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Topics - Nameneko

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Current Events
« on: February 08, 2005, 05:25:22 PM »
Oooh, current events.  Sounds boring, right?  It should.  I mean, seriously, who wants to talk about current events on forums when a quick Google search will tell you everything going on even in the most remote areas of the world?  I do.  I'm weird like
that. I actually planned on creating this three times before, during the
Olympics in Athens, during the few weeks before the US presidential elections,
and after the Southeast Asia tsunami. Anyways, enough of my rambling, this is what I created this thread for:

Current events.  They tell us what's going on around us.  Not just in our own countries, though, but around the world.  In this thread, I will periodically post links to some semi-major news stories, you know, like one story per topic (if you want to know more about the topic, do a Google search.  Everyone loves Google).  It's more of a curiosity thing to hear (or read) what some of you think about some international events.  Obviously, not everyone's going to agree on something, so I thought it might be interesting to know what some of you people are thinking about.  I'll try to keep this varied (as in, not everything is about the USA) and try to post about fairly MAJOR events.  Not something like, "50% More U.S. Cows are Becoming Fatter!"  But rather, something like this:

After four years of violence, Israel and Palestine have agreed to a cease-fire.  Since the death of Yasir Arafat and the election of PLO leader Mahmud Abbas, it seems as if the tension is
finally starting to ease up.  That's good, right?  I think so.  Why not?

Anyways, read, search, think, and post.  I'll post new topics when A) the old one gets few replies and B) when something
slightly more pressing comes up.  Then again, feel free to post something that you find, but
please keep a gap between topics to ensure that people get a chance to post.

Well, like I said, post thoughts and whatnot.  It should be interesting to read (or hear, whatever), and we (or at least I) will see how long this thing lasts before it falls victim to the mods with their mighty, thread-closing powers.

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