
Author Topic: Scary Stories!  (Read 5879 times)

« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2004, 02:15:22 PM »
I tell this story at a daycare I do volunteer work at every year around Halloween. It scares the crud outta the little kids but when I say that anyone who wasn't scared by the story gets candy, they calm down.(I have to admit that it freaked ME out when I first heard it!)


There was a man a long time ago and he had 3 dogs named Opi, Munch and Calico.(I have NO idea why he named a DOG Calico) One day he and his dogs went hunting but all they caught was an itty bitty bunny rabbit.("A bunny?" "Please be quiet, Quinn. Jessica's trying to tell the story.")(Jessica is me.) It was getting dark so the man figured he'd have to have just the rabbit. He went home to his 2-room cabin and skinned and boned and gutted the rabbit. He put the rabbit in a pot of water over the fireplace, sat down in his favorite chair and began to read a book. Suddenly, a black squirell-like creature came in through the partially opened door!("What does 'partially' mean?" It means "a little bit" Mathew.)The man quickly grabbed his ax and the chase was on! He managed to cut off the creature's tail, but that's all he got. The creature ran back out the door followed by a *SLAM*! "And STAY OUT!" yelled the man, still holding the tail he had chopped off. Looking at the tail, he decided to toss it into the pot with the cooking rabbit. You can guess where it ended up a few minites later! Later that night, being well fed, the man decided that it was getting around time for some Z's, so he went to bed.(This is where the scary part comes in!) And then he heard a sound that sounded like...


The man was scared so he sent his dogs after the thing-whatever it was-that made the noise. 2 of the dogs came back with nothing. Opi was gone. And then the man heard the noise again...


This time the man was freaked. He sent the 2 dogs he still had after it. Calico came back with nothing. Munch was gone. The man was worried that-- Wait-- There's that noise again...


The man was petrified with fear. He sent his only remaining dog-even though he didn't want to-after the noise. No one came back. Calico was gone. And then he heard a scratching noise just above his door. And THEN..... The black creature came BACK! The man was so scared he could only say "What do you want from me?!?" The creature gave its demand.


And the creature slashed at the man with its razor sharp claws!!!

Nowadays, all that is left of the cabin is the chimney, but if you go there at midnight, at a full moon, you can hear a faint whisper...


SONIC: Oh crud.
SONYA: What?
SONIC: Eggman''s robot is behind you.
SONYA: Yeah right. I''ll belive that when the sky rains-- *robot grabs Sonya*--pigs. Oh fart.

Edited by - GiftedGirl on 5/2/2004 1:16:14 PM
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2004, 04:21:19 PM »
I've heard that exact story somewhere. I don't mean something similar, I mean exactly.
Except the thing was looking for it's "tailley bone". I might not remember it correctly.
Did you read that story in a book of campfire stories?

I might be Sadib...

Edited by - Screech on 5/2/2004 3:22:35 PM
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2004, 06:30:18 PM »
No, I read it in a book called "The Tailypo".

SONIC: Oh crud.
SONYA: What?
SONIC: Eggman''s robot is behind you.
SONYA: Yeah right. I''ll belive that when the sky rains-- *robot grabs Sonya*--pigs. Oh fart.
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2004, 01:54:06 PM »
One day, in June 1992, a girl named Jessica was born.

11 years later, she reeked havek in the Mushroom Kingdom as.....




ME: Ok. *presses key*


ME: Grrrrrrrrr!
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2004, 10:26:50 PM »
i herd one

a man was driving down a dark and quiet road when he saw a verry pale arm sticking out of the shadows he stopped a few meters down the road and waited for a few minutes but no-one came up to the car. so he drove off after a while of driveing down the same road he felt the stering wheel turning off the road. he thought he was going to crash but saw a narrow dirt path the stering wheel turned the car all the way down the path and at the end of the path was a cottage as he pulled up at the cottage he got out and walked up and knocked on the door a little old lady opend the door and said "you brought him home" the man looked around no one was there. "do come in" said the old lady the man walked in and sat down in the living room. as he looked at the newspaper he noticed that the paper was 20 years old but still crisp and new. the lady walked in and said "he should be down soon so ill put the kettle on" and walked off after a few minutes he herd the stairs creek and looked up from the newspaper and saw the pale arm floating down the stairs as it reached the bottom the man threw the newspaper down, ran out the house and got into his car as he drove of he saw the arm following him quickly down the path and it appeared to be waveing goodbye to him he just drove faster and to clear his mind he turned the raido on to his fave chanel and a news bulletin came on it said -we only have one article tonight a man returned a kid to his mother after dieing twenty years ago when he tryed to hitch-hike home but a truck came flying down the road and tore his arm clean off- the man had been so focused on the news buliten that he wasnt watching what was happening he felt tired and while yawning and streching one of his arms went out the window and a truck came flying down the road from the other direction and tore his arm off the shock caused the guy to lose control of his car and he crashed into a tree. he died on impact. so if you ever dirive down a road and seea ghostly arm sticking out dont stop just keep driveing

if mario went on a diet and stopped hen he was as thin as luigi wouls we have to call him marigi
if mario went on a diet and stopped hen he was as thin as luigi wouls we have to call him marigi


  • Normal
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2004, 09:39:52 AM »
hiya mark
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2004, 08:23:27 PM »
Here's a good one... aww never mind. I forgot what I was gonna put.

"Can I have a cookie? No wait, 10 cookies? Can I have 20 cookies? 20 COOKIES?!?" --Wilson, ''Good Boy''
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario
