
Author Topic: need help with beating the Koopa Kids in sma2 or their castles? Ask me!  (Read 2965 times)

« on: March 04, 2002, 11:55:39 AM »
So ask away I masterd ever castle and know shortcuts threw them! A big shortcut in Larrys!

Ludwig Von Koopa:HA HA HA we''''ll get you Mario,Luigi,and Yoshi!!! Bowser:I plan you dont! Ludwig:sorry got over my shell.
Ludwig Von Koopa:HA HA HA we will get you Mario,Luigi,and Yoshi!!! Bowser:I plan you dont! Ludwig:sorry got over my shell. Ludwig:I get carried away scnce im the strongest Koopa kid! Note: Im also SuperYoshi7175 as well as Ludwig Von Koopa.
