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Messages - Black Mage

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Liberal Arts are were the girls are.

God help you if you're in an engineering major.

I know what he meant, I just wanted him to reflect upon it. For his own good.

I just know there's some glaringly obvious "In Soviet Russia..." joke that I'm missing, but for now I'll just ask what the Norfair "political marriage" means.


Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: August 28, 2010, 12:45:53 PM »
What? Everyone knows Metroid's a girl.

Site Discussion / Re: The Chef a mod?
« on: August 21, 2010, 01:01:35 PM »
Are you for real? Only PaperLuigi is complaining, and you wouldn't have to be a prophet to have predicted that.

Site Discussion / Re: The Chef a mod?
« on: August 21, 2010, 07:27:00 AM »
I'm pretty sure he got banned for that bear picture he posted with the questionable microphone. Considering Deezer edited it out, I think it's safe to say he was the one who banned Glorb.

And for clarification's sake, Moderators don't have the power to ban members.

Forum Games / Re: You "Awesome," You Lose
« on: August 20, 2010, 08:28:13 AM »
Mario forum, Glorb. Mario forum.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: 360 versus PS3
« on: August 16, 2010, 07:03:56 PM »
I'd be up for some Gears 2 sometime. I'm pretty terrible at it, but it's fun to play now and again.

Those excuses won't fly! I live alone and am a terrible cook. No one taught me how to clean because it's not a skill-- it's a chore! You can do these things, it just sounds like you don't want to. You're going to have to learn someday.

It's all about your attitude. If you don't make an effort to enjoy it, then of course you won't! I went from a small town to a huge school as well. My graduating class in high school was less than 80 people.

You'll make new friends in college, but it's a lot more difficult when you're only there for classes. That's part of the experience!

I know I'm not going to convince you, but you should really stop coming up with reasons you're not going to enjoy college, and just enjoy the ride!

Chup-Edit: You gotta start somewhere! I know I wouldn't be able to handle the music industry (or art for that matter), so I've got nothing but respect for people who brave that route. Good luck!

Point's moot then, since you had the best of both worlds!

What're you doing these days Chup? I didn't realize you had graduated. My goodness, we've gotten so old!

Keeping myself entertained shouldn't be too great an issue, seeing as I'll be going home every day. The college is a half-hour drive from our house.

Oh man, college was so much fun. I graduated in May 2009, so I've been out for a little over a year now. I miss it a ton. But I can't recommend enough that you move out of your parents house. You'll miss out on a whole dimension of college if you're not close to your campus. You should really look into staying in the dorms or getting an apartment near by!

I've been working full time since I graduated and it's been okay. Having a decent paycheck is great and all, but having all of freedom and none of the responsibility was much more fun. There's something to be said about having a huge concentration of like-minded people your own age around all the time.

It might sound cliche, but enjoy it while you've got it!

General Chat / Re: The HOPEFUL thread: Be happy here!
« on: August 13, 2010, 09:32:24 PM »
The Scott Pilgrim movie was amazing.

I just got back from seeing it, so maybe I'm still on a movie high, but I seriously enjoyed it. Great adaption of the books.

I should quantify that with I was skeptical before seeing it, but I was won over very quickly.

Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: August 12, 2010, 10:05:54 PM »
What? We were tested on shoe tying in Kindergarten.

This blows my mind that people over the age of 6 don't know how to tie their shoes.

Video Game Chat / Re: Ever had a crush on a videogame character?
« on: August 09, 2010, 07:44:05 PM »
Obnoxious is more like it.

These post-X FF characters are becoming eerily realistic.

If only their writing could do the same.

General Chat / Re: Video Editing Help
« on: August 07, 2010, 04:39:02 PM »
Fair enough, but I brought it up because I wanted to hear your justification for it.

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