
Author Topic: The Mushroom Kingdom's Annual Ball  (Read 22680 times)

« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2005, 10:05:36 PM »
Chapter 10: Back to Luigi's Mansion ~ Peach stormed in.  "T-worth!" she cried, "T!"  Toadsworth entered the room.
"So, am I 'T-Worth' now?" he asked, sipping some tea/maybe sumthin else.
"Yeah.  It's easier to say T."
"Yeah, alright, no."
"Whatever Toadsworth, just put down your tea/whatever crap it might be, and LISTEN!" Toadsworth glared at her.
"Alright.  What do you want?"  Peach sighed and pulled out the peice of paper Bou dropped.  She opened it and showed him the plans of the boos.  Toadsworth held up his spectacles and read it over.
"Great Goomba!" he said dorkily, "The dancing Boos are going to kidnap Daisy and MArio!...oh, thank Shy Guy you're goin' to the dance with Bowser!  They would never stand a chance against him...hey!  Oh my gosh, princess, LOOK!  They wrote down a recipe for triple layer upsidedown pineapple cake!  How lovely!"  Peach snatched the paper from his little toady hands.
"Yes that's all well and good, but when I tried to warn Mario of the kidnapping he didn't beleive me!"
"Did you tell Luigi?"
"No, he's too weird."
"Too brutal."
"Too 'I Hate Him'."
"Bob the Builder?"
"Nothing.  Listen Princess, what are you planning to do?" Toadsworth asked.
"I am going to go to those cheating little Boos and, you know, kick their ace."
"Ace?" Toadsworth asked.
"Yes.  Ace=A-S-S, you know?"
"I doesn't matter, shut up.  I'm going to Luigi's Mansion!  That is where they practice dancing.  Don't try to stop me Toadsworth!!!"
"I'm not."
"Why aren't you stopping me?"
"Cuz, I'm not supposed to."
"Well...but...ALRIGHT BYE!"  Peach hopped in her little kart thing and raced into a deep dark forest that led to Luigi's Mansion.  The mansion was huge and still very dark.  Peach carefully approached, and exitted her kart.  'I knew I shouldn't have worn these stupid heals!' she said as she stumbled her way through the mud.  She stared up at the mansion.  Inside there were two ghosts plotting Mario's downfall.  THe only thing between them was Princess Peach.  Peach said the F word aloud.
"Hello Missy!" said someone from behind her.  Peach screamed as she spun around and fell into the mud.  A strange little old man helped her up.
"Stupid Mud!  URGH!...Oh, hi Professor E. Gadd." she said, noticing the old guy was none other then the famous scientist Prof. E. Gadd.
"HEllo princess!" he said, "What are you doing down here?  It's very dangerous for someone like you!"
"What's that supposed to mean ya little raisin?"
"Um....nevermind.  What are you doing here?" he asked.
"I'm looking...FOR REVENGE!!!!!!!"
"No.  I'm looking for Bou and King Boo.  You won't beleive it, they're planning to kidnap Mario and Daisy so they can win the huge dance-off again!"  E. Gadd thought of this for a while.
"Hmmm...You need some help.  You can't just march in there!  You need my newest invention!  The POLTERGUST 3001!!!"
"WEEEEE!  What is that?" Peach asked.
"Come Peach, I will show you."  Prof. E. Gadd lead the way into his laboratory.  Peach followed, glad to get out of the mud.  What will happen?  To be continued!...

Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2005, 03:21:17 PM »
Chapter 11: The Bad Boos ~ Elvin's lab was smaller than Peach expected.  She followed the old gray midget into a room filled with strange machines.  The Poltergust 3000, used by Luigi, the FLUDD, used by Mario, the Weenie Supremey, used by Elvin Gadd during the great cook-out accident, and more.
"Um...weird guy...where are you leading me?" Peach asked as Prof. Gadd threw an accordian out of their path.  He stopped in front of a large safe.  Elvin carefully unlocked his safe and opened it up.  Angels sang as a bright light shone from the safe.  Peach sheilded her eyes against it as Pfrof. E Gadd pulled out the great poltergust 3001!  It was smaller than the original, and pink.  The angels came to a sudden stop and flew away at the sight of the little pink thing.
"You suck!" an angel yelled before it disappeared.  It was quiet and awkward as Peach starerd at the pathetic little thing.  After a few clearings of the throat he said.
"Come!  I will show you how to operate it."  PEach nodded and followed him into the testing chambers.  It was dark and quiet as the door slammed behind them.  Peach heard the old guy fumble around with something, and a flashlight flicked on.  He shone it around the room, the pink poltergust ready in his hands.  Peach decided to break the silence.
"So.....why did you make it pink?" she asked awkwardly.
"What?" Elvin replied.
"The poltergust.  Why is it pink?"
"Oh!  Oh. know....I was..bored..?  No, it was for my....neice...most likely."
"Your neice?" Peach asked, an eyebrow raised.
"Sure.  Why not." he replied.  Just then, a large blue ghost appeared out of no where!  "About time!" the professor said.  He shone the flashlight on the blue ghost and it froze.  Then he clicked a button on the poltergust 3001, and a ghostly boxing glove shot out, smashing the ghost in the face.  It screamed as it fainted to the ground, floating there unconsiously.  Prof. E Gadd sucked him up as fast as a wink of an eye.  Peach applaused.
"Wow!  That's great," she said.
"Thank you!  I upgraded it to be able to knock out the ghost, so that it could not disappear.  I think it is a very good upgrade!"
"Yeah, mmhmm, why is it pink?"

So Prof. E Gadd sent Peach out to the dark mansion with the poltergust 3001.  He waved goodbye as he used to do to Luigi, and PEach gave him the finger in return (since Elvin punched Peach in the stomach when she asked about the color pink for the 47th time).  Peach had apparently lost her sweetness somewhere through all of this.  It was because MArio stood her up, and it drained all her happiness.  Now she was about to save the little toilet pumping, uncloggin' son of a Goomba!  Peach creaked open the front door and peered inside.  She remembered how she sent out some Toads to save Mario last time, now she was going to save Mario herself (even though he wasn't captured YET).  Peach tip-toed in, shining the flash light left and right.  Suddenly a green ghost eating a banana appeared in front of her!
"Boogle-Eee Booglee Boogle!" he cried.  Peach stared at him for a while.  The green ghost took a bight of his banana, "Hold on," he said, chewing it.  He chewed it for a very long time until he FINALLY finished his banana.  He chucked the banana peel at peach as he had done to Luigi.  It hit Peach in the face and slid down her dress.  The ghost swore as he took out another banana and began chewing it.  Peach shined the flashlight on him, and he froze.
"HA!" she cried as she pressed a button on the poltergust, the boxing glove knocking him out.  Meanwhile, King Boo was floating by in the other room and over-heard Peach yell, "NOW I'M GONNA MAKE YOU EAT YOUR OWN BANANA!!!"  King Boo was shocked and a bit disgusted.  he barged in the room PEach was in and yelled:
"HEY!"  Peach quickly stopped shoving the banana peel down the green ghost's mouth and made it look like she was combing her fingers through her hair.
"King Boo!  There you are!" she said, holding up the Poltergust 3001, ready to suck.
"Um...I have a roast in the oven!" he said quickly as he dashed back through the door, away from PEach. Peach moaned.
"Great now I have to wait for his roast...wait...HEY!!!" she screamed as she began chasing him.

King Boo finally thought he had lost her and ran into Bou's room.
"Hunny Bunny Foo Foo!  Peach is here!" he screamed.  Bou had been putting on make-up.
"Peach?  So, who cares?" she asked.
"She has a poltergust!!!" he screamed.  Bou panicked as she chucked her lipstick out the window (for some reason.  Most likely out of fear or something).  Peach barged into the room.
"Freeze!" she yelled.  The boos screamed loudly as she shone her flashlight on them.  They both froze.  Peach quickly pressed the button that would fire out the boxing glove, but she missed!  The boos disappeared.  Peach swore under her breath.  Just then the boos re-appeared behind her!  King Boo knocked Peach on the back of the head, sending her falling to the ground with a THUD.  The evil boos snickered at their defeat.  Now they had a hostage.
"Wait," Bou said, "this messes up our whole plan!  Now that we have Peach, Bowser will find out and come kill us!"  King Boo stopped snickering.
"You're right!  We can't keep her here...what to do, what to do...AHA!" he screamed, a little bulb appearing above his head, startling Bou, "I have an idea...a nasty idea...hehe...hehehehe....HEHEHEHE....HEHEHEHEHE...MWEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH!....MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!.....MWAHAHA!...Mwaha...ha...ha.......alright, lets go."

What is gonna happen?  I know, but you don't.  2 B Continued....
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...


  • Normal
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2005, 04:53:02 PM »
HOORAY! I thought you died or something.

If your day is bad, a nice comment at night can change everything.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2005, 04:34:30 PM »
Nope!  I'm alive and kickin'.  Here's a fresh chapter right outta the oven.

Chapter 12: Waking in Shadow ~ Peach was having another bad dream.  Peach stood in the middle of the dance floor, all alone.  It was completely dark except for a single spotlight shining on her.  Suddenly Bowser thumped into the spotlight.  'Sorry I'm late hunny!' he said loudly as he finished down a box of kung pow chicken.  He chucked the box behind him and in landed in the Tuba's horn (of the Toad band & orchestra).  They began dancing nicely, just like their reherssal.  Just then the boos showed up carrying a carrot!  Bowser began to drool and chased the carrot.  Peach began chasing after Bowser but tripped as Mario and Daisy began dancing around her saying, 'Too bad you didn't pinch the dwarf's nose!  Too bad you didn't pinch the dwarf's nose!  Tooooo baaaad yooou didn't piiinch the dwaaaarf's NOOOOOSE!!!' (for some reason). Peach screamed as she woke up.  She panted heavily as she looked around.
"Where am I?" she asked herself.  She stood up.  Steel bars caged her in to a small dark jail-cell, "Oh no...THE DAYS OF BEING A CAGE-DANCER HAVE COME BACK TO HAUNT ME!!!" then she noticed King Boo was watching her through the bars, "Oh, no the boos just captured me.  Thank God!"  King Boo frowned.
"Peachy Peachy ignorant you are.  You are only here until you agree to something."  Peach looked into the evil king's eyes.
"What?" she asked suspiciously.
"If you agree to purposely lose the dance-off, then we will spare your life...maybe...ok, ok, ok, yes we will."
WHAT?!?!  No!  I will not lose at all whatsoeva!"  King Boo laughed evilly.
"Oh really,"  Boo pressed a button and the wall next to PEach began to open.  Peach swore as she backed up against the opposite wall.  Suddenly, two eyes appeared in the opening.  Then a giant Blooper came out!!!  It roared loudly.  Peach screamed in a high pitchy like way.  The terrible Blooper's tentacles grabbed Peach know...shook her around.
"Mwahahahahaha!!!" King Boo cried.  Peach started desperately punching the Blooper...that did nothing.
"HA!" King Boo said, "Now will you agree with me and lose the dance-off?"
"NOOOO!" Peach replied.  King Boo pondered.
"Fine!  I'll just leave you and the Blooper alone for a while and come back to see if you've-mwaha-changed your mine-MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*wheeze*MWAHAHA*cough*ha*hack, cough, spits out hairball*.  Peach winced in disgustion at the hairball, and out of embarrasment, King Boo disappeared.  The Blooper began flailing it's tentacles all over the place!  In fact, they broke through the steel bars that were holding Peach prison!  Peach noticed this and was suddenly filled with hope!  If she could just get away from this terrible Blooper, she could escape and still win the contest!  Peach thought quickly and then remebered something.  Her pointy crown!  She quickly took it off her head, and with careful aim, chucked it at the blooper's eye!  It screamed in pain as the Blooper dropped PEach to the ground.  Peach quickly grabbed her crown, and escaped the terrible prison, leaving the Blooper to cry!  Peach was finally freed, and she rushed out, ending up in the Armory Room.  Peach jumped at the sight of the suit of armor staring down at her, and reached for her Poltergust.  It wasn't there!  Peach gasped.  They stole her Poltergust 3001!  Peach looked back at the suit of armor, and poked it so that it fell to the ground with a loud THUD.  Peach sighed.  She might have been safe from that huge Blooper, but she was like a sitting duck in a haunted house with no poltergust...of course ducks can't use poltergusts, cuz if they could we'd ALL be in trouble!  But any ways, Peach had to get back her poltergust, but where was it?
"Pssst!" someone whispered.
"Who's there?" she asked jumping around.

Who is it?  You'll have to keep reading to find out!  2 B Continued...

Edited by - The Blue Toad  on 5/12/2005 3:37:03 PM
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...


  • Normal
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2005, 06:17:36 PM »
Who was the one that whispered "Pssst!" to Mario?  Oh, the suspense!  The awful, awful suspense! *sits painfully for next chapter*

If your day is bad, a nice comment at night can change everything.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2005, 06:32:15 PM »
I bet I know but I won't say who. :)

"Do you got a mullet goin’ on?"
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #21 on: May 14, 2005, 06:08:54 AM »
Good fanfic, but i hate cliff hangers!
 Mario is a nutritional part of your every-day meal!!!

« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2005, 01:38:29 PM »
Alright, here's the next chapter!  The mystery charactor is....(not a big surprise)

Chapter 13: A New Portrait ~ Peach spun around yelling,
"I know Jackie Chan very well, and he'll kick your ace if you get any closer!"  Madame Clairvoya was shocked.  It was just the weird fortune teller who had helped out Luigi.  When Peach saw that this ghost was not going to harm her, she out out of "judo karate mode".  Peach demanded to know who this ghost was.
"I am Madame Clairvoya."
"Oh ok...who are you, now?"
"I am the fortune teller who haunts this mansion day after day.  I beleive you are Peach, no?" she asked.  Peach was very confused.
"Wait a tick!  How do you know my name, and why aren't you throwing bananas at me, or something?"  Madame Clairvoya sighed a deep sigh.
"I helped Luigi find his brother when he was last in this mansion.  I have been evesdropping on the boos, and heard their terrible plans to kidnap Mario!  Again, Luigi would have to come here, I would have to help him, and quite frankly, I'm tired of doing that stuff."  PEach was still confused, but went along with it.
"So you want to help me?" she asked.
"Yes.  I want to help you." she replied.
"Great.  Now, for starters the boos took my Poltergust 3001.  I need it back...get it back for me please."  Madame Clairvoya gave PEach an annoyed look.
"I will help you find this Poltergust 3001, but you have to get it on your own!"
"What?  Why?" PEach asked.
"I would make this story more exciting, and stuff. *clears throat* Alright."  Clairvoya closed her eyes tightly and hummed to herself, ".......Spirits......" she called out quitly, ".......I call to you.......Spirits.......hmmmmmmmmm.......hmmmmmmmm.....Spirity Spirity Spirity-ALRIGHT come ON already!" she yelled impatiently, "Ah!  I am getting something! to me spirits....You, Peach,"
"Are going,"
"Go to the ball with Bowser!"  Peach frowned as she tried to punch Clairvoya, only having her fist fly threw the transparent fortune teller.
"I already know that you transparent, blue FREAK!" she yelled.
"Ok O-K!!!  My God!  Take it easy!  Geesh...any ways, your Poltergust is in, none other than, the Ball Room!  Talk about a coincidence!" the freaky fortune teller said as she came out of her trance.
"Alright.  Thank you Madame Clairvoya, you have been, oh...a tad bit of help." PEach said.
"Good luck Princess, and remember...YOU'RE GOING TO THE DANCE WITH A GIANT IGUANA!!!!" she yelled as she disappeared into the wall.  Steam shot out of PEach's ears as she flicked her off (even though she wasn't there any more).

Peach tip-toed her way through the mansion, opening door after door, trying to find the ball room.  Finally she found a large door with a very large sign above it that read: 'THIS IS THE BALL ROOM YOU MORON'  Peach gently placed her ear on the door to try and hear if there was anyone inside.  She heard the sound of music along with Bou and King Boo singing 'A Spoon Full Of Sugar Makes the Medicine Go Down'.  Peach would've laughed if this was not as serious of a matter as it was.  She slowly creaked open the door to find something to her horror!

What is it?  Find out next time!  2 B Continued!....

Just kidding!  Peach slowly creaked open the door to luckily find Bou and King Boo dancing blind-folded!  Why blind-folded you ask?  Because it was part of their daily practice.  Dancing blind-folded will help them...most likely.  Peach saw her little pink Poltergust 3001 sitting by the wall!  If she could just get to it, all her problems would be solved (excpet for that annoying problem of wetting the bed every Tuesday).  Peach quitly snuck in unnoticed, being extremely silent as she snuck across the walls in shadow to where her Poltergust was.  King Boo suddenly stopped, the music coming to a halt too.
"Alright Bou darling, I think that's enough for today.  Let's both take off our blind-folds and look around the room to see if Peach somehow managed to escape that huge blooper and is trying to get her Poltergust 3001 back as we speak!  Ha!"  With that they took off their blind-folds and stared at Peach, who was inches away from the Poltergust.
"  A spoon full of sugar?"
"GET HER!!!" King Boo yelled.  Bou took out a giant wooden bazooka thing.
"Woah!" Peach said, staring at the large weapon, "What is that?!?"
"This is the Coco-nut Blaster.  I "borrowed" it from DK.  I hope ya like coco-nut!"  Bou began firing coco-nuts at Peach.  She barely dodged them.
"Holy crap!" Peach cried as two more zoomed past her head, smashing into the wall.  Bou laughed evilly as she fired more shots.
"I wanna shoot it!" King Boo cried as he tried to take the coco-nut blaster away from Bou.
"Get Off Fatty!" she shot back.
"Come on!!!"
"NO!!!"  PEach watched as they fought over the coco-nut blaster like little children.  This was her chance!  She grabbed the Poltergust 3001, pointed it at the boos and said:
"Ya know," the boos stopped and looked at Peach in horror, "You may be good at dancing, but when it comes to getting along, you guys really SUCK!" PEach knocked them out with the boxing glove, and began sucking them in!
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Bou cried as she tried her hardest to break free.
"HOW CAN I POSSIBLY BE CAPTURED AFTER SUCH A LAME LINE!!!  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"  King Boo yelled as he too tried breaking free.  Bou disappeared into the Poltergust, King Boo soon to follow.  Just like that the two dance champion boos were gone.  Sucked into oblivion.  Gone with the wind.  Vaccummed like a dust get the point.  PEach blow over the top of her Poltergust like she was one of those cowboys in those old western movies.
"I guess my work here is done," she said.  Madame Clairvoya appeared next to her.
"Excellent work Princess!  Now Luigi won't have to bug me, and neither will you!  See you at the Ball!" Clairvoya said, as she disappeared once more.  Peach had saved Mario and Daisy ahead of time, now it was time to beat the aces at the Mushroom Kingdom's Annual Ball!

With the Boos gone and Eveyone safe, the only thing left to do is dance!  See what happens in Chapter 14!  2 B Continued!....  
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2005, 02:19:29 PM »
Alright, I was correct! * gathers up a thousand coins and throws them around happily*

"THIS IS THE BALLROOM YOU MORON!" Ha ha!!  I loved that line.  Can't wait to see how this story ends.  I wish I was a little longer though but maybe it will be.

"Do you got a mullet goin’ on?"
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2005, 02:58:03 PM »
wow.  this story went farther than i expected :)  Congrats Yoshisaurus Rex for guessing correctly!  You get...well, nothing, actually.  Nothing but ANOTHA CHAPTAH!

Chapter 14: Peach Wins! ~ Peach knocked proudly at the door of Professor E. Gadd, the boos locked away in her little pink poltergust.  Inside, Peach could hear 'Bye Bye Bye' blaring on the sterios, and she could swear she heard Elvin singin' along.  The music was quickly turned off and Prof. Gadd opened the door quickly.
"Peach!  What brings you here?....why aren't you dead yet?"
"I said, 'why aren't you...bread, yet?'"
"Nevermind," the old guy quickly said, "What are ya doin'?"
"Professor," Peach replied happily, "I caught the ballroom dancing boos!"  The boo's voices could be heard from inside the poltergust:
King Boo: "I told you we should've just killed her ourselves!"
Bou: "No you didn't!  You said 'Give her to the Blooper!  Give 'er to the Bloop!' Come on!  Why do we even HAVE a blooper?"
King Boo:  "I TOLD you!  My stupid cousin Doopliss gave him to me.  He said it would make a great pet."
Bou: "URRRGH!   It is SO frickin' cramped in this #@$% poltergust!  MOVE!"
King Boo: "YOU MOVE!"
Bou: "Hey King Boo."
King Boo: "What?"
Bou: "MOVE!!!"
King Boo: "NO!!!"
Bou: "Ahh!  Get your hands of my-"
"ANY ways," Prof. E Gadd interuptted, "How did you capture them?"
"With my own bare hands and Madame Clairvoya and a Blooper and this Poltergust 3001," Peach replied.
"Excellent!  Bring it in here!" Elvin said, letting PEach inside.  He lead her to a large machine.  The same machine that Luigi had used to turn the ghosts back into paintings.  Prof. E Gadd took the Poltergust 3001 and placed the nozzle in the opening.  Bou and King Boo were sucked into the chamber, and could be seen having a cat fight, their arms flying around wildly, trying to slap each other.  King Boo noticed his surroundings.
"Hey...what's this...are we free?  YES!!!"  just then they were sucked into another chamer where they were washed, pressed, heated, inflated and spun.  At the end, the painting was complete.  It was of King Boo and Bou.  King Boo was giving Bou bunny ears, and Bou was slapping King Boo.  A wonderful painting.  Prof. E Gadd hung it in the best part of his gallery.
"Congrats PEach, you've done it!"
"I know!  Where's my cookie, or something?  Come on.  Cough it up oldie."
"Hahaha!  PEach,"
"What?  I'm not kidding."
"...oh.  Um...I don't have any cookies right now," he replied awkwardly.
"*sigh* Whatever," PEach said, checking her watch (that she suddenly had on), "Well oldie, it's been fun, but I got to go.  There's only two more days until the Mushroom Kingdom's Annual Ball, and I have a dance reherssal with Bowser.  You know, he's actually quite good."
"Hmm, yes, I wonder why.  You know, they say love can make you do anything.  I bet Bowser is suddenly a good dancer because he has feelings deep inside for-"
"Ok, ok, ok!  My God!  Shut up.  i'm leaving.  See ya at the dance."

Will she see him at the dance, or will a strange mishalf cause her to miss what she's been waiting for?!?!  2 B Continued...

Why don''t they just give the stupid rabbit some Trix?  
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...


  • Normal
« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2005, 07:11:16 PM »
Whoohoohoo!  This is so--agh!  It makes me shake with delight like a person having a seizure!  Except, you know, I have the delight part.

I wanna see Bowser an Peach again.  They were so cute as a couple: both mean to others, both can dance, both hate Mario at the moment, both are... well, in the story.

If your day is bad, a nice comment at night can change everything.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2005, 07:59:39 PM »
lol!  Thanx Markio.  i'll call 911 for that seizure.

Chapter 15: Where's Bowsah? ~ Peach rode her way down the road.  She had to stop at her castle first to change out of her muddy dress.  Besides the mud, everything was goin' great.  She had saved Mario and Daisy, had a good dance partner, and was gonna (hopefully) whoop the pants off of Mario!  Peach decided to give herself a pat on the back.  She did, and accidentally drove into a tree since she didn't have both hands on the steering wheel.  Remember everyone, buckle up ;)  Peach swore (around eleven times), backed up, and parked inside her castle.  Peach hummed the theme from Everybody Loves Raymond.  She entered the castle and called out:
"Toadsworth!  Get down here Homie T!"  Toadsworth was about to come down but stopped at the sound of Homie T.
"Oh my God." He started to go back upstairs.
"No, no nooo!  Toadsworth come back!  You won't BELIEVE what I just did!" PEach cried.
"Called me Homie T?" Toadsworth replied.
"No!  I just defeated the Ballroom Dancing Boos!  Go me!"  There was a long silence.  Toadsworth sipped his tea/possibly crap.
"Ok.  You're gonna be late for your dance reherssal with Bowser ya know."
"Oh, shut up ya old shriveled up fungus, I know!" Peach shot back.
"Lord, let Mario apologize to Peach, cuz she is being such a-"
"Nothing.  Leave.  ...go kiss your lizard..."

Peach sat in her Private Jet listening to 'Here Comes the Sun'. As she sang along.  She was flying to Bowser's castle, in her new, clean dress.
"la la la la, la la la la...Here comes the sun and I saaaa-AAAAY IT'S ALRIIIIIGHT!!!!!  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Peach screamed as the plane began to crash to the ground!  It landed with a CRASH!  Peach ran up to the ****k-pit (hee hee!)  She slammed open the door.  Inside were the two pilot Toads, twelve bottles of beer on the ground, nine in their hands.  Peach sighed.  Remember, Don't Drink And Drive!  And That's No Joke! ;)  Peach got out of the jet.  At least they crashed right in front of Bowser's door!  She knocked.  She knocked again.  And again.  Finally, Kamek creaked open the door.
"Where's Bowser?" she asked.
"Um...I'm sorry to say this PEach, but Bowser's missing."  Kamek replied.
"The guy is 8 feet and 9 inches tall, how can you lose him?!?!" she cried, "We have our reherssal tonight!!!"  Kamek invited PEAch in.
"I'm sorry Peach, but last we saw him he was talking to Mario over the phone, and he ran out of the castle two days ago.  That was the last we saw of him!  Peach followed Kamek into the living room as the sat down on a large green couch.
"What did MArio tell him?" she asked angrily.
"We aren't sure, but we know that Bowser is gone."  Kamek touched PEach's hand reasuringly.
"What are you doing ya lil' pervert?" she asked, yanking her hand away.
"Sorry, it was in the moment," he replied.  PEach thought for a moment.  Where could he be?  Suddenly, Peach realised something.  She...dare I say it...missed him!  She shuddered at the thought and said,
"EEEEEEeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEeeeeeEEEEEEEEEE...w," Kamek stared at her, and it was quite awkward, "Um...listen...have him call me when he come back.  We HAVE to win this dance-off, or so help me...I WON'T FRICKIN' LOSE!!!.......................Alright, I better get goin'.  So remember, tell him to call me back and...bye."  Peach walked to the door.
"Yeah.  Bye," Kamek said, giving her a weird look.  PEach shut the door.  A few seconds later PEAch opened the door and stomped up to Kamek.  She slapped him across the face.
"No one makes Peach feel like an idiot ya little snake in a shell!" she cried as she stomped back out.  A few seconds, she awkwardly walked back inside again, "Um...Kamek, I need a ride."  KAmek, afraid of getting slapped replied,
"Alright.  Where to?"
"Mario's house," Peach replied unnexpectedly, "I have to have a little pep talk with Mushroom Kingdom's 'Mustached Hero'."

Is MArio about to die?  2 B Continued...

Why don''t they just give the stupid rabbit some Trix?

Edited by - The Blue Toad  on 5/16/2005 6:24:51 PM
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2005, 05:30:06 PM »
Chapter 16: I Can't Let You Do That Mr. Mario ~ Peach rode along in Kamek's tiny lime green volts wagon beetle.  It was cramped inside, and Kamek was blaring country songs as loud as he could while smapping his fingers and bangin' his head.  Peach was getting quite annoyed.
"Uh...Kamek," she said, "Not to be rude, but...who are you taking to the ball?"
"I went skyyyyy DIvin' and a-rocky mountain climbin' and- what PEach?  Oh!  The Ball.  I'm goin' with Kammy Koopa.  She's Bowser's henchwoman whenever Bowser 'goes paper', and I guess that would just work out.  WHOOO!  Go TIM!!!" He yelled, turning the music up even higher.  PEach sighed.  Finally, after 5 Tims, 4 Rebas and 11 Dixie Chicks, they arrived at MArio (and Luigi)'s house.  Peach quickly got out and slammed the door.  She gave a long sigh, happy to be free of the tiny Grand Ol Opri (or whatever it's called).  Peach fixed her hair and loudly knocked on the door.  MArio peeked through the window, and at the sight of PEach gave a high-pitched squeak, like-"EEEEEKEEEEEL!"  PEach rang the door bell over and over and over and over and over and OVER & OVER & OVER & OVER & OVER & OVER & OVER & OVER again and again...and again...and again.  Finally Luigi opened the door yelling,
"WHAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!!?"  There was a long pause in which Luigi took in a deep breath and said, "Hi...Mario's in the kitchen."  He swung the door open.  Peach shoved the green plumber to the side as he rammed into their coatrack and broke it in half, "Oh, COME ON!" he yelled as he quickly tried to fix it.
PEAch entered the kitchen to find Mario sitting at their table drinking milk (labeled 'Moo Moo for Children 1-5) and eatinf chopped up Oreos (just like mom maked).  And to top it off he was singing (a take-off from 'Put Your Left Foot In'):
"Dip the Oreo in!  Take the Oreo Out!
Dip the Oreo in, and then you take it out!
EAt it eat it eat it, so yummy in your mouth!
That's what it's all about!  WOOOO!  Haha!  Alright, Luigi, come in with your accordian!......Luigi?"  Mario turned to see the furious PEach who was standing behind him the entire time.  Mario quickly shoved the oreos in the trash, acting as if he wasn't eating them, "Oh PEach!  Hi! just drinkin' some milk.  Ya be fit and strong.  Heh heh..." PEach walked over and grabbed Mario's milk, pouring it on his red cap.  Milk dripped all over Mario's head, his cap soaking wet.  Luigi poked his head in the kitchen,
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he said.  Peach gave him an angry look and he quickly disappeared.  Mario spit out some milk and said sternly,
"NO one, touches the cap."  Peach ignored him and cut right to the chase.
"Mario.  Do you know what is going on two days from now?" Peach took off Mario's hat so she could look into his blue eyes.
"Um...the Mushroom Kingdom's Annual Ball?"
"That's right.  And do you know who my dance partner is?"
"Heh heh!  Yeah, Bowser!" he said, milk coming out of his nose.  Peach punched him in the gut.
"STick with me tubby.  You called Bowser the other day, didn't you?"  Mario gulped loudly.
"Perhaps...yes.....yes i did."
"What did you tell him?" she asked sweetly.
"MArio darling...what did you tell him?"  Mario gulped again, getting sweaty.
"I told him.................."
I told him.........................."
"I told him.................."
"*sigh* nothing, just-WHAT DID YOU TELL HIM?!?"
"I told him that if he didn't look good for the dance, you wouldn't dance with him, and he would be a FAAAAAAAAAILURE!"  Peach nodded.  She picked up the soaking red cap with to fingers and slopped it back on Mario's already wet head.
"That's what I thought....Where is Bowser now?" she asked, just as she was leaving.
"Um.......I don't know," Mario said.  EAting an Oreo.
"Riiiiiiight ya little toilet sucker."
"NOoooooOOOoooooOOOothing."  PEAch exitted the kitchen to see Luigi walk up to her yelling,
"JERRY!  JERRY!  JERRY!  JERRY!" PEach glared at him as he slowly became more quiet, "JERRY!  Jerry!  Jerry.  Jerry...jerr..y...jerr...............see ya later Peach."  And like that PEAch was gone.  It was gonna be a long walk home, but it was better than listening to Tim over and over and over again.

2 B Continued...
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #28 on: May 16, 2005, 07:46:52 PM »
Alright, I'm just gonna keep this story rolling ever so rolling-ly...ish.  This story is gonna be rollin' like a watermelon in a rollerskate factory!

Chapter 17: Peach, Panic, & Pancakes ~ Peach opened the door to her castle.  Toadsworth happened to be standing right there, and quickly threw his tea/possibly crack to the floor, and covering his ears.  He knew PEach would yell, or do something that would hurt his ears.  Instead, PEach simply sighed and walked up the stiars whimpering.  Toadsworth swore.  That was a REALLY good cup a tea/a liquid substance that could possibly be beer.
"Peaches!" he called to her.
"Oh my God.  PLease don't call me that oldie."
"Alright.  Princess!  What happened?" he asked.  Peach sat down at the top step.  Naturally Toadsworth did the same.  PEach gave him a weird look.
"This ain't a cheesey sitcom, stand up."  Toadsworth stood up from the step and looked down at her, "Alright.  Mario scared Bowser out of dancing in the contest.  Now Bowser ran away, I'm left with no dance partner, and Mario and Daisy will...sniff...WIN THE DANCE-OFF!!!"  she cried.
"Oh PEach...I'm not sure why you said the word "sniff" in the middle of your sentence, but it was sad none the less.  Don't worry.  The Mushroom Kingdom will understand that you don't have a date even though you rule over the kingdom, are the fairest and prettiest on the land, go with Mario every year, is always the finalist in the dance-off, wears pink...alright I'm lost, why will they understand?" Toadsworth said.  Peach glared at Toadsworth.
"You are one annOYING little mushroom!  I hate my frickin' life." PEach said, her face falling into her hands.
"It's ok.  It is ok.  It;s ok PEach.  Peach, it's okay.  stop crying.  PLease stop your tear dropping.  DANGIT PEACH STOP!!!"  Peach quickly stopped crying.
"Fine ya little *mumble mumble mumble*"
"I'll go make some pancakes.  That often helps...for...some...reason............bye."  Toadsworth left ot make pancakes as PEach pitied herself.  She had saved Mario from the boos, and loved him for years, and this was how he repaid her???  THen again, she thought, maybe this is getting her back for all the dangerous things Peach got Mario into.  That time she gave him a "treasure map" and he ended up saving her before she was possessed by a dark spirit.  The time Bowser took over her castle and Mario defeated him and got back all the stars.  And just recently when he saved their vacation.  MAybe she deserved it..........ah heck!  As long as she's gettin' pancakes, everything will be fine!  TRoadsworth entered the room.
"Uh, sorry princess, we're out of pancake mix."

2 B Continued!.........
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #29 on: May 17, 2005, 05:46:46 PM »
Chapter 18: The Pressure ~ Peach paced back and forth and back and forth next to the telephone.  She sighed.  She sat on her bed, staring at the phone for hours upon hours.  Finally she stood up and began STRANGLING the phone!  She gnashed her teeth as tried to choke the phone to death.
"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!  WHY WON'T YOU RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING???!!!  RING!  RING!  RING!!!"  She screamed in frustration as the phone continued do i say it..."not die"(?)  Toadsworth was walking past her room to hear Peach yell, "I WANNA HEAR YOUR DING-A-LING!!!"  Toadsworth thought of this for  while.  'Oh my God,' he thought, 'What is she DOing???'  Toadsworth slammed open the door.
"PEACH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?"  right as he burst in, Peach was about to chuck the phone out the window.  At the sight of her old severvent, she casually set it down.
"WHAT!?!......*clears throat*...I mean-what?  I'm cool.....shut up.  I'M FRICKIN' COOL!!!" Toadsworth sighed.
"Peach?...why do you hate the phone?  It's a nice phone.  It's name is Phoney.  He is so sweet and.......why are you giving me a weird look?  Just_NEVERMIND!!!" he quickly said.
"Toadsworth, you don't understand.  Bowser's gone, and Kamek hasn't called yet to tell me if he's come home yet.  EEEEEEE!  WAAAAAH!" Peach cried.
"There there PEAch.  It's not so bad.  He'll call...sometime."
"Oh yeah...SUX!"
"Sorry...why don't you just relax.  You stress yourself out too much.  I'll get your panda beanbag chair, make some cookies and turn on all those Gilmore Girls DVD's you seem to love so much," Toadsworth said in a baby voice.
"*sniff*.....fine." PEach replied.  Toadsworth sighed as he exitted the room saying,
"The things I do for this chick, my gosh..."  Suddenly, the phone rang!  Peach squealed loudly and picked up the phone:
Peach: "HELLO?!?"
PEach: ".....ok, who is this?"
WArio: "Guess!"
PEach: "No."
Wario: "Fine!  It's me!  WArio!"
PEach: "................What do ya want ya dirty bastar-"
Wario: "I heard you were going to the dance with...*snicker*...BOWSER!  WAHAHAHAHA!  Is this true?!?!?!"
PEach: "SHUT UP WARIO!.....yes, I am going to the ball with Bowser.  So what?"
WArio: "Oh nothing, nothing-WAHAHHAHA!  The guy's half-frickin'-lizard!"
Peach: "Yeah, and you're half Keebler Elf!"
Wario: "What?"
PEach: "YA heard me."
WArio: "Whatever!  Here, my bro wants to talk to you."
PEAch: "NO!!!"
Waluigi: "PEEEEEACH!"
Peach: *sigh*
Waluigi: "EHHEHEHEHEHE!  You're goin' with Bowser?!?!"
Peach: "SHUT UP!!!  YOU DONT KNOW NOOOOOOOOOTHING!!!"  PEach slammed down the phone in tears.  Toadsworth entered.
"Alright!  Do you want season 1 2 or 3?  Come on!  The Gilmore Girls won't watch themselves!...unless of coarse,-"
"Of coarse.  *Sigh*."

What'll happen?  Where IS Bowser?  2 B Continued!...  
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...
