
Author Topic: Eletron character teams up with mario  (Read 1840 times)

« on: May 05, 2005, 05:16:30 AM »
Eletron facts

<Description: Furry, small shoes,
Thin hair: Without coming hair,
turn into long hair,
Lightningfrost sword: [Chaos],
 Small T-shirt with lightning bolt,Manga eyes,Tiny nose,light blue eyes.


<Attacks: Double Dash,
Blue heaven, Aura Shield, Steal, Fly,
Blue streak: Attaks with sword[stab],
Mist: Stops attack of others for 60 seconds, Crusade: calls upon dead to fight for him,
Min Attack: Attacks like involve crush; you jump onto the ground and you float up, and your whip lash[whip] and stone head[giant hammer] hits your enemy.
Apocalpse: Draws the whole earth and spritis of gods into him, turning his eyes red.
His Sword turns blue,  a meteor shower occurs, and lightning and the shower kills your opponet but can only be used at collecting the four crytals.
You then turn very huge as the demon Lord destroying the the enemies. Must collect 1000 coins:By destroying enemies]

<Sword: When Eleyron first found his wsord was, when he ran to a forest playing about and the earth turned pale,
and a viloent strom approached, Playing about he was trapped between thr rocks, a let lose, to see he was bleeding, because the sword had cut him. he decided to take it with him.
He then was shipped of by his clan, because the invasion begun, and in a matter of time, poor little Eletron saw the city burn in despair. Black shadwos appeared,
armies came.He then left for Derof, to seak peace. Instead an army fortress was there. He had been shipped of tomiliatary school.
12 years later the land was overthrown, the last two survivers were Eletron, and one person, which was his brother, now they have to explore.
You will find that your soldier becomes to elize, he is your long lost brother. You then can use Bro attacks, fightning through the worlds.

<Personality: Lazy sometimes, but when motivated he gets the job done, can be very angry.
Sweet at times, swift with justice.

<Pet: His pet is a pelindrios pel\in\dre\os. A form of dragon, but not a dragon.

He temas up with mario.

Frostmourne hungers,
I serve the Frozen Throne
No one orders me around
For the Lich King
let''s a go
Yeh ha
Go luigi
mmmm! bananas mmmm!
