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Topics - SushieBoy

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Video Game Chat / Worst ways to die in a video game.
« on: January 27, 2007, 12:30:48 PM »
Yes, there are many, many ways to die in a game, from falling into pits of lava, from losing your HP, or getting gunned down, but what are the worst or wierdest ways to die in video games? For me, it's the obsene mortalities from Mortal Kombat, what are yours?

Video Game Chat / Game Review Section!!
« on: December 25, 2006, 02:35:14 AM »
TMK has some reviews and previews, but here, all the Fungi Forumer's can review any game, old and new, on categories like Graphics, story, gameplay, ect. Since I just played Yoshi's Island DS, I'm gonna review it!!

 The story is pretty simple. Kamek and his toadies sart to kidnap all of the islands babies, and of the world!! luckily, a few babies manage to escape, the Yoshi's decide to get the other babies back from for some reason...

 Graphics are crisp and clean, really resemble the original, but the Super FX polygons and animations are missing, and kinda' lack the awesome power of the original.

 Gameplay is about the same, Yoshi is almost invincible, unless he gets hit by random enemy the baby on his back will float away in a bubble, and if not catched, toadies will kidnap the baby and you will lose a life. Yoshi can eat almost anything, and turn it into an egg, used as projectiles.

 Easy scale: this game seems alot harder than the original, the level design is down right crazy, secret levels and items are hard to find, but some bosses are too easy, all the levels and perfect score attempts will be a doozy for months.

 Sound: The only really big problem, music and sound, alot of music seems to be tons of remixes from the original overworld theme, and sound a bit..... repetitive, and the babies crying can be really bad, like baby peach's, might want to turn the volume off and listen to something else.

 Replay value: These levels never get old, and play through them tons of times and not get bored, all these secrets and goodies should keep you veeery busy, with all the awesome level design and the extra enemy mueseum, you would just love an extra level editor.

Bottom line: an 82 out of 100. I highly recomend it for any platformer fan.

More to come...

Mario Chat / Super Mario 64 VS Super Mario 64 DS
« on: November 06, 2006, 04:02:34 PM »
I had the orginal before, but thanks to me and my penny-pinching, I can only get one. So I ask you, Fungi Forumer's, what should I get? I've been thinking with the port, but is it as good as the 64 version? Are the character/enemy designs improved? Are the graphics better? Worse? Or just about the same? What about new characters? More Stars? New Levels? More Items? Please! I need to know!

Video Game Chat / Favorite Game Music
« on: October 11, 2006, 07:01:30 PM »
We all know that music in games rule, but anyone have any faves? Post em' here! Today I'll post my MArio and Luigi:SS Favorites!

Stardust Fields
HooHoo Mountain
Final Boss Battle
End Credits
ChuckleHuck Woods
Popple Battles
First Cackleta Battle
Boss Battle

Whoa, that's plenty for now!

Game Help / M&L: SS: Bean Fruit Help!
« on: August 14, 2006, 01:26:21 AM »
I'm stuck here at Mario and Luigi: SS, how do I get the South, SW and SE bean fruits? Thanks!!

Forum Games / When FF Members Collide!! Season Two!!
« on: August 06, 2006, 10:20:24 PM »
Some of you may remember the original "When FF Members Collide!!" thread, Well now I present the all new and improved, Season two! You know the drill, just pick a speshal ability and brawl! In celebration of Season Two, I have a 2 VS 2 match!

SushieBoy & Glorb VS Kojinka & GiftedGirl.


SushieBoy: Super Sushie Strength and Speed
Glorb: Bread like attacks
Kojinka: Mushroom Magic
Gifted Girl: Shape Shifting

Stock: 2 each
Stage: Donut Plains
Items: None

The battle starts out with Glorb dashing towards Kojinka, but she uses her Mushroom Magic to fling him backwards, causing 12% Damage! Glorb Falls to the ground, The SB rushes up to GG, but she turns into a huge bat and slams him skyward! Causing 31% Damage, SB falls to the ground with a large thump. then Glorb came up with a plan, he summoned a group of marching breadoids, which distracted KJ and GG.  "SUPER SUSHIE STRENGTH!!" SB yelled with rage, suddenly, a large red aurora surruonded him, He was super strong! "WHAT?" GG screamed as she turned into a bazooka that KJ grabbed, She shot a fierce missle straight at angered SB,  the missle couldn't even penetrate the aurora!!! SB then roundhouse kicked KJ in the gut, losing hold of GG, she was caused 47% and was flung offscreen! SB's brief power had ended, As LJ respauned she magicly created a huge mushroom, which she used to crush Glorb! Glorb was left with 31% damage, then a huge slice of bread fell on KJ, causing 19% damage, Meanwhile with GG and SB, GG had wounded SB! GG had only 7% damage, while SB had 37%!! With SB on the ground, GG turned into a roll of duct tape, she encased SB in a large caccoon of tape! SB soon suffocated. As SB respauned he picked up the large crushing shroom' and threw it off screen, while KJ arrosed from the bread to grow 7 stories high! She picked up Glorb and flung him offscreen! While Glorb respauned SB darted towards GG, so glorb was all alone to defeat Giant KJ!! SB then used his Super Sushie Speed, to run tight circles around GG, creating a tornado of dust and sushie! GG was lifted upwards but she quickly turned into a weight, falling to the ground, SB picked up GG "you're alot heavier than you look!" SB said as he flung the weight, which hit Giant KJ noggin'!! KJ was defeated! Glorb sighed in relief. but what he didn't know is that behind him, GG had turned into a Bo-omb, and was ready to explode!! GG then exploded, the explsion leveled a whole Pizza Hut!! sending Glorb sailing up-wards, he soon was out of the earths atmosphere, and soon was flying towards Mars. SB then was looking for lost GG, which was the vey floor he walked on!!! GG swallowed SB whole, GG and KJ are the winners!!

So, How was it?

Mario Chat / Super Mario RPG GBA/DS Remake?
« on: August 05, 2006, 02:41:56 AM »
Should their be one? It has been rumored for a long time, and I would really like it if Nintendo did do a SMRPG remake on the DS or GBA. Super Mario Advance 5: Super Mario RPG OR Super Mario RPG DS. Wouldn't it be nice to take one of the greatest mario games ever anywhere? I know I think so. (since i sold my original, because when I was 6 I had difficulty bearing the first Croco) Because it's really hard to find the game in stores, you can mosly find them in the internet. So I would really like it if Nintendo did this, what do you think?

Video Game Chat / Video Game Bargains
« on: July 24, 2006, 12:38:49 AM »
In this thread you can tell the FF about a huge discounts on games. I remember, in 2003. I got a NEW, SEALED, Copy of paper Mario for 11 DOLLARS!!! I got it at Toys R Us. i was lucky. Have you had any lucky game bargains?

Mario Chat / Worst Moments In Mario History?
« on: June 26, 2006, 12:05:24 AM »
What do you think are the worst moments in Mario history?I'll be short by saying four things.

1.Mario Movie,this thing deeply disapointed me bacause..Luigi had no mustache,the Bros. rescue daisy,instead of peach,bowser and the goombas should have been computerized.And It would had been better if it was animated.
                                                                                2.Mario Is Missing!,do I need to explain?
                                                                                 3.Mario Party,this game was unfair and had stupid minigames.

4.Super Mario Kart,would have been better with a joystick.

What do you think?

Mario Chat / What do you have?
« on: May 23, 2006, 02:15:44 PM »
Here you can tell all of the FF about what mario merchandise that you own. I got a preety nice collection.
                                                             Mario pillow case
Mario bed sheets
Mario car antenna thing
Mario puppet drink cooler
Mario DVD
Mario games (duh)
Mario gamecube skin
Mario BK toys
Mario wristband
Mario stickers

Note that the bed products and cooler are really old. (from when SMB came out!!) now the cooler is a cylinder shaped thing that came with it's own cup so it keeps drinks cold. Ithas hand painted overalls with the ORIGINAL color scheme. It has two arms with gloves and one is holding a mushroom. It has legs that are made with some thread with boots. and the top of it has mario's cap that you can remove! I always ask myself this: Has there ever been any mario type of food like a ceareal?

Forum Games / Mario's Warp Zone Association
« on: May 21, 2006, 05:33:05 PM »
And now here's another game! Pretty simple, all you have to do is have ANY character from anything go to a warp zone. Like i'll say mario jumps into the green pipe. Then the next person can tell where mario (or anyone else) goes to. I MEAN ANYWHERE!! then the same person will have another character go into a pipe. and so on. Get it? Okay, I'll start.

Mario goes down pipe #3.

Fan Creations / My new Fanfic (READ)
« on: May 20, 2006, 09:03:31 PM »
      Hello everyone, this is a fanfic that I wrote on paper a few hours ago, because my other fanfic is failing, I decided to start a fresh and new one. Well, Here it is!

      CHAPTER ONE: The story starts out with Luigi trying to fix a gas leak in his home with mario. "Oh man! Luigi says. this leak has been here for two whole months Now! And I still haven't been able to fix it!" Luigi's Calcuim is dangeressly low, so he decides to get a drink of milk. he washes his hands then walks up to his fridge. Hoping to find dairy he finds an empty carton.
              " Ah great! He says. I guess I gotta go to the toad town shop fore more milk!" He goes from the kitchen to the den to find mario watching TV. "Yo, Bro. Luigi says. Don't turn on the chiminey while i'm gone okay?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah," Mario says quickly. Luigi leaves without speaking. " What'd you say?" Mario askes to no one.
              When luigi comes back home he finds the place in ruins. It was jet black and smelled like gas. "Oh my god! Luigi says in suprisment. how am I going to clean the carpet?" He askes. He walks around the rubble to only trip on something. Luigi turns his head to see what it was only to find..... Mario's Body!!! It had many burns and his clothes were in ashes. Luigi tightly hugs the body. "WHEN!!, WHERE!!!, WHY!!!!".As Luigi is sobbing he doesn't see the ghostly figure approach him until it says. " YUOOOOO, KILEDDDDD MEEEEEE". Luigi gasps. "Mario, Is that you?". "You KILLLLEDDD MEEEEEEEEE" The ghost says as it tries to strangle Luigi. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" Luigi screams as he runs trough the doorway where the door is supposed to be. He decides the best thing to do is go to Peach's Castle and tell them all about that. So he does. THE END OF CHAPTER ONE.

Video Game Chat / Who cares about game ratings?
« on: May 20, 2006, 08:31:04 AM »
do ya'll guys care about the ratings ESRB gives to games? me niether, I just play the games carelessly. What are ya'lls opinions about game ratings?

Fan Creations / Mario Kart Fanfic
« on: May 18, 2006, 07:17:13 PM »
Hi everybody! This is my first fanfic and it's about a mario kart double dash race. I hope it will be as good as the suitor or spy's and sleepovers, well here goes nothing.

Chapter One: The jungle march

      Sweat ran down everyones cheeks as the lakitu appeared. Bower was very impatient and started to make his engine roar. As the lakitu came to the second light. Luigi was whispering to mario for last minute advice. "So as soon as the lakitu says go, I push the kart forward?". Mario nodded.
      Baby Luigi was sucking on his thumb nervously. "GO!!" The lakitu said in a quick holler. Bowser was left behind because he started his engine too early. It was a mad dash to the item boxes ahead. The Mario Bros. and the Babies had gotten a rocket start and left the group behind. King Boo and Petey bashed the Yoshi and DK group aside. Knocking them into the grassy area. The Mario Bros. and the Babies had gotten item boxes. Luckily, The Mario Bros. had gotten fireballs and quickly used them.                 
      Luigi threw them backwards to the crowd chasing them. But the Peach team in 3rd place used the heart special item and picked up the row of firey spheres. "I should have thrown it forward" Luigi thought to himself in pity. " I am sorry for that mistake bro" Luigi said.
      " Don't feel bad" Mario ansered, "it was not your fault". The babies used thier mushroom item to propel thier buggy into the cannon faster than the group. Soon the Bros. were ready to enter the cannon, right into the perilous DK Mountain. End Of Chapter One.

Forum Games / Mario's Diet
« on: May 17, 2006, 06:38:34 PM »
One morning mario got from bed and looked at his reflection on the mirror and said "Oh my-a-gosh! i'm-a-so fat!!" And it was true, he was already fatter than Wario and was about to out fat bowser. So Maio decided  to go on a diet. Here's what you do, write down stuff than mario would eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (Must be healthy!) And if you can think of some write down some healthy activites or exersises he could do. Get it? Well start to post!

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