
Author Topic: The X-Nauts Strike Back  (Read 13239 times)

« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2005, 10:35:55 PM »
Thank you very much Gifted Girl.  I'll have to write another chapter tomorrow, or something, as for right now, I'm too tired.

Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2005, 09:31:43 PM »
Man…writing two stories at the same time gets annoying…

Chapter 11:  The Undefeated Chompien ~ Captain Susho steered the blimp a lot nicer after that, and ended up turning on the wind shield wipers like a good fishy.  He was sweating buckets after that last accident; in fact, Mario could have sworn he was sushi.  But no, he was Susho.  The storm seemed to die down a little as they trudged on through the dark and threatening clouds.  It was still pouring Toads and Goombas, but the lightning and thunder were more rare, now.  Lily came back up from the shadows.  It took them a half an hour to find out where the shy Shadow Siren went.  Everything was quite a bit calmer, now.  Captain Susho was trying to hurry and get to Glitzville so he could check on the Cheep Cheep Blimp to make sure nothing was too badly injured.  The lights still didn’t work, but that could be easily fixed.  Mario sat on the couch, trying to make himself warm.  It was extremely cold on the blimp, but the sound of the rain and distant echo of thunder seemed to strangely ease Mario.  Goombella was sitting next to Mario once again reading her book by the little round lantern that was built into the front of her helmet.  Lily was trying to explain to get Punio to leave her alone, and Susho was, well, Sushoing.  And so, things were getting a little boring.  They flew and flew and stuff and flew.  Hooray.
“Excuse me, captain?” Goombella said to Susho.
“W-W-W-Wh-Wh-Wha-Wha-Yes?” Susho said nervously.
“When will we be arriving at Glitzville?”  Susho twitched slightly as he check his watch.
“In a f-few minutes.  W-We should all be th-there any t-t-t-t-t-TIME now…” Captain Susho twitch nervously again as he returned to steering the blimp.  Goombella looked at him with a look that almost looked like pity…but then she got back to reading the book she was intensely in to.  Lily finally disappeared into the shadows so that Punio would go and bother poor Captain Susho.  After a short while, the captain was able to ward of the little annoying Puni.
“Alright everyone…I believe it is finally safe to gain altitude,” Susho said.  Goombella sighed.
“Finally,” she said, “I need to get out of these dark, depressing clouds and back into the sun!”  Susho nodded almost as if she were annoying him, and prepared for descent.
“Hang on!” he said as he pulled back a lever on the controls.  The blimp suddenly and quickly began rising higher and higher into the air.  Mario felt his ears pop as they rose up and into the clouds.  Everything around them was now a thick gray fog as they continued to rise, trying to get over the clouds.  The sound of rain slowly became quieter as they climbed higher, and higher into the sky.  Then, finally, POOF!  Sunlight streamed into the blimp, and they were over the clouds!  Everyone was in awe as they looked down through the windows at the tops of the dark clouds.  As they looked out over the sky, it looked like an entire meadow of clouds.  Truly beautiful.  And then, sitting on top of the clouds, was the floating city of Glitzville.  Lights beamed up into the sky from the amazing sight, and Mario could see the top roofs of tourist attractions, and balloons floating happily high in the sky.
“There it is!  That’s Glitzville!” squeaked Punio.  â€œI’ve heard so much about!  It’s been my dream to come here!  I can’t believe it!”  Captain Susho gave a nervous giggle, as if he hadn’t expected them to make it this far.  Lily gazed over the clouds in awe.  She had no idea there was more beauty to the world other than in her own small garden.  The Cheep Cheep Blimp rode on to the floated on over the horizon, determined to get to their destination.  In no time the blimp was gliding over the brilliant city, waiting to be tied back down for it’s resting spot.  Mario looked down through the window.  It was just as Mario had remembered it.  The colorful buildings, the amazing culture, the hot dog stands, and of course the most amazing attraction ever, the Glitz Pit.  The Glitz Pit was the biggest building there, and was the center of attraction with it’s enormous roof, fancy red pillars, and huge statue of a chain chomp jutting out from the roof.  It truly was a sight to see.  Mario heard Captain Susho sigh.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he said, “welcome to Glitzville.”  Mario, Goombella, Punio, and Lily stepped out onto the little transporter thingy that took them down to Glitzville.  Captain Susho told them that he was going to stay inside the blimp, and take some aspirin.  The four of them slowly rode down on the little basket thingy to the amazing town of Glitzville, people not even pretending to notice them as they laughed with their friends, or busily ate their hot dog.  The little basket thingy came to a stop and the gate opened.  The four of them walked out to be greeted by a round, friendly looking orange Cheep Cheep.
“Welcome to Glitzville!” he said merrily.  Mario nodded to him.
“Thank you,” he said.
“Please, take a hot dog, stop in the local Chuckola Cola for a refreshment, and of course, you wouldn’t want to miss-oh my god you’re the Great Gonzales.”  He suddenly spat out.  Mario was hoping they wouldn’t remember him so soon, but apparently he was a legend in the book of Glitz Pit.
“Yes…I am,” Mario said.
“I can’t believe it.  The Great Gonzales in back in the ring…OH MY GOSH!!!”  The Cheep Cheep suddenly began hopping up and down.  Mario quickly tried to calm him before he started a ruckus.
“Um…Mario,” Lily slowly said, “who is the Great Gonzales?” Mario opened his mouth only to have Punio speak for him.
“That’s Mario!  Or at least, it’s his ring name.  See, Mario fought in the Glitz Pit a long time ago, you know, it’s like a sporting event.  Well, his name in the ring was the Great Gonzales!  He was the greatest champion ever!  And now the Great Gonzales is getting back in the ring so we can find those X-Nauts!” said Punio.  Lily stared at Punio for a while before saying:
“….Oh.  Okay.”  Goombella was giving Punio an annoyed look.
“Yes, Punio, Mario was the greatest champion ever, but he’s been gone for quite a while, and someone must have taken his place…” Goombella looked a little worried.
“Yeah,” said Mario, “but I can take the Rawk Hawk!  That guy was kind of easy, you know.”  Yes, the Rawk Hawk was the former champ before Mario stepped in the ring.  He was a big, strong golden eagle sporting a mullet.  HE was a pretty good fighter, but Mario took him down.  But, Mario figured that now that he has been gone so long, the Rawk Hawk must have come back on top.
“Mario,” Goombella said, “it might not be the Rawk Hawk anymore.  Remember, before we left last time Ms. Jolene the Glitz Pit Manager told us that Prince Mush, the first ever champion in the Glitz Pit, may be preparing for a comeback!  He may be the new champion now, Mario.”  Mario considered this.  She was right.  Perhaps regaining the champion title would be a bit harder this time.  Punio excitedly looked through the city as Lily nervously glanced at the Glitz Pit, as if the Chain Chomp statue was going to come to life at any moment.
“Well, Goombella.  There’s only one way to find out,” Mario said as he began walking towards the Glitz Pit.  â€œCome on, lets go find out who the new champion is.”  Goombella, Punio, and Lily all followed Mario to the Glitz Pit.  They ignored the pig at the hot dog stand begging them to buy a hot dog, and continued up the red carpet stairs, past the tall red pillars, and through the door, back into the Glitz Pit.  Inside was just as fancy as Mario remembered.  Red carpeting covering the floors, a pair of stairs leading up to the second level, and two doors at each side of the room that led to the fighters’ locker rooms.
“Wow…” Lily said as they all entered inside the beautiful room.
“Oh my gosh!  This place is off the HEEZEY!” Punio cried.  Everyone turned to Punio with a confused look on their faces.  â€œâ€¦â€¦â€¦What?  That’s how they be talking now…dawg…”
“Punio,” Goombella said, “Please shut up.”  Mario guided the three of them over to a man busily talking to a Lakitu holding a camera.
“Listen to me, I don’t care if Toodles doesn’t want to talk, when we are getting there we are confronting her about her seven husbands!”
“Excuse me,” Mario interrupted.  The news reporter quickly turned around.  He had thick glasses and neatly combed blue hair (like Stinkoman.  If you don’t get the joke, move on).
“Yes, what do you want?” asked the blue haired reporter.  The Lakitu pulled the camera out of his face to look at Mario.
“Dude…I think that’s the Great-“
“Shut up, Louie.  What do you want stranger, I’m a busy man,” the reporter asked.
“Um,” Mario said, “I was just wondering.  Do you happen to know who the new chapion is in the Glitz Pit?”  The reporter looked at Mario as if that were a joke.
“Do I know who the champion is?…Kid, do I looked stupid to you?  Everyone knows who the champion!  In fact, he’s in the other room defending his title as we speak!”  Mario looked past the blue haired reporter and to the door behind him.  Behind that door was where thousands of fans were cheering their butts off over a fight going on in the ring.  Mario thanked the reporter and quickly rushed past him, opening to the door and rushing inside, eager to see the new champion.  Goombella and the others quickly followed him.  Inside, the crowd was extremely loud and a voice rung out throughout the room.  Mario looked into the ring.  There stood the champion.  An eight-foot tall Chain Chomp with an over-sized belly and a blue headband.  His eyes were squinty, his mouth large with an obvious overbite.  Mario’s mouth hung open at the size of this enormous Chain Chomp.  His chain hung from the back of him, connected to nothing.  This enormous champion was fighting a tiny Toad, wearing a blue karate uniform with blonde hair.  That was Prince Mush.  And then Mario saw someone familiar in the background.  Ms. Jolene, the young, beautiful Toad who was the manager of the Glitz Pit.  He wore a tight red suit and wore horn-rimmed glasses.  She yelled into the microphone as the fight roared on.
“OH!  That had to hurt ladies and gentlemen!  Chompien smashes his chain right in to Prince Mush’s face!  OH!”  Mario couldn’t believe what he was seeing.  This Toad didn’t stand a chance.  The over-sized Chain Chomp jumped into the air, his deep rumble of a voice roaring out over the crowd, and then smashed into Prince Mush!
“OH MY!  Chompien just completely body slammed Prince Mush into the floor!”  The crowd cheered loudly as Chompien began taunting his weak opponent, his teeth gleaming in the light.  â€œWell, folks, Prince Mush is unable to get up, this match is over!  The champion continues to be THE UNDEFEATED CHOMPIEN!!!”  The crowd jumped up and down, cheering their lungs out for the enormous, sharp-toothed monster.
“Hah!  Hah!”  Chompien laughed, his voice practically shaking the room.  Ms. Jolene walked over to Chompien.
“So, Chompien, how do you feel being completely undefeated?” Ms. Jolene asked him, holding the microphone to his absolutely enormous mouth.
“Well, Ms. Jolene,” Chompien boomed, “I actually feel bored.  Isn’t there anyone out there who can handle the UNDEFEATED CHOMPIEN for even more than a minute???” The crowd roared.  Mario rubbed his eyes.  He was supposed to beat that???  He looked over at his friends.  Goombella’s mouth hung open as she simply stared at Chompien.  Punio seemed excited, but also rather scared.  Lily was once again nowhere to be seen.

Hmmm.  I kind of made Goombella's personality more like Hermione than Goombella.  Oh well.

Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2005, 04:24:54 PM »
I love your stories! They are very creative.

Mario, Mario, He''s our man, If he can''t triple-jump and ground-pound, no one can!

« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2005, 07:44:14 PM »
Very, very good. An excellent story.

I have the body of a God! Unfortunately, it''s Buddah.
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2005, 09:41:08 PM »
Hoorah people are reading!  Thank you very much everyone, the next chapter will be coming soon, I hope.

Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #20 on: August 28, 2005, 07:44:43 PM »
Chapter 12:  The Great Gonzales is Back ~ Mario walked out of the audience room feeling very shocked.  That…thing just creamed that poor little Toad!  How could they even let suck an enormous fighter enter the ring?  Shouldn’t there be a size limit, or something…?  For once, Mario didn’t have very much confidence in himself.  Watching that Chain Chomp basically terrorize that little Toad made Mario’s stomach knot up, and sweat form on his brow.  Goombella, Punio, and Lily quickly followed after the awe-struck Mario as he walked back out into the hall.  Goombella rushed to keep up with Mario, jumping in front of him.
“Mario!  Mario, where are you going?” she asked as Mario continued heading for the door.
“It’s useless, Goombella.  I can’t beat that behemoth!  It’s like, ten times my size!  I’m better off heading home.”  At these words, Goombella’s jaw dropped and a look of disgust formed on her face.  She suddenly slapped Mario across the face (no hands)!  Mario’s pudgy face stung as he rubbed his cheek with a gloved hand.
“What was that for???” Mario asked a little louder than he meant to.
“This isn’t the Mario that I know!” Goombella said, looking at Mario in the eye.  â€œThe Mario I know would take on Bowser, Star Rod or not!  He would beat enemies ten times his size!  He would keep trying to beat anyone!  Even if it took 17 tries (Shadow Queen)!”
Mario sighed.  â€œIt was 18 times…and your right Goombella…I don’t know what came over me!”  Mario hadn’t had a good, solid fight for so long, he forgot how strong he was.
“Good…and besides, Mario.  From what you said to me, the fortuneteller said you had to be in the ring to find the X-Nauts.  Just in the ring.  You don’t have to get to the top.”  What Goombella said was true, but Mario felt like it was almost his duty to rise to the top again.  The Great Gonzales was the greatest fighter in the ring.  Mario really did miss the enormous roar of the crowd that time he thwomped the Rawk Hawk.
“Now come on, Mario…let’s go sign you up.”  Mario nodded in agreement, and turned to Punio and Lily.
“Do you guys just want to wait out here…?” Mario asked.
“Alright,” Lily said quietly.
“We’ll be right here for you Mario!  I want a hot dog.  Lily!  Come with me and get a hot dog!”  Punio chimed in.  Lily followed the little gray Puni outside, obviously a little peeved at his bossy behavior.  Mario and Goombella walked over to one of the doors next to the stairs.  A broad-shouldered bodyguard stood there, sporting black sunglasses and a fancy gray suit.
“Sorry Bub, behind these doors is reserved for fighters…woah, wait a second!!!  You’re the Great Gonzales!” the bodyguard said.  â€œAre you here to return to the ring?  OMIGOSH!!!  You are aren’t you??  Please, go ahead in!”  The bodyguard quickly stepped out of the way and opened the door for Mario to enter.
“Uh…yeah, thanks,” Mario said as he entered.  Goombella started rambling about the history of Glitz Pit, or something, as they walked on through the halls.  Memories suddenly hit Mario like a ton o’ bricks.  After recovering from these bricks, Mario wandered off in his memories.  He could hear the chants of the crowd through the walls, and excitement filled his body like water in a cup.  Mario walked all the way down the hall and took a right.  He continued walking until he found a door he recognized.  It was red, and made of a thick type of wood.  It was the room of Ms. Jolene, the manager of the Glitz Pit.
“Can I help you?” asked the bulky bodyguard at her door.
“Yes, I am here to see Ms. Jolene about entering the ring,” Mario said.  The bodyguard chuckled.
“You?  You’ll get clobbered out there, kid!  Have you seen that Chompien guy?  He’s huge!” the bodyguard chuckled.  â€œHe’s also trained in sumo wrestling.  You sure you want to do this?”
“I think I can handle myself,” Mario replied calmly.
“Alright, buddy,” said the bodyguard as he moved aside.  Mario opened the door and walked through followed by Goombella.  Ms. Jolene was at her desk looking over some papers.  She looked as dignified as ever, as she licked the tip of her pen through her ruby red lips and scribbled her signature on a piece of paper, quickly flipping over to the next side.
“Yes, what is it?” she asked, not looking up.
“I’m here to see if there’s a spot in the ring for an old champ,” Mario said.  Ms. Jolene quickly looked up and gasped.
“You’re back!  Mario!  You came back!”  She thrust away he papers in her desk as she offered Mario a seat across from her desk.  â€œOh Mario, I just knew you’d come back!  Oh what a comeback this is!”
“Yeah, I guess you could say I came back for something a little more important…” Mario explained the situation of the X-Nauts to Ms. Jolene who listened intently.
“…So that’s why you’re hear…hmmm,” she said.  â€œWhy would these X-Nauts come here?”
Mario shrugged.  â€œI think there’s a Shadow Siren here, otherwise I don’t know.”
Ms. Jolene scratched her chin.  â€œWell…hopefully they won’t do too much damage…It’s a good thing you warned me about this Mario.  Of course it’s a lot better now with all the good fighters around here now…but anyways, lets talk about your career, here.”
“Yes, lets,” said Goombella suddenly.  â€œMario will be staying in the Glitz Pit for only the necessary amount of time.  Once the X-Nauts are here, I’m sorry, but we must leave.”
Ms. Jolene watched Goombella, a little annoyed.  â€œYes, well let’s hope that’s not too soon then.”  She turned back to Mario with a smile.  â€œNow, since you last left, there has been a grow of far better fighters, which have caused us to have to cut out some of the mediocre ones.  You know, the Goomba Brothers, and that sort of thing.  So, basically, it’s not going to take as long to get to the top this time.  There are twelve fighters total, eleven stages not including championship.  You’ll have to fight hard, Mario, but I think you can do it.”  Mario nodded and smiled in thanks.
“So, is that it, then?” asked Mario.
“Yes, Mario, that is it…you can go to the locker room, just tell the bodyguard,” Ms. Jolene got a little teary, “the Great Gonzales is back!”

It is better to be sworn to an honest fool than to a lying scholar.  ~  Eragon from the book Eldest by Christopher Paolini.  
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2005, 03:22:34 PM »
Sorry I haven't posted in a while everyone!  School got in the way.

Chapter 13:  Yosh the Mighty  ~  Mario and Goombella left Ms. Jolene’s office and headed there way back down the hall.  Memories crowded Mario’s mind as they passed familiar scenes, and listened to the roar of the crowd that resided in the ring, just opposite of the wall they were walking by.  Mario stopped in front of the minor league room.
“Well, good luck Mario!  I’ll be rooting for you in the crowd with the others!” said Goombella.
Mario quickly looked over at Goombella.  â€œWait a second, you’re not going to come fight with me?!”
Goombella gave Mario a look of guilt and said, “Mario, I’m really sorry, honest I am, but I kinda…gave up fighting as soon as you left Rougeport…”  Mario felt shocked and a little betrayed.  He didn’t think that he would have to fight in the ring alone.  It was always so nice to have someone else there with you.
“But, Goombella,” Mario began.
Goombella cut him off.  â€œI’m sorry Mario.  Besides, I’m sure you’ll do fine!”
Heard From Past the Wall in the Ring:  â€œ*OOOOH!  That HAD to hurt!*”
Goombella smiled at Mario as if she had not heard a sound and rushed of into the main hall of the Glitz Pit.
“Wait come back!…That doesn’t count as coming back!…I know you heard that!…Fine!” Mario sighed as he turned to the rather awkward security guard who was standing two feet from Mario the entire time.
“Er…hi,” said Mario clearing his throat.
“Hello,” said the dude bluntly.
“So…can I go in?”
“Yeah.”  The security/body/whatever kind of guard moved to the side of the door for Mario to enter.  And Mario entered…yeah.
The miner league locker room was disgusting!  Covered in dirt and sweat, with towels lying around everywhere.  There were lockers to the right of the door, and they were all smashed up, and very rusted.  In the middle of the locker room was a bench that was very rickety with various springs sticking out in random places.  An old, tattered bed was placed in the corner of the room for fighters to rest.  It was old, dusty, and had questionable stains of the thin sheets.  Not a very cozy place to sleep.  The atmosphere of this room was basically disgusting.  Don’t even get me started on the floors!  Although the room had the heavy stench of sweat looming in the air, Mario found it happy to be back.
“G-Holmes ma brotha!” said a familiar voice.  It was King K!  The street-talking koopa.  He was one of the amateur fighters in the Glitz Pit league, and took Mario in like a “brotha” when he was new.  He was a pretty nice guy.
“Oh…Hello King K!” Mario said.  King K did some kind of handshake/soul brother type thing to Mario.
“I can’t believe you’re back, dawg!  This is awesome!  I’ve been training real hard since you left!” he said.  Apparently he wasn’t training enough considering that he was still in the minor leagues.
“So, what rank are you?” asked Mario.  King K looked to the ground.
“Well, now that you’re here that makes me number ten.”  Apparently, King K was very close to the bottom of the chart.
“Wow,” said Mario, “the fighters must be getting a lot better now, huh?” Mario said.
“I’m tellin’ you, man, these punks are tough!  I can’t even get past The Explosives…those guys are tricky, though…” King K looked as though he was trying to focus his mind.  Mario nodded politely.  â€œWell, it’s been nice talking to you Mario,” King K said, “but now me and my boys gotta go practice our moves.  Catch ya on the flip side, yo.”
“Yeah…yo, yo,” Mario replied awkwardly as King K trotted over to an orange koopa and paratroopa.  Mario’s stomach fluttered with butterflies as he looked over at the device on  the wall that  allowed him to register a match.  It looked almost like a Game Boy Advance…  He looked around the locker room, not sure of what to do first.  Should he just schedule a match already?  Mario didn’t see why not.  He walked over to the machine on the wall, and pressed a large, black button.  The screen lit up and these words appeared on the screen:

Would you like to register for a match?  Yes/No

Mario pressed ‘Yes’ on the screen and it became blank for a moment.  After a very short while, Ms. Jolene appeared on the screen.
“Hello there Mario,” she said.
“Hello Ms. Jolene,” Mario replied.
“Wonderful.  You’re first match in a long time…Okay.  You are going to be fighting…” Ms. Jolene took out a clip board, flipping through the papers.  â€œAh!  The  Goomba Duo!  These guys are pretty easy, Mario, I’m pretty sure you can beat them in no time!”  Mario nodded with a smile.  â€œSomeone will be down to pick you up for the match in a little bit.”
“Alright, thank you Ms. Jolene,” said Mario as the screen went blank again.  Mario became happily nervous as he listened to the roar of the enormous crowd outside.  Suddenly,
“Gonzales!!!” cried a familiar voice.  A dashing blur of greenness suddenly pounced on Mario.  It was Mario’s little yoshi friend, Yosh.  â€œI can’t believe it!  You’re back, Gonzales, you’re back!”  Mario laughed.
“Yosh, it’s been a while.”  Yosh got off of Mario, letting him stand of (for the sake of Pete!)
“It sure has!  What got ya to come back?”
“It’s a long story,” Mario said, not really up to telling the story again.
“Yeah.  I can’t believe you’re back!  Let me fight with you!” Yosh suddenly cried unexpectedly.
“Let you fight with me?” Mario repeated.
“Yeah!  I’ve been missing being your partner since you left!  They now know me as Yosh the Mighty,” he said proudly.
“Oh really?” said Mario.  â€œWhat rank are you?”
“I’m ranked number eight…and I have been for a while…if only I could get past those darn boos!…But that’s not the point!  Mario!  I know I can make it if I’m with you!  It’ll be just like the old days!”  Mario thought about this.  Yosh was right.  Plus Mario did need a partner to help him out after all.
“Alright Yosh, the old team is back!” Mario said as Yosh cheered with Joy.  Then Joy ran away because she didn’t belong in this story.  IT was good to know the Mario now had someone there to help him fight.  The door suddenly opened and in came a security guard.  Mario’s excitement flew.
“Mario,” he said, “time for your match.  Come with me, Bub.”
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2005, 04:54:36 PM »
Chapter 14:  Familiar Faces ~ Mario and Yosh followed the security guard person guy out into the hallway as they heard the cry of the audience from behind the walls.  Mario’s stomach churned at the thought of the flashing lights inside, the roar of the crowd, and the tremendous and exciting atmosphere.  The guard stopped in front of a large, square door.  It was the color blue, with a large star painted on it.
“All right, Bub, go through here and there’s no turning back until the match it over,” the security guard said.  Mario nodded and swallowed through the nervous lump in his throat.  His palms were sweaty at the sound of the crowd inside, as loud as waves crashing into each other.
“Well Mario, this is it…just like the good old days,” Yosh said.  Mario clenched his fists.  Indeed, it was.  He looked over at Yosh and smiled then turned back to the door.  He reached across and felt the cool metal of the door, and pushed it sideways until he felt the doors slide open.  Light poured into the hallway, and the roar of the crowd was now far louder.  Mario’s ears burst as he entered the ring, stands upon stands of colorful people throwing confetti, waving flags, and jumping up and down in excitement.  Mario’s body was filled with great excitement as he entered, looking around at the ecstatic people screaming for joy, a smile spread across his face.
Then he heard a booming voice emit throughout the room.  â€œLadies and gentlemen!  The hammering hero!  The mustached hall-of-famer!  The GRRREAT GONZALES!!!”  Mario had no idea that this crowd could even get any louder, but he was then proven wrong.  The voice was that of Ms. Jolene’s, and Mario then saw it up ahead.  The tall, stone, square stage set in the exact middle of the stadium.  The Glitz Pit.  Behind the enormous fighting arena was a large screen that displayed the large image of Mario.  Mario felt his feet light on the ground as we walked up the three tall, stone steps to the stage.  Ms Jolene could be seen the middle, brushing her blonde bangs out of her face.
“Mario!  It has been such a long time!” She said.  â€œWhat in the world made you come back?”  Mario saw her wink at him from behind her red, horn-rimmed glasses.  It was obvious that she didn’t want him to tell the truth.  After all, telling everyone that he was here to find out where the X-Nauts were located just seemed a little far-fetched.
“Er,” Mario said as Ms. Jolene held up the microphone to Mario’s mouth.  â€œI’m here to win back that belt!”  The crowd roared with approval.
“Well Mario, are you ready to meet your competitors?”
“YEEEAAAHH!” the crowd cried.  Cameras flashed wildly in the audience.
“Here they are everyone!  The colorful couple, the terrible two, the Goomba Duo!”  There were cheers, and jeers, from the crowd as two goombas came out from a door on the other side of the Glitz Pit.  They were both fairly large for goombas.  The one in front was a shade of red, while the other goomba was a shade of blue.  Mario could have sworn he had seen them before.
“Goomba Duo!” Jolene cried, “Why don’t you introduce yourselves for some of our new fans?”  She held the microphone up to the two goombas.
“I’m Red Goomba!” cried the red goomba.
“And I’m Blue Goomba!  And we are the Goomba Duo!  YEEAH!” the other cried.
“We will beat that low down Mario in the name of the Goomba King!”
“Yeah!  The goomba king!  Yeah!”  Mario suddenly remembered.  These two were the goombas Mario had bought in his very first Paper adventure.  They served the self-proclaimed Goomba King.
“Well alright then!  Mario, what do you have to say?” Ms. Jolene held the microphone to Mario.  Mario was about to say something, when Yosh jumped in the way and cried,
“You kidding me?  We’ll grind these two into dirt!  Dirt, you hear me?  Dirt!”
“Well, looks like these two teams are ready for a battle!  Alright everyone, lets get ready to BBBBRAWL!!” a loud gong sounded through the Glitz Pit, meaning that the match was now starting.  As if it was almost instinct, Mario pulled out his hammer firmly in his gloved hand.  Red Goomba began charging at Mario.  Mario leapt into the air, and when Red Goomba was under him, landed with a thud on top of his head.  Red Goomba collapsed to the ground as Mario took the hammer to his bald, red head.
“Ohh!” Ms. Jolene said as the crowd roared, “looks like this match is already in the bag!”  But Mario was caught off guard as Blue Goomba pounced on him from behind.  Mario fell forward, scraping his knees, but then quickly getting back up.  Both the goombas were now standing tall, glaring at Mario.  Suddenly, Yosh jump out from behind Mario, and in a flash his tongue had slurped up Red Goomba!  Blue Goomba gasped.
“What?!  Yosh?  I thought you had already beaten us!” Blue Goomba cried.
“Oh my!  Looks like the dynamic duo of Mario and Yosh are sincerely back!” Ms. Jolene cried into her microphone.  Yosh took in a breath, and spit Red Goomba straight out of his mouth, directly at Blue Goomba.  They both collided with a loud KLUNK!  It seemed as though Red Goomba could not get up.  He simply lay on the ground, drool emitting from his mouth with his eyes tightly closed.
“OH no!  Looks like Blue Goomba’s on his own now, folks!” Jolene boomed.  Blue Goomba seemed a little dizzy as well.  Mario leapt forward, and smashed his hammer clear across his face.  Blue Goomba spun backwards, and hit the floor.
A smaller, higher pitched bell was sounded as a spotlight suddenly shown upon Mario and Yosh.  The fight was over, and they had won!  Mario was shocked, but also relieved.  That match had been simple!  The crowd roared loudly with approval, chanting his name, and doing the wave.  Mario smiled as he looked across the audience at all the cheering fans (although her could not seem to pick out his friends, Goombella, Punio, and Lily).
“We have a winner!” Ms. Jolene cried.  Yosh jumped up and down.
“Yeah!  How’d that floor taste?” he cried.  â€œThis is awesome Mario!  At this rate we’re sure to win!”

Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2005, 05:58:24 PM »
Chapter 15: It Always Starts off Easy ~ Mario returned to the minor league locker room with Yosh.
“Dude, could that match have gotten any easier?” Yosh said mockingly.  It was true.  That was a very easy fight.  But Mario knew he couldn’t let that get to his head.  Everything started off easy, he had to remember that.
“Here’s your fight money Mr. Gonzales,” said Ms. Jolene who randomly appeared behind them
“WOAH!” Yosh cried as he jumped and looked behind him.  Mario received 1 coin!  Mario pocketed the single gold coin and thanked Ms. Jolene.
“I knew you’d win, Gonzales,” Ms. Jolene said, “you’re just as good as you used to be, if not better!”  Mario nodded and smiled awkwardly as she exited through the door with a swift wave of her hand.
“Alright, Mario, lets sign up for another match!” said Yosh eagerly, punching the air in a fighting stance, “I’m on a roll!”  Mario chuckled to himself.
“Alright, we will,” he replied, “but first I’m going to go check something out.  I’ll be right back.”
“Alright, but be quick about it!  We’re not gonna get to the major leagues by just standin’ here!  After all, that is why you came back to the Glitz Pit, right?” It just struck Mario that young Yosh still did not know of the X-Nauts yet.
“Oh yeah,” said Mario, “about that…here, Yosh, sit down and I’ll tell you…”
“Tell me what?” asked Yosh.
“I’ll tell you why I came back to the Glitz Pit.”
“…You mean, you didn’t come back for the belt?”
“Well…not exactly…”


“They’re back?!” exclaimed Yosh after hearing the news about the X-Nauts returning.  â€œI can’t believe it!  I thought they were gone for good!”
“So did I,” said Mario, “but apparently, they decided to return to their evil side once more…I need to know why they’re kidnapping Shadow Sirens…”
“So, how do you think coming to Glitzville will help you locate those X-Punks?”
“I’m not really sure.  Merlon just told me to come here, and the answer will unfold itself…maybe someone in the Glitz Pit knows…” Mario thought of Ms. Jolene, and the other residents of Glitzville.  Could they be in some sort of danger?  If only Merlon had been a little more specific.
“Well, I’ll be right back Yosh,” said Mario.
“Alright,” the little dinosaur replied, “I’ll be waiting here.”  Mario got up from the seat and moved towards the door.  He felt the loose, iron handle squeak under his hand as he opened the door and headed on in to the hallway.  He took a right straight to the door that lead out into the Entrance Hall.  He could still here the chanting of the crowd, and the sound of drums through the wall that made his heart race.  Suddenly, the same reporter who Mario had spoken to about Chompien approached him with the same Lakitu camera guy.
“Gonzales!  Gonzales!  Great Gonzales, I mean to say, hello!” he said loudly.
“Er…hi,” Mario replied a little awkwardly.
“Mind if we ask you a few questions?” he asked.
“Well…right now?…Yes.  But sometime later, sure, maybe,” said Mario as he stepped to the right, moving quickly past them and up to the door that lead outside.
“Wait!  Wait!  Mario!” but Mario was already outside, away from the reporter and his camera dude.  The sun was bright, the clouds were under him, just the way things were in Glitzville.  Mario had heard that you could read the status of the fighters somewhere in the smoothie shop.  Mario walked through a crowd of happy tourists, and made his way to the shop.
It was cool inside, and the atmosphere seemed refreshing.  Mario looked around the shop.  There were tables, customers, the counter, the bartender, and, aha!  There it was.  Sitting by the counter was a large machine, almost like an arcade video game, but a lot smaller and more high-tech.  Apparently, that thing was supposed to record the scores of the fighters.  Mario walked up to the screen to see the rankings:

 Champ:  The Undefeated Chompien
1:  Prince Mush
2:  The Rawk Hawk
3:  Sir Swoop
4:  The Mysterious Sheet
5:  Koopalore the Awesome
6:  The Armored Harriers
7:  The Band of Boos
8:  The Explosives
9:  King K and the Koopas
10:  The Great Gonzales
11:  The Goomba Duo

It seems as though the computer updated itself automatically.  Mario was quite impressed.   Though he was now feeling a little nervous, for his next fight would be against none other than his good friend King K.  Mario only wondered how much he had improved since he left…

Mario walked back to the minor league locker rooms to find Yosh talking to a very small, red bom-omb.  Yosh stopped talking as soon as Mario entered the room.
“Gonzales!” he cried, basically blowing off the unusually small bom-omb who walked away looked a little offended.  â€œAlright, now that you’re back lets sign up for another match!
“Alright, alright!” said Mario.  â€œKeep your pants on.”
Yosh pulled up his pants looking rather embarrassed.
Mario walked over to the Reserve-a-Match system and pressed the button on the screen that red; ‘yes’.  The screen when fuzzy for a second, then blank white.  It then went fuzzy again, and Ms. Jolene appeared.
“All set for another match, eh Gonzales?” she said.  â€œAlright then, your next opponent will be…ranked number nine in the Glitz Pit, King K and the Koopas.”  Mario nodded.  â€œAlright then, Gonzales, someone will be down there to pick you up in a little bit!”
“Alright, thank you,” Mario replied as the screen went blank again.
“Alriiight!  Lets go make those Koopas taste the floor!” Yosh said.  Mario sighed.
“Ay!  Mario!” said King K from behind him.  Mario turned.  â€œLooks like we’re gonna be facing off again, huh?”
“Looks like it,” replied Mario awkwardly.
“Well, you better watch your back, cuz me and my brothers have been practicin’, and we’re pretty good now.”  Mario nodded, pretty confident that he would succeed in this face-off too.
“We’re gonna make you taste the-“
“Floor, we know little dude,” King K said as he rolled his eyes and walked away.
“Well…Yeah!” Yosh said.  Looks like the little yoshi simply still couldn’t think of any better catch phrases yet.
Just then, the door opened and the security guard dude entered the room and looked at Mario.
“Alright, Bub, lets go.  Match time,” he said.  Mario nodded and followed the security guard out into the halls.  He was lead to the same door with the same star.  Mario heard the roar of the crowd once more, and the fierce beating of the drums, but didn’t feel nearly as nervous as he had the first time.  Mario pushed open the doors, and he and Yosh entered the ring with their heads held high, waving and smiling at their fans.
“And he’s back ladies and gentlemen!  The Great Gonzales is making his way to the top of the charts!” Ms. Jolene cried from the ring.  Mario jumped up the stairs to the stage, Yosh close behind.  The crowd went wild.  â€œAnd Mr. Gonzales’s opponents, King K and the Koopas!” Ms. Jolene cried into her microphone as King K and the Koopas walked out from the opposing door.  Cheering cheering, crowd, wild.  King K and the Koopas hopped up onto stage, striking poses, and acting very cool.
“Alright you two, you know the rules!  Last one standing wins!  Now lets get ready to BRAAAWL!!!”  *GOOONG!!!*  King K quickly jumped into the air, and hid inside his shell.  His other partners, a parakoopa and a koopa did this as well.  Mario got in his fighting pose, his hammer held tightly in his right hand.  Suddenly, the two koopas started to spin around and around.  They were spinning extremely fast.  They parakoopa simply hovered in the air.  The audience hushed as they watched inamazment at the two spinning shells, and the shell flapping its wings in the air.
“Get ready, Yosh,” Mario said.
“I’m ready for anythi-“ suddenly King K’s shell let go, and sped so fast, it was practically hovering over the ground.  Mario quickly jumped out of the way.  The shell zoomed straight into Yosh.
“OOHHHHHH!!” the audience cried as Yosh was flung off the stage.  Mario gasped.
“Uh-oh!” Ms. Jolene said into her microphone, “Looks like Yosh is out!”  Mario quickly focused back on the match.  The other koopa’s shell was just about to dive into Mario, but he dived out of the way, sending the speedy shell to fly directly off of the stage as well.  But, the koopa then popped out of his shell and jumped back up to the stage.  The paratroopa was now about to dive at Mario.  Mario grabbed his winged shell, and hurled it at King K!  SMACK!  It hit him right in the face!
“OHHHH!” the audience cried.  Without think, Mario jumped into the air, and landed directly on the other koopa’s head, causing him to hide in his shell.  Mario then took out his hammer, and hit the shell of the koopa with his hammer like a golf club so that the shell hit King K straight into the belly of his shell!  King K groaned as he fell over on his back.  The paratroopa now dived at Mario, and hit him in the back of the head.  Mario stumbled forward, blacking out a little bit.  He then spun around to see the paratroopa diving at him again.  Mario smashed him with his hammer before he could hit him!
“Wow!  Mario has now taken out King K and the paratroopa!  Only one koopa left!”
“GONZALES!  GONZALES!  GONZALES!  GONZALES!” chanted the crowd.  The koopa looked very nervous as he took a step back.  The koopa then unexpectedly dived into his shell, and sped at Mario.  He hit Mario in the ankles, causing him to topple over.  Mario quickly hopped up, despite his ankles, which were screaming in pain.  Mario saw the koopa in the corner of the ring, smiling at Mario.  But, before Mario or the koopa could make a move, little Yosh dashed up into the ring, smashed into the koopa, causing him to collapse to the ground.  *Ding! Ding!*
“This match is over!” cried Ms. Jolene.  â€œThe Great Gonzales is the winner!”
The crowd screamed their approval, chanting the name Gonzales.  It was in that fight that Mario realized how important his partnership with the little yoshi is.
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2005, 05:51:11 PM »
Wow!  I actually have time to write a chapter.  I tell you, school has been hectic!  The chapter's short, but at least it's a chapter!

Chapter 16: Call me Mairo ~  â€œNice job, Gonzales dude,” King K said as Mario entered the putrid locker rooms after the match.
“Thanks,” Mario replied, “You guys weren’t bad yourselves!  You almost had me there.”
“Yeah!” King K said, “It was a close match, man…a close match.  Well, I’ll catch ya later G-money.  Out!” and then he walked away.
“Er…out…yeah,” Mario said quietly.  Mario turned to his small, green companion who was now holding an ice pack to his head and slowly wobbling back and forth.
“Oh…Gonzales…dude…my main man…home dog…slice….I don’t feel too good,” he said.
“Well, you did get hit in the head rather bad,” Mario replied.
“I know…oh…obscenity in the leche of that koopa’s shell!”
“I’m gonna go lie down now,” Yosh said as he wandered off to the corner of the musty room, plopping down on the terribly filthy bed.  Mario chuckled to himself.
“Excuse me, Mr. Gonzales,” said Ms. Jolene as she entered the locker room.  â€œExcellent fight today.  The crowd absolutely loved you!  Oh, and here’s your fight money.”  Ms. Jolene took out 2 coins from her pocket in her tight red dress and handed them to Mario.  Mario took the coins and pocketed them himself.
“Thank you,” Mario said.
“No thank you Mr. Gonzales!  That performance was so dramatic, heroic, and all around amazing!  You really fed the crowd in that fight.”  Mario was truly glad to hear it.  It seemed as though every time he had to fight an enemy, he would get only the reward of a few coins, and of course the heart of the princess, but here in the Glitz Pit he won the loyalty, and the support of the crowd.  That was quite a reward itself.
“Oh, and here’s this,” Ms. Jolene said, handing Mario and envelope.  â€œThat little Goomba girl told me to give this to you after the match.”
Mario thanked Ms. Jolene for the letter as she left the locker room promptly, most likely to get away from the awful smell of sweat, slowly soaking its way through torn T-shirts and rags.  Mario looked over at Yosh.  It seemed as though he was already asleep, so Mario didn’t hesitate opening the letter (so he could get his privacy when reading it).

Dear Mario,
Meet me in the main hall of the Glitz Pit once
you are finished with your match.
See you soon,

Folded up the letter and tossed it in the trash on his way out the door.  What would Goombella want to see me for? Mario thought.  Has she found out something about the X-Nauts?  Mario passed the security guard who was standing by the door and made his way into the main hall.  Sure enough, waiting for him there by the red velvet stairs was Goombella.
“Mario,” she said as she walked over to him, “excellent match today!  It was truly thrilling.”
“Thanks, Goombella,” said Mario.  â€œSo what did you want to see me for?”
“Oh, yes.  I just wanted to tell you that while you are fighting in the ring, I am going to be busy searching for around Glitzville, being on the lookout for any wandering X-Nauts, or anything that really catches the eye.”
“Like the Great Chompien?”
“The Great Chompien.  You know, the giant sumo chain chomp?”
“Oh, right.  Well, yes I suppose.  But you’re missing the point here Mario.  Merlon told us to enter the ring and we will find out where the X-Nauts are hiding.  It has nothing to do with becoming champion.”  Mario was reluctant to believe this.  He felt as though he was getting back into the spirit he had been in when he was searching for the Crystal Stars, and he had to be the champion.  Boy, he thought, Goombella sure has mellowed down since last time.  Or perhaps she’s simply more responsible now…
“All right,” Mario said, “I’ll try not to let that go to my head.”
“Good.  So, I’ll talk to you later then.”
“Alright, bye Mario- er…Gonzales.”
“Just call me Mario.”
“Alright then.  Good-bye, Mario.”
“Good-bye Goombella.”

Edited by - The Blue Toad on 10/5/2005 4:52:52 PM
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2005, 12:16:52 AM »
Chapter 17: The Next Target ~  Lord Crump stared at his carnivorous fish in utter boredom, watching them swim around, their teeth still as pointy as ever.  He had a feeling that he needed to be doing something at the moment, yet he had no idea what it was he was to be doing.  He had made sure the X-Nauts were on task, successfully set up the Shadow Siren prisons (which had been rather hard considering the ability and build of the Shadow Sirens), he took the remotes away from those three extraordinarily crazy X-Nauts, made sure the X-Naut Scientists were on task making his body, and sent Lord Crump to give him the reports on how Grodus’ plan was progressing.
Grodus chuckled evilly to himself.
‘Nothing can stop me now,’ he thought to himself, ‘and once my body is completely finished, I will rule the world as not only Sir Grodus, ruler of the X-Nauts, but as Sir Grodus, ruler of the X-Nauts who has a body!’
“…yes..” he said to himself as he closed his eyes, thinking of Flurrie, Princess Peach, and Kammy Koopa(?) crowding around him.
“Oh Grodus!” Peach would say, “You’re SO strong and body-full.”
“Grodus,” said Flurrie, “let me stroke your arms, again, please?”
“Oh Grodus.”
“Glorious Grodus.”
“You’re so hott.”
“I love you the best.”
“No me!”
“Sir Grodus?”
“Please, baby, be gentle!” Sir Grodus said aloud, getting a little caught up in his daydream.  It was actually Lord Crump who had said:  â€œSir Grodus?” and he was now feeling rather awkward.  He began to wonder if it would be easier to just leave Grodus alone, and come back later when he wouldn’t call Crump “baby”.
Sir Grodus leaned the weight of his head to the side of his chair, spinning it around to face Lord Crump.  Sir Grodus was shocked, and very humiliated.  But, he just acted as if nothing happened.
“What is it, Lord Crump?” he asked.  â€œMake it quick!”
“Er – yeah…uh….what was I gonna say?…” Lord Crump asked himself.  â€˜Lets see,’ he thought, ‘I was…going….to….tell…him…about….hmmm…ducks are kind of funny once you think about them long enough.  Same with camels, and llamas too…haha…llamas.’
“Lord Crump what is it you want to tell me, you nincompoop!” Sir Grodus spat.
“Oh right!  Uh.  Not duck…Oh yeah.  The progress reports.  *clears throat*  The capturing of the Shadow Sirens is going smoothly so far, sir.  We are capturing them without too much recognition.  In fact, the only evidence to the public right now is that Madam Flurrie is missing, and that could be for any reason…it’s just about our next stop…”
“Your next stop?” repeated Sir Grodus.
“Yeah, you know, the next place that we are stopping to capture more shadow sirens.”
“Oh, right, right.  What is the next stop?”
“Well,” said Lord Crump, “the radars show that there are three Shadow Sirens located inside the Glitz Pit in Glitzville.”
“The Glitz Pit?  What is that?” asked Sir Grodus.
“Well, sir, the Glitz Pit is a fighting arena in the sky.  It’s a place full of the top fighters from all over the world.  And you see that’s the problem.  How are we going to simply sneak into the Glitz Pit and capture the Shadow Sirens without anyone noticing?”
“Couldn’t you just go in at night?”
“Well, I suppose, but there are security guards guarding the building at all times…still a very risky situation if we still want to go unnoticed.”
“Yes, I suppose it would be very bad if the X-Nauts simply got caught with no defensive maneuvers…but let me ask you this.  Do we still have many more Shadow Sirens to take captive?” asked Sir Grodus.  If he had had hands at this time he would be stroking his chin as a sign of deep thought.
“No, I don’t think so,” said Lord Crump.
“Well then I say we have you, and a few other X-Nauts break into the Glitz Pit using the Magnus Von Grapple 5.0!”
Lord Crump gasped.
“That’s right,” said Sir Grodus, “The best defense is a good offense.  You simply charge in there will the Magnus, take down anyone who stands in your way, let the X-Nauts capture the Shadow Sirens, and leave.  Who cares if our intentions are discovered?  We have almost enough Shadow Sirens for our plan to come into action anyways….So how does my plan sound to you?”
“Charge in, take Shadow Sirens, beat anyone who gets in my way…Sounds like old times, Sir Grodus.”
“Except for the ‘you getting your butt kicked’ part.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing…listen, Lord Crump, with the Magnus Von Grapple 5.0, probabilities of messing up are very low…however with you at the controls I’m not so sure.”
“I’ll do my best sir, I promise!” said Lord Crump, giving the ‘X” sign with his arms.
“Yes, you had better hope you do.  I don’t want anything to interfere with my master plan.  Just get in, get Shadow Sirens, and get out.  Simple as that.”
“Yes sir.  So, when do you want me to do this?” asked Lord Crump.  Again, if a body were present below Sir Grodus’ head he would be stroking his chin in thought.
“I will tell you when I want this plan commenced.  Until then, prepare the Magnus Von Grapple.”
“Yes sir.”
And with that Lord Crump left Sir Grodus to work on the Magnus while Grodus sat, heaving a heavy sigh, and stared at his fish tank….


…. “Oh, Princess…I believe you are in the right castle…”

Edited by - The Blue Toad on 10/10/2005 3:44:53 PM
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #26 on: November 05, 2005, 09:52:21 PM »
Woah!  I'm not dead!  My computer just broke, and GAH!  Okay, I have not updated this story in a long time!:

Chapter 18:  A Snack for the Winner  ~  The chanting of the crowd boomed throughout the Glitz Pit as Prince Mush and The Undefeated Chompien were in the heat of yet another battle.  Ms. Jolene cried into her microphone as the fight roared on.
“OHHH!  That CAN’T be good for Prince Mush!……..Oh…..OH…..Could it be?!  Yes!  OHHH, another satisfying hit by Chompien!” she yelled.
Goombella made her way through the roaring crowd carrying two spicy hot dogs along with her.  She looked down from the balcony at the fight bellow, just as Chompien was delivering a terrible blow with his chain, straight into the stomach of Prince Mush.  The crowd cried out in excitement and delight at the sign of Mush’s excruciating pain.  Shivers ran up Goombella’s spine as she watched the blonde-haired Toad clutch his stomach.  She turned her head away from the fight, and up an isle of stair until she came to one of the middle rows of seats.  She pardoned her way past a few people and sat down next to Punio and Lily.
Punio was jumping up and down, trying to get a good view of the fight.  Lily was sinking lower and lower into her chair, a shy frown pasted to her face.
“Here’s your hot dog, Punio,” Goombella said as she handed one of the hot dogs to the tiny gray…thing.
“Thanks Goombella,” he said as he blindly took the hot dog and began eating it, not taking his eyes off the fight.
Goombella looked down at her hot dog.  It was oozing with spices and pepper.  She didn’t remember the hot dogs being so…flavored.  Just the smell made her eyes water.
Goombella looked back towards the fight to see that Prince Mush had just rammed into the stomach of Chompien.  Chompien bounced him back, laughing in a deep rumble as Prince Mush hit the floor, desperately trying to get back up.
Where was Mario?  Was it going to take very long for Yosh to recover from their last battle?  These thoughts and more ran through her head as she stared into the ring.  She was watching the fight, yet wasn’t really paying attention to what was going on.
After defeating the Shadow Queen in her last adventure, Goombella had become more of one with peace.  She was finally able to appreciate the world around her, more than she ever had before.  Violence didn’t interest her, and she began to consider it a waste of time.  Goombella truly, and stubbornly believes that brains triumph over bronze, and everyone has a weakness.  But, what in the world was the weakness of the Undefeated Chompien?  He had common sense, and seemed to plan his fights out well, which is brains.  He is certainly strong, and “Undefeated” as his title indicates.  But what was his weakness?
“AND THE UNDEFEATED CHOPMIEN REMAINS OUR WINNER!” cried Jolene as the audience cried in joy.  It wasn’t that much of a shock now, considering The Undefeated Chompien has won every battle in the Glitz Pit so far.
“I think I’m going to go,” said Goombella to Punio.
Punio looked up from his hot dog.  â€œWhere are you going?”
“Oh…I dunno.  I’ll meet you later,” she said as she got up and proceeded to leave.
After bumping her way through the obnoxious crowd, Goombella was finally able to exit the Glitz Pit.  She still held her spicy hot dog, thinking of what a waste it would be to simply throw it away.  She shrugged, not knowing what else to do with an overly flavored hot dog.  Goombella passed under the glamorous chandeliers of the main lobby, and down the velvet red, carpeted stairs.  The lobby was surprisingly empty.  Normally there were reporters busily looking for any wondering fighters, or fans taking in the atmosphere and looking at the posters of all the fighters hung on the walls of the lobby.
Just as Goombella was wandering the lobby, searching for a trash bin – BOOM!  The door on the side of the lobby burst open.  The enormous, frightening Chompien thundered through the door, and in front of
Goombella.  Goombella’s heart raced as she looked at the round, black giant.  He was even bigger in person!  Goombella began to shake wondering how in the world he managed to fit through the door.
“Oh,” thundered his full, deep voice, “hello there!”
“H-h-h-hello!” Goombella said shaking a little.  She got a grasp on herself.  â€œEr………..That was a fabulous match back there, Mr. Chopmien.”
“BAH HAH HAH HAH!” he suddenly roared out, causing Goombella to jump.  â€œYes, and what a measly match it was!  I am beginning to think I am too big for this silly competition!”
“Heh heh…” said Goombella as she stood awkwardly, holding her hot dog.  â€œUh-Would you like a hot dog, sir?” she randomly asked.
“What?  BLEAGH!  No!” Chompien roared, causing Goombella to feel slightly ashamed of herself.  â€œJust the fumes of that thing is giving me a stomach ache!  BLECH!  â€¦.How can you possibly eat something like that?”
“Oh, well,” said Goombella, blushing, “I don’t actually really like it either…”
“I should hope not!”  boomed Chompien.  â€œWell, farewell little Goomba.”  The gargantuan chain-chomp thundered past Goombella, and out of the Glitz Pit.  Goombella was suddenly furious.  â€˜Little goomba’?  And what business did she have calling that guy ‘sir’?  Goombella was disappointed of herself for getting all giddy in front of the champion.  She wasn’t like that!  Goombella took a large bite out of the hot dog as she proceeded back up the steps to resume watching the fierce battles.

“Alright, Gonzales, I am ready to roll!” said Yosh as he hopped up and down, thrusting his fists into the air.
“Are you sure?” asked Mario.
“Dude, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” Yosh said as he began to stretch.  Mario was glad to hear it.  It seemed as though Yosh had to take quite the long rest in order to be ready for the next fight.
“Alright, Yosh.  Just remember.  Don’t get ahead of yourself this time,” said Mario, as he walked up to the Automatic Reserve-a-Match System.
“Trust me, I won’t!” said Yosh.  Mario pressed Reserve-a-Match on the press screen.  The screen turned fuzzy for only a second this time, and then a distant image of Ms. Jolene appeared on the screen.
“Gonzales, fabulous!” she said, “You’re ready for another fight then?”
“Yep,” replied Mario.
“Well then, your next opponent will be…ranked 8 in the Glitz Pit, The Explosives!” she said.
“The Explosives!” said Yosh from behind, “those guys are pretty tricky, Gonzales.”
“Some will now be arriving to your room to escort you to the match, Mr. Gonzales.  Good luck!” said Ms. Jolene as the screen went fuzzy once more, then proceeded to turning blank.
“Alright, Gonzales,” said Yosh, “these guys go down easy, but with a boom, you know what I’m saying?  The trick to The Explosives is to try not to go down before them.  Keep standing, Gonzales, and eventually they’ll wear themselves out.  That’s how I got past them.”
Mario nodded.  It was still a long ways to victory…

Edited by - The Blue Toad on 11/5/2005 7:53:02 PM
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2005, 04:16:41 PM »
Awesome fanfic! Most of the fanfics i read have chapters that are too short, but your fic is original and entertaining!:)

« Reply #28 on: November 08, 2005, 05:59:38 PM »

"Hey, I''m a voter! Aren''t you supposed to lie to me and kiss my butt?" ~ Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters 2
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2005, 03:55:15 PM »
Thank you both!   ;D 
I'll have to write the next chapter later, though.  Too much homework right now.
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...
