
Author Topic: Hmm....  (Read 3914 times)

« on: August 08, 2000, 09:37:46 AM »
How does a Mario interactive story sound? It'd be traditional RPG-style (Think AD&D), only with Mario/fan-created characters.

If anyone's interested, reply. I'd like to do it, but, if no one wants to...

I'll post it when I get three replies.
-Pegasus Team, slide ruler

« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2000, 11:31:16 AM »
How 'bout me?


« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2000, 02:16:59 PM »
Me too.


« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2000, 03:25:08 PM »
Sounds awesome. Count me in.
*Looks inside of a candy bar wraper. Reads:* You have just won a Sony Plays.... Oh it`s crap!!

« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2000, 08:59:03 AM »
OK! You three need to make up characters.
These cannot be the normal characters from the Mario multiverse. You must make up your own.
Height in inches:
Human/Mushroom person:
A short history of the character:

-Pegasus Team, slide ruler

« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2000, 03:30:33 PM »
Name: J. Wild(The J means Jerry)

Alignment: Good, but Chaotic(He has a short

Height: 6 ft. 4 in.

Species: Human, but with Wolf reflexes

Personality: If he's in a good mood, he's
helpful, respectable, a good friend, and
sometimes a little cocky. If he's in a bad
mood, he's angry, chaotic, and all-out MAD.

History: He's a Mario fan, and he loves other
stuff too(duh). He built this type of armor
that was modeled after the Saiyan Armor on
DragonBall Z. He thinks it's his best work.

He decided to go after criminals in it, and
when he screwed up on a formula for Root Beer
Cola(don't ask), He could turn into a wolf
whenever he saw one. Then Jerry Wild got a
call and the next thing you know, he was in
The Mushroom Kingdom.

J. Wild prefers to work alone, but whenever
the need hits, He can take on a few allies.


« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2000, 09:50:19 PM »
I"ll be UltraLuigi
alignment: Good
Height: An inch taller then Luigi
Humen/mushroom person: Whatever Mario and Luigi are.(accually, he's a cyborg verion of Luigi)
Personality: While Mario and rhe rest were fighting Wart, Wuigi Garboldy, Mario and Luigi's cousin, was battleing Bowser, who was messing up the Mushroom Kingdom. Even though Bowser was defeated, half of Wuigi was damaged beyond belief. That half of his body was replaced by a metal version, turning him into a cyborg. He swore revenge on Bowser and installed a blaster (like Megaman's) and a jet pack.

He is friendly and can say a few jokes once in a while. But when someone mentions anything about Bowser, he becomes serios and a little grumpy.
