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Messages - Sanctus Yago

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Mario Chat / Re: Whose line is it anyway?
« on: August 25, 2001, 08:44:25 PM »
Toad, you do not have clouds, but you do have cotton and a black spray!

Mario Chat / Re: Whose line is it anyway?
« on: August 24, 2001, 10:57:45 PM »
Those are the only ones I've ever seen; don't forget I'm in Argentina. The show arrived this year (On SONY channel, on Cable)
, I've only saw like four episodes. I think the show has been removed now. Sad.
Anyway, the idea was about playing characters; the 'quick' thing can be forgotten. But, after all, on MWA (Chocobo's) topic you also have to say the first thing comes up to your mind... And we all trust each other we're not lying.
Location: SMB3's Grass Land Mushroom House.
Kinopio Toad, you are Toad, trying to SELL items to:
Kamek2K, who is Luigi, is very hurry and doesn't have any money. He is now Super Luigi. He's jelous because Mario is Raccoon Mario and has the Starman power also and even a Goomba's shoe on his pocket. So he really wants something, quickly.
Frostbite: You are a walking Lakitu. Some Italian fat guy with overalls stole your cloud and you don't have enough magic power to get one of sky's clouds down, 'cause every Magikoopa spend almost every reserve of magic to make Koopaling's magic wands even more powerful.

That's it. PLEASE try to be funny.
Try to have in mind that the main conflict (I think) is that Luigi, as a hero, wants to get some power-ups for free so he can do the good job, but Toad is just thinking in the money $_$ .
You can vary that if you want; I only said it so it's not like:
Luigi: Hi, Toad! Would you give me a Star?
Toad: Ooo...kay! There you have one. Five coins.
Luigi: Oh, I don't have any money... But I gotta save the Mushroom World!
Toad: Never mind. I'll give you one for free.
Luigi: Oh, thanks Toad!
Toad: You welcome. Now go save the world, my dear fontaneer.
Luigi: Give it as done! Bye! Place to see you, Toad!
Toad: The placer was mine! Bye!
Lakitu: ...
Lakitu. Oh, nothing. I always thought I would be a good Koopa Troopa, after all. Bye!
Toad: Bye! Have a nice trip, my dear baddie! Hope you conquer the world!

Please don't ever do that...

(i think it was still funny after all... Toad seemed like smoking pot.)
Hey, that was a god idea:
Luigi: Hi, Toad! Would you please give me--? Hey, what's that smell?
Toad (hiding drugs behind the table): Hmm? Nothing. Whaaat do you...? Do you...? fogheda bout it. ZZZzzZZZZz (sleeps)
Luigi: <_< ... >_> ... (runs away)

Mario Chat / Re: Favorite Mario Game?
« on: August 24, 2001, 09:46:35 PM »
Oh my god 'sensem'?
Well that proves I'm tired...

Mario Chat / Re: Favorite Mario Game?
« on: August 24, 2001, 09:43:51 PM »
I know that what I posted didn't make much sensem, but that's because it's 12.42 a.m. and I'm very tired.
Sorry if you can't understand me.

Mario Chat / Re: Favorite Mario Game?
« on: August 24, 2001, 09:40:25 PM »
I like SMB3 best. Not only is the greatest Mario game; it has its own... uh... I can't define it. I think it's mythologies. Some games or books have mythologies, Mortal Kombat (of course), Harry Potter, and of course, J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings (and The Hobbit and the Silmarillion, of course). Fightclub has sort of a mythology also. I mean, mythology is that thing from you can take models for posters, dolls, more books, fanfics, etc. You know what I mean.
Well, SMB3 has that: Lots of enemies, defined lands (sky, snow, plains, etc.), a good story... Cartoons :)... Lots of items also.
That's why I think Mario 3 is the best. Mario World sucks: The graphics arn't good, there's no good story... It has WAY TOO MANY enemies, it makes me confuse (Koopa Troopas arn't suposted to HIDE on the shells when stomped!?), it completely brokes the laws of the Mario universe (Goombas who don't die when stomped? Who doesn't have...uh... that white thing? Man, what is that? It's WRONG. And about Koopa Troopas I'm probably wrong, but they looked a lot like just animals in SMB1. And now they're human-like! Come on! -well that wasn't THAT bad actually-), and I don't know, it's sort of a rip-off of SMB3. And I'm very angry because they took the Leaf away and put that sucking cape instead. But well, that isn't for this topic, actually.
If Super Mario World were just like SMB3 but SNES powered, it would certainly be one of the best Mario games.
I think that what Mario needs is a 'SMB3 64: Return to the Mushroom World' title. That would be AWSOME.

Forum Games / Re: Chose your own Mario Adventure
« on: August 24, 2001, 08:56:51 PM »
O.K., I'll be Luigi, but not the wimpy Luigi that is in everybody's mind. I want to be the SMB3 cartoons Luigi; as brave as Mario, acting as an actual brother (I still remember that episode when they fight between each other; I saw it some years ago on a video); Italian, human, living in Brooklyn, forced to remain in TMK just to protect the Princess (but liking that job), a PLUMBER, a real plumber, proud of his job ('I wanna be a great plumber, like my older brother Mario!'). A normal guy, after all. But a hero: he accepts his faith and decides to remain on the Mushroom Kingdom, fighthing against Bowser's troops. He learns about the magic of the Mushroom Kingdom and how to use the power-ups, and after a while, he becomes tafted. He becomes a hero. He becomes a Super Mario Brother.
So did Mario, after all.
Hey I just realyzed those comments would actually fit on a 'Theories' topic.
So, I'll be Luigi.
Uh, that took long.
Anyway, I, Luigi, will not enter the pipe. There's too many people there alredy. Besides, this suspicious: Why did that happen? Hmmmmm...

**Hey, K.T., please try not to be THAT quick when writing. I mean, I don't want you to be as good as our fella Roy; I just mean, take your time.

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: August 23, 2001, 08:57:14 PM »
Moonlighthing (you know, with Bruce Willis and... a blonde woman)


Edited by - Deezer on 8/26/2001 4:47:57 PM

Video Game Chat / Re: Growlithe the Pokemon
« on: August 22, 2001, 03:36:05 PM »
Yes, Growlithe is tiger-related.

Site Discussion / Re: Mr. Face?
« on: August 22, 2001, 03:27:48 PM »
Apparently, i am the only one who likes this topic. :(

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: August 22, 2001, 03:15:46 PM »
Britney Spears.
...wich reminds me of S.EX...
Reminding that makes me remind that time when someone said I had a serious mental defect.
Wich reminded me from the grey-font-on-black-vaccuum from the boards.
Oh, I'm thinking on se.x again (I wonder how do B.Spears' bresses look like)

Oh, and that reminds me, I've been alone in my home half part of the afternoon (now it's 6.22 p.m.), so that would be one or two hours of hentai and porn on the Internet.
yeep, i think that's all.

The fourth rule of the Fight Club ment that there could be only two men on a fight.

Fan Creations / Re: A Mario Adventure--creative title, huh?
« on: August 20, 2001, 04:34:04 PM »
Hey, Roy, I'm kinda worried. Why did you stopped posting?
C'mon, i wanna keep reading!
Or at least tell us if we can go on with the story.
The third rule of the Fight Club is:
Only one fight at a time.

Mario Chat / Re: Newbee here!
« on: August 20, 2001, 04:27:32 PM »
Hi! I'm Sanctus Yago. Hope you to have a great time here; I do.
"The second rule of the Fight Club is: you DO NOT TALK about the Fight Club."
-Tyler Durden

Maybe it's so obvius that you can't see it... Have you ever read 'The stolen letter', of Edgar Allan Poe? One of the first three mysterie books of all times.
I think the secret page might be a 'Warp Zone', if you know what I mean.
If we want to succeed, at first we gotta be sure of the URL of the page with the source code to search. Deezer zez that the one is the Updates page, but which is it?

The first rule of the Fight Club is that you don't talk about the Fight Club.

General Chat / Re: !?!?
« on: August 18, 2001, 09:44:44 PM »
I think it's one of the greatest movies of all times.

General Chat / Re: Anyone watch "celebrity deathmatch?"
« on: August 18, 2001, 09:33:50 PM »
Oh, no. Sanctus Yago is just my name in Latin, or Old Italian, or something. I took it from a book; there was a character with my name, and he was talking to an old Italian ghost, and when the ghost refered to him, it was calling him 'Sanctus Yago'.
I took it and I now use it as my alter ego in the Internet and other places (you know, like the Maffia, the F.B.I. and the NarcoLeaders League).

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