
Author Topic: Mario Suvivor on my site!  (Read 1732 times)

« on: April 10, 2002, 07:21:08 PM »
Ok I did a Mario Suvivor on YSI(My site yoshies Super Island) Im going to copy and past it with the pre show like on my site here so you dont have to visit it to see whats there!Mario Survivor!
Like the real survivor!!! Episode 1! Yoshi:were is everyone this should start yoshi wish he wasnt alone! Kamek:BOO!! Yoshi:AHHHHH Kamek:Hia Yoshi! Yoshi:oh its Kamek host I was worried it was a threat! Kamek:why you im a magikoopa! yoshi:Dont hurt yoshi please your the stronges magekoopa! Kamek:thanks that magicoopa! Yoshi:sorry.... Mario:Hi-a Kamek! Kamek:good I thought Yoshi would claim the big prize! Luigi;I brough a vacume to clean as my luxery item! Kamek:Whatever! Luigi:well porof. E. Gadd's polterguist 3000! Kamek;oh good so your afraid of ghost that badly? Luigi:well I...(a loud noise interups him) Bowser:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you should fear ghost! Luigi:i shouldn? Bowser:No you should fear me and my 2 sons thats here! ludwig:You wont be able to vaccume us up you idioit! luigi:i didnt intend to! Lemmy:sure you didn't!Yoshi:Dont vaccume up my luxcury item! Mario:what food? Yoshi:How you guess?Kamek:Hummmm food can't be used! Yoshi:Dang! Wario,Waluigi,Peach,Donkey kong(DK),Link,Wendy(Koopa) arrive. Kamek:about time! Ok I kamek am the host you split into tribes of 6...(Mario inturptes) Mario:Thats too few when do we merge 2 member each? Kamek your right ok you merge after you pack up! Peach:We are already packed! Wario:Can i use money for my luxery item? Link:I got a sward you know!  DK:I brought bannas! Walluigi:Can I kill Luigi?  bowser:Well im going to vote Mario off! Ludwig:Well Im going to read books! lemmy:i got a ball to run someone over flat! Luigi:Need any cleaning? Yoshi:whens dinner? kamek:STOP! All:ok Kamek:Hers a map got to camp allready! Yoshi:when do we vote? kamek later! ( Mario leads them to soda Island survivor camp.kamek;Immunity challenge! Yoshi:WHAT is it? mario:YEAH what!? kamek;im getting to that! Ok survivors eat all of the pies in your row thats 20 pies the first to eat them wins the  immunity! Yoshi:YAY! All(but yoshi):NO YOSHI WILL WIN ITS NOT FAIR! Kamek:hey hey I didnt write the book so maybe hge wont win! Wario:i give up! Ludwig:Judgeing at his eating rate he will win! Kamek:Suvivors ready! GO!!! (5 seconds later) Kamek:The winner is Yoshi! Peach:That was perdictable! Lemmy:Amazing he could beak the eating record! Bowser:I didnt move! Yoshi:*burp* Excus me! Kamek:your excused and with immunity! Yoshi:YAY! (they all go back to camp) yoshi:Whens dinner? Mario:You just ate 20 pies! Yoshi:Oh that... Luigi:I will cook! Yoshi:No way let the expert! (all waits 20 min. Yosgi comes out of the hut with Yoshi stew a hot vegetbal soup using some luxer items he snuck) Bowser:This is good yoshi i have to admit. Peach:Thanks yoshi! Lemmy:our koopa cook isnt this good! Ludwig:Hey can i have your recpie im making a book called Ludwigs Gormet specialties from the best cooks! yoshi:sure! (Yoshi and Ludwihg sneack off with Lemmy who decides to form an allience and vote off Waluigi by convinceing everyone) yoshi:Vote time! (they all walk off to tribal council) Kamek:Ok you vote for anyone excep yoshi get on with it! (everyone votes) Kamkek:When the votyes are read the disceasion is final yatta yatta yatta! Ok first member voted off is Waluigi! Waluigi:NOOOO Kamek:it was actually unamious so you pal Wario backstabbed this may be better thjan i thought! Kamek:ok go to camp and wait for tommoro! (all leave for camp) Episode 2:comming soon!(I will post it when im done now Fridays the pre show and Saturdays the show)

Mario and Yoshi rule! is a great Place for Yoshi! Ps.Visit the message board! note:Im also Ludwig Von Koopa as well as SuperYoshi7175. Ps.again Ok Join the Mario Clan the only clan totally devoted to Mario!
Should I put something here?

« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2002, 12:42:37 AM »
thats a cool story. ( better than high school days.

wario: i love it when daisy is naked.
im a wario, ima gonna win!

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2002, 07:32:57 PM »
Wow, you captured the true Survivor essence there. Well done.

Now, a short ending for all you with short attention spans:

When they got back to camp, Yoshi ate everyone and won the game. THE END.

errrrrrr I think you should wait for the full ending...

*My real signature went on strike, said something about "unfair working conditions". So, this is a temporary replacement sig, until I can work things out with the real sig.
