
Author Topic: Site suggestions  (Read 17701 times)

« Reply #45 on: November 22, 2004, 11:12:38 PM »
Yeah, I answer my letters.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”

« Reply #46 on: November 25, 2004, 09:56:27 PM »
Good, then I guess I'll write to you next, LD! :) Hey, now that I've finally found the secret page, would it be okay if I put down some cool ideas for improvements?  I promise that I won't give any hints to where it is or what's on it.  And if I can't do that could I mail my ideas to someone?

Your forum board has been infected by the YSR virus. Please send an error report now so we can point and laugh at you.
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #47 on: November 26, 2004, 12:09:47 AM »
You can't.
That was a joke.

« Reply #48 on: November 26, 2004, 12:13:00 AM »
That's what I thought you might say.  Can I send my ideas to someone then?  I've got some really good ones!

Your forum board has been infected by the YSR virus. Please send an error report now so we can point and laugh at you.
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #49 on: November 27, 2004, 12:43:37 PM »
Hello?  Can I email my suggestions of the secret page to someone at TMK, or do you not accept suggestions? (sorry to ask again but no one was replying)

Your forum board has been infected by the YSR virus. Please send an error report now so we can point and laugh at you.
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #50 on: November 27, 2004, 01:14:09 PM »
Boy, no one at TMK likes talking about the secret page huh? (No I did NOT just realize that.  It's actually pretty obvious).

Edited by - SuperSonic_Yoshi on 11/27/2004 11:20:29 AM


  • Old Person™
« Reply #51 on: November 27, 2004, 01:16:34 PM »
I sent YR an email.  I think it is wise to avoid talking about the secret page.
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

« Reply #52 on: November 27, 2004, 01:21:28 PM »
Yeah, I got that thanks.  Going to reply soon.  I don't want to talk about the secret page I just wanted to know if I could give suggestions.  I'll stop talking about it now.

Your forum board has been infected by the YSR virus. Please send an error report now so we can point and laugh at you.
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #53 on: March 16, 2005, 08:38:43 AM »
I always find it interesting how that I'm often the last person to reply to something and then it just dies. *raspberry* But maybe that's just because I sometimes say things that aren't respone-worthy.  Anyway, I bumped this dead and buried topic because I just thought of something.  Why doesn't TMK get some kind of mailing system where you can leave them your email address and then they can send you an email every time the site updates? (and unsubscribe if you start to go nuts)  I've used this for a couple of other sites and it saves me lots of time.  I get so tired of checking this site each day (pathetic, isn't it? :)) that this feature would by nice.  I bet that this question has already been answered but if it has I don't where.  So will we ever get some kind of TMK email?

Now let's all pray that no new members start repeating what has already been said here!

EDIT: Heh, good point, Suffix.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.  But I think we can all agree that Mario rules and that''s a fact!

Edited by - Yoshisaurus Rex on 3/16/2005 7:12:55 PM
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.


  • Steamed
« Reply #54 on: March 16, 2005, 05:09:14 PM »
That <I>would</I> be a good idea. Now as for your killing of threads...
Take a look at your last quote: "I'll stop talking about it now." Perhaps it made people lose interest...?

« Reply #55 on: March 16, 2005, 05:53:00 PM »
In reply to what was said about forum additions, they ARE possible to an extent using nothing more than a general purpose header and/or footer that allows HTML, even if it is the same for every page. All that is required is Javascript.

Look at this board. I've added things like an extra profile row for a user self-description, minipics beside usernames, a photo album, user ratings, and custom rank stars, using nothing more than an HTML allowing header and footer. I know a lot of that would be inappropriate for a board like this, but simple things like a quote tool or signature fixer(so quotation marks won't double anymore) aren't bad, and I could do them without much trouble.

Edited by - CashCrazed on 3/16/2005 3:54:17 PM

"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #56 on: March 19, 2005, 11:13:47 PM »


Formerly quite reasonable.

« Reply #57 on: March 20, 2005, 12:19:33 AM »
Leave the board as it is.
But invisionfree would be a nicer board...
Find your inner monkey.

« Reply #58 on: March 20, 2005, 03:24:16 AM »
This is a site suggestion, and my brother (LuigiWolf) wants me to say this, so I will-

Maybe we could have some kind of Submitted Games thing, with screenshots, and movies and all that. However, you don't actually put the games up for download, just as you don't for TMK. If you're confused, look at SMBHQ's Game Ideas section.

There, I said it. I hope my brother is happy...

Actually, I kinda want this too!

Epitaph No.1: I told you I was sick!
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #59 on: April 01, 2005, 01:46:05 PM »
So, what do you think Deezer?  Is this a good idea?  Can we have an email update system for the site?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.  But I think we can all agree that Mario rules and that''s a fact!
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.
