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Messages - higuy662

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Re: Tape Type
« on: December 08, 2008, 10:04:51 PM »
You forgot 100 MPH tape. I pick that stuff. But electrical tape takes second place. And it would appear Briguy92 really has a thing for sticky stuff eh? ;)

Video Game Chat / Re: Why Melee Is Better Than Brawl
« on: October 17, 2008, 02:00:13 PM »
In my opinion... the only thing that made Brawl worth playing was it's soundtrack... (more on that later)

On the other hand, I also gladly will play the original N64 version, with it's slower reaction time, it's polygon-like character models, and simplistic fighting... personally if you ask me, the N64 version WAS Smash Bros...
I think the moral to this is that the N64 version is overall the best and really just can't be beat. I mean sure is slow as anything but it was a whole new way to look at things at the time and would surely make top 5 if not #1 on my all time list of best games ever.

General Chat / Re: New/Returning Members Post Here!
« on: October 16, 2008, 07:33:33 PM »
Hey hows it goin I'm higuy662. My life consists of this and airsoft. If you don't know what airsoft is look it up or shoot me a PM and I can answer any questions you have about it. Just dropping by here to say hello to all of you guys. So....... ya....... that's me in a nutshell and I'll see you guys around.

Video Game Chat / Re: The Gamer's Bill of Rights
« on: October 16, 2008, 06:08:38 PM »
Someone please show this to Activision. oh you meet minimum specs? Yay you get 1 FPS!!1!!!111!

Video Game Chat / Re: Why Melee Is Better Than Brawl
« on: October 16, 2008, 06:02:26 PM »
Anyway moving past my earlier comment onto being serious.... I think a part of what game is better is also based on how you play. If you "cheat" AKA use a GC controller you're not going to experience much difference in play style, BUT if you use the wii-mote - nun-chuck combo then you have much more freedom while playing to gesticulate wildly and there is also the added benefit of being able to hit people with the cord running between the two when they kill you. The inclusion of sonic and snake (mostly sonic) does deprecate the value of the game, but really people just deal with it. While the online is "unforgivably bad" as Briguy92 said it does allow you to play against your friends without them having to be there, and voice chat is just a Skype call away. Also the level editor while not terribly detailed or complex adds a level of fun to the game which is other wise impossible with melee. I mean come on what is more fun then fighting inside a cube of bricks with two spots where people can fly out? Also zero-suit Samus. Nuff said. You have a character who is simply amazing in both forms and as for her final smash not being any good I beg to differ. I have gotten dozens of kills during the transformation between zero-suit and power-suit Samus; it merely takes a little bit of skill to learn how to do it right. Plus with here speed it is possible to get the smash ball and then run around avoiding other players while not using it causing massive amounts of aggravation to your friends; and isn't that what games like this are really about: raising your friends stress level just a little bit?

Video Game Chat / Re: Why Melee Is Better Than Brawl
« on: October 15, 2008, 08:01:56 PM »
Brawl > Porn period, end of story, .com, fin, [/end], over, done with, thats all. Argument ended move on.

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