Wondering how Colbert's gonna handle it...as I post this, the Colbert Report airs in six minutes.
EDIT: Oh my god, that was amazing. He didn't back down one bit, kept the laughs coming in strong, and hilariously used sarcasm to point out how he's portraying a character ("I MEAN EVERYTHING I SAY ON THIS SHOW!"). The best part was when he shut down the "Ching Chong Ding Dong Foundation for Orientals or Whatever" and announced that he'd give all the money to the Redskins, which he said "Twitter must be fine with, because I haven't seen [dukar] about that", noting how they didn't actually do anything about the actual racist he was satirizing in the first place.
However...I've lost faith yet again. You see, at one point, he actually told his viewers NOT to harass the person that started #CancelColbert, and now people are mad at him because he mentioned her on the show at all! (He showed her face at one point, but while her name was on screen briefly, it was only as part of a screenshot that focused on something else; he never even actually said her name.) He tries to protect the person attempting to get his show taken off the air, and people still get angry at him? Perhaps they're just angry at the smackdown Colbert laid down. Yeah, it's bull[dukar] that she's getting death threats for speaking her mind (Even IF her opinion is, like Josh Zepps said, "stupid"). But when Colbert goes out of his way to tell people not to attack her, don't get mad at him for mentioning her on the show.