
Author Topic: Mario's Sacrifice 2: Death's gamble  (Read 3986 times)

« on: June 24, 2005, 07:40:26 PM »
Chapter One: The gates. Luigi had already packed his bags and was ready for the long journey ahead. His friends Yoshi, Wario, and even Waluigi had decided to come. He thought of what the creature had told him earlier.... " Legend has it, that deep in the land of Subcon, a treasure awaits anyone who seeks it. It is also said to bring anyone back to life. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. Traps and monsters will defend it with their very lives. Getting there is also a difficult task to preform. It is not of this plain. It is a different world itself..." Luigi, of course, knew this, because of the war againts Wart he and his brother had years ago. Subcon was actually, a dream world. It would take an extream amount of meditation to get there. The hooded one would assist them, but would only go as far as the front gates, for reasons he would not explain. However, this didn't phase Luigi. His only thoughts were getting his brother back. The other three came to his house. Yoshi had just recovered from the neck injury he recieved when Luigi's old house caved in on him. The four sat down, and started to meditate. They thought of Subcon itself, and it's citizens. Before long, they had made it. Everything they were in contact with, like their supplies, came with them. " Okay, were here. Now where is our little friend?" Luigi looked around for the small creature who had informed him about this. He was standing at the front gates. " Here you are, I've helped you into this land, getting out will be your problem. Enter at your own risk." Luigi was confused. Subcon was a peaceful place. Why would he need to be careful? The creature read his mind, by looking at his face. " This is the darkest part of Subcon. Where the treasure lies. Be careful, as I might open the gates to your doom. Stick together. If you are lost, you will never make it out. The gates opened, and a dark world was opened to there eyes. The clouds were black, and the ground was dry. Unthinkable adventure awaited our hero's. Wario asked, " What happens if one of us dies?" But there was no answer. The creature had left. " Lets-a go." Luigi said. I need that treasure. The 4 made it in. The walked on, for about an hour. " I'm-a hungry!" Waluigi became frustrated. " Shut up! Yoshi!" The green dino gave him a piece of his mind. " Yoshi! Were almost..." But before Yoshi could finish, someone howled out in pain! It was Wario, and he was being attacked by....Triclyde! The ugly three headed monster had returned! It had sunk it's teeth into Wario's arm. Blood was dripping out. Fast! The poor fat guy punched the dragon beast hard, and he released. Triclyde raised it's three haeds and attacked! It looked bad for our hero's....TO BE CONTINUED....

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 6/25/2005 4:09:31 PM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2005, 05:54:11 PM »
Chapter two: Dark enemy. The four faced Triclyde with a battle stance. Luigi knew how strong the beast was. It's three heads had minds of their own, and could attack whenever they wanted to. Just like the battle with Anger, Waluigi wasted no time. However, Triclyde was not invincible. It felt a good deal of pain when Wario's brother kicked it in the face. But, it was quick. Triclyde struck back. It's teeth punched a hole right through Waluigi's leg. " Gagghhh!! That hurts!" Waluigi fell to the ground but stood back up, ready to fight. Tricyde opened it's mouth. Out came a burst of fire, hotter than an oven! It missed our hero's, but was still a huge threat. However, Wario, had an idea! Tricylde opened up it's mouth again, except this time, Wario stuffed some garlic he had in his pocket a year ago and chewed it up! " BLECHH!!! YOSHI!!" The friendly dino looked grossed out. But wouldn't you be if your friend stuck raw garlic into their mouths? Anyway, Wario wasted no time jumping up and blasting Triclyde with...his bad breath. Then, while the beast was stunned, he took a match ( that was also placed in his pocket ) and lit it. The fat man put it front of his butt, and........and........I think you know what he does next. Triclyde was fried! " Dragon bits, anyone?" Wario was laughing and having a good time. " God, your such an idiot! Yoshi!" Do I have to tell you who said that? Luigi, however, was not amused. " Get a grip! Were not here to make jokes! Were here to get tha treasure to save my brother!!!" Wario shut his mouth. Waluigi gave him the, " don't say anything else from now on" look on his face. The four pushed on. They had no idea that Triclyde was just the begining....

Deep in a dark cave, a mysterious figure travled in. In case your wondering, it's the hooded guy from the begining. He travled in, and bowed to a large figure. " My master, the fools are headed right for the treasure. As we are both in a weakened state, we cannot make the jorney to retrieve it. However, the fools will kill all the monsters, so that we can nab it before they do! All I have to do is follow them secretly! The Hooded creature took of his hood, as it revealed itself to be..............I'm not gonna tell you yet! Pipe down! The larger creature spoke. " Yesssssss........By using the treasure, I can restore my strength....." I can tell you who this guy is though. It......was......Mario???!!!! Just kidding. I'll tell you who it is later! What? You trying to tell me you want to spoil the story? God, you people today! Mabey I should just stop right now with a TO BE CONTINUED!!!! Ahhhh! I mob of angry story spoilers has just.....ACKKKK!!

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 6/26/2005 8:58:03 PM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2005, 10:14:41 PM »
Chapter 3: Partners!!??? that I'm done with that angry mob, I'm ready to begin chapter 3. Luigi was thinking of his brother. The great times he had together. Squashing coins with Wario ( Wario was crushed, of course. ) Throwing parties. Racing Go-Karts. Fighting in tournements againts other Nintendo characters. But, perhaps his greatest memory was the time he traveled to Bean Kingdom. Luigi missed his brother. He was his best friend. But he was gonna get him back. Somehow. Luigi was wide awake. It was hard to daydream with Waluigi nagging about how heavy his bag was. " Why does-a this bag have to be so heavy? It feels like something is-a alive in there!" Yoshi was frustrated. Luigi snapped back. " If you think-a it's so heavy, then start pumping iron, ya stick!" Yoshi noticed that his friend had changed. Luigi was angry. Mario's death had shaped his universe for the worst. Waluigi and Luigi began a fist fight. Wario had to butt in. Waluigi dropped his bag. "Ouch!!!" The bag screamed. The others froze. "The bag is haunted!!!" They all yelled. Just then, something, or someone, climbed out. It was Goombella. " Hey, I-a know you." Luigi said. " Your Mario's pal, aren't you? What in the-a sam hill are you doin' here?" Goombella was never shy. She was sassy as always, and remarked, "Well, I spied on you the other day, and was wondering why you were talking about Mario. So, I tagged along, sort of. I hid in your bag." Luigi snapped, " No duh." Goombella snapped back, "Well, I came along, and that's that! We heard you talking about bringing Mario back to life. After the batt;e with Anger, we just had to help Mario in any way possible!" Luigi looked confused. " We??? What do you mean, we?" Goombella got a sly look on her face. " I brought some friends." Out of the bag came all of Mario's partners from his TYD adventure. Each one said their name. " Koops! Flurrie! Ms. Mowz! Bobbery! Vivian!" There was one last partner, who didn't say his name. It was a baby Yoshi. Big Yoshi went over and talked to him. " Don't be shy! Say your name!Yoshi!" The baby Yoshi began to speak. " My name name name is......MR.T, FOO!!!!!!! And I aint as shy as you think I am!!!!!" Big Yoshi fell back. " Yoshi! That one has spunk!!!" Luigi, looked happy. " Well, with your help, I think we can find that treasure with ease! Were a complete party!" The party was a total number of 11, including the original four. No matter what, nothing would stop them from saving Mario....or so they thought.

Back at the cave of death, the two figures spoke. " Hmmmmmm...." said the big figure. " It seems he has help. Doesn't matter. The will find the treasure, and I will steal it. Everything is going as I thought it would." " Yesssss....and then we shall take our revenge...." The smaller figure hissed. Sadly, their meating was cut short by the three words at the end of every chapter. TO BE CONTINUED!!!! Well, still trying to guess who our villians are? Could it be Bowser? Or mabey a different enemy, from the past, even further back than the battle with Anger? Don't hold your breath! Our mystery bad guys will be revealed later!!! Dun, dun, dun......

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2005, 04:31:57 PM »
Chapter 4: Luigi: Title of the Strongest???. From now on, were gonna call the dark cave "Death chamber". Got that? Anyway, deep in Death Chamber, the larger creature and the small creature laughed and hissed. The small one said quietly, " Yessss....I feel....stronger.....evil thoughts have been brewing. I'm much stronger. I can't take it....I must attack..." The large one became angry. " NOOOO! YOU MUST WAIT! YOU ARE STILL NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO DEFEAT HIM! WE NEED THAT TREASURE!!!" But the small one didn't listen. He ran off. The large one tried to stop him, but fell down in pain. " Gahhhhgghh....blast! I'm....too...weak...." Meanwhile, somewhere deep in a dark forest, Luigi's gang decided to have lunch. The set out a blanket, and took out some food supplies. " I...don't like this place, it gives me the creeps! " Vivian dashed and grabed on to Luigi. Luigi blushed. " Listen...uhhhh...I'm already taken!" he said. Vivian let go and flew back to her corner. They were eating, finally, but not without a lookout. Wario was starving. But, he was the lookout. " Mamamia! Nothing isn't even gonna happen! I wanna go back and eat!" Then, of in the distance, he spotted something! It wasn't one, but two people! And one was floating! But, they dissapeared soon. Wario thought he had seen a ghost, or a boo of some sort. But, he was too hungry to think about it. Just then, someone screamed! He ran back as fast as he could. When he got to the forest site, he saw that the hooded guy had Goombella! Luigi attacked, but stood back. The creature was going to crush Goombella!! " What are you doing! I thought you were our friend!" The creature removed his hood. The face was so familar. It was Mario! But, it couldn't be! " Nooooo.....Mario!" Luigi became scared. " That's it.....your doubt....making me strong!!!" Luigi, knew who it was. " Why did you come back, Anger?" Anger removed it's cloak. It looked just like Mario, except a dark aura surrounded it. " After you defeated me, I was left broken and near death. I was able to feed on your last remaining hate for strength. But it was not enough. I crawled back into the ground, until I was discovered master. I will not tell you who he is, or his plans. But, now I have enough strength to destroy you!!!" Anger charged. It had, in mind, a great battle. It was wrong....dead wrong.

Luigi blocked Anger's punch with one finger. Anger could not beleve it. " Noooooo!!!! This....can't be happening!!!!" Luigi charged up for a massive energy blast. " You know, Anger, since my brother's death, I've built so much power, and spirit energy. I miss him dearly. But he would always be with me. In my heart. I think I'm gonna have to kill you now...." Anger ran screaming. Luigi yelled out. " I will send to the depths of the underworld!!!!" And so he did.

The larger creature, at Death Chamber, was dissapointed. " The fool....he didn't have enough strength. He must pay the price. But, everything is still going to plan. His little friends are going to have to go now. They might be trouble later. However, it seems I have even more problems. Two other people are searching for the treasure. That ugly dragon, and his hag of a whitch. They were in the forest today. It seems that this guy is Mario's arch rival....this might get too complicated. I'll have to send one of my own men after both groups...I'll leave Luigi and a few other's alive, so they can find the treasure for me anyway. Hahahahahaha......

So, it seems that Bowser and Kammy are also after the treasure! But why? Are the gonna use it to manipulate  Princess Peach? Or is it for some other reason? Will our mystery villian get to it first? Or will Luigi's gang win the day? You'll just have to wait for the next chapter! TO BE CONTINUED!!!

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 6/26/2005 3:33:34 PM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2005, 05:56:36 PM »
Chapter 5: Death's gamble. The hoard of monsters just would not seem to end. Every hour, on the hour, Luigi's party fought demon after demon. "We must be getting close! Yoshi! There are more and more of them every second!" Yoshi pounded a Shyguy with a spear into the ground. A Bullet Bill smashed into Wario. He was bloody, but still in the game! Waluigi became scared, and ran into a cave. But, there was a monster waiting for him there. A giant Monty Mole smaked him with it's claws. He, too, became bloody. No matter what they did, more and more monsters came after them! Luigi wondered if this was Bowser's doing. But, he looked into the monster's eyes. The were red. As if they were being manipulated by someone. Just then, someone yelled. Bobbery had been crushed between the jaws of a chain chomp. He was....dead. " NOOOO!!!! I'M NOT GONNA LET ANYONE KILL ANYMORE OF MY FRIENDS!!!!" But Luigi could not stop the monster hoard. One by one, all of Mario's former partners were killed. Only Luigi, the Wario Brothers, Yoshi, Mr.T, and Flurrie were left alive. But not for long. A massive Bullet Bill came out of nowhere. It was sent at ram jet speed at Flurrie and Mr. T. They were roasted the moment it hit. Luigi could not believe his eyes. His friends had all been killed. A dark figure appeared from nowhere. It was a MagicKoopa, one that looked like Kamek. It hissed, " DestroyDestroyKillKillAGHHHH!!!" It landed a massive energy beam through Waluigi's chest. It hit, and killed him too. Wario and Yoshi backed off. How could this have happened? Everyone was dead. But Luigi couldn't take it. He became enraged, and lost his mind. He dug his face in to the ground. The MagicKoopa was going to kill him too! But, not all was lost...

A swift figure moved across the sceen and split the MagicKoopa in two. It was Bowser, King of the Koopas. Luigi stood up. " What are you here for? ANSWER ME!!!" Bowser shot steam out of his nose. " That jerk stole and manipulated my own army with his magic staff! I came here to get em back. He sent that MagicKoopa to kill off your team, but leave you alive. That's what he told me before he left my castle. He wanted you guys to find the treasure, so that he could steal it! He's gonna use the treasure to rule the universe! We can find the treasure and get your friends back, but we have to get there fast! He's right on our trail!" Luigi asked, " Who? Who's on our trail?" Bowser answered, " It's....Grodus. He wants to use Death's Gamble, the treasure at the end of the road. It can kill, or bring anyone back to life. He will use it to destroy the world. His body was repaired by the last of his X-Nauts. But it wasn't that strong. It's very fragil. He could use Death's Gamble to restore life to his whole army and his body. We must stop him." Luigi somehow knew Bowser was telling the truth.  They had to find Death's Gamble before Grodus did. It was a race to the finish! TO BE CONTINUED!!

Well, is the sequal better, or worse than the first? Do you think I should have used a different villian than Grodus? I thought about that, but Grodus is awesome, and he fit the bill. Thoughts, guys! Please post!!

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2005, 10:34:06 PM »
Chapter 6: Mario's return.  Luigi and Bowser, along with Kammy, raced on. The two other remaining fighters, Wario and Yoshi, stayed behind to fight Grodus when he came. His army had been destroyed, but could easily be rebuilt with Death's Gamble. Yoshi was ready. Wario was too. They knew this was going to be a fight to the finish. Out of the blue came a blast of energy. It hit Yoshi in the foot. It had broken it in two. " YOSHI! MY FOOT!!" The green dino fell down. He couldn't get back up. The blast was too powerful. Grodus appeared. " Get out of my way. I have important buisness to take care of. I won't kill you, If you just move." Wario wouldn't take it. He attacked Grodus. But Grodus only raised his shield. Wario's attack did nothing. " Wait," said Grodus. " I have a good idea." He knocked Wario out with his staff, and dragged both Yoshi and him into the darkness. Meanwhile, Luigi and the other two were fighting a battle of there own. Againts the most fearsome creature of them all. A giant fire Pobodo. The monster was a mass of gas and flame. It attacked the three with heat that was ten times hotter than Triclyde's. " I'll try a spell, my largeness!" Kammy screamed to Bowser. No matter how much water she gathered though, the beast only turned it to steam. Luigi then thought of Wario's farting trick he did earlier. He told it to Bowser. He also told Kammy to take cover. As she did, the other two bent down. When the fire creature fired it's flame, they farted. It blew up the entire area around them. Amazingly, they all lived. But it wasn't over yet. The Death's Gamble was at the end. The three pressed on. At last, they reached the end. Death's Gamble was nothing more than a Gold Mushroom. Luigi picked it up. Death's Gamble spoke, " YOU MAY NOW MAKE THREE WISHES TO BRING ANYONE BACK TO LIFE. AFTER THIS, I WILL BE USELESS." Luigi began to speak. " I brother was...." Then, someone spoke out. " STOP!!!" It was Grodus, and he had Wario and Yoshi in a magical bind. " If you wish anything, I will crush your friends. Don't think I won't." Luigi laughed. " No matter what you do to them, I can bring them back with the DG! Your quest for power ends here!" He shouted. " I wish Grodus was dea...." but before he could finish, Bowser attacked Luigi! He fell to the ground. " You fool! Do you actually think I'd help you?" Bowser laughed. " evil......" Bowser took the DG. He was going to revive his entire army! Luigi, felt a strange energy. He knew who had given him the strength to stand up. It was Mario! Luigi said, " Now I know how I was able to defeat Anger so easily! Mario, you've been helping me all along!" He smacked Bowser about a quater mile. Before Kammy could launch an attack, he hit her, too! They were both out cold. Luigi took the DG, and wished his brother back to life. Mario was back!!! " YES! It feels good to be back!!!" Luigi was overjoyed! Grodus however, began to crush the other two. They started bleeding out the mouth. Luigi let his gaurd down for a moment. Grodus took the DG from him, and then powered up. " I WISH THE ENTIRE X NAUT ARMY WAS REVIVED!!!!!" At that moment, the entire X Naut army crashed into Subcon, through the 4D wall, and down to the Mushroom Kingdom!!! Grodus laughed! He vanished. " Luigi, we have to go after him!" Yoshi was dead. Wario spoke out. " Don'" He was dead. " Geez, this is just like last time!" Luigi said. But there was no help for Wario. They had to go back to the Mushroom Kingdom and fight Grodus! They meditated, and fell back to the Mushroom Kingdom. It was time for brother and brother to fight Leader and Army!!! TO BE CONTINUED...

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2005, 10:35:20 PM »
Chapter 7: The End? Mario and Luigi had made it to the new Toad Town. The X Nauts were already attacking the city. Mario took a stance. Grodus noticed the two, and ordered Lord Crump to crush them. But this fight wouldn't last long. Both Luigi and Mario charged up to an awesome power, and blasted a chunk of X Nauts. Lord Crump backed off. He ran, and Mario gave chase. Crump was stopped, and Mario raised his hand. With one swipe he lopped off his head. Grodus couldn't believe it. He had revived his whole army, and in less then a minute, he witnessed it's destruction at the hands of the Mario Brothers. " I just...don't get!" He started to cry. Mario answered, " Grodus, just because you have a whole army, doesn't make you stronger. It's quality, not quantity! Luigi and I share a bond, while your army is only focused on destruction! It's over! Hand over the Death's Gamble!" Mario should not have said that. Up until now, Grodus had forgotten about the Death's Gamble. It had one wish left. He raised it, and wished. " I wish my body had life brought back to it!" Grodus began to glow. The DG was useless. It fell to the ground and became a stone. Grodus was powerful. Just as strong as Mario and Luigi put together. He charged at both of them. Swish swish! They were moving fast. Punch after punch, each one would parry each attack. Grodus fired multiple shots at the two. It collided, and the two crashed into the ground. Luigi got up, and witnessed what was indeed a wonderful sacrifice. Bowser had grapped onto Grodus. " What are you doing, you traitor?" Bowser answered. " Grodus was using a magical bind on my mind when I smacked you down back there! But it doesn't matter! Fire!!!" Luigi woke Mario up. He informed him about what was going on. They both powered up. " Wait, were gonna hit you, Bowser! Move!" Bowser said, " I can't, just shoot! He's breaking free!" Grodus tried to get out, but couldn't. Bowser was way to strong. The Mario Brother's made up their mind. The launched the Double Supernove, a stronger attack then what Luigi used to kill Anger with the first time. It fried Grodus and Bowser. They were gone....

The Death's Gamble was totally useless. How would Mario wish anyone back now? All of his friends were dead. " the end....the DG is gone....and so are our friends....." Just then, something came out of the DG! It was an arrow! And it was pointing to the mountains. Whatever this was, it was important. The Bros. just had to check it out! TO BE CONTINUED IN: Mario's Sacrifice 3: Final Destination.

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 6/27/2005 10:24:38 AM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2005, 11:27:33 AM »
Well, now it's time for the final Chapter! What do you think of this trilogy so far? Ready for the final destination? Any fans out there reading this?

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2005, 05:00:17 PM »
That was even better than the first one... except for the farting bit... and Yoshi and Mr. T dying...
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2005, 09:28:22 PM »
Yes, well, I thought that I should have taken the farting stuff out, because it didn't make my story as serious as the first. But don't fear about our dino heros! They will be back!

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?
