
Author Topic: Square Enix bringing back Super Mario RPG?  (Read 31276 times)

« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2008, 06:41:50 PM »
I have SMRPG on the SNES, and it's a really good game (like all the other Mario RPGs), but the cartridge erased my file that I spent weeks on.
Bowser and Bowser Jr: best villains EVER.


  • Chock full of misinformation
« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2008, 07:22:18 PM »
Mine does that every time I do the in-game reset :(


  • FitchPitch
« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2008, 11:55:43 PM »
Booster--yeah, that was the guy's name. He had a model train if I remember.

Shame the song isn't on iTunes. I would have bought it in a heartbeat.


  • Bruised
« Reply #33 on: March 13, 2008, 10:45:52 AM »
I checked Galbadia Hotel, which has a really large selection of VG MP3s.  I only found one thing for SMRPG, and it only had a few tunes.
You might be able to find the song on YouTube.
Regards, Uncle Dolan


  • Nike and Reebok
« Reply #34 on: March 13, 2008, 03:57:35 PM »
SMRPG MP3s can be found at Secret Of The Seven Stars
Or you can get a SPC plugin for Winamp and the SMRPG SPC soundtrack.



  • 黒松
« Reply #35 on: March 13, 2008, 06:14:09 PM »
You need a Fileplanet account to get the things at that first link. I think.

« Reply #36 on: March 15, 2008, 12:16:04 PM »
I checked Galbadia Hotel, which has a really large selection of VG MP3s.  I only found one thing for SMRPG, and it only had a few tunes.

Should have looked down a bit further. Hate that those darn game names aren't necessarily in alphabetical order. When looking closely at the two names, it looks like "Super  Mario  RPG" instead of "Super Mario RPG" (extra spaces), explaining why it's lower on the list. I'm definitely using a "Find" when searching on Galbadia Hotel from now on.

By the way, I hate Fileplanet. I understand why they have a queue, but it still annoys me when I have to wait an hour to download some small file. And I don't like the compulsory registration to download anything from it (if they're still doing that. I think they are). At least it's not as bad as one site that serves up old MS-DOS games, where you must participate in a survey or write a game review or some other piece of work before you can download the game. Those advertisement pages don't even work right.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 12:24:44 PM by penguinwizard »
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2008, 12:25:09 PM »
Wario-looking guy is Booster. Wonder how many people knew that in the official art for Booster, it looks like he has silver/metal teeth. I don't recall making out that detail from the Booster sprite.

Booster the Second's picture on the first floor of Booster's Tower kind of looked like Wario to me (it was the Second, wasn't it??)
Kinopio is the ultimate video game character! Who else can drive a kart, host parties, play tennis, give good advice and items, and is almost always happy??


  • Choppy words and a sloppy flow
« Reply #38 on: March 16, 2008, 10:40:30 AM »
I always used to think Booster WAS Wario, But that was back when I was about 6 years old
Time is repeating itself. Why you say? Look at the Wii and NES and you'll know why.

« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2008, 08:38:19 PM »
"Yes, Paper Mario and Mario and Luigi  were both amazing games, but there was something about them that was... different when compared to Mario RPG."
Yes, after all. PM and M&L actually felt like Mario games instead of a dumbed down version of Final Fantasy with Mario characters
"Oh east, I thought you said 'weast'" Patrick

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2008, 08:59:18 PM »
More like they felt sluggish and much less engaging (and shorter, in the case of M&L) than SMRPG.
That was a joke.


  • Nike and Reebok
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2008, 09:45:41 PM »
By the way, I hate Fileplanet. I understand why they have a queue, but it still annoys me when I have to wait an hour to download some small file.
You've had to wait an hour? Wow, whenever I download something from them, I've never had to wait any longer than a minute or two. Makes me wonder why they even have a paid version of their service...

« Reply #42 on: March 29, 2008, 12:10:52 AM »
You've had to wait an hour? Wow, whenever I download something from them, I've never had to wait any longer than a minute or two. Makes me wonder why they even have a paid version of their service...
That's because it depends on the server and how many people are on it. There are several files on one server, so if there's a lot of must-have files on one server, that'd explain why I had to wait an hour. But yeah, recently I've found the servers pretty empty, only waiting a couple minutes. Maybe it's because I'm not downloading during the height of Half-Life 2 popularity anymore.
You didn't say wot wot.


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #43 on: March 29, 2008, 09:42:12 AM »
(and shorter, in the case of M&L)
I know that game is shorter than Paper Mario and SMRPG, but it sure as heck never felt like it (PiT, on the other hand...).
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

« Reply #44 on: April 04, 2008, 05:10:24 PM »
I think they should totally have a new completely 3-d mario rpg on the wii complete with cool storyline and great rpg fighting
Gently push a piece of the tube containing the intersection along the fourth dimension, out of the original three dimensional space.
- WIkipedia page on the Klein bottle
