« on: June 08, 2005, 02:04:47 PM »
Play as Wario:
As soon As you enter the mansion, don't move. Buy the DDR Dance mat and plug it in. Now start dancing waltz with you mother on it. When you have danced exactly 17 hours and 12 minutes, Jump and say:
-Mamma's homemade Metroid Jelly!
Your mother should now jump through the window and fall to the ground. Now Buy a Super Scope for the Snes and Plug it in to GC, If it doesn't go in, just push it until it does. And shoot Luigi and shout:
-Momma! I Killed Luigi!
Your mother should jump from the window and say:
-I'm a cucumber.
Now your Gamecube should turn green.
Take your Gamecube to the roof, The power must not go off, so you'll need to add some extension cords. When you are in the roof, throw your gamecube to the air, now a genie should appear. It'll say: "Y Helo Thar".
Shoot him with your Super scope. Now you'll hear a Beep. It's MR Game and watch that came from the chimney. Kick him in the nose and say: "I'll never join the dark side! Never!"
MR Game and Watch should now explode and leave an Avocado behind. Eat it and take your gamecube back inside. Start playing and You'll see that you're Wario.