
Author Topic: super mario & spyro the dragon : the battle of avalar!  (Read 1684 times)

« on: April 05, 2002, 09:38:49 PM »
this is my last fanfic ok? on the faraway planet of goldwood a group of evil furry creatures called tribals were discussing their political future. t1: the villagers  are restless and want more land! t2: we already have some small moons with the help of jet force. since they are the biggest military force ever, there help is invaluble. then the tribal king spoke up: listen! there is a small planet they found the other day thats called avalar. the people are weak and scared. they will become our slaves or die. t2: your forgetting thier guardian spyro. he could kill us all. king: he is nothing compared to jet force. ask jet force to take over immedietly! in the dragon fountain on avalar, spyro was basking in the sun: aaaaaa. so quiet. so relaxable. nothing can break our peace.but then the quiet was broken by spaceships housing troops. commandeer juno: well, well, well!your the guardian? what a wimp. spyro cowered because juno held a missle launcher and grenades. men! soldiers: yes, sir! juno: toss him into the portal. soldiers: yes sir! spyro: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spyro landed in front of peachs castle. spyro: what? what is this place? to be continued....... note i wanna complete  this story myself so that b@$tard lt eagle wont ruin it.

crash: d@#N! sexy fujins on snubbull shima!

« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2002, 12:45:43 AM »
after he looked up  spyro saw mario in a tree. he was spying on peach in the shower. spyro: hey, buddy, can i see too? mario was so surprised that he fell out of the tree and hit spyros head. spyro: ow. rough landing. mario: say, i know you! i have all of your movies! your brendan fraser, arent you? spyro: um, no. im spyro! could you help me with a little flavor? mario: you freak! your trying to eat me! spyro: d##n it! IM MEANT FAVOR, NOT FLAVOR! mario: oh ok! then what is it? spyro: could you come with me to my world because ............. mario: i already know. jet force and tribals have taken over avalar and you need my help right? spyro: ( under his breath ) psychic b##tard...................anyway we need to go through this portal! come on! to be continued........;.in part 3 our heroes being  so save avalar in winter tundra.

crash: d@#N! sexy fujins on snubbull shima!
