« on: August 06, 2006, 10:20:24 PM »
Some of you may remember the original "When FF Members Collide!!" thread, Well now I present the all new and improved, Season two! You know the drill, just pick a speshal ability and brawl! In celebration of Season Two, I have a 2 VS 2 match!
SushieBoy & Glorb VS Kojinka & GiftedGirl.
SushieBoy: Super Sushie Strength and Speed
Glorb: Bread like attacks
Kojinka: Mushroom Magic
Gifted Girl: Shape Shifting
Stock: 2 each
Stage: Donut Plains
Items: None
The battle starts out with Glorb dashing towards Kojinka, but she uses her Mushroom Magic to fling him backwards, causing 12% Damage! Glorb Falls to the ground, The SB rushes up to GG, but she turns into a huge bat and slams him skyward! Causing 31% Damage, SB falls to the ground with a large thump. then Glorb came up with a plan, he summoned a group of marching breadoids, which distracted KJ and GG. "SUPER SUSHIE STRENGTH!!" SB yelled with rage, suddenly, a large red aurora surruonded him, He was super strong! "WHAT?" GG screamed as she turned into a bazooka that KJ grabbed, She shot a fierce missle straight at angered SB, the missle couldn't even penetrate the aurora!!! SB then roundhouse kicked KJ in the gut, losing hold of GG, she was caused 47% and was flung offscreen! SB's brief power had ended, As LJ respauned she magicly created a huge mushroom, which she used to crush Glorb! Glorb was left with 31% damage, then a huge slice of bread fell on KJ, causing 19% damage, Meanwhile with GG and SB, GG had wounded SB! GG had only 7% damage, while SB had 37%!! With SB on the ground, GG turned into a roll of duct tape, she encased SB in a large caccoon of tape! SB soon suffocated. As SB respauned he picked up the large crushing shroom' and threw it off screen, while KJ arrosed from the bread to grow 7 stories high! She picked up Glorb and flung him offscreen! While Glorb respauned SB darted towards GG, so glorb was all alone to defeat Giant KJ!! SB then used his Super Sushie Speed, to run tight circles around GG, creating a tornado of dust and sushie! GG was lifted upwards but she quickly turned into a weight, falling to the ground, SB picked up GG "you're alot heavier than you look!" SB said as he flung the weight, which hit Giant KJ noggin'!! KJ was defeated! Glorb sighed in relief. but what he didn't know is that behind him, GG had turned into a Bo-omb, and was ready to explode!! GG then exploded, the explsion leveled a whole Pizza Hut!! sending Glorb sailing up-wards, he soon was out of the earths atmosphere, and soon was flying towards Mars. SB then was looking for lost GG, which was the vey floor he walked on!!! GG swallowed SB whole, GG and KJ are the winners!!
So, How was it?