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Messages - NintendoIke64

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General Chat / What's the name of that song?
« on: December 11, 2004, 05:42:21 PM »
So...what is the title of the song in the background of that Nintendo DS commercial where they're in a fancy restaurant? I think I may have heard it before (Outside of the commercial, that is).


General Chat / My Return
« on: November 20, 2004, 02:41:00 PM »
Hello, everyone. This is NI64. I haven't been posting for, well, a long time. As Insane Steve and others know I've been caught up in Kingdom Of Loathing. Anyway, I have "returned" to the Fungi Forums, at least for a little while.

General Chat / If you met God...
« on: July 18, 2004, 11:57:44 AM »
If you met God (Not meaning to offend if you're not Christian) and could ask him one question, what would you ask? As for me, I'm not sure yet. Let me think about it for a while.

''Procrastinate now. Don’t put it off.'' -Ellen Degeneres

Video Game Chat / The Top 5 All Time Best Nintendo Game Awards
« on: June 29, 2004, 05:07:11 PM »
That's right! Another Fungi Forums Award show. Whether that's a good or bad thing, you decide. Anyway, there are five categories: Best NES game, Best SNES game, Best N64 game, Best GCN game, and Best Nintendo Portable game. Here's the rules:
a)Nominations start now, and end July 5. You may nominate two games for each category. They do not have to feature Mario in them.
b)Voting begins July 6, one week from now. It ends July 12. I will post all the nominations for each category, and you will be able to vote afterwards.
c)You may vote for one game per category. Obviously, you're allowed to vote for the game you nominated. Vote on your own posts.
d)All nominations and votes are final. You may not change them after the deadline for nominations/votes.
e)July 13 is when the winners will be declared for each category. But the voting goes on! Those are the nominees for all-time best Nintendo game. Voting starts after the winners for Top 5 have been declared, and ends July 19.
f)On July 20, the all-time best Nintendo game will be declared! That means that all people who don't already own that game, should go out and buy it. Right away.
Okay, start your nominations! Remember the categories: Best NES game, Best SNES game, Best N64 game, Best GCN game, and Best Nintendo Portable game!

Edited by - NintendoIke64 on 6/29/2004 4:10:57 PM

Video Game Chat / 8-Bit RPGers, help!
« on: June 26, 2004, 08:45:38 PM »
There's this song I can't get out of my head from a video game. I heard it on RPG Radio from Zone Radio Network. I NEED to know what game it was from, and possibly the song title. Here's the best description: It sounds 8-bitty, upbeat (like shop music), and is very reminiscent of "Oh When The Saints Go Marching In" I'll get the playlist of songs that RPG Radio plays come next post.

''Procrastinate now. Don''t put it off.'' -Ellen Degeneres

General Chat / The Meaning Of Life
« on: June 17, 2004, 07:26:39 AM »
Okay, I know this is a pretty deep topic. But I just want to hear your ideas. And as of now, let's leave religion alone in this subject.

My theory is that the only time we'll ever figure out what the meaning of life is will be when we die. We'll go wherever we go after we die, and somebody will tell us why we struggled to live so long. Our reactions will probably be something like, "Why didn't I think of that?" or "That's so obvious! It was right under out noses!" But I believe that if you hold out long enough and live life to the fullest, you'll realize why in the end.

There is no ''I'' in team...Nor is there an ''I'' in group, gang, crew, squad, club, band, party, crowd, cluster, troop, or set.

General Chat / Hate to burst you bubble...
« on: June 16, 2004, 11:42:00 AM »
...But..."Yay" is not spelt that way in the context that you're using it in. It's spelled "Yea". They word you're using could be used in the sentence "It's about...yay high." So...yeah. Just thought I'd let you know. "Yea!" not "Yay!"

There is no ''I'' in team...Nor is there an ''I'' in group, gang, crew, squad, club, band, party, crowd, cluster, troop, or set.

General Chat / Stupidest Video Ever
« on: June 08, 2004, 08:53:23 PM »
Hey, what was the stupidest video/movie/DVD you ever watched? For me, it would have to be some dumb Video Quiz thing we watched in Social Studies. The way it worked was that there were two people telling us about The Great Depression: Professor I. M. Smart and Jeanie Yuss. (HAHAHA! They used puns!) Anyway, their stereotypical "friends" would quiz us about what they said after they were done. One of the characters was Salty Gales, a pirate. He had corny lines like, "Arrr...answer this question right and you'll get a treasure...of knowledge!" He was sailing in what was supposed to be a ship, but I noticed it was A BOX! Also, the oars were just sticks, nothing on the end. Are any of you familiar with these ten-dollar budget videos?

There is no ''I'' in team...Nor is there an ''I'' in group, gang, crew, squad, club, band, party, crowd, cluster, troop, or set.

General Chat / Dumbest Thread Ever
« on: June 06, 2004, 06:05:25 PM »
No, not this one. I'm asking you what OTHER thread has had the stupidest idea for a "discussion" on it. In other words, of all the time you've been here, what was the dumbest thread you've read? I personally think that the dumbest thread I read was the thread I created about saying anything as long as you didn't start a discussion.

There is no ''I'' in team...Nor is there an ''I'' in group, gang, crew, squad, club, band, party, crowd, cluster, troop, or set.

Video Game Chat / The Video Game Shaman
« on: May 28, 2004, 08:34:01 PM »
Ah...come troubled children of time. Do not be afraid. I am the video game shaman. Approach me with frustrations you are facing during a video game, and I will give you a lick of ancient knowledge to settle your temper down so that you will be able to continue along with your game...(Tell me a part in a video game that ticks you off, and I'll say a bunch of baloney in hope that it'll make you feel better) Oh, and one more thing all complaints to my secretary.

There is no ''I'' in team...Nor is there an ''I'' in group, gang, crew, squad, club, band, party, crowd, cluster, troop, or set.

General Chat / See how long you can hold it...
« on: April 22, 2004, 03:21:44 PM »
Here's my idea/experiment mentioned in the topic "unbelievable...but true". Here's how this works. Let's try and keep this topic alive for as long as possible, but under ONE VERY IMPORTANT CONDITION: At no point, may anyone make a post that states something triggered in response to an earlier post. This includes saying "This is stupid" anytime, for that thought was triggered in response to this very post. You can only post random thoughts that would cross your mind if you had never read any of the other posts above yours. Also, if you don't get it, don't tell anyone, because saying you don't understand is triggered in response to this post. Ready...set...GO!

NI64''s Reasons To Procrastinate:, forget it. I don''t want to write this now. Maybe I''ll do it later.

Forum Games / Mario: The Musical
« on: April 05, 2004, 06:05:06 PM »
I'm not sure if this should've been put in the Story Boards section or not, but here's what we do. It's like a story thread, except it's an opera! I'll start us out:

Mario-Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!! Mama mia, fate is a cruel mistress!!! Now I'll never get this meat stain off my paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnttttssssss!!!

Now you try.

This message will self destruct in 5 seconds. I strongly recommend you disgard this immedietl-BOOM!

General Chat / Please close...
« on: February 27, 2004, 09:52:40 PM » topic called "Which is a bigger deal". It's going nowhere. This topic will have the same subject, and will (hopefully) stay on that subject. For those of you confused as to what I'm talking about, I asked you which one of these you thought was a bigger deal: Luigi in SM64, or the Triforce in Ocarina Of Time?

This message will self destruct in 5 seconds. I strongly recommend you disgard this immedietl-BOOM!

Video Game Chat / Which is a bigger deal?
« on: February 23, 2004, 07:16:58 PM »
Yeah, I know I've been on a sort of topic spree lately, but I thought this could evolve into a interesting discussion. (Ha! Interesting...yeah right. Yay cheese guy, I'm thinkin' of you). Anyway, onto the topic. I was wondering, which of these is a bigger deal: Luigi in SM64 or the Triforce in Ocarina Of Time? I've seen a lot of "info" for both sides, but which one do people care more about in a whole?

In the words of the greatest plumber of all time..."LETS A-GO!!!"

Mario Chat / 9-Volt High Scores
« on: February 22, 2004, 04:38:21 PM »
Hello. I think most of us agree that in Wario Ware, 9-Volt is probably the funnest stage in the game. I was just wondering what your high score is on his stage. Mine is 70.

In the words of the greatest plumber of all time..."LETS A-GO!!!"

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