
Author Topic: Favorite Mario Game?  (Read 5301 times)

« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2001, 10:21:56 PM »
amen, brutha.

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« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2001, 06:21:47 AM »
Top 3...

1.Paper Mario
2.Mario Tennis
3.Mario Party 1 and 3

I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon

« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2001, 01:31:55 PM »
(My post belongs here-not in a DiC topic! Ahh, the horros of edit copy edit paste.)
1.Super Mario Bros. 3-
It was a game that defined a generation. I Don't think that anybody could talk about the history of platform games without giving a nod to this one. The Mushroom houses, all the power ups, the inventory, the music...aahhh...
2.Super Mario World-
This game really showed me what the SNES could do. I really didn't see the point of it at first, but oooooo...The mouth watering graphics, Yoshi, scaling and rotation (Like when some of the koopa kids die, Bowser is knocked out). Althought it was a pretty easy game, It took me awhile to get 128* on the screen (I think it  was that..) due to that one ghost house in Bowser Valley where you had to "controll" the block path.
3.Super Mario 64-
Sure, Collecting all of the stars and such wasn't exactly Mario, but come on...It was 3D! I remeber so clearly, that Christmas morning when I First went to the top of Bob-omb mountain threw that filthy beast off of the peak...Aaah...
4.Super Mario Brothers 2-
This game was mounumentous.(sp?) All the different characters, each with their unique abilities and stats, and each good at certain levels. To boot it off there were all of those Sub-Con Mushrooms, all the warp zones...And the regular stages. I quite enjoyed it.
5.Mario Kart/Super Mario World 2
These games are tied in my opinion. I probably like SMW2 more, but Mario Kart holds in for nostalgic reasons. I can remeber clears as day, at my babysitters, training as Koopa Troopa while the other kids were napping. The day I Finally beat that snotty thirdgrader and he unplugged my controller...Although it is by far one of the best two player co-op games. SMW2 was very fun, I enjoyed everybit of it. It was easy-I beat it in three Four days of purchasing (And I only got to the first mid-castle on the first day! Darn those third grade math teachers anyway..), but what kept me coming back was trying to get a 100 on each of the levels. I never made it for all of them, but  I think I perfected Three or so.
Sorry to bore you.

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!
Kweeh! Kweeh! Yes, Kweeh forever!

« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2001, 09:40:25 PM »
I like SMB3 best. Not only is the greatest Mario game; it has its own... uh... I can't define it. I think it's mythologies. Some games or books have mythologies, Mortal Kombat (of course), Harry Potter, and of course, J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings (and The Hobbit and the Silmarillion, of course). Fightclub has sort of a mythology also. I mean, mythology is that thing from you can take models for posters, dolls, more books, fanfics, etc. You know what I mean.
Well, SMB3 has that: Lots of enemies, defined lands (sky, snow, plains, etc.), a good story... Cartoons :)... Lots of items also.
That's why I think Mario 3 is the best. Mario World sucks: The graphics arn't good, there's no good story... It has WAY TOO MANY enemies, it makes me confuse (Koopa Troopas arn't suposted to HIDE on the shells when stomped!?), it completely brokes the laws of the Mario universe (Goombas who don't die when stomped? Who doesn't have...uh... that white thing? Man, what is that? It's WRONG. And about Koopa Troopas I'm probably wrong, but they looked a lot like just animals in SMB1. And now they're human-like! Come on! -well that wasn't THAT bad actually-), and I don't know, it's sort of a rip-off of SMB3. And I'm very angry because they took the Leaf away and put that sucking cape instead. But well, that isn't for this topic, actually.
If Super Mario World were just like SMB3 but SNES powered, it would certainly be one of the best Mario games.
I think that what Mario needs is a 'SMB3 64: Return to the Mushroom World' title. That would be AWSOME.
With enough soap, you can blow nearly everything up.

« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2001, 09:43:51 PM »
I know that what I posted didn't make much sensem, but that's because it's 12.42 a.m. and I'm very tired.
Sorry if you can't understand me.
With enough soap, you can blow nearly everything up.

« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2001, 09:46:35 PM »
Oh my god 'sensem'?
Well that proves I'm tired...
With enough soap, you can blow nearly everything up.
