
Author Topic: Walk for Destiny  (Read 3784 times)

« on: January 09, 2005, 02:02:12 PM »
Hope you all enjoy.
Disclaimer: All characters, settings, and pretty much anything that I did not create are copyrights of Nintendo. Credit also goes to any company that helped make anything from a particular game that is being referred to in this story. All original forms, concepts, etc belong to me. Now knowing Nintendo does not appreciate or allow any form of fan works (fan art, fan fiction, fan created games, etc)-I have to say one thing. That if they have a problem that some kid who is doing a tribute to there work that has entertained me since I was five, well they can wake up and smell the freshly brewed Koopa Tea.

The entire story will be done in Yoshi’s perspective (fans of my older worked loved my style when doing a character’s perspective)

Without further delay-here is my story.

A Walk for Destiny

Press start to play...

I always loved taking a walk. Especially, at night. I don't know if it is because of the fresh air. Maybe it is simply for the exercise. Or maybe it is the fact I can clear my mind. The chief told me that it somehow relieves stress. I have absolutely no idea why though.

A cold breeze briefly comes over. I shiver a bit and put my arm around myself for some warmth. But for a strange reason, well I always was somewhat strange so you should expect that, I enjoyed it. I like a small bit of coolness even if it's not hot out. Not that I enjoy something along the lines of 'put on a goomba loin cloth' cold but well you know. Just the kind that cools you down even if you do not need it.

I hear a sound. Not just any sound, but the kind you could never forget. That 'soft and calm yet loud enough for you to hear' voice of the Stork. His island nearby Isle Delfino is close nearby. So when he goes on his trips to deliver babies to the Mushroom Kingdom's grass land you will be bound to hear him.

What is the noise he is making? Well, to put it simply, and the only way of putting it for that matter, he is singing. As any bright being would know, the Stork's responsibility is delivering newborns. So every once in a while he has to sing some type of a lullaby. I heard this one before.

It's the song a tribe of reformed Shy Guys taught us. I assume they taught the stork that when he was nearby there territory.

Hush young child, don't be sad

All I want is to see you glad

I kind of forgot the rest, and it doesn't really matter. The whole point is-he's trying to calm a baby. I start to chuckle at his slightly annoying singing. But his job is to deliver them, not sing to them. But you'd do anything to hush a crying child...wouldn't you?

I quickly start to think about why I am walking all the time.

Maybe it is because I want to get away the others. Or because I got something upsetting me deep inside my heart that I am not even aware of.

"Finally, the kids are cute but, boy, they really can be cranky". I hear him say.

I look up in the air again, and than it came to me. Who is he talking to? I guess he just doesn't like thinking so much. While I am looking up at the sky I notice a star. To be honest with you, I don't think I ever saw a star so bright. It reminds me of the spirits.

Then it hits me. Maybe, just maybe, I am supposed to be here. For some reason, probably an important one.

As for why I like doing this, well who really cares? The point is I am enjoying it.

I keep walking some more and than a strange noise flies through the air.

It's hard to describe to you. I guess you had to hear it to get it. But I definitely recognize it. When a magikoopa attacked our village this noise would be heard whenever he used his wand... Oh no, don't tell me this is another attack.

I immediately start rushing to the noise. I hear it two more times once again.

My heart is pounding and I hope no one will be hurt. And I look up once again and see three spiraling shapes hit the stork. My eyes open wide in horror as I then see two bundles falling. The Magikoopa, well I assume it is, quickly grabs a bundle and the stork then he floats off.

One of the bundles is still falling. Maybe, I can still save it. As it keeps going faster and faster to ground, I too increase my speed. With a few moments it is closely reaching the ground.

With an act of desperation I leap toward its path.

Then I instantly taste dirt while my eyes shut tightly wincing in pain from the desperate act I made. But, to my relief I hear faint breathing. My eyes open and to my relief the child seems fine.

A sigh of relief escapes my mouth as the baby sleeps peacefully.

I guess my answer has came to me. The spirits wanted me here.

And it's pretty darn obvious why I am needed here.

Game Over, press start to continue your game

Well everyone there it is. My first one shot and my only completed work.

Constructive criticism and praise is greatly appreciated

Flames are accepted for my amusement

Working out for an hour and a half makes you get bigger muscles. Writing for an hour and a half makes you a better writer
~Stephen King
Working out for an hour and a half makes you get bigger muscles. Writing for an hour and a half makes you a better writer
~Stephen King

« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2005, 02:05:30 PM »
I agree w/ your readers. Your writing is very great, and i hope to read more in the future!
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.


  • Party Star
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2005, 03:44:37 PM »
Wow. I must say, this is great. You are talented. :)
It's Mario's world, I just live in it. :)
