
Author Topic: Sequel to "Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom"  (Read 4351 times)

« on: January 11, 2005, 08:41:05 PM »
Hey, i was wondering if anybody thinks i should start posting chapters of
"A New Threat"...the sequel to the story in the thread "Yet another Mario Fanfic...Very Long".
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2005, 06:17:24 PM »
I don't think you have to ask people if you think you should continue a story.

Just continue it if you think you should.

« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2005, 09:06:15 PM »
This is now the sequel to the Story:
"Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom" and i'd like to call it: "A New Threat".
I'm still working on it, and i'll post chapters whenever i finish them...anyway, heres the first chapter!
-A  N E W  T H R E A T-

Chapter One: An Important Discovery

   King Bowser Koopa had been long since forgotten, although he would always be remembered as a foul, heartless being. Even as of today, two full years later, (two years of peace, two years of happiness,) nobody knew where the seven children of Bowser had ever gone too, and better yet, Bowser’s most trusted servant, Kamek. They had all mysteriously disappeared after the destruction of his castle, and rumors spread that they were killed during that.

But what nobody knew, the painful truth, was that the eight of them were very far from death. But that still doesn’t explain…where did they go to? They were following their father’s original plan, (when they captured the princess on the airship and began to fly so some place far away…very far away) to a place their father had hidden from them for all of their life, a place he called Koopa Mountain. The kids found the map to Koopa Mountain as their father was killed atop the volcano, and immediately set off with his airship and remaining troops. They made it safely to the hidden island, and landed their ship outside the mountain. The kids sent their troops off to carve into the mountain, making a castle inside the mountain.

Kamek had helped a great deal, he had used his black magic to expand the size of the mountain, and it almost took up the whole island. The seven kids gathered in a circle to talk as their troops dug continuously into the mountain.

“Why had dad kept this from us? If we would have turned tail and pulled out of the Mushroom Kingdom with Mario and Luigi, then the Mushroom Army would still be looking for them.” Wendy said.

“Maybe he kept it from us for a reason…” Iggy said.

“Obviously,” Roy said.

“Yes, but why? We could have won the war!” Larry argued back.

“I don’t think any of us know right now, but arguing about it isn’t going to make it any better!” Wendy yelled.

“Alright, let’s chill out for a second. Let’s just think…” Morton said calmly.

“Wait…” Iggy stepped out into the middle. “Dad might have kept this island a secret because…”

“Because why, squirt?” Ludwig said, pushing his long, blue hair out of his eyes.

“Because maybe it wasn’t meant to be used then…”

“What? What’s wrong with you? It’s obvious that if we were to come here, if it wasn’t for those two stupid mushroom people who were interfering with our business, dad could have been saved, and the Mario brothers could have been eliminated!”

Silence was all that filled the air, besides the chopping noises of the koopas.

“We’re going to raise another army, and we will take out Mario and Luigi for good!”

“And those two mushroom people!”

“We can’t lose this time,” Wendy paused. “I swear it.”

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Rain came down on the Mushroom Kingdom. A powerful storm was brewing, and all of the mushroom people were cozy and warm in their mushroom houses. Super Mario, Luigi, and the Angelina had stayed over at Victoria’s house, all sipping hot chocolate that Victoria had just made.

“This is very nice of you, Victoria,” Angelina smiled. “Thank you,”

“Oh, it’s no problem at all,” she smiled back at her. “It’s always nice to have company; things get dreadfully boring without somebody else…” Victoria took her seat at the round table, a mug of her own hot chocolate in her hands. She sipped.

“That’s quite a storm outside,” Luigi said, trying to start a conversation.

“Yeah,” Super Mario paused. His mind was on other matters at the moment… The three continued on talking, while Super Mario’s thoughts were overtaking his mind now, thoughts of two years ago…

*He remembered the look on Bowser’s face as he fell into the lava pit, and the feeling of conquer took over his body. He saw the New Mushroom Army heading steadily up the hill, and they took out the koopas with ease. Kamek had regained his strength and hopped back on his broom, zooming away…that was the last that was ever seen of Kamek…*

“Well, we’d better be heading back home now,” Luigi said. “Come on, Mario…” Luigi nudged him in the shoulder, bringing him back to reality.

The storm outside was furious, and the rain was falling down very hard, and the wind was violent.

“We need to get back to the castle soon, who knows how bad this storm could end up being,” Super Mario said.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

The warmth of the castle was welcoming, and all three headed up to Angelina’s room, where a roaring fire was there in the fireplace. Angelina ran over to it, and began to comb her sopping wet hair. Luigi pulled his green cap of casually, and rang it out in a bucket near the fire. He shook it off and placed it on again.

“It’s getting late,” Luigi said. “So I’m off to bed. Good night,” and with those words, he walked out of her massive room and across the hall, and into his room. Changing into dryer clothes, he looked over to his desk near the fireplace, (where a fire was lit also,) and opened the drawer. Luigi looked in it and found a pink book with a lock on it.

Angelina’s diary lay in the palm of his hands.

He found it when he snuck onto Bowser’s airship when it then crashed in the middle of the mushroom sea.

He opened the small book, and began to read:

*February 5, 1881

My father gave me this diary for my birthday, and I thought it would be good to start writing in it right away. He also gave me a beautiful necklace with a large blue gem in the middle. Daisy received one too, but the gem was purple instead of blue. I guess I must be getting back to other matters now, so good bye.

Angelina Toadstool*

“This is new…”

The sun had risen brightly in the morning, and the storm had raged on all night, but had passed in the morning. Luigi had fallen asleep reading the diary, but had awoken much later than expected. He woke, showered, and headed into Toadtown to the familiar castle of the Chancellor. Mushroom people ran about, and he walked into the throne room. There he was, the elderly mushroom person sat in his seat, smiling. On his head, he wore a green spotted mushroom hat, and he carried his walking stick with him wherever he went.

“Good afternoon, Chancellor,” Luigi greeted.

“Why, Luigi, how nice it is to see you again. Come closer, my son.” Luigi did as he was told and approached the Chancellor’s throne and bowed.

“What brings you here?” he said, looking at him through his half moon shaped spectacles.

“Well,” Luigi started, pulling the diary out of his pocket, “I wanted to know if this meant anything, anything at all.” Luigi handed him the book and waited while the Chancellor thumbed through the pages.

“The diary of Angelina Toadstool,” he said. “Where did you find this?” Luigi explained to the Chancellor the story of how he had found the diary. “Luigi, you might have found something that can tell us where King Koopa’s seven children have gone off too,”

Dumbfounded, Luigi replied, “How?”

“Listen, it its written here that while being held captive in Bowser’s castle, she overheard him and Kamek talking about some “Koopa Mountain”. So she must have kept this diary with her wherever she was.”

“Yes, that’s true, but while on the airship, Bowser must have confiscated it, and that’s when I found it,” Luigi explained.

“So this Koopa Mountain must be where the kids left to…” The Chancellor said. “Do you mind if I keep this diary for a while?”

“Sure, go ahead,” Luigi said.

“So the Koopa Troop must still exist…only they have spread out when we destroyed the castle…So we need to pinpoint where this Koopa Mountain is, or if it really even exists…”

Edited by - GenocideGtarist on 1/13/2005 7:09:01 PM
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Then it's hillarious.

« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2005, 12:59:48 AM »
RoTMK is sad and friggin' screwed up how they make Mario and Luigi die.Nobody can Tell what's goin' through Randy Solem's and Rob Foor's minds.

Guess who's back? Back again?
Munky's back!
Tell a friend!
...What, don't you guys like Eminem?
 I always have the latest info.Did you know that I farted?PPPPPPHHHHMmmmmmmmmhhh!!
