
Author Topic: The X-Nauts Strike Back  (Read 13240 times)

« Reply #30 on: November 19, 2005, 05:40:11 PM »
Chapter 19:  The Explosives ~ Mario squinted into the bright, flashing lights of the crowd as their cries oh happiness and excitement filled his ears to the point of overflowing.  His heart beat proudly as he marched through the Glitz Pit and on his way to the ring which lay before him.  The Explosives were up to bat, and Mario had to strike them out. 
"Yeahh-haha!" cried little Yosh excitedly, "How's that floor taste?-"
"Yosh, could you please only say that after we actually beat the opponent?" asked Mario.
"Well, Gonzales, dude, I'm just preparing our unknowing victims ahead of time," said Yosh, rubbing his small green hands together like a MAAANiac.  And he's dancing like he's never danced before. 
Mario climbed up the large, steep steps to make his way into the ring.  The roar of the crowd echoed throughout the large, open room as Mario greeted his fans. 
"Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another fabulous fight here at the Glitz Pit!  Tonight, we have the battling wonder, the tremendous duo, The Great Gonzales and Yosh!" Ms. Jolene cried into her microphone as the audience went wild. 
"GONZALES!  GONZALES!  GONZALES!  GONZALES!" chanted the crowd. 
"And, facing off against the man with the hammer, it is The Explosives!" cried Jolene as the crowd continued to cheer. 
From the door opposite of Mario came a group of three bom-ombs.  They all jumped from step to step until they were all into the ring.  In the front was a regular, dark-black colored bom-omb.  His eyes looked keen, his wike fresh and yellow, and his shining gold-colored shoes giving off a radiant affect.
Next to him, was a large, pink, Bulky bom-omb.  She had rosy red cheecks and seemed to waddle after the other two, her silver wick bobbling in the air. 
Next to her was a very small, dark-red bom-omb.  He was one of the rare Cherry bom-ombs.  His wick was black as he excitedly glared at Mario, jumping up and down.
"Heh heh!  You're going down Mr. Gonzales!" said the black bom-omb at the front.  "I'm Tim.  And here with me is..."
"Jessie!" said the pink bom-omb with a giggle.
"And Fred!!!" shouted the little red bom-omb.  "You're going down!!!"
"Oh, you just wait and see!" said Yosh.
"Alright everyone," Ms. Jolene said, "Let's get ready to BAAAAAAAAATLLE!!" 
The crowd emerged in an explosion of cheering and jeering as the large gong was sounded, and the fight began. 
"Remember what I said, Gonzales," said Yosh, "as long as you can last the pressure, we'll be fine!"
Mario nodded.
Suddenly, Tim had come charging at Mario, ramming his hard, marble like shpere of a body straight into Mario's stomach.  Mario fell to his knees as Tim bounced back into perfect form with the other to bom-ombs.
"OH!  Looks like The Explosives have made the first hit!" cried Jolene, her voice booming throughout the stadium.
Mario got to his feet, looking over at Yosh.  Yosh had his knees bent, his eyes narrowed, ready for any sudden movement.  Mario instinctively grabbed his hammer, and held it in an outstrechted arm, ready for attack. 
"AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" cried Fred, as he randomly jumped his into the air.  Mario tried to follow where Fred had jumped, but he was now so high that the lights began to blind Mario as he continued his search.  Fred suddenly appeared, flying down at Yosh,
All Mario could see was a red blur going straight into Yosh's head.
The audience showed thier thoughts of how much that must have hurt through a simuntaneous "Ohhhhhhh!"
Yosh began stumbling over his feet as he took hold of his head.
"I'm okay," he said in a weary voice.
Mario, hammer at hand, whacked Fred straight in the gut.  Fred was flying right at Jessie.  Before he could hit the bulky pink bom-omb, Tim had jumped in the way and intercepted the hit, taking the pain for himself. 
"Ohhhh!  Looks like The Explosives REALLY have each others' backs!" cried Jolene. 
Mario was rather puzzled at why Tim had done this, when Jessie suddenly landed on top of Mario!  Mario fell to the floor, his face covered in pink bulkiness.  Jessie stood up as Mario continued to lay on the ground.  His eyes were open though all he could see was black, and small stars floating around his head. 
"Wow!  Looks like that will certainly cost Gonzales a baaad headache.  Lets get some tylenol over here!" said Jolene, stirring up the crowd.  MArio hastily got up, rubbing his head.  Mario opened his eyes to see little Fred, running straight at MAri owhile screaming.  Mario quickly hit him with his hammer, sending him flying once more! 
While Yosh was pounding on Tim (who was lying on the ground feeling dizzy from all the head bonks) he could not intercept Fred, who had collided with JEssie.  Jessie's eyes suddenly went blank.
"OH NO!" said Fred loudly, in a squeaky voice.  "Jessie calm down!  I didn't mean to bump into you, I swear!" 
Suddenly, Jessie's silver wick began to glow.  Yosh had noticed this, and quickly ran away from the now furious Tim. 
"Mario watch out!  SHE'S GONNA BLOW!" cried Yosh.  And indeed, she did blow.  Jessie closed her eyes, shaking, and let out an enormous explosion of confetti and sparks.  Mario's ears were ringing as the explosion exhoed throughout the room.  The crowd went mad as the wicks of Tim and Fred suddenly lit as well. 
"Uh-oh!" cried Jolene, plugging her ears, "Get ready for another one, folks!" 
Fred and Tim were running about madly as their wicks continued to gradly decrease.  Mario closed his eyes and prepared for the blow.
Suddenly; "BOOM!!!"  "BOOOOM!!!"
Both of them had blown, first Fred, and then Tim.  Confetti was now flying everywhere as the great ringing sound of the echoed explosions had come to cease.  There was an eerie silence around the Glitz Pit, when suddenly Jolene shouted;
"And out winner is, THE GRRREAT GONZALES!"
The crowd broke out in loud applause once again as Mario and Yosh happily took in the crowd's great wonderment.  The Explosives lay in the ring, all leaning against each other, looking very dizzy.  Mario caught some of the pink, blue, and green confetti in his hat, and tossed it into the air, shadowed by the blinding lights on the ceiling. 
"Yeah-heeah!  How'd that floor taste?!"   
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #31 on: November 28, 2005, 04:44:38 PM »
Chapter 20: A Flirtasious Mouse ~  Goombella licked her sour wet lips as she set down her frozen, lime drink that she recieved at the refreshments shop in Glitzville.  She sat at a small, round table near the entrance of the shop, minding her own business as she talked with Professor Frankly through a small communicator. 
The old goomba could be shown on the top screen, behind him his books were piling up on the bookshelves.
"So, you're sure you have seen no trace of X-Nauts so far?" he asked Goombella as his eyes wandered into the air in question.
"Yeah, I'm sure Professor," said Goombella, feeling rather silly talking into such a small machine.  "So far I've spotted nothing out of the ordinary here...Maybe Merlon's just losing his touch, or something."
"Oh no," Frankly said quickly, "Merlon's whole family from generation to generation were known as the best fortune tellers there are.  He is not a man to make mistakes, Goombella."
"Right," said Goombella, swallowing another tangy drop of her lime drink.  "So, you think we should just stay at Glitzville until the X-Nauts show up?"
"Yes, and then you are to do all you can to follow them so that you can infiltrate their base and find out what they're up to..." Frankly replied as his mind wandered off once more.
"Alright, professor, will do.  Mario's still fighting in the Glitz Pit, so I'll just snoop around some more, see if I can pick anything up," Goombella said witha small smirk.
"Very good," Frankly replied.  "I will let you go then.  I have a meeting with a certain Pianta to attend to in the meantime...apparently he's having some moneny issues and is asking me for help...maybe he thinks I'm jewish.  GAH!  Why do people always think that?!  I mean-"
"Okay professor, bye," said Goombella hanging up on him and his lack of diversity. 

"Way to go, Gonzales, that was awesome!" cried Yosh as he and Mario entered the locker room.  "I'm feeling it, man, I'm feeling it!  Next up we hafta fight against those boos!  I may not have been able to take them on my own, but with you, they won't stand a chance!"
Mario nodded as he patted Yosh's head and walked back over to the door where Ms. Jolene was waiting. 
"Here's your fight money, Mr. Gonzales," she said as she handed Mario five golden coins. 
"Thank you, Ms. Jolene," Mario said politely.  Jolene nodded with a smile as she exitted the locker room.  Mario sat down at a bench next to him.  Where were the X-Nauts anyways?  Shouldn't they have showed up by now?  But, Mario didn't mind at all.  He was enjoying himself in the Glitz Pit.  It was nice to get outside of his little house in the Mushroom Kingdom, and stretch his arms a little, dust off his hammer. 
Mario stood up to look for Yosh and start up the next match against the Band of Boos.  Yosh was lying in bed, drooling on the covers.  For having so much energy, the little guy really wore out fast.  Mario sighed aas he breathed in a good helping of stale, dry air, sprinkled with drops of sweat. 
He really wouldn't mind getting outside a bit.  So Mario left the damp locker room and made his way down the hall, the sound of drums and shouts from the crowd just outside the wall.  He could hear Jolene yelling into the microphone as the two, or more, fighters duked it out.  Mario thought of how tired Ms. Jolene must be.  Running all over the place, scheduling matches and providing their comentary.  It was truly a lot of work.  She must have a large stash of throat lozenges to keep her voice so clear all the time, Mario thought.  What with all the yelling she's doing, you'd think she'd need to have a stick day every once in a while. 
Mario walked past the security guards and into the main hall of the Glitz Pit where the chandeliers glimmered atop the ceiling and reporters chased after major league fighters. 
Mario was making his way to the door that lead outside, when he was suddenly tackled by a small white blur.  Mario stood up, shocked, only to find the flirtatious and energetic Ms. Mowz standing in front of him. 
"Mmm hmmm!<3" she said, winking at him.
" there, Ms. Mowz," said Mario, rubbing the back of his head.
"Hello there you giant hunk of cheddar cheese with facial!<3" she said breathily, giving off romantic sighs between words. 
"And...what are you doing here?" asked Mario.
"<3!" said Ms. Mowz, prancing a little closer.  "Haven't you heard my mustached wonder?  There's an absolutely fanTAStic badge located somewhere around here<3!"
"Really?" said Mario, trying to sound interested though he really wasn't surprised to hear this.  Ms. Mowz worked at a badge shop in Rougeport.  In order to get these badges, she went around stealing them from placed like Hooktail's Castle, to the Great Tree in Boggly Woods.  She was an adventurous little mouse. 
"Well, good luck with that," said Mario as he began to quickly walk past her and towards the door.
"Tootle-oo!<3" she said as she blew a kissed and waved to him. 

I dedicate this chapter to Jewish people everywhere.  I meant no offense!  :-D
« Last Edit: December 22, 2005, 07:29:34 PM by The Blue Toad »
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2005, 06:13:34 PM »
Oh no, the mouse lady!!!
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #33 on: December 19, 2005, 08:18:16 PM »

Chapter 21:  A Spy at the Bar ~ Mario was still feeling a little awkward after running into Ms. Mowz.  He hadn't seen her in quite a long while, though she hadn't changed much, as Mario expected.  Though he was rather surprised to see her still in her old job.  He would have thought for sure that Ms. Mowz would have stolen enough badges by now to hold over over for years.  After all, she was nimble on her feat and her heart held great fear.  Though it was also quite obvious of her love for exploration and excitement.  Perhaps the little mouse wasn't actually in it for the badges, but more for the excitment of retrieving them.  It seemed to make much sense to Mario, for he loved adventure and excitment and was, and was never in it for the small yellow coins he may pick up on the way, but for the thrill, the atmoshpere, and the feeling he would get each time he ended off on a good foot, with the princess by his side and Bowser conquered. 
Though, throughout all the heart-pumping fights in the Glitz Pit, Mario seemed to often be drifting off from his main target.  After all, he was supposed to be keeping both eyes open at all times for any sign off X-Nauts.  Perhaps he was taking the Glitz Pit a little to seriously.
'Well, come on now', Mario said in his mind, 'what else is Goombella here for?  She claims to have given up violence to focus on her books.  She will be be on the alert at all times, as long as I'm keeping up my end of the bargin.'  But then Mario thought of what his end of the bargin truley was.  All Merlon had said to him was that to fight in the Glitz Pit would mean to find the X-Nauts.   Never was there any mention of what Mario was supposed to be looking for, or even doing.  Though you simply couldn't deny a prophecy from Merlon. 
It almost seemed as if it was too simple to comprehend.  Surely there must be more, finding the X-Nauts couldn't be as easy as fighting in the Glitz Pit until they suddenly appear.  And besides, did he have to necassarily fight in the Glitz Pit?  Couldn't he just sit in the audience, or walk around Glitzville to find them?  No, it has to have something to do with the Pit.  Was it something Mario needed to search for?  Perhaps there was yet another large and abstract device hidden away under the stage.  Well, whatever would happen Mario's purpose was clear.  Fight in the Glitz Pit until a sign of the X-Nauts comes, then let your instincts do the rest.  Though until then, there was nothing left to do but continue fighting.
Mario turned back from the fresh, clear air ready to head back inside the lobby.  He sadly made his partings with the warm sun and hot wind to return to his post in the damp, smelly locker rooms.   

'...Professor Goomathon R. Medley prooved this statement to be wrong by actually traveling to a southern island (Keyhaul), tracking down a Putrid Piranha Plant and managing to trick this carnivorous plant to swallow a Poisonous Mushroom.  Nothing seemed to happen to the Putrid Piranha, and Professor Medley was forced to camp out nearby the victim to see if anything would process over night. 
After a week of keeping an eye on the plant's habits of daily life, he concluded that a Poisonous Mushroom will not have an effect on a Putrid Piranha Plant in any way. 
Unfortunately, one night the Piranha Plant had discovered Professor G. Medley's presence and ..............'
Goombella put down her book with a sigh as she marked her place with a book-mark and shoved it back into her bag.  She cousln't find herself concentrating very well, though this was one of her very favorite books.  It was a non-fictional book called; "The Journeys of Goombalogists  -  From South to North".  It was written by Olivagoomb Tollgood, one of Goombella's favorite authors.  The book was in old book of Franklys' which she truley admired.
Goombella stepped outside, her wide-rimmed helmet sheilded her eyes from the blinding sun.  Goombella decided that she had nothing else much to do, and thought that she might as well acompany Lily and Punio in the Glitz Pit.  Perhaps Mario was up to fight.
As she crossed the pavement to the door of the Glitz Pit, Goombella suddenly stopped in her tracks.  Her eyes were squinted as she looked across the road, keen as if looking for some sort of picture in a stange, mixed up puzzle.  Across from her was a short, plump man standing at the hot dog stand.  He was wearing an odd sort of red, turtle-neck sweater, which looked awfully to hot to be wearing on such a day, tacky yellow pants, and an extremely large red and white cap that seemed to sort of shadow the rest of his face that was not hidden by the sweater.  Only two thick lenses stood out of his sweater, and they looked oddly familiar to Goombella.... 
« Last Edit: December 22, 2005, 07:29:57 PM by The Blue Toad »
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #34 on: December 22, 2005, 07:26:49 PM »
Chapter 22:  The Lords of Boo Mansion ~ The chanting and great cheers of the crowd grow immensily loud as Mario made his way through the door and into the Glitz Pit.  They were calling his name, and cheering for his victory.  Mario walked proudly with Yosh by his side, gazing into the blinding abyss of bright spotlights and flashing cameras.  He smiled with confidence at the audience, though he could make out none of them by sight.  Their great cheers were so loud and scattered that they gave Mario's heart a start and began his flow of adrenalin.  He made his way through the crowd, walking towards the immense brick stage in front of him.  He bounded on the heavy steps, making his way up to the platform where the light died a little (though not very much) and he could see Ms. Jolene standing in the center of the large square stage, the enormous plasma screen behind her showing a large image of Mario for all to see. 
"Here he is everyone!" she cried out into her microphone, pausing for the crowd to die down.  "The Grrreat Gonzales!"
The crowd became even louder than before, which couldn't have been good for anyone's ears considering how loud they were previously.  Mario waved a hand smiling as he listened to their great chants of:
"GONZALES!  GONZALES!  GONZALES!"  The cameras were going crazy.  'There certainly seemed to be more people here than before', Mario thought to himself.  'Perhaps I'm truly developing some just fans that will see me through!'  Mario liked that thought, and decided to stick with it for now, not thinking about who his opponents were.  The heat was ceratinly more fierce on the stage now than it had been before. 
Yosh jumped up and down, openly accepting his audience's applause, for here and there was the occasional sign that read; "GO YOSH!" or perhaps even, "GULP 'EM UP!" which was clearly aimed at Yosh considering Mario lacked the ability to "gulp".  Yosh's fans were mainly of the younger crowd, most likely thinking that Mario's little sidekick was cute.  As long as Yosh did not know this, everything would be okay!  Cause, if he did know that people thought he was cute, they might just be his next meal. 
Mario had soaked in enough of the fame just as Ms. Jolene raised her microphone to her bright red lips and said;
"And now, the opponents of the Great Gonzales."  It had suddenly hit Mario who he was up against.  The opponents that Yosh couldn't get by, and the most struggled-against fighters in Glitz Pit!  "The Trecherous Five, the Lords of the Boo Mansion, The Ghosts From Broadway, The Band of Boos!!!"
There were cheers and jeers from the crowd as the lights slowly began to turn dim.  Mario quickly (and naturally) turned to Yosh.
"Yosh," Mario whispered.  Yosh turned to look at Mario.  "You've already fought these guys, do you know any hints to get us through?"
To Mario's disappointment Yosh shook his head.  "These guys are really tricky Mario, and I let them get the best of me.  They use fear and intimidation as their main weapon!"  Mario assumed that sounded just like a Boo to do.  "Just don't let them get to you, and keep your eyes alert." 
Mario nodded as his stomach churned anxiously, waiting for the arrival of what may be the most tricky opponent so far.  He would have loved to be completely confident about them at that very moment, simply say to himself that he has made it this far, and they're bound to be easy, but he certainly didn't want to get cocky. 
Mario suddenly noticed that the lights had been shut off, along with the large plasma screen, and his surroundings now had a cool look to them.  Except for the occasional flash of a camera, it was very dark. 
"What's going on?" whispered Mario, though Yosh did not reply, instead he put his finger to his lips and pointed forward.  Mario looked to see that he was facing the opposing door where the enemy would normally come out from.  Ms. Jolene could be seen rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms. 
Mario stared at the door, waiting for it to open, revealing five boos that were sure to have cruel looks on their faces and tricks up their sleeves.  But then, Mario suddenly heard the audience gasp.  Mario saw nothing, and was unaware of the reason for their sign of surprise.  Yosh tugged on Mario's sleeve.  Mario looked down at him to see that his head was raised, looking towards the ceiling.  Mario looked up as well to see a rather odd sight.  A glossy, dark blue piano was hovering above their heads.  Mario step backwards, assuming that it would fall on them.  It did not, however, it remianed floating. 
Silence filled the room as the audience watched anxiously and Mario's heart skipped a beat.  Then, the piano started playing.  It was a cold, eerie tune, that brought shivers up Mario's spine.  As he looked up to the front of the piano, he saw that there was no one playing it.  He looked back towards Ms. Jolene to find that although she was watching the piano, she had no look of surprise on her face, and had her arms crossed as though impatient.  Mario looked up again just in time to see a boo appear hovering next to the piano.  Actually, he was the one playing the piano, he was simply invisible. 
The boo was as pale as the moon as Mario and Yosh looked up at him, only able to see his round body along with his two short, white arms which were gently tapping the piano keys.  The eerie song traveled through the Glitz Pit, echoing off the walls and causing stomachs to churn anxiously. 
Suddenly, the song of the piano became a lot catchier, though still quite eerie.  This called a few members of the audience to laugh nervously, or whisper to one another.  Then, there came an anonymous snapping sound to follow the song's beat.  The murmur of the audience became louder as Mario stared in front of him, for that is where the snapping sound was originating from.  And indeed, as he stared the mysterious snaps became revealed.  Four boos slowly appeared in front of Mario.  They were in perfect file, each side by side.  There faces were hidden to Mario and Yosh, for in their right hands they all held a top hat.  Their top hat was held up in front of their faces, the brim of the hat facing them.  They all seemed very simontaneous, and well rehersed.  Each top hat was a different color, from right to left the first was a deep blue.  It was mysterious, and still.  Next there was green.  It looked less-serious than the blue, and rather playful.  Then there was plum.  A mysterious color, that seemed rather magical in a way.  The last in their row was the deep color of red.  It seemed a rich, and elegant color, with good taste. 
The audience became arroused by the sudden appearance of the four boos and began whispering to their neighbors, and shouting out comments (that were most likely rude, though Mario couldn't make them out).  The boos continued to float there and snap as the piano continued it's repeated, catchy, yet eerie tune.  It was clear that they were waiting for the crowd to calm down once more, and as soon as it was finally quiet in the Glitz Pit, the piano played a new note.  The boos suddenly twirled, and began a sort of intimidating dance as the song of the boo pianist became more catchy, and rich with more notes.  But even still, the song had a strange eerie feel to it. 
"Oooohhh," was the reply of the crowd as the boos began to flips, turns, swings, and many elegant and graceful dancing moves.  It really was quite an amazing thing to watch.
"Don't let it get to you..." muttered Yosh out of the corner of his mouth as the boos continued to dance.  It was amazing that the whole time they did this, they continued to keep their faces hidden from Mario under their top hats. 
Finally, the pianist played his last note and the boos all floated down and made a proper bow, their hats held up in the air, and their faces looking towards the ground.  The audience applaud politely, feeling a bit more proper after watching such a performance.
"And with that," said Ms. Jolene quietly into her microphone, "May the match begin!" 
Almost as quickly as the gong rang out, the boos acted.  The suddenly looked up at Mario and Yosh, giving them wide, grim smiles, and showing their pointed teeth and black eyes.  They popped on their top hats in unison and instantly began flying all around the stage, going in many directions and laughing all the while in their cackling voices. 
The pianist had suddenly broke into another song on his piano, this one sounding more dastardly and pronounced than the last.  Mario was shocked at the sudden change in atmosphere, and wasn't sure what he should do.  He saw Yosh next to him, getting into a fighter's stance and diving at one of the boos which was busy flying in loops near the stage, criss crossing with his other boo friends.  Yosh tackled the floor with a loud thud as the boos began to laugh. 
Mario tried to keep an eye on one of the boos, but they were simply too fast, and he kept getting them mixed up with a different boo.  Suddenly, the boo in the green top hat shot out at Mario, flying straight into him with a cackling laugh.  Mario felt suddenly weak, and almost sick.  He clutched his stomach, feeling as though it was completely empty and about to fall out. 
His mind was suddenly filled with depression, and a great loss in hope.  Why was he even trying to fight these boos?  He was simply worthless all together, and there was no use trying to do anything.  Mario was about to sit down on the ground feeling no hope at all, when he suddenly heard Yosh yell:
"Gonzales!"  Mario felt for a brief moment that there was still hope, and he realized another thing also.  His head felt strangely uncomfortable, as if something was missing.  He didn't feel his comfortable, cushiony 'M' cap which he was always used to wearing, instead he felt a rather uncomfortable, cold thing that was replacing it.  It was stiff, and felt empty on Mario's head.  He lifted up his arms and took hold of the brim of whatever was on his head.  He threw it off, sending it to the ground, only to find that he had been wearing a green top hat, the boo's hat. 
Mario reached for his head only to feel his hair.  He gazed into the tornado of boos, digging his fingers into his ears to drown out the fast-paced piano music.  Then he saw him.  The boo that stole his red cap!         
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #35 on: December 28, 2005, 10:47:09 PM »
Chapter 23: A Song of Old Times ~ Mario gazed into the blurry abyss of boos, trying to keep both eyes on the one wearing his red 'M' cap.  The dastardly boo zipped in and out of his comrads, giggling with pure delight.  They each left their own murky, white trail behind them, causing Mario to lose sense of the Glitz Pit, as though he was lost inside a white tornado.  His head felt incredibly bare as he stared at his target, the wind caused from the ghost whirlwind dancing through his brown hair. 
He wasn't so sure he would be able to get his hat back, as he noticed that the boos were all continuosly gaining speed and becoming even more of a blur than before.  And that music from above, oh the music.  It was so fearful, and heart-pumping, that he felt he could hardly concentrate.  His adrenaline flowed in anxiety as he continued turning around and around, making sure he kept track of where the boo was until he was terribly dizzy.  Mario suddenly shut his eyes tightly.  At this rate he was sure to lose.  How in the world did the major league champions get past these foes?  They surely belonged at the top!  They were so good, overthrowing that giant chain chomp would seem like a fair match! 
There was obviously some sort of trick to this whole thing that Mario just wasn't getting.  To defeat the boos is no easy task, but perhaps there is something simple to do that will put them all down at once.  What was it?  Mario opened his eyes as he heard a wift noise next to him.  A boo wearing a blue top hat came diving at Mario, laughing darkly. 
Mario quickly dived out of the way just in time, to find the boo rejoining his other partners in the whirlwind of terror.  Mario watched the boo join his group, not to simply notice him, but all the other boos as well.  He noticed that they each moved to their own beat, yet it fit perfect with the song.  They twisted around each other, and basically created the eerie tune through dance.  Mario had been concentrating too hard one only one of the boos to notice this.  The music controlled their movement...and if Mario was correct, they had all rehersed this number many a time.  They all seemed to think that they had it together... but what if a different song was to suddenly spring up? 
Mario began in a low hum and slowly got louder.  He was humming a song that his grandfather had taught him long ago, after he handed Mario his first hammer.  Mario had always remembered that song, and often sang on the roads of his quest when things grew tiring.  It was a joyful song, filled with hope.  It seemed to be the exact opposite of the song being played on the piano.  MArio hummed as loud as he possibly could, though it seemed to be doing nothing against the great sound of the grand piano floating above him, covering the eye of the eerie boo cyclone.  Mario stopped for a second, and realized that he had no shame in trying out this plan of his.  He began to sing the song, slowly growing louder:

"A long road to travel, through heat cold and storm,
Though I never unravel, I never get worn!
You keep on you mission, a wise man once said,
Prioritize things on paper or in head.
So a journey I travel, however long I must come,
To reach the dear, and sweet *Princess Plum!

Those Goombas you stomp and those Koopas you plummet
Down a swift slope of a high mountain summit!
No matter how many enemies you'll have to fight,
You'll do it with courage, and perhaps even delight!
And throughout these journeys, roads will come and go,
Some are dark, some are bright, some are covered in snow. 
But no matter how wet or how hot or how cold,
You'll trot over them, with steps that are bold.

On flying carpets, I may take a ride
Or even on a twisting, turning slide,
But through all this adventure and dangerous fun,
I'll always remember what must be done.
And in the end, a story will be told,
Of how I rescued something more precious than gold.
The heart of a maiden, so fair and so true,
And a kiss she would give to only a few.
The dear *Princess Plum would be rescued at last
And I'd realized how my adventure seemed to happen so fast..."

*The Princess Plum that Mario had sung about in his grandfather's song was none other than the mother of Princess Peach.  Mario's grandfather had saved her countless times, just like Mario had to Princess Peach.

Mario had suddenly noticed that all the boos were now out of order, and the pianist seemed to be confused as to what song he was playing.  The whirlwind of boos were now beginning to look cluttered as they grew unrehersed and messy looking. 
"Stay in order people!" Mario heard the boo in the red top hat call out.  Suddenly, the boo wearing Mario's cap bumped straight into the boo wearing the purple top hat while he was busy doing twists and turns to the tune of Mario's song.  The purple boo quickly drooped to the floor, only to quickly float back up again like a balloon.  Mario quickly began singing his song over again, watching the boos get even more cluttered than before.  Finally, after the second verse they were all in a mess. 
The boo in the purple top hat took off his hat, and smacked the boo wearing Mario's cap with it.  The boo grew angry and through his hat to the ground.  Mario saw this, and dove to pick it back up.  As he placed his old friend snuggly back upon his head, he looked about to see that all the boos had stopped what they were doing, and were arguing.  Even the pianist boo (who had been wearing a black top hat) came down to try to get things back in order. 
Mario looked over at Yosh to find him stunned.  Mario quietly reached for his hammer.   
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2006, 08:34:41 PM »
Chapter 23 1/2:  Defeat!  ~  Mario slowly snuck up behind the boo sporting the black top hat, and crashed his hammer over the top of his head, his heart racing.  The pianist ghost was instantly knocked out as he slowly hovered in midair and became transparent.  Yosh got the signal, and quickly swallowed one of the boos nearby.  Yosh chewed on him for a while, much to the delight of the crowd, and then spit out a soggy, yet now transparent, boo.  Mario quickly grabbed the last two boos and crashed their head together.  The crowd cheered in approval as they both gasped and slowly disappeared.
"Currrse you Gonzalleeeees," said the pianist boo as their hovering bodies slowly began to rise up to the ceiling and fade away completely.  The crowd was now completely silent as the lights slowly began to turn on once more.  Mario remained looking up to where the boos had disappeared.  The lights had now completely returned to the Glitz Pit, returning with a cheery light to be ride of the once gloomy battlefield.  The crowd suddenly burst into and eruption of great applause along with "w00ts" and "yeah"s. 
"We have our winner!" cried Ms.Jolene happily, "The Grrrreat Gonzales!!!" 
The corwd grew even louder before as Mario raised his hands to the crowd, tossing his red hat into the blinding abyss above him, and then catching it as it fell back down to the stage. 
Yosh was busy leaping up and down with great joy, for he had just overcome the enemies he was never able to defeat before.  Yosh's fans hollered for him happily as the crowd roared on, seeming as though they would never end.  What a fight it had been.

Can you say the shortest chapter ever?  I can.  But hey, it was only half of one.
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #37 on: January 29, 2006, 09:02:12 PM »

Chapter 24:  The Phone Booth  ~  Goombella quietly stalked the little man in the red sweater as he made his way about Glitzville, pausing everyonce in a while to take a bite of his hot dog.  Goombella pretended to be looking at the menu inside the hot dog hut, when she was really keeping a keen eye on the suspicious, yellow-pants'd fellow through a mirror that had been randomly placed in the hot dog stand.  He wasn't really moving at all, and Goombella was growing anxious.  She wasn't so sure of what was making her want to follow this guy.  Could it be love?  Hmmm... Wait, what?  NO!  It definately wasn't love, because that squat goggley man was not, like, even her type, like, omg.  l:-l ...  Anyways, Goombella was still standing there awkwardly.
"Are you going to buy anything or just stand there and look-a like-a fool?" asked the manager of the stand, who just happened to be a pudgey pig.
"Hm?" asked Goombella.  Suddenly, before she had time to take in whatever the pig man said, she noticed that the mysterious dude was making a walk for it!!!  "Er, uh... The second one!" she said as she quickly turned and began to follow the mysterious overly-dressed midget guy.
He made his way over towards the bathroom stalls.  Goombella sighed as she continued her tail-gating.

Mario and Yosh happily walked into the locker rooms, heads held high.  Yosh was positively booming with excitement at their triumphant win over the Lords of Boo Mansion. 
"That was awesome!" said Yosh, "We finally beat them!  Or, you finally beat them!  But either way, this means that I'm going to get to move to the major leagues, I just know it!"
That did sound awfully nice to Mario.  Cleaner, less-stale air, and sanatary beds.  Being in a place with fighters who took their work just as seriously as he did.  And after that, Mairo may even make it all the way, to the Champion's room!  It would be just like old times.
Suddenly, MArio heard Ms. Jolene clear her throat behind him.  Mario jumped. 
"Oh, hello," said Mario.
"Hello, Mr. Gonzales," said Ms. Jolene as she handed him a handful of coins.  They consisted of six, all shiny and gold in Mario's gloved palm.  "I must say, Mr. Gonzales, the crowd absolutely ate that up!  It was brilliant, it was spectacular, it was a show to die for!!!  Another fight like that, and I mean it, Gonzales, you may be the second most popular fighter in the Pit!"
Mario was a tad shocked to hear this.
"No other fighter has ever put on such a performance!" Ms. Jolene said again with a sigh.  "Good luck with your next fight, Mr. Gonzales.  I'll be waiter at the buzzer when you need me." 
With that Ms. Jolene stepped back out through the door, her blonde hair whisping past him.

Finally, the little squat overly clad man stepped out of the bathroom as Goombella quickly began drinking from the drinking fountain nearby, making sure that she appeared natural, and non-stalker-ish.  She slowly watched him from the corner of her eye as he waddled over to the phone booth suspiciously...   
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2006, 07:43:41 PM »
Chapter 25:  Discovery  ~  The undercover X-Naut punched ina random sequence of numbers into the telephone reciever as he held it up to his thinkly layered ear.  The phone began to ring in a muffled sound as the X-Naut began to sweat beneath his heavy scarf and annoyingly stuffy clothing.  The sun beat down on his head as his goggles slowly began fogging up.  Another ring sounded thorugh the telephone, anxious for anyone to pick up the other line.
Goombella was secretly watching the stout man as he stood nervously by the telephone booth.  She held a news paper in her hands(?) looking casual as she flipped the thin, light-gray pages, her eyelids half-closed as though there was nothing worth reading in the paper today.  She watched him from the corner of her eye, being sure that she was in a good radius from him in order to eavesdrop.  She wasn't quite sure what it was, but she just felt very suspicious about this guy.  His traits were much of an X-Nauts, or rather, his lack of them.  He simply had to be up to something or other.
The phone struck silent in mid ring as a gruff voice sounded on the other line.
"Hullo?" said Sir Grodus, sounding tired, his words being muffled by what sounded like food he may be chewing upon.
"Oh, er, hello sir," said the X-Naut.  Goombella's ears(?) perked.
"Is this X-#113?" asked Grodus.
"Yes, it is."
"Alright, alright....but just to make sure, state the password," said Sir Grodus.
"Pillow fighting," said the X-Naut.  Goombella knotted her brow. 
"Yes's a stupid password....anyways, what dirt have you been able to dig up?"
"Well, sir, I've found that the champion of the Glitz Pit is a big Chain Chomp, I'm talkin' huge, boss!" said X-#113.
"Oh really?" asked Grodus.  "Does he seem tough?  You know - judging on his fighting style?"
"The toughest!" said X-#113.
"Hmm...well we are going to have to hope that we don't have to come in when he's in the ring...but anyways, what does the scale say?" asked Grodus through the found, taking a second to take a bite out of something.
"Right" the X-Naut looked around him suspiciously as Goombella quickly held the news paper up to her eyes immediately and resumed a very natural look about her.  The X-Naut slowly brought out a strange device from his pocket.  Goombella recognized from somewhere, though she wasn't sure where.  MArio had shown her something that looked fairly close to what the mysterious stout man had out now.  "The scale shows 29%.  We still aren't sure where the Shadow Sirens are located, but I'm begginning to think that they're somewhere in the Glitz Pit."  Goombella's stomach did a backflip.
"Yes, yes....those things aren't very reliable when used in a large crowd...its radiation is blocked, and it can't send signals very well......Any how, send me another message when you are one hundred percent sure that you know where all of the Shadow Sirens are," said Sir Grodus.
"Aye aye, captain," said X-Naut #113.
"Don't say that," said Grodus, "Now bye.........." there was a long pause as the X-Naut began putting away his remote control thingy with a blunt antenna, when Sir Grodus' voice could be heard speaking over the other end of the phone again.  "......mmm!  i'm telling you this pizza is simply yum!  i love you pizza-pie! i tell you!  omg, im lovin it......bababababaaa....yeah.....who's a good pizza?....heh heh..."
"....Uh....Sir Grodus....sir?" said the X-Naut once the remote control was now fully inside his pocket.  Goombella jumped at the sound of his name.
"Wha- Wha- What?!" said Sir Grodus' voice, getting a tad louder as he picked up the phone again. 
"You didn't turn off the phone, sir," said the X-Naut.
"What?  Yes I did!   How dare you!  I'm a cool ruling dude!  Peron!  X-Naut man!  How dare you disrespect my authority!  It's this button right here!!!  Or-wait.  It's this button.  Bye."  Sir Grodus pressed the correct button on his phone as the conversation ended with a beep.  He then procceeded to make out with his pizza.
The X-Naut hung up the phone and casually walked over to the hot-dog stand to get himself another spicey pig in a blanket! 
Goombella now had a new scoop to tell Mario.  The X-Nauts were planning to attack the Glitz Pit, and Mario had to be ready.
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2006, 01:17:13 PM »
Chapter 26:  Armored Harriors  ~  The audience throughout the enormous circular pit chanted and shouted cries from their stands, creating a thunder storm of cheers as Mario, now known as the Great Gonzales, walked down the path he had walked through many a time.  Tosh was on his heals, jumping with great joy at the large quantity of fans that showed up for today's fight.  But Mario expected nothing less form his fans, as not only had he defeated the most struggled upon opponent in one try, but he was now going up against the Armored Harriors, the two enormous, spikey brothers who blocked the path to the major leagues.  If Mario and Yosh were to defeat them, they would move into a new locker room, with a new smell, and a new reputation.
The roar of the crowd varied in joyous ways as the two fighters made their way up the stair to find themselves atop the tall, massive fighting arena.  The lights blinded them from the ceiling as confetti drifted about the room awkwardly, being stubborn on where exactly they ought to land.  The enormous plasma screen hung from the wall at Mario's left, showing a clear image of Ms. Jolene, Yosh, and of course Mario, as a way to let the fans in the very back of the stadium get a good look at the fighters too. 
Ms. Jolene waited for the crowd to die down a bit before starting the announcement of the fight between the Great Gonzales and the Armored Harriors.  Once she realized that the audience was not going to settle down any time soon, she began anyways. 
"Ladies and gentlemen!" she said into her portable microphone, her voice booming about the pit as the lights began to dim and the crowd lessened to an excited murmur.  "The Great Gonzales going up against..... the Armored HArriors!!!"
Green and red lights suddenly began to bounce about the room, adding to the atmosphere of the Glitz Pit as rock music was sounding from somewhere beneath the bowels of the entry way opposite of Mario. 
A fog machine came into action around the door as it slammed open, revealing the two brothers.  The rock music was now blaring as the two creatures in began marching into the pit, sneering and laughing.  They were like two enormous boulders with feet, sharp horns lining their bumpy heads. 
"YEEAAAAHHH!" cried the one wearing red shoes, "GONZAALEEES!!!"
The crowd cheered and jeered at the pair of spike balls, wathing them bound their way up the staris and onto the square stage.  The lights began to settle themselves as the music died down a bit. 
"We're gonna CRUSH you Gonzales!" said the Harrior wearing green shoes. 
"You won'tt even know what crushed you!  But we'll know what crushed you - because WE crushed you!!!" cried Red Shoes. 
"....Er....YEAH!" cried Green Shoes, "You better watch yourself, Gonzales, because you - are - going - DOWWWWN!!!"
The crowd broke into a great storm of chants, rants, cheers, jeers, and some of the corwd just opened their mouths and started yelling to blend in with everyone else! 
"Prepare to taste the floor!" cried Yosh excitedly as he hopped up and down like some sort of frog on a sugar high. 
"Armored Harriors," said Ms. Jolene as she walked up to the two enormous guys.  "Do you realize that the Great Gonzales and Yosh got past the Band of Boos faster than anyone else?!"
Green Shoes snorted.  "Yeah, big whoop.  I bet he just heard how to beat them from that one bat kid like we did - er - I mean...  Whatever!  This kid's going down!"
"Alright then," said Jolene, "with that; let the fight BEGIN!!!"
The gong sounded with an enormous vibration as the fight began and the crowd hollered with excitement.
The Armored Harriors prepared themselves, bounding upon the souls of their feet.  Mario took out his hammer, his legs apart and eyes squinting as Yosh began bouncing all over the place.  Suddenly, Red Shoes curled up into some sort of spikey ball.  Mario had never seen this move before.  Green Shoes jumped on top of his brother, and began rolling along the stage!  Red Shoes' spikes clanked upon the crowd as Green Shoes rolled his brother towards Mario at a surprisingly fast speed.
"Prepared to be a shiskabob!" cried Green Shoes from atop his brother as Mario quickly dodged an on-coming roll.  Yosh looked startled as he stared at the two brothers rolling about, and the crowd was simply eating it up! 
Mario stared nervously as the great ball of spikes rolled directly at him.  He quickly lunged to his left, hitting his shoulder upon the ground and then rolling himself back up right.  The ball of spikes rolled right on past him as Green Shoes jumped into the air, doing a 180 so that he now faced the other direction and began to roll his brother in the direction of Mario once more. 
It was no use!  Even if Mario tried to hit them with his hammer, their rock exterior was far to tough to be effected, and jumping upon them would simply be a stupid idea.  Yosh would have to swallow one of them using his sticky tongue, and spit him out as his brother, thus causing them to run into each other and hopefully take some damage.
"Yosh!" cried Mario to his partner who was busy staying out of the Armored Harriors way.  "Use your tongue!"
Yosh nodded as though he already knew what he had to do in the first place, but was simply nervous to actually do so. 
The rolling ball of terror sped at Mario as he lunged out of the way.  Green Shoes quickly stopped as to keep him and his brother from rolled over the edge of the stage.  Acting quickly, Yosh stuck out his long tongue.  It attatched on to Red Shoes, who looked like arolling rock ball of spikes, and dragged him out from under Green Shoes, and in front of Yosh.  Green Shoes fell to the ground, a tad shocked. 
Using all of his strenfth, Yosh spun around, Red Shoes still attatched at his tongue, and used Red Shoes as a battle mace!  The rock ball of spikes shot directly into Green Shoes as the crowd roared in approval. 
The Armored Harriors stood up, a little dizzy from their blow.  Red Shoes was no longer a ball any more, and appeared rather dizzy from being spun around for a long time by his brother.  Green Shoes growled at Mario and Yosh, standing a good distance away from the small yoshi as to not be gulped yet again. 
"Alright, Gonzales, how about this?!" cried Green Shoes.  "Bro!  Attack manuever Ram 'Em!" 
Red Shoes nodded, his brow knotted.  Mario watched them with keen eyes as they both quickly began to run his opposite directions.  They then took a sharp turn, and ended up on either side of Mario.  They were going to sandwich him!  They charged with all their might in towards Mario, their spikes threatening a great deal of pain and humiliation.  Mario's stomach lurched as he quickly dived out of the way, only to have Green Shoes and Red Shoes crash into each other stupidly. 
The crowd roared happily.  Mario's heart was racing as he stood up.  That move could have meant the end! 
The Armored Harriors stood up again, dizzy and weary from their second defeat.  Yosh stood behind Mario, legs apart; ready to fight.  Mario put away his hammer, seeing as it would do no good in this fight.  All he had to do was outsmart the two block-heads.  Either that, or set them up so that Yosh would be able to swallow them again.
"Errrr......" said Green Shoes, who was obviously the brains of this operation (which wasn't saying much), "Attack pattern....alpha!" 
He and his brother suddenly stood up striaght, side by side.  Red Shoes held out his left foot as Green Shoes wrapped his right foot around his brother's left.  They were linked like a stupid, rocky, spikey sausage.  "And......SPIN!" 
Starting off in a pathetic looking hop around in cricles, the brothers began turning about in circles, remaining linked at the foot.  Mario watched nervously, licking his dry lips with his thirsty tongue.  They began getting faster, and faster, and faster until they turned into a great blur of gray spikes, twirling around and around.  The crowd cheered nervously, wondering what on earth Mario was going to do.
The truth was, Mario wasn't quite sure himself.
"Gonzales, these guys have really improved," said Yosh.  "How are we going to attack them like that?"
Suddenly, before Mario could answer, they began to move towards Mario and Yosh like some sort of spike tornado! 
Mario and Yosh dived in opposite direction, just missing a close blow from the brothers.  The whirlwind of rock slowly began to turn after Mario once more, ready to charge at him again.         
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2006, 06:07:18 PM »
Chapter 27:  We're Playing With the Big Boys Now...  ~  Mario readied in his fighting stance, staring at the Armored Harriors.  The audience chanted and whallooped above him in the stands as the spikey duo began to spin towards Mario.  Yosh bounded behind them, as though he was about to attack.  Finding that he couldn't even tell who was who in this cyclone of stone, Yosh recoiled in confusion. 
Somewhere in the bowels of their spinning Mario could hear one of them give a nervous, exhausted chuckle. 
'They must be awfully dizzy,' thought Mario.  'If only I could just get them to stop without hurting myself or Yosh...'
Mario pondered to himself while dodging the charges of the Armored Harriors, the sound of their spikes flying through the air bringing one's stomach to churn in anxiety.  His teeth grinded as he mustache curled from under the heat of the amazing spotlights above.  Suddenly, Mario thought of something.  It was extremely simple, and might not work  -  but it was better than just standing around.  He ran right over to the side of the stage, signaling his partner yosh to do the same.  Together, they stood at the very edge, staring upon the Harrior tornado bounding towards them. 
Just as Mario thought, they suddenly charged at them, hurling their spiked bodies towards Mario and Yosh.  Mario grabbed Yosh's tiny green hand and pulled him out of th eway just in time to send the Armored Harriors hurling past them, flying off the stage!  The audience in the stands gasped as the two brothers began to slow down at the sudden change of altitude.  Mario and Yosh watched in relief as they began to spin out of control.
"Wait....WAIT!!!" cried Green Shoes from inside the tornado.
"What?!" cried his brother.
"Stay together!!!"
"Where are we??!"
"On the stage!!!!"
"What?!?!  No, MArio's way up there!  I can see him!!!"
Suddenly, Red Shoes went flying!  His foot got unhooked from his brothers from all of the confusion, and he soared through the air, leaiving his brother Green Shoes to spin out in exhaustion.  Acting very quickly, Yosh slung his long, sticky red tongue into the air, and caught Red Shoes before he could find himself crashing into the giant plasma screen.  The audience gasped as he came crashing to the stage, his pupils going in spirals and his feet performing a confused dance.  He collapsed with a grunt upon the floor of the stage, imitating his brother down below. 
"Urrrgggghhhhhh," said Red Shoes.
"UUuuuuuh," said Green Shoes, "OW!!!....My dignity!!"
With that the gong sounded once more, sending great satisfaction to roll over Mario and Yosh.
"The Great Gonzales WIIIIIINS!!!" cried Ms. Jolene, shouting into her microphone for all to hear.  The ardent fans cheered happily, making joyful noises that echoed throughout the great arena.  Mario held up his hands in victory, taking in the confetti and spot lights, and the sound of the crowd with pride, his chest heaving from the fight.  Yosh bounced up and down happily.
"Yeah!"  he cried.  "How's that floor taste?!?!"
                              *                                                 *                                                  *
Ms. Jolene lead Mario and Yosh through the halls of the Gltiz Pit, passing the door that lead to the minor league locker rooms, and onto a new door, the one that made entry to the major leagues!  The door opened with a cleanzing *swoosh* as they entered.  The air was clear, and there was no smell of sweat to loom in stale air.  It was air-conditioned inside, and to breathe was to breathe in sweet fresh air, crisp and resfreshing.  Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating on this whole air thing, but trust me, compared to the minor league locker rooms, this was quite a difference.  The walls were decorated with white and red stripes, the floor tiled in cream.  In the center of the room were benches, topped with comforatble cushions that gave no freedom to lose springs or tacky patches to hide any holes. 
The bed was actually clean, and looked refreshing, and the bathroom wasn't scary anymore!  ;D  Which is a very good thing, you know.  Overall, the atmosphere of the major league locker room was:  clean, comfortable, welcoming, refreshing, and toilet-happy.  Quite a jump from the minor-leagues.
"Here you are, Gonzales, a reward for another amazing fight!" said Ms. Jolene as she handed Mario a handful of shining yellow coins.  Mario thanked her graciously as she smiled and left the room with a final, "Congratulations!"
Yosh bounced up and down in excitement.
"Oh, man, dude, this is sooo awesome!  I haven't been here since I fought with you back in the day!  Dude - this place is even better then I remembered!"  said Yosh as he jumped up and down on the bed, disturbing the Hammer Bro. sleeping there. 
The Hammer Bro. woke up witha knotted brow and an angry look in his eye.  "Do you mind??!?!" he said.
"Nope," said Yosh as he turned his head to look at him, then back at Mario.  "So - who do we have to fight next?"  *Hammer Bro. hides under covers*
"Uhhh...." said Mario as he checked the list of fighters from the little screen next to the door.  "Next up is......"
« Last Edit: February 19, 2006, 06:09:14 PM by The Blue Toad »
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2006, 02:09:05 PM »
Chapter 28:  Zap the Security  ~  Goombella followed the disguised X-Naut into the Glitz Pit.  Inside it was refreshingly cooler than the outdoors, air conditioning filling the large, fancy-looking place.  Goombella tried her hardest to look as casual as she could as the X-Naut tipped his large baseball cap over his foggy goggles and made his way over to one of the security guards by the door.
'This ought to be interesting,' Goombella said to herself as she crept over to the X-Naut, making her way past an excited family of Toads as though she was simply another one of the crowd.  She turned her back and leaned upon the glassy wall to her right next to a stone bench.  The X-Naut was only a few yards away from her talking to the stern security man, and she tried all she could to hear what they were saying.
"Excuse me," said the X-Naut in a rather nerdy-sounding voice.  "Are fans allowed to pass through into the hallways beyond here?"
"No," answered the security guard quickly, "only fighters may enter through this door.  It leads to the locker rooms, and would serve no purpose for"
"Hmmm," said the X-Naut.  "Okay.....sorry for disturbing you..."
He waddled towards Goombella sourly.  Goombella watched him from the corner of her eye and could see a sense of cleverness in his goggle lens.  The foolish X-Naut.  He had something on his mind...
Suddenly, he spun around, holding in front of him the strange remote-control-like device that he held by the phone-booth earlier.  He held it at arms' length, the antenna pointing at the security guard in a threatening way.  His round feet were spread apart as he glared at the guy across from him.
"Hey, guy, what are you doing?  What?  What's that thingy your holding?-"  The X-Naut suddenly pressed a button as a surge of electricity shot from the antenna of the remote control, hitting the security guard.  The guard jumped, his hair standing on end.  After the X-Naut released the button, the security guard sloutched down to the floor, goraning in pain.  Smoke rose from his tuffet of hair, his sunglasses crooked upon his face.  The X-Naut in disguise looked about the room, and panicked when he saw Goombella so near by.  Luckily, the Goomba las was simply staring off at the posters lining the walls of the Glitz Pit, lost in her own little world.  He snickered as he pulled down his red cap even farther and quickly opened the door, disappearing inside. 
Goombella waited for a while, gazing upon the electified security guard sitting upon the ground, resting his torso upon the wall.  His mouth gaped open and his arms were limp.  What was this X-Naut up to now?  Whatever it was, Goombella was sure that it had something to do with the X-Nauts landing in Glitzville. 
Could he be searching the place for Shadow Sirens?  That was an obvious guess, and seemed most likely, but he could be looking in to something else as well.  Goombella decided to continue her stalking of the mysterious X-Naut as she entered through the door that was once guarded by the consious security guard.
She closed the door as quickly as she possibly could, making sure no noise would be sensed throughout the great, echoing halls.  Everything inside was blue metal, and had a cold atmosphere to it.  The murmuring sound of the fights going on in the Glitz Pit could be heard through the walls.  Doors lined the corridors, each one hiding a locker room, or perhaps something else. 
Various crates were also seen throughout the halls, probably supplies for the fighters, along with buckets and mops.  Goombella was happy with the idea of such crates being located every few yards, for she needed to be as stealthy as she could and may need to use one to hide behind. 
Slowly she crept down the long hallway that stood before her, her stomach churning with excitement.  It was fun sneaking around.  There's such a great sense of danger and suspence; something that Goombella missed her life after giving up fighting.  But, she though it was the best thing to do.  Violence was, afterall, pointless in her opinion.  She was sneaking around simply to see what the X-Nauts were up to, so that Mario could be ready for their arrival.  When they came, she wasn't exactly sure how the X-Naut base would be given away, but Merlon had said that coming here to fight would eventually tell them, and they simply had to trust him.  Afterall, they were on the right track considering the fact that there was an X-Naut here right now, sneaking around and planning some sort of invasion to kidnap shadow sirens without any trouble.
Suddenly, Goombella heard something *clink* around the corner up ahead.  Acting quickly, she ran throughout the rest of the hallway on tip-toe and peeked around.  Her heart was beating fast as she hoped not to be seen.  Her blonde hair brushed over her face as she gently leaned around the corner, peering beyond.
The X-Naut had just opened up a metal door labeled:  "Storage".  The ridiculous-looking man did not notice Goombella spying on him as he entered the storage room, closing the metal door behind him with another *clink*. 
Goombella brought her head back around the corner, staring to the wall opposite of her.  How exciting this was!  Her heart beat fast and her breath became heavy, yet she couldn't help but smile at the suspence she was feeling.  The great, muffled cries of the audience in the enoromus room beyond the metallic walls boomed as Ms. Jolene's voice rose above them in the Glitz Pit, narrating the fight. 
Goombella snuck around the corner she had been spying around, and tip-toed her way over to the metallic "Storage" door.  She kept her eyes on the other wooden doors around her, prepared for anything if they were to suddenly open.  She would be kicked out of there faster than you could say "She would be kicked out of there faster than you could say"!
Slowly, and very quietly, she opened the metallic door, the familiar *clink* sound emitting from the bowels of the door knob.  She then slowly swung it open, and disappeared into the storage room, her stomach twitching with excitement.       
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #42 on: February 20, 2006, 02:41:30 PM »
Chapter 29:  Team Up  ~  As the door *clink*'d behind her, Goombella gazed upon the room she had entered.  Right away, there was a strange buzzing echo throughout the room, almost sounding like machinery.  She thought that she saw the corner of the ceiling move from the corner of her eye as the echoing slowly died away.  She swallowed loudly, wondering what that was and where the little X-Naut was.  She gazed over her surroundings.  It seemed almost empty for a storage room.  There were many crates in the room, sure, but they were all organized neatly.  Some of the wooden boxes were in rows, others in squares.  There was not much else inside the large, box-of-a room.  The walls and floor were metal, like the hallway outside, and the place seemed chilled as goosebumps lined Goombella's skin. 
Where was that X-Naut?  He couldn't have disappeared suddenly...could he? 
Maybe that machinery sound wasn't just her imagination...and the movement of the corner of the ceiling too...
But how could that have helped the X-Naut in any way?  She had to think this over quickly before anyone wanted to enter the Storage room only to find a goomba.  Was he hiding from her behind one of the crates?  No, she would have seen him by now....
"Hmmmm," Goombella said to herself, knotting her brow.  What a puzzle this was...
"Ahem<3!"  said a voice to Goombella's right.  She jumped as she spun about, gazing upon the furry white face of Ms. Mowz, the Mouse thief.  Goombella tried to calm down her racing heart as she glared at the flirtasious little thief. 
"You!" said Goombella.  "What one Earth are you doing here??"
Ms. Mowz giggled, twirling her stringy black tail about in her hands.  Her eyes sparkled beneath her red mask, her high-heeled red shoes positioned nimbly upon a crate next to Goombella.  "I'm here looking for a badge, of course," said Ms. Mowz in a bubbly voice.
"Oh?" said Goombella, shaking her head and frowning at the girly mouse. 
"Yes of course!!!<3  After all, Goombella, I am a badge thief!" she winked slyly.
"Listen, Mowz, just because we were partners before doesn't mean I have to like you," said Goombella bluntly.
"Oh, and I you," said Ms. Mowz in a strangely sweet tone. 
"Er...right....." said Goombella looking to the ground.  "Wait...what badges could you possibly get in the storage room?"
"I don't know," said Ms. Mowz, "I'm still looking....but - oooo!  Look what I found in the chamion's room!"  She held out her furry white paw to show Goombella a badge that was shaped like a pink stomach, a heart in the center.
"...What?....What is that?!"  said Goombella, appalled at the stomach-shaped badge.
"Why, this is a Sensitive-Stomach Badge!!!<3" she replied,  "It's for people who have sensitive stomachs.  When equipped with this badge, you can eat as much spicey food as you want without getting a stomach ache!"
Goombella remembered the time she offered a hot dog to the Great Chompien.  "That makes sense," she said.
"What?" asked Ms. Mowz.
"Er, nothing..."
"Riight....well, I'll see you later Goombella!  I have to go sell this badge - it's worth thousands!"
"Wait!" said Goombella as Ms. Mowz was about to jump off of the wooden crate.  "I need to ask you something."
"Yes?" replied Ms. Mowz.
"Did you see a little man wearing a sweater, a scarf, and a red baseball cap come in here?"
"Hmmmm<3," said Ms. Mowz, "as a matter of fact, yes!  What an odd looking fellow.  He came in here, and simply ran up the stairs, not even noticing that I was standing up here upon this crate, digging through it to find a badge...nope...not a very observant man...but you see, I found it funny, for as soon as he reached the top of the stiars, they went back up again!  Haha<3!"
"Wait - what??!!  Stairs?  Going back up?  What are you talking about you crazy rodent?" asked Goombella, baffled and quite offended at the fact that she hadn't noticed Ms. Mowz either, and the mouse had called the X-Naut non-observant for not noticing her as well.
"I'll show you," said Ms. Mowz.  She suddenly jumped into the air, twirling about and landed into a gap in the square of crates that she was on.  There was a thumping sound as though she landed on some sort of button, and the corner of the ceiling began to move again.  It was a platform that lowered down, pulling a flight of stairs down with it.  Before you knew it, there was now a flight of stairs in the corner of the room. 
Ms. Mowz bounced back up from the gap in the crates.  "There you go.  The mysterious stairs.  Now, you go up and find of a man, and I'll wait down here to make sure that the stairs don't go back up." 
"He is NOT my hunk of a man!!!" said Goombella a little too loudly.  "Er...and thank you..."
With that she rushed up the metallic stairs, Ms. Mowz waiting for her below, filing her nails.
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #43 on: February 20, 2006, 04:28:15 PM »
Chapter 30:  Blueprints  ~  Goombella tip-toed up the stairs as she found herself walking into a new room.  It was shaped like a hallway, with a door at each end.  Boxes of many sizes crowded the room as they illuminant lights shown upon them from the ceiling mysteriously.  Goombella stopped at the top step, humminga low note to herself.  Which way did the X-Naut go?  She pondered this while looking from door to door.  She then spotted something upon the ground next to the door on her farthest left.  It was a scarf, the same scarf that the X-Naut was wearing as a foolish disguise. 
She slowly approached the door on the far left of the hallway-like room, and stood by the metallic door, standing out awkwardly in the wall-papered room.  She slowly turned the door knob, opening up the door just a pinch so that she could see inside.  It was quite dark.  She could hear someone rumbling about in there, but nothing else.  Slowly she found herself creeping inside, closing the door behind her.  As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she found that there was not much place to hide, and she was in plain sight!  The X-Naut luckily had his back turned as he rummaged through a file cabinet on the right of the room, mubling to himself.  Quickly, Goombella noticed a box located in the corner of the room directly to her left.  She quietly, yet quickly, crept over to the box, and concealed herself behind it, keeping an eye of the X-Naut.  If she stood on the tips of her toes she could see right over the crate, and get a good look at the strange alien digging through the files in the cabinet, reading their titles and then tossing them aside.
"Great achievements - album - no.......fight schedules - no........chickadee schedules?  Who is this guy?!......urgh........secretary pay chart - no......."
Goombella listened instently, wondering what these files even were.  They sounded as though they would belong to the CEO of the Glitz Pit, but Ms. Jolene didn't have a secretary....or a chickadee....
"....fighters to power drain - getting there......."
Goombella suddenly realized something.  These were the files of Mr. Grubba!  Mr. Grubba was the old CEO of the Glitz Pit, the guy in charge when she and Mario went to the Glitz Pit many moons ago, looking for the crystal star.  As it turned out, Mr. Grubba was in possesion of the crystal star, and was using it in his enormous machine to drain the power of some of the star fighters in the Glitz Pit!  By doing this, he used the absorbed power to make himself stronger.  But, he was luckily caught in the act and imprisoned for his selfishness.  They rescued the fighters he had drained, and took hold of the crystal star that powered the machine. 
But he was long gone now, and Grubba's old secretary (Ms. Jolene) was now the person in charge of the Glitz Pit!  What did the X-Naut possibly want with his files?
"...hmmmm......." said the X-Naut as he fingered his way through more papers and files.  "......Aha!  Yes!  Yes - this is it!  Blueprints for the Power-Draining Machine!  It's exactly what Sir Grodus wanted!" 
Goombella glared at the X-Naut from over the top of the box.  The squat little X-Naut pulled out a camera from benath his sweater and began taking pictures of the blueprint, then returning the file into its proper place in the cabinet.  With that, he quickly made his way out of the dark, eerie room, heading towards the stairs. 
Acting quickly, Goombella rushed out from behind the box and opened the files, scanning them over until she found the one that she needed.
"!  Here it is," she said as she pulled forth the files titled:  "Blueprints for Power-Draining Machine".  When she opened it up, she saw all she needed.  Everything was there on that piece of paper, all you needed to know about how to build a macine that will drain a person's power.  The X-Nauts had probably heard of this machine, and were going to use the blueprints to make one of their own and use it on the Shadow Sirens!  But, if the X-Nauts were so smart, why couldn't they make one of their own?  Goombella shook her head and decided not to get too much into things at the moment.  All she knew was that the X-Nauts now had what they needed for the moment; directions on how to build a power-draining machine. 
If they were to build it, then they could drain all the power from the shadow sirens, and somehow use all the absorbed power to take over the world, in someway, most likely.  One thing was certain, though; they need to be stopped!!!   
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2006, 06:40:55 PM »
Chapter 31:  View from the Stands  ~  Punio sat back down next to Lily with his new, steamy hot dog.  For such a tiny creature he sure could eat. 
"Whose up next?" he asked before taking a bight, not realizing how spicey his hot dog would be.
"Ummm..." said Lily softly.  She picked up her brochure next to her from the seat of her chair and looked it over.  Gonzales vs. Harriors..... Rawk Hawk vs. Prince Mush........  "Oh!  The next fight is between Mario and Koopalore."
"Koopalore?" said Punio through a mouth full of hot dog.  "What kinda name is that?"  Lily shrugged shyly as she folded her gloved hands in her purpled lap, waiting for the fight to begin.  She had been watching fights all day, and truly wanted to go outside for some fresh air and the wind.  Oh how she desired to be back in her peaceful garden by Madam Flurrie's mansion.  Oh how spectacular that would be.  She wasn't even enjoying these fights, and truly wanted to leave.  But she wouldn't dare go out alone, and Goombella wouldn't let her come with.  Some of these fights were scaring her terribly, as she was forced to hide in the shadows as soon as those boos appeared during that one fight. 
She held her green-striped hat over her eyes as she went into a blank stare at the stage down below in the Glitz Pit, staring past the many heads of ardent fans waiting for th enext fight to start.  She thoguht of her garden, with the shadow that loomed over it from the side of the house and the many trees aside, thiking of the soil black like midnight and the flowers fresh like June.  How glorious it smelt, and how wondrous it felt.  To hide in the cool dirt, being among the roots of her flowers.  It was truly all she ever wanted to do.  She planned on staying like that for the rest of her life.  Never did she expect to end up miles high in the sky, in a fighting arena with a Puni that can't keep his mouth shut when he eats.  Perhaps she was simply being sour, but she hadn't been in such a long time that she felt overdue and didn't care what anyone else said; especially the squishy little gray thing next to her.
Suddenly, the crowd became anxious as Ms. Jolene stepped onto the square stage, the enormous screen behind her emitting her large, clear image.  She pushed her silky blonde stripe of hair out of her face and adjusted her glasses to begin.
"Ladies and gentlemen!" she cried into the microphone as the audience began to "whoop" and "yeah!".  The atmosphere around Lily and Punio became suddenly excited as everyone took a seat, waiting.  The lights darkened in stands of the crowd as they brightened at the stage, making the arena below glow with anticipation.  Chants began to emit throughout the crowd along with many cheers and screams from fangirls.  It was time for the fight.  "Ladies," repeated Ms. Jolene, "and Gentlemen!!!"  More satisfying hollers, "I give you........the GRRRRRREAT GONZALES!!!"
The Glitz Pit erupted into an ocean of roars and cheers, Punio trying his hardest to join in but being short of a loud voice.  Lily could never take this part of the fight as everyone stood up, either standing on their seats or jumping up and down, and began to scream and shout.  She dove into the ground beneath her, disappearing in shadow as she always does when frightened or disturbed. 
In the shadow, Lily felt so much happier.  She felt like a child, huddled inside a black blanket.  Only her breathing and the muffled sound of the crowd above could be heard.  It was so warm and comforting where she was.
Above, Punio could only see a black puddle of what used to be Lily.  He was getting used to her doing this now, and had taken it to happen naturally.
When Mario and Yosh had approached the stage the roars of the crowd had died down a bit and Lily came back from her comforting shadow.   
"And now....the knight of koopas....the dangerous quickster.....KOOPALORE THE AWESOME!!!"
The volcano erupted again, and down Lily went.   
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...
