You don't ever have a game that you like enough to keep because you know you'll want to experience it again?
Wrong - you misread my post. All I said is that I don't grow attached to my games like some people do. The games I usually sell are single player games that I've already played through and experienced at least twice. Eventually, replaying the same old game gets tiring to me, which is why I don't feel any remorse when I sell them.
Personally, the games I value most are games that are excellent for playing with other friends. Playing single player adventures over again is good and all, but what really makes a game worth keeping for me is the ability to play it over and over again with other people, with different outcomes each time (ie. Super Smash Brothers Brawl and Mario Kart). These games never grow old, and even if I don't play them for months, I know I'll come back to them eventually. On the other hand, single player games, are almost always exactly the same when you play them through again, so eventually it comes to the point where there's not much chance I'll ever play it again.
Examples of this are Paper Mario: TTYD and Super Mario Galaxy. Are they awesome? Yes. Do I love them? Of course. But they are games that withold a finite amount of enjoyment for me - and it isn't worth for me to keep them around for years and years when I know they'll never offer anything besides the same adventure I already played the first and second times around.
Also, keep in mind that a large part of this mindset is the result of my fairly limited funds. I'm hoping to rectify this problem next year, when I can finally try to get a regular paid job (I turn 16 in January).