
Author Topic: Super Mario Sunshine Remake  (Read 4177 times)

« on: May 15, 2005, 09:34:45 PM »
Super Mario Sunshine Remake
Chapter 1 the trip
One day in the mushroom kingdom peach had asked Mario if he wanted to to go on a trip to delfino island...the story starts now...
Peach is walking up near mario
Peach:*waves hand* Mario...Mario over here!
Mario:*looks at peach* Be right there
Mario runs toward peach and he runs to fast and falls on his butt
Mario:umph! momma mia that hurt.
Peach:are you ok? *helps Mario get up*
Mario:I'm fine...what did you want?
Peach:Would you like to go on a trip with me?
Mario:Sure...what about Luigi?
Peach:He can come too.
Mario runs to his house to get Luigi.
Mario:Luigi wanna go on a trip?
Mario & Luigi ran towards the princesses castle
Peach:Umm Mario we have a problem
Peach:Toadswirth is coming
Luigi:*falls on the ground*Momma mia toadswirth
Peach:Yes I know...but he has to go
Mario:It's ok are we all set to go?
Peach:Well we have to wait for toadswirth
Toadswirth:I'm here lets go
Mario & luigi peach,toadswirth,and some toads went on the plane
A pianta came on the screen and it showed food and mario had hearts in his eyes
Peach had looked out the window and seen a somewhat mario figure on a water tank
Luigi:were here!
Mario and the gang landed and when they came out the door the seen some goo.
Toad1:whats this ink like goo
toad2:its moving
toadswirth:now,now boys dont touch that stuff
Peach had looked at the mario figure again
peach:umm excuse me boys
peach looked again and the mario figure wasnt there
Toadswith:I am most concerned with the princess in this dreadful heat master mario & luigi if you wouldTake care of this mess.
Mario&Luigi:uh huh!
Chapter 2 Fludd no normal machine.

« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2005, 09:37:40 PM »
Chapter 2 Fluud no normal machine
Mario & Luigi were walking around and they seen some piantas
Pianta: Hey you cap your the mess for all this...GET HIM!
Luigi: Wait Mario has done nothing
Pianta: Hah prove it! his picture is on the wall!
Luigi looks over at the wall
Mario: Thats not me *Turns around to see a angry crowd*
A pianta throws a pineapple at mario and it hits mario in the face
Mario: momma mia *mario falls on the ground* umph!
Luigi: He didnt do anything
Luigi has a evil face and gets into a fighting pose
Luigi: If you want him your gonna have to get through me!
Pianta Police: Hold it green give us
Luigi: No!
A pianta smirked and said
Pianta police: we'll be back
The piantas walk away
Luigi: Mario are you ok?
Luigi slaps mario in the face
Mario: I SURRENDER!...heh sorry
Mario: Hey whats that?
Mario points at a weird machine
Luigi: Im not sure...lets check
Fludd: Power up complete thank you for using this product...Scaning...
Mario...and...Luigi of the mushroom kingdom
Mario: did it know us?
Luigi: Not sure
Mario:this is so cool!
Luigi:I know lets go tell the others
mario and luigi ran towards peach and toadworth
Toadsworth: Amazing you can use these to get rid of the slop around
Mario: we will do our best!
Peach:Be careful
chapter 3 The sunrise awaits

« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2005, 09:38:42 PM »
Chapter 3 the sunrise awaits
The Pianta police walk by Mario and Luigi strangly
Mario: hmm...momma mia I have a idea!
Luigi: *Looks at mario with his eyelids open wide* what is it?
Mario: Look a warp pipe lets go back to the mushroom kingdom!
Luigi: no way it could take days
as marios thinking mario has someone behind him about to hit him with
a pineapple
Luigi: Mario watch out
Mario looks behind him and shoots water at the pianta Luigi put his
foot on the piantas stomach
Luigi: What were you trying to do?
Pianta: I wont say nothin
Mario got a poison mushroom off the ground and put it near the piantas
Pianta: nope
Mario: hmm ill shove it
Luigi kicked the pianta in the stomach and he opened his mouth and
swallowed the poison mushroom
Luigi: He should be out for a while
Mario: lets hope so
Mario ran with Luigi to the pianta friut shop to get some fruit
Luigi: Get a bannana
Mario bent down and on accident shot water at the lady pianta
Mario: so sorry
Luigi pulls mario's arm and they run until they trip into a pipe
Mario and Luigi fall on the ground
Mario: momma mia
Luigi: Mario and Luigi see a big giant pink boo
Luigi: Mario shoot at it
Mario shot at it and stingray ghosts came out
Luigi: shoot at them now
Mario: Im out of water
will mario survive?
chapter 4 the boo at dawn

« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2005, 09:39:45 PM »
Chapter 4 The boo at dawn
Mario and Luigi ran and ran until luigi tripped
Mario: Luigi get up hurry
Luigi: I cant
Mario picked luigi up and ran
Mario: what am I gonna do?
the big boois getting closer than mario flippes behind it and picked up
a pebble and hit it
Luigi:mario dont give up
Mario was hit by the boo
luigi jumped up and hit the boo five times
mario: mario looked around and could not find water
mario: what now?
mario seen a puddle
mario: finally
luigi: mario hurry
mario squirted at the huge boo and it wasnt very affective
luigi shot a fireball at it
luigi: do it now!
mario shot a whole lot of water at the boo and the boo dissapered
luigi: we did it
mario hit luigi on the head
luigi: what was that for?
mario: that!
mario squirted water at a huge pihrana plant then it went down a pipe
mario: chase after it
they ran and went down a pipe
mario: momma mia
luigi: wow whata huge place
mario: be careful
luigi: I will
mario ran and jumped hi in the sky
mario: here we go
and landed and hit a slime monster
mario: ah haha
luigi: mario where are you?
will mario make it...
will luigi make it...
find out soon on
chapter 5 petey piranha on the loose

« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2005, 09:40:52 PM »
Chapter 5 Petey Piranha On The Loose
Mario was looking at the big slime monster
Mario: lookes like you could use some water
Mario jumped in the air and shot water at the slime monster
Mario: it didnt work
the slime monster shot some goo at Mario and he fell on the ground
Mario: err I cant brake free...LUIGI PLEASE HELP ME!
Luigi was running after petey piranha and petey shot slime out of her
mouth and then luigi stoped
Luigi: after this im gonna need a vacation...wait im supposed to be on
vacation err here I come you slimy little devils
Luigi jumped in the air and came down and kicked the little slimes
Luigi: that should have beat them
the slimes jumped in the air to crerate...mega slime
Luigi: (gulp)
The mega slime wacked luigi across the face and he fell on the floor
Luigi kicked the mega slime but it had no affect
Luigi: I have no chance at winning so now I have to...RUN!
luigi ran after petey piranha
Mario was stuck on the ground
Mario: how can I get loose?
the slime monster got one step closer
Mario: AHHHH!
Mario broke out of it threw fludd on the ground and shot fire balls at it
and the slime monster melted Mario picked fludd and started walking
Mario: this is very difficult
mario ran into a different pipe and seen luigi running
Mario: woah another slime monster errr
Mario shot a fire ball at it and flipped over it
Mario: luigi wait up
Luigi: huh? you beat the monster?
Mario: sure did now lets go catch petey
Luigi: right
they ran and mario went foward and jumped on a lever and mario flung
himself towards petey
Luigi: go mario
now mario was infront of petey
Mario: lets end this now
petey: raaarr
Luigi: mario watch out
will mario win?
find out on the next chapter
Chapter 6 Mario vs Petey Pihrana

« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2005, 10:16:54 PM »
Chapter 6 Mario vs Petey Piranha
Mario and petey piranha were looking at eachother no one looking around..
besides luigi
Luigi: Go mario you can win!
Mario shot water at petey and nothing happened
Mario: huh?
Petey tripped mario and shot goo on his body and he couldnt move
Mario: oh not this again!
Luigi: Mario...
Luigi ran towards mario and tried to rip the goo off but it didnt get off
Luigi got hit in the stomach and swong around like a doll and threw into
a wall
Luigi: ouch
Luigi fell on the ground and fainted
Mario: (Luigi I wont let you down)
Mario bended and tried everything and couldnt get loose
Mario: dont you come near me
petey was coming closer
Mario was put into peteys mouth and swallowed and suddenly he popped
mario out
Mario: heh thanks im out and now to finish you I now know your weakness
Mario shot water in peteys mouth
Mario: thirsty? if your not dont waist something good
Petey fell on the ground mario ran and stomped on its belly button
Petey got up and shot goo and mario dodged all of it and shot water
in peteys mouth again petey fell and mario stomped on peteys stomach
Petey was crawling after mario and mario jumped on petey and kept on
hitting her.petey threw mario on the ground and tried to crush him
Mario: have a drink
Mario shot water in peteys mouth and she fell
Mario: this is my chance
Mario flew up in the air and ground pounded peteys belly butoon
Mario: huh?
mario heard a gurgaly sound and petey exploded
Mario: wahhh!
mario went up in the air and fell on his butt
Mario: momma mia
Luigi was just on the ground sleeping
Mario: Luigi wake up
Luigi didnt move
Luigi: who what where?
Mario: I beat petey lets get going
Luigi: guess your right
Mario: that was hard
Mario and Luigi are safe for now...but what about for later?
Mario meets his shadow

Edited by - papermarioboy on 5/15/2005 9:18:42 PM

« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2005, 05:01:00 PM »
Petey's a girl???  That can't be right.  Otherwise, nice story.
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2005, 08:39:13 PM »
thank you

« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2005, 09:10:41 PM »
Chapter 7 Mario Meets His Shadow
Mario and Luigi were walking and seen a pianta on fire
Mario: Wahh here I come
when mario jumps in the air and a robot rips out of the piantas skin and
started shooting at mario
Luigi: MARIO!
Luigi threw a rock at the robot and the robot looked back at Luigi and
chased him
Mario: err
Mario kicked the bullets at the ground and luigi jumped and hit the robot
in the face
Luigi: gotcha!
Mario shot water at the robot then it blew up
Mario: finally
Mario and Luigi ran back to peach and toadsworth
Mario: hahhh
Mario waved his hand at peach and suddenly a liquid mario falls towards
the ground and grabs peach and runs off with her
Luigi: PEACH!
Mario started to run at the shadow imposter
Mario: err!
the shadow imposter stops and mario is running to fast and the mario
imposter elbows mario in the face
Mario: owww
the mario imposter ran off and luigi came over to help Mario
Mario: err here I come peach!
Mario flew up in the air so far that he got ahead of this shadow imposter
Shadow mario: hmm get out of my way!
Mario: not a chance!
Mario shot water at shadow mario and dropped peach
Shadow Mario: who do you think you are?
Mario: Im Mario your nothing but a imposter
Mario squirtes shadow mario on the ground
Mario: give yourself up now!
Shadow Mario: NEVER!
Shadow Mario punched Mario in the gut
Mario: errr!
Shadow Mario: heh you dont know how to play fair...well got to go!
He ran towards a windmill and got out a weird brush and wiped some
paint and went in side of it
Mario: peach are you all right?
Peach: yes im queit alright
Luigi: mario lets go!
Mario: yes we must
Mario and Luigi ran towards the windmill and mario squirted water at it
and went inside of it
Mario: lets go!
will mario be alright find out next time
Chapter 8 Marios high hopes

« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2005, 09:11:40 PM »
Chapter 8 Mario's high hopes
Mario and Luigi went through the windmill
Toadsworth: wow...thats amazing
Peach: *hmph*
Mario: wahhh...umph!
Luigi: mario!
Luigi fell on the ground right next to mario
Mario: hmmm where could he be
Fludd: bzzz...bzzz...
Mario:huh whats the matter?
Fludd: out of water
Luigi: hmmm down there, theres water
Mario raced towards the water and as he was about to go near it Shadow
Mario appeared infront of him and took Fludd
Mario shot a fire ball at shadow mario and shadow mario deflected it
Mario: err Haa!
Mario shot multiple fire balls and shadow mario hit them at mario
Mario: uhh ohh
Mario got burnt and fell on the ground
Luigi: its my turn!
Luigi ran towards shadow mario and shadow mario jumped in the air pulled
out his magic paint brush and threw some goo on Luigi and he was stuck to
the ground
Luigi: *falls asleep*
Mario: Oww getting up just hurts from the fire balls err Luigi here I
Mario ran and some pianta stopped mario
????: wanna where some glasses?
Mario: your kidding...right?
????: nope
Mario: no thanks...err now he got away
????: patients young one
Mario: huh?
????: ...
Mario ran towards Luigi and got the goo off
Luigi: ZZZZ...
(Luigi is in a dream state)
Shadow Mario: die!
Shadow Mario punched mario in his spine
Shadow mario killed mario
Luigi: No!
Luigi socked shadow mario in the face and elbowed him in the gut
Shadow Mario: errr
Shadow mario head butted Luigi
Luigi: wahhh!
Mario: are you ok?
Luigi: (huff) yeah (huff)
Mario: well he got away now what?
Luigi: not sure...
Mario got luigi out of the goo and they left to try and find shadow mario
What will happen next time...find out on
Chapter 9 Mission F.L.U.D.D
