Okay, as many of my relatives have owned multiple old Nintendo-related hardware and games over the years, I'm currently sitting on a pile of myriad old consoles, cartridges, etc. they let me have. Yes, I know most of this stuff isn't worth buying, but I reckon I've got nothing to lost but a little time by posting this list:
--1 NES
--7 NES controllers
--Memory Card 59
--SNES "Tribal-Tap 5"
--2 NES game cases
--2 Zappers
--Game Boy plus AV cord (bizzarely enough, I think it only works with the cord plugged in)
--2 extra AV cords (NES/SNES)
--One video cord (NES/SNES)
--3 copies of Super Mario Bros.
--Super Mario Bros 2.
--2 copies of Dragon Warrior
--The Legend of Zelda
They're not losing me any money, but then again, they're not making me any--in other words, since I'm really bad at deciding how much old stuff should cost, I'm going to be working on a heavily bargain-based "name your price" system here.