Chuck Norris: Turn it on and With  the above cheat on, eat 100 packets of Heinz hot sauce .Then say "Mama Luigi" Ten tmes in a row, Ness will pop out and kick you in between the legs.DON'T chase him. Do 7 hours of taebo  WITH the N64 on and resume .Do this all again backwards and C.N. will appear and roundhouse kick Ganon back to his castle.Congratulations !
If Daisy eats peaches,does Peach eat daisys?


  • 1.41421356
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2009, 04:20:33 PM »
Play the game as CD-i Link: Press Right-c, Left-c, B and Z buttons at the Title screen. Zelda will now appear and ask you two questions. Tell her that you 'like to bomb Dodongos' and that you're 'so hungry you could eat an Octorock'. The chest opening sound will now play, which will then enable you to play as CD-i Link.
AA fanboy and proud!

« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2009, 05:32:13 PM »
 Okay Okay Okay this one isn't really fake but you guys are gonna love it anyway!!! and NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT IT BUT ME!!!


 Play through the game until the great deku tree dies. It is very important at this point that you get the kokiri emerald. Without it, you cannot get the triforce.

     Once you get it, continue on, and be certain that you get the goron ruby when the opportunity arises. Same with the Zora Sapphire it is ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE that you get the Ocarina of Time before you go to the temple of time. Take it with you, and you can open the door in the back, revealing... (OMG!!) THE MASTER SWORD!!!!   Pull it out of the ground, and several awesome things will happen!

    1: You'll age seven years and be a grown-up!!!
    2: You'll get tons of new dungeons to explore

         Now, near the end of the game, talk to Zelda and she'll reveal she has the Triforce of Wisdom. Later, when you fight Ganon, HE'LL HAVE THE TRIFORCE OF POWER!!!!

