
Author Topic: I'm going away! Signed, TMK member  (Read 348509 times)

« Reply #525 on: May 25, 2008, 04:17:57 PM »
Johnny_Macho makes love with humor?

As for Vid, he gets no sympathy from me. Painting yourself as the victim in every situation is just plain stupid. Especially since he seemed to always dig his own grave each time he got in a conflict with someone.
As a game that requires six friends, an HDTV, and skill, I can see why the majority of TMK is going to hate on it hard.

« Reply #526 on: May 25, 2008, 10:36:42 PM »
I'm not looking for your sympathy, dipstick.

This will (hopefully) be my last reply here for awhile.

Here is my reason for not wanting to come here anymore, without the apparent "whine" or "complaining": Put simply, I'm just tired of coming here. It's taking a good amount of my time, which I'd rather use for more productive things. LD's recent posts are simply the final nail in the coffin, or, perhaps, the spark to the fuse.

I know I've told people I've been contemplating leaving for a good while now. It's not like I'm contractually obligated to stay. If I don't want to come here anymore, I don't have to. Saying I SHOULD stay and set an example obviously won't work, as the people who aren't so kind will just cancel it out.

I will say this, though, the amount of people who decided to put all their secretive hate or dislike for me out on the table after my departure is just downright insulting.

You could've talked about my sexual orientation if you wanted to. I thought I encouraged it, but there's a difference between simply not accepting homosexuals and gay bashing or homophobia. I'll tolerate the former and even respect your belief as I have others. *points to Sapphira*

I enjoyed coming here, and liked meeting many of the people who came (as well as some of the people who went). I am glad I came and registered here, but now I think it's my time to depart this place.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #527 on: May 25, 2008, 11:08:16 PM »
I will say this, though, the amount of people who decided to put all their secretive hate or dislike for me out on the table after my departure is just downright insulting.
Yeah, why'd you guys wait so long? ;)

« Reply #528 on: May 25, 2008, 11:28:02 PM »
I will say this, though, the amount of people who decided to put all their secretive hate or dislike for me out on the table after my departure is just downright insulting.

If you were to read, much less answer, all the attacks made on you, the shop might as well be closed for another business. Seeing as how you're leaving though, I suppose this quote is utterly useless. Just a few words of wisdom because you'll meet a lot of people in life who'll put you down behind your back.

I thought Vid was a good guy while he was here. Sure, we had our disagreements, but for the most part I thought he was pretty easy to get along with. The fact that he had a different sexual orientation than me literally meant nothing to me whatsoever (meh, just throwing it out there). If anything, I though his admitting to being gay was great because when people try and hide their true feelings around their friends, it can get very depressing.

I hope Vid has a nice life away from the Fungi Forums (I tried, but could only stay away for a month).
« Last Edit: May 25, 2008, 11:32:34 PM by PaperLuigi »
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

Forest Guy

  • Anything else?
« Reply #529 on: May 25, 2008, 11:29:42 PM »
Wow, after seeing such massive baggery in this thread, I'm gonna go ahead and say I don't really think I care to come here anymore, myself. Here you see a guy genuinely upset about what you've done, and you respond in kind with more insults? Hell, I'm not sayin' you have to like the guy or anything, but at least make up some half assed comment like "Oh gee, that sucks." or in the very least don't say anything at all. Is it that much of an effort to refrain from posting? For shame. Shame on all of you.

I came back with fond memories of the Fungi Forums of yesteryear. I had this grandiose vision of other Mario fans talking amongst themselves like mature individuals, and instead I return to this? A squabbling mishmash of trolls comparable to something I'd find on GameFAQs? I spent some time there, and while I was there I thought to myself "I miss TMK. I wish my IP address wasn't accidentally banned." I suppose the Fungi Forums I knew are dead. Or perhaps I was just such a humongously nerdy dork that I put it beside me and accentuated the positive. At any rate, it is quite shocking at how much wrongdoing I've seen here in the past week or so that I finally came back

Regardless, I find it apalling how much distaste has metastesized here for Vigmchtr. How you can come to hate an individual so much is beyond me. I could understand if it was a malicious person akin to the villains of my own generation (I.e. Jon, laternus, etc...) But for you to condemn one of your own? That's the most reprehensible thing I've EVER seen on these forums. Who of you can legitimately say that you've never done something stupid, such as inserting a credit card into your CD drive? Who amongst you can claim to be completely devoid of any mental anguish from your own life? I want to see one of you come out and truly claim that your life is absolutely perfect and that you are the model human being. (Don't, because that only makes you look like an imbecile.) Whatever happened to "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone?" Vidgmchtr has done nothing truly deserving of such contempt. "OH BAWW HES ANNOYING AND WHINYY" Brilliant. Next time you have a headache and remark to someone "Ugh... my head hurts." I can only hope that that person punches you in the eye several times.

I leave for four years and this is what happens? Tsk tsk tsk. I suppose it would have been better if my IP ban was never fixed. (inb4 'it would've been better for us too', 'who says it was an accident?'. e.g...) My work is done here. I have nothing left to say to you people.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2008, 12:17:16 AM by Suffix »
= = = = = = =
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.

« Reply #530 on: May 25, 2008, 11:59:15 PM »
I do think it's rude for someone to speak badly of someone else behind their back, but I don't think Vid should worry about it. This is just a forum board, and in the grand scheme of life, a few forum board members are pretty much nothing (no, I am not calling anyone worthless) compared to all the other things he'll have to tackle.

Then again, he did say that he wanted to leave because he needed more time during the day. I think it'd be better to see him off in a more positive light; whatever problems you had with him in the past should be put behind you in order to say goodbye in a friendly manner.

This really isn't directed at anyone specifically. I think all people should act like this even if they don't like the person. It's just the nice thing to do.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2008, 12:02:36 AM by PaperLuigi »
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?


  • Poop Man
« Reply #531 on: May 26, 2008, 12:22:05 AM »
Forest Guy has a point.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 01:37:34 PM by SolidShroom »

« Reply #532 on: May 26, 2008, 12:37:57 AM »
I leave for four years and this is what happens?
And this is exactly why you don't understand. You don't understand what four years of this torment can do to a man's mind.

For the next four years whenever you mention heads or aches or remarks, I can only hope a person (the same person) tells you how much their head hurts, how painful their aches are, and how no one ever talks about their remarks.

Anyway Meowrik, thanks for telling us what we should really think about the last four years after so cleverly figuring it out during your week back.


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #533 on: May 26, 2008, 01:18:44 AM »
All right, LD. Don't talk your way around this question I'm about to ask you, don't run away from it, don't shoot it down with sarcasm or an image. We're all dying to know the answer.

Why have you become this new, deplorable Lizard Dude? Everyone used to love you. You used to be kindly and warm, like some kind of Santa Claus who hung out all year. You were like my role model. Now you're just a cold and rude inconsiderate dude. Being staff couldn't have been THAT important to you. You weren't DOING anything. The old LD I knew would have been cool about it. The old LD I knew wouldn't act like a flamer on the road to Banned Land. But of course, we know you can't get banned. You're Lizard Dude.

This torment, eh? If you can't take it anymore, then why do you stay?

I'm not telling you to go away. I'm telling you to be the Lizard Dude you used to be. The one who wrote a parody of Frosty the Snowman about Deezer. The one who told us you were your little brother and that you'd died trying to get some pizza after your leg had fallen asleep. Or, is this the Lizard Dude you always were, but were unable to show due to your status? I wouldn't believe that, as Chupperson gets away with his own brand of pushiness from time to time. But if that is the case, then you're just not cool. I know, you've been cool with me all this time, but that's not enough. 
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!


  • Steamed
« Reply #534 on: May 26, 2008, 02:23:01 AM »
While I think Lizard Dude has indeed gotten edgier over time, his post here is 90% rational, with a very valid comeback to some rather rash declarations. I suppose this particular post is a valid trigger. I'd like to hear Lizard Dude's reply as well.

At this point, Vidgmchtr appears to be a black and white pawn in a meta-debate over how much we should put up with people who have earned some sort of respect.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2008, 02:25:53 AM by Suffix »

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #535 on: May 26, 2008, 07:00:50 AM »
Meowrik/Forest Guy pretty much read my mind. Though in truth I can't really remember why I continued to post here after saying I was taking a break. Maybe I did so out of sheer hope that this place would have something worth coming back for.


  • Kansas
« Reply #536 on: May 26, 2008, 07:57:15 AM »
Well, reading all of this was a cheerful and happy way to start my Memorial Day.

After reading all of this, I'm not really sure what to think. I suppose it is rather comforting to know that most people do realize that this place isn't the same as it was back in 2003. But the more I think about it, this place will never be the same as it was back then. It's simply impossible. Many of us have grown, our humor has changed, what would have been funny then is considered childish or stupid now, and we look at those times as an archetype for the forums.

Hoping for a golden era, as Immanuel Kant argues in his short work entitled "A Speculative Beginning of Human History" is rash and silly. Now, Kant uses this argument on a macro level, intending to show that the golden age that mankind longs for will never come. But, I think that this same argument is applicable at the micro level. By wishing things were the same as they used to be, we are just driving ourselves further down the path that leads furthest away from those coveted times.

My suggestion is this: hope for nothing specific here. Don't wish be be a hero and make the place return to times long past. That, my friends, is stupid. Instead, let us simply hope for a good board. Perhaps it may be equal in greatness to the "golden era," but it will never be quite the same.

If we do take anything from this so-called "golden era" let it be this:
  • Let's make well-thought-out, intelligent posts with content that will enhance the community
  • Let's not "get all up in everyone's grill," so to speak.
  • Let's be sure to have a good time. Having a bunch of dead-beat snoobs on the forum is never fun. In short, don;t take things so seriously, it's just the internet.
  • Follow the rules. They're there for a reason.

Take what you will form this post. If anything, simply remember this: to wish for an outcome that will match the past perfectly is silly. The past has gone, so let us do our best to work for the future.
Εὐθύνατε τὴν ὁδὸν Κυρίου


  • 黒松
« Reply #537 on: May 26, 2008, 09:16:39 AM »
Great. This means I gotta CHANGE. I hate that. I don't think that it should be necessary that I should change for the pure will of other people, but I suppose I should do what is right. After all, I'm a naturally passive person.

Of course, this should be discussed in Manners and Morality thread which seems to have been recently posted but blissfully forgotten.


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #538 on: May 26, 2008, 09:30:49 AM »
Three Vidgmchtr-related facts for anyone who cares to read them:

- I never gay-bashed him--even after he left (and I never will).
- I don't hate him (and no one else really should)--it's just that I think he had some... ways of reacting to things that got on our collective nerves after a while. How he responded to that was his own decision.
-Though he primarily left because of how he felt the FF's environment was, there's no better reason to quit a site than to have free time for more important things. Let's honor at least that.

But, honestly, it's completely pointless for him to complain about people saying stuff about him "behind his back". He said that he was out of here, and so we all said our piece. Covertly browsing the forums to see what people post about you after you told them you were leaving is way more "behind your back" than free speech. What, is this like "never speak ill of the dead"? Do I have to conjure up nothing but praise for members long past?

If anything, simply remember this: to wish for an outcome that will match the past perfectly is silly. The past has gone, so let us do our best to work for the future.
That's it! Hey, this is a Nintendo-based site--let's run it under Nintendo's philosophy! (Note: this is not me trying to start another Nintendo arguement again)

Oh, and by the way... I'm sticking here 'till the bitter end. You can't get rid of me that easily. ;)
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #539 on: May 26, 2008, 06:08:23 PM »
Hm. Vidgmchtr has been here ever since I joined and he's always been very serious and cold but usually logical (except for deciding to leave FF in such an explosive fury). As for the sexual orientation, I wasn't even aware of it and...well...actually I'm still not. Is he gay or bisexual or what? Whatever he is, my image of him is not tainted. I'll always think of him as a pretty uptight, but generally alright poster on the FF.

That's it! Hey, this is a Nintendo-based site--let's run it under Nintendo's philosophy! (Note: this is not me trying to start another Nintendo arguement again)

I think we're doing better than a lot of forums in that respect. A few weeks ago I joined a different forum which will remain unnamed...actually screw that, it was Zelda Universe. And, seriously, it is full of jerks. I thought we were a load of criticizingly criticizing critics, but they are beyond that. My contributing posts were constantly ignored, I almost had a thread shut down because not enough people responded to it, and everyone was generally self-absorbed. There was this one Russian dude who just might've put Russia* as #1 on my "Most Hated Northern-Asian Countries List", because he thought he was so cool with his "extremist" ideas that were about as extreme as a kitten in an ice cream factory. Not only that, but there were so many annoying advertisements and avatars that left my general idea of the place as an eyesore. I was left slobbering over FF's stupendous simplicity and lack of avatars. My point is, of all forums you could go to, FF is probably the LEAST filled with jerks. Maybe that's just because of the no-swearing rule, but I don't know. Additionally, there seems to be a pro for every con. Even though LD's posts can sometimes be interpreted as rude, they're still...funny. And even though we've changed from the "golden era", we'll probably be looking back from 2010 and saying that 2008 was pretty swell. You never know when you're experiencing the "good ol' days".

*Just kidding, Russians.     
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.
