
Author Topic: My Mario RPG  (Read 2783 times)

« on: July 19, 2001, 10:18:29 PM »
I'm sure by now you're all getting sick of my new topics, and I think the rules say no site advertising, but maybe for a bumbling fool like me they'll let this one slide? Anyways, I have a Mario RPG that I've had for about a year now, my brother Luigi (Adam) and I (Lee [Mario] ) made. I recently erased the 15 or so members we had because they had stopped participating. I want to make my dream happen again, so I want the lot of you Mario fiends (not meant insultively) to go and check it out at It's not the best graphic wise in the world, but I update faster than you can blink, plus it has all Mario songs and allows any Nintendo character. I am, of course, Mario, and my brother is Luigi. I'd like some real hardcore fans with plenty of or some time to join so I can start it again. All the message board posts got erased because it's been more than 60 days since the last post was posted. I'd really appreciate some feedback on my site and maybe some-a joinin' *nervous laugh*. Just remember, I'm a huge fan, so you can count on me to never delete it!

Hey, my first name, it''s-a Mario, and my last name, it''s-a Mario too, so you know, I''m-a Mario Mario!!
Kickin' it since 2000.
