
Author Topic: What went wrong?  (Read 2449 times)

« on: February 03, 2002, 12:39:39 AM »
I used to post here, a long time ago. Everyone was funny and interesting and had something useful to say.

It must be an embarresment to Deezer at the amount of stupid whinning children he has on his forums. For God sake, 90% of the posts are complaining about something stupid, or an argument with that Frostbite guy. I think all of you should shut the hell up, leave your computers, go meet a girl, and get laid.

I'll probably get banned for posting this, but what the hell, SOMEONE needed to say it!
None of you should even be talking, thats how retarted some of your posts are, you really show your stupidity.

Leave, all of you, just leave, you are not wanted.

dumb*** kids.

Doomba, King of the Goombas
Doomba, King of the Goombas

« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2002, 01:32:30 AM »
What is the problem, Doomba? I'm just curious about just what it is that you are frustrated about. All I got from your post is that you want people who visit these boards to go "get laid". Are you frustrated with your *** life?

Well, jokes aside, I think that you are taking this whole thing entirely too seriously. Sure, there are lots of young kids that are sorta annoying, but so what? Just humor them, or ignore them. There are plenty of good things about this board. It's still enjoyable and you can still have a good discussion, as evidenced by the "Origin of the Koopalings" thread, for example.

Whatever the problem is, I hope you chill and take it easy. ;)


« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2002, 06:57:46 AM »
     I too have become disapointed in this forum. It's like it's becoming one big flame-war. Does Deezer even moderate anymore? For a while I didn't think so, but when I heard that Grimsack was banned I'm woundering if he still moderates.....once in a while. So many rules are broken so often. I think you people should try to get along. You should try to exept eachouther. Frostbite isn't that bad. Sometimes he will post in, or start, good discausions. He is one of the most active posters. Sure he can be anying sometimes. But you should look at his good points too. I don't think he should be banned. As for your question of what went wrong. I would probably say moderation. Exept for the saposably banned Grimsack, I don't think Deezer does much moderating anymore. I don't know why exactly. I just assumed he is too busy. Anyway. The reason I think this, is look at all these unedited posts. Look at how long it too him to ban Grimack. Without any penalties for breaking the rules, people will start to do so more often. Without any athority, the site becomes one big flame-war. I'm glad to see outher people are starting to realize this.....

« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2002, 08:34:32 AM »
I told Deezer about GrimSack so not much! Doomba shutup you should not post let the people who like the fourms post!

Mario and Yoshi rule! is a great Place for Yoshi! Ps.Visit the message board!
Should I put something here?

« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2002, 09:48:06 AM »
Settle down there, big guy! I was just joking, i came to see if any of the cool people still posted here, but its totaly changed, and all the topics are pretty crappy, so i thaught i'd tell you, haha, dont worry about it im only foolin around, although that frosbite guy must have some serious problems to take the mario universe that literaly, man, some people have no life!

Happy posting, Ya screw cases!


Doomba, King of the Goombas
Doomba, King of the Goombas

« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2002, 12:24:40 PM »
You're right... I do have no life...
