
Author Topic: BOREDOM HAS STRUCK IT'S VICTIM!!!!  (Read 35183 times)

« Reply #75 on: April 16, 2002, 08:46:08 PM »
anouncer:will 00boo........
00boo:will yoi shutup
anouncer:will 00boo kill me....
anouncer:w ugh i oof  ll......*dies*

 00boo : double o boo
 boos might be shy but they are always there......
visit my website at

« Reply #76 on: April 17, 2002, 02:45:02 PM »
cable: ha! my evil clone has been killed
now i can concentrate on my REAL villain....
apocalypse: you mean me, cable??
cable: you know, maybe i shouldn't bring you in to this, and i'll just leave this story to be comprised of the people's personallities that are here. okay?
apocalypse: *mutters and walks away*

mamma mia mario: mamma mia!
00boo: boo!
roshan: prepare to die!
*kills civilian*
cable: hey, you can't do that!
roshan: why not? the monkey told me to kill someone
cable: there is no MONKEY! when are you going to realize that it's all just been a dillusion?........ long as i'm in arizona, i'm goin' to monkey's eyebrow

who bothers reading these questions?

who wants to buy a skunkle?
Y8FooD...well, you did

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #77 on: April 17, 2002, 06:45:25 PM »
*I apologize in advance for the short addition, but little has happened since I left*

Roshan: Of course there is a monkey! I killed him enough already! geez.... And besides: I can tell... that guy was trying to kill me....

In a hidden fort somewhere...
Unknown "Final" Opponent: <profuse swearing>!
They've killed the PosernatorST, The undercover announcer that I planned to use to waste them all 1 hour from now... The Evil Cable clone, and that secret agent I stationed in Arizona.... I will get you... I will get you sometime...

Fred: Where are we?
Roshan: Arizona...
Bill: Well, if we are stuck here, let's look around?
*They find nothing interesting*
All: Well, that was a boring adventure!
Roshan doll: Hi! I'm Roshan the Insane!
Roshan: That was a pointless episode...

*The teaser questions that were supposed to be here had to be omitted because the announcer/secret agent has been killed. Sorry.*

*My real signature went on strike, said something about "unfair working conditions". So, this is a temporary replacement sig, until I can work things out with the real sig.

« Reply #78 on: April 17, 2002, 07:45:35 PM »
Mario: Where am I?

Luigi: Why have I not been in the story yet?

Bowser: Why am I not the "Final" opponent?

Ranma1/2: Welcome to Arizona!

Fred: Who are you?

Ranma1/2: I'm the Amzing: "Man who turns into woman man"!!

Bill: Just what we need a homo***ual.....

Ranma: Shut-up!*impales Bill*

Fred: Say,where's Roshan?

Cirus: Dunno he left...

Darth Roshan: Join the Slightly-Unlit side Luke! Choooo...Hoooo...Chooo....

Fred: Who are these people?

Cirus: I am Cirus! I....well.....have a big sword!

Darth Roshan: *Deep scary voice* I am your worst NIGHMARE!!*Lightning Strikes*

Will Cirus Marry Ranma?

Will Bill recover?

Will I stop asking questions?

Will Roshan Return?

Will Return Roshan Return?

Find out next time on: aawww you already know the name of this Blasted series.
200 characters and nothing to say.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #79 on: April 17, 2002, 08:35:35 PM »
*Roshan returns from Taco Bell*

Roshan: Mmmmmmmmmm burritos... *jaw drops* Wow, a lot has happened in the 1/2 hour i was gone! There is a clone of me....
Return Roshan: Hi!
Roshan: Another clone of me with a Darth Vader helmet....
Darth Roshan: Join me!
Roshan: And 2 people I have never seen before....:
Cirus: Are you talking to me?
Ranma1/2: So YOU are the Roshan I have not read about in the previous posts...
Luigi: Hey! I finally got a line!
Roshan: And.... BILL HAS BEEN IMPALED?!?!?!?! Oh, no, now we can't Extra Warp to ummmmm..... wherever this story started!!!!! We will be stuck in Arizona forever! (or until this story ends) NOOOOOOOOOO! Well, a lot has happened, so I gotta think about what to do! *leaves the story once again*
Roshan doll: Prepare to die!
Darth Roshan: Shut up! *blows up the Roshan doll*
Fred: He blew up the Roshan doll! And where's Citrus man?

When will Roshan return?
Will they STILL be stuck in Arizona?
Why didn't Roshan kill Luigi?
What other surprises does the "Unknown Final Opponent" have in store for ANYONE?
Who is the "Unknown Final Opponent"?
Where is Citrus man?
Why didn't my Magic 8 ball work?
Will Cable04 EVER capitalize ANYTHING??? ;-)
And the most important question yet:
Who or what are Return Roshan and Darth Roshan fighting for?

Find out as I, the new announc---
*the announcer dies*
-=-Please Stand By-=-

*My real signature went on strike, said something about "unfair working conditions". So, this is a temporary replacement sig, until I can work things out with the real sig.

« Reply #80 on: April 18, 2002, 10:51:51 AM »
00boo:cool arizona*the plot thickens*
00boo:hmmm how did i get here?
00boo:why am i talking to my self?
00boo:ooooooooo a native american gift shop!
anouncer:little did he know his first boss apears
00boo:thanx for tellin me but now i have to kill ya
chinka chinka POW
00boo:hmm my first boss
*creation apears*
00boo:are you the first boss
creation:oops wrong place im your last final boss g2g
00boo:well that was odd*the plot thickens*
*kaboom expludodus comes*
00boo:hmmph*takes out a cigarette**lights it*
00boo:come on *flicks the cigarette at him*
expludodus:wat???*his bombs fuse start to burn
5:00 minutes till explosion

 00boo : double o boo
 boos might be shy but they are always there......
visit my website at

« Reply #81 on: April 18, 2002, 01:59:48 PM »
*cable in monkey's eyebrow, arizona*
cable's computer: the others are in danger
cable: what else is new?
computer: i am warping you over to them now
cable: whheeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEE!

:30 till explosion
cable: what do i have to fix now?
roshan: i dropped my burrito!
cable: that's it? my computer takes me all the way out here just so i can pick your greasy burrito of of the dirty, dusty ground?
00boo: well, i also kinda set a bomb to explode
cable: well how much time is left?
bomb: :15 till explosion
cable: that's not very long
bomb: 10
cable: WHAT?  i should have more time than that! you're counting to fast
cable: hey!
cable: everyone that's important, grab on to me!!!!!
*important people grab on to cable*
*they teleport as the bomb goes off in an extremely dramatic close call*

where will they end up?
why does insane steve care if i CAPITALIZE?
who will the next announcer be?
who am i?
am i the announcer?
are YOU the announcer?
is that GUY SNEAKING UP BEHIND YOU! the announcer?

find oot <i felt like being canadian> next time on
bored-mx12 or whatever this lame show that only the mad and the bored care about!

who wants to buy a skunkle?
Y8FooD...well, you did

« Reply #82 on: April 18, 2002, 05:33:03 PM »
00boo:umm was i spose to grab on to cable................. crap
expludodus:ha ha haaaaaa i stopped the fuse.
00boo:well you are evil you are trying to kill me
expludodus: oh
2 seconds till explosion
1 1/2
will 00boo excape from the explosion
the anwser will be answered riiiiiiiiiiiight now

 00boo : double o boo
 boos might be shy but they are always there......
visit my website at

« Reply #83 on: April 18, 2002, 05:36:33 PM »
*we interupt this program for a unimportant anouncment my head is ichy*
black yoshi: what??????*dies*


« Reply #84 on: April 18, 2002, 05:49:19 PM »
00boo:hahahaha i sure showed him
00boo:man i just know somethin is going because of that *silence*
mystery voice:you know you have a 100,000,000,000,002 dallars on your head.
00boo:really*checks his head for money*
mystery voice: no if i kill you you numnut
00boo:oh but im already dead
mystery voice:ill kill you again then. and my name is varclard jones no DIE!!!
00boo:i know i should not have walked on that grass that one day.

« Reply #85 on: April 18, 2002, 06:07:16 PM »
Everyone pops up in Japan.

Bill: I'm awake! I'm awake! What happened!

Fred: Hey Roshan gimme a Burrito!

Darth Roshan: I need a Burrito too,um,I mean....Join the semi-unilluminated side Roshan Skyhopper! Chooooo...Hooooo...Chooooo...

Cirus: Um....I think Ranma Died....

Bill: Good riddence!

Ranma: Miss me!

Annoucer's Ghost: and so Bill,Fred,Roshan,Ranma,Cirus,Cable04,Darth Roshan,and CitrusMan(Don't ask) continue on there Journey.

Fred: What's this? a Hen-tai? Hmmmmm....*Looks inside* AAAHHHH MY EYES!! MY EYES IT BURNS TO LOOK!!!

Bill: Quick get rid of it!*Extra warps the Hentai away*

Ranma: Look it's my Manga!

Fred: CitrusMan Digivolve too.....*Faints*

Cirus: Should have warned you only to look at nice safe Mangas.....Hentais are to be handled only with thick tented safety goggles.

CitrusMan: Oooooh Lime mush!

Ranma: No! That's Hot Green Mustard!

CitrusMan: *Takes a Pintful of the "Lime Mush"* MAMAMIA!!! IT'S HOT!!!! Citrus Hose!! *Squirts Lemon in his mouth to cool it off*

Roshan: What's "Kirin"? *Drinks a Bottle of Kirin* Wazup Mah Brotha?*Passes out Drunk*

Darth Roshan: Where's Fred?

Fred: Take me to.....Groovy Town....I mean Funky Town.....

Bill: Look it's Shiggy!

Shigeru Miyamoto: Hello Mario!

CitrusMan: Mar-Eeh-Oh? Why do I keep hearing this Idiotic name?

*Stupid Quetions have Censored for your Sanity. Thank you*

200 characters and nothing to say.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #86 on: April 18, 2002, 07:13:20 PM »
*Roshan is in a passed-out drunken stupor, and "awakes", well not really, in an odd cave-like area, in a strange "dream", of sorts...*

NOTE: If you've never played lvl 6-5 of Yoshi's Island, this will make no sense, plus it is mot necessary to the plot of the story, so if you don't want to read this, skip to the row of asteriks...

Roshan: Huh, where am I? This is weird....
*the screen scrolls VERY slowly..... several rocks, lava rivers, and icicles are along the path*

Roshan: Hmmmmmmm.... Wait a minute... I know where I am! I am, for some reason, in World 6-5 of Yoshi's Island! I hate that level! NOOOOOOOOOOO! This is worse than Arizona!
*He still has no choice but to plod along with the slow moving screen*

30 mins later:

Roshan: It's that door part... Man the screen is moving a lot slower than in the game.... I always have a hard time doing this... but something tells me it will get me out of here....
*that Chomp rock rolls down*
Roshan: Well, here goes nothing.... *sudden realizaton* hey, wait! I'm not Yoshi! I'm Roshan the Insane! And this is a dream anyway! *flies to the door* heh heh heh

Roshan goes into the door and finds himself.... In Japan.


Roshan wakes up.

Roshan: Huh? Hmmmmmm I drank too much of that Kirin stuff again..... I get volatile reactions to that stuff.....
HEY! It's Shig---- ummmmmm.... That guy who made Mario!
Citrus Man: For the last time, who is Mar-ee-oh?
Roshan: So is there anyone to fight here?
Fred: I'll tell you if you give me a burrito...
Roshan: Fine.... *gives Fred a burrito*
Fred: Well, 00boo Is fighting that one guy, but other than that.....
Darth Roshan: WHY DON'T YOU JOIN ME?
Roshan: Cuz that would mess up the whole story!!!!!! sheesh....

*back at the hidden fort*
Unknown "Final" Opponent: HAHAHAHAHA you will get what's coming to you... sometime...

*The announcer is too afraid to ask any questions*

*My real signature went on strike, said something about "unfair working conditions". So, this is a temporary replacement sig, until I can work things out with the real sig.

« Reply #87 on: April 19, 2002, 12:37:21 AM »
Shigeru: Whew! I sure is HOT right now! Here have some Ice water!

Ranma: No,No I don't any!

Shigeru: Come,On!*Splashes Ranma with the Cold water*

Ranma:*Turns into a girl* NOW YA DID IT YA CRETIN!!

Goku: Hhhhmmm,I knew I took a wrong turn on Oak & Sushi.......

Bill,Fred,Roshan,Darth Roshan,and CitrusMan: *Eyes Bulge out at the now ***y Female Ranma*

Cirus: You guys look surprised. Never seen a Boy turn into a girl before?

Bill: uuumm.....

Megatron: Haha! the Unkown Final Opponent has sent me to kill you!

Optimus Prime: Not If I Can Help It!*Locks in the Robotic version of Mortal Combat with Megatron*

00Boo: DIE! Chinka Chinka Chinka!

Optimus: Maximize!

Megatron: Terrorize!

Fred: Fight Optimus!

Guru of Women: I will replace Bill with a Diztie Blonde! They'll never know!!

Ranma: AHHAAA!!*Helps Optimus*

Fred: Soaply Soap Ray of Soaply Soapness!!!*Fires a spray of Bubbles*

RockMan: Wrong Game.....

Goku: Kaaaaa! Meeehh! Haaaaa! Meeeh! HOOOOO!!!!!!

Megatron: Nooooooo!!! *Is blown up by Goku's Kamehameha*

Goku: Welp see ya 'round!*Leaves*

Galvatron: Now you face me!

Cirus: *Gulp*

Will Galvatron---!!!AAHHH!!!*Is blown up by the Raving Lunatic 00Boo*
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #88 on: April 19, 2002, 10:55:36 AM »
00boo:aaaaw saki mmmmmmmmmm
varclard:what the **** are you doing and how are we in japan
00boo:oya DIE *pulls out his hand gun*
pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow fling
varclard:you are better then i thought *pulls a the spork out of his butt*
varcard:a spork very nice *takes his magnum*
varcard:ha ha ha DRAW
pow pow chapow pow chapow chapow chapow pow
pow chapow click click
varclard:you're out of luck 00boo out of bullets
00boo:oya you only have one more
varclard:***** you're right
chapow kapow
varclard:ugh how did you do thaaaat......
00boo:i had a extra gun
00boo:ooooooooo a sushi bar

 00boo : double o boo
 boos might be shy but they are always there......
visit my website at

« Reply #89 on: April 19, 2002, 11:05:57 AM »
varclard:hey hello HELP*then a the giant robot steps on him*

 00boo : double o boo
 boos might be shy but they are always there......
visit my website at
