
Author Topic: The Misadventure of the Wind Waker  (Read 4968 times)

« on: August 18, 2006, 11:13:12 PM »
 NOTE:  Do not be afraid of the prologue!!!  X(  It's just a recap.  

I'm a little bored of how serious The Suitor is getting to be, so I'm going to start a new story.  Keep in mind, I'm still going to try to update The Suitor, so, things might get a little.... messy.
And, here's an advertisement:
What happens when a mysterious wind sorcerer breaks up with a goddess? 
Join Link in one of the most thrilling untold side-quests that took place during his epic tale of The Windwaker!

     Prologue:  In Case Ya Didn't Know

In a land above the sea, way up high beyond the islands, deep within the clouds (sometimes murky sometimes cottony), away, out of reach of mere seagulls or other kinds of things that can fly, there thrive three goddesses.  They are a trio of amazing, and most powerful, nymphs, who created the land of Hyrule in a time long, long, long, long, long, long, quite indeed, long, long, long time ago.  They made people most gracious upon this land, called Hylians, with hair of gold and sharp ears made to listen.  To rule the vast lands stretching outwards from their marvelous palace was the soul purpose of these great people, who were made specifically with a hint of magic, a pinch of wisdom, and a whoooole stick of butter. 
Oh, how the Hylians were respected by the whole bunch in times of old.  The Gorons, the Kokiri, the Zoras, the Sheikahs, the Gerudos, the Terminams, and especially, the Finlorikidianthromaklisms.  Unfortunately, though, the Finlorikidianthromaklism race was wiped out almost instantly due to the fact that Din randomly decided that this race was sort of dumb and held a name too long to pronounce.  But, anyway, the point is everybody loved those Hylians, and the Hylians loved those goddesses for making them so dang cool!
So now let's get a leg up on this story and take our first scene:
In the great palace of the goddesses, with floors of cloud and pillars of pearl, ceilings of silver mixed in with their skies.  The sisters, Din, of power, Farore, of courage, and Nayru, of wisdom, were all enjoying their basic morning.
"Oh noooooooooo!" cried Farore with a childish scowl across her face.  She pounded her foot on the floor, angry because all it did was bounce upon the poofy clouds instead of landing with a thud.  How annoying is that?  She directed her finger at the ground to have a heavy metallic plate suddenly appear by her foot.  She stomped upon the metal plate.
"MEH!" cried Nayru as she suddenly popped up out of her book.  She resembled a prairie dog suddenly erecting from the ground.  "What the crap?"  She looked over the back of the couch (which she was gracefully lounging upon) back at her sister.
"My toast!  Nnnnnuuhhh... it's friggen burnt!" whined Farore.
"Awwwww.... well, SUCK IT UP."
"Ew, no."
"What's going on, girls?" asked Din as she stepped into the room in the midst of putting up her red hair in a ponytail.
"Farore burnt her toast," stated Nayru from behind her book.
"I wanit," Din said as she grabbed the toast from out of the toaster (naturally).  As she chewed happily, the author decided to stop putting the goddesses' names in color, hoping that you get it by now.
"I get it by now!" spoke Farore happily. 
"Shhhhhhhh!" Din said through a mouth full of black toast.
"Don't break through the fourth wall!  OMG!" Nayru commanded.
Farore suspiciously eyed the randomly placed wall next to her, which held a large number '4' upon it.  To the left of the wall were three other walls, numbered '3', '2', and '1'.  As she gazed at the fourth wall, she suddenly noticed something.  There, in the corner of it!  IT HAD CRACKED! 
"OH!" she cried, leaping away.
"That's right..." Din said maternally.  "Any more cracks in the fourth wall, and life as we know it!... will, just be really awkward and strange."
"Ahhhh," her sisters replied simultaneously.
"So, what she we all do today?" asked Farore blissfully.
"I dunno.... ever since that one Ganon guy forced us to flood our own friggen land, things have gotten so boring." Nayru said.
"I know!  I mean, it's not even fun playing The Sims anymore, considering everything is basically water, save a few islands..."
"Yeah, a FEW!"
There was silence. 
On this silence between the goddesses, I shall tell those of you with little knowledge about why the land is "basically water, save a few islands...".  Well, long ago there was an evil guy named Ganon.  He was evil, so he did evil things, such as, poking, pushing, bullying, calling people names, and attempting to enslave everyone in the land.  The people of Hyrule were basically P.O.'d at this, but had no idea what to do!  Then, as if fate had a name and... wanted... to... be... called it(?) a young lad came forth, clothed in green, and riding majestically upon the back of a stallion/little brown horse!  He came out of NOwhere!  Yeah, it looked strange, but did people care?  Nope.  This little kid in green, with his sword held high, destroyed the evil Ganon/made him go away for a little while!  Haha!  Everyone was happy and sang songs about him, wrote stories - even attempted stripping him to sell his clothes on Ebay!  But, before they could say "I've got his boot!" that little kid was gone.  He had vanquished evil, and then left without saying goodbye. 
Unluckily for everyone, the evil Ganon came back!  The beast rose over the people's valleys and mountains, covering them in shadow and despair!... Again!  Naturally, the little boy in green (now known as "The Hero of Time") would come back, right?  The poor, defenseless people sure hoped so, but he didn't!  The three noble goddesses vanquished this monster, by taking away the one thing he wanted!:  The power of Hyrule Temple.  Yes!  With a mighty rain, they set the whole land into a flood!  The tremendous waters created a brand new sea, swallowing up the mountains, meadows, and even the castle of Hyrule.  Everyone died!  Yep.... Oh, wait... no, sorry... The majority of people died!  A select few were gathered upon the highest peak on the highest mountain, where they survived, and prepared a new life to a new world...  A world.... without the temple of Hyrule.
And, it worked, I guess.  Things were pretty much back to normal (as far as normal goes) and people seemed happy....  However, on an ironic note, the Zoras, a people who thrived in water, became extinct after the flood...  Apparently the water was a tad too "salty" for them.  *rolls eyes*.
"Yeah, yeah, that's the story," spoke Din.  Oops, there's another crack in the wall!  She clasped her hand around her mouth in an instant. 
"WAY TO GO!" cried Farore.
"Hey girls, look," said Nayru, who was leaning over a night table, examining their answering machine.  "We just got a message!  We just got a message!  We just got a message!  I wonder who it's from!"


Ummm.... hey, Din, it's Vaati, spoke the voice in the answering machine.  Are you there?.......... *smack*smack*chew*.........*swallow*.....Okay, alright... Well, I'm sorry I have to do this over the answering machine......*crunch*...*chew*chew*smack*smack*....mmm, this is a good apple.....  Anyways, I'm sorry I missed you, but I think I... met... someone... else.....*swallow*.... I don't know if it was really meant for us... you and me....
so... I'll catch you later... out!"



*awkward silence*


Just like that, Din burst into flames!  The burning tongues danced around her in rage, flaring up to the ceiling where it burned a hole through its beaded silver.  Her chest heaved angrily, and veins were just popping out EVERYwhere!  It was pretty scary.  Her teeth grinded so hard that they began to perish under the immense pressure, and wear away like powdery chalk. 
"Din!  Calm down!" cried Nayru over the loud, raging fire and strange, hot wind spiraling around her sister.
"Calm?  Calm?  DOWN?!?"  Thunder shook the Earth.  Din didn’t take kindly to being broken up with.  Especially not over the answering machine.
"Yes!  Just ease yourself!" Nayru cried again.
"EASE??!" more thunder bellowed from beneath the clouds. 
Farore was hiding beneath a carpet. 
"He's.... he's not good enough for you!"
"FOR?!?!?!"  A heavy storm brewed around the poor, flooded world below, where a little old grandma looked out from her window at the darkening sky. 
"Come on, let's just eat ice cream!... and-and," Nayru shielded herself from the strong winds bellowing at her amiable face.  "And-And!...Watch... Muppet movies!.... CALM DOWN!!!"
Randomly, Din burst into tears.  Her raging face was, in a second, replaced by a mournful baby's.  The rivers of tears that fled from her squinted eyes instantly put out the fire of rage, resulting in much steam to encircle the house.  The sudden flooding instantly began to leak through the clouds.  It was then that began perhaps the greatest storm since that of when Ganon was about to take power.  There was no stopping Din now.  She was crying, and she was not about to let up.

Meanwhile, down on Earth, a young boy was venturing the sea in his small red boat.  All you needed was a sunny, happy-go-lucky background, a smiling sun, and a dancing bunny nearby, and Mickey Mouse would've seemed mandatory.  But no, this young boy, one would find, was dressed in clothing of much significance...
He wore the exact same clothes that the Hero of Time once wore.
"Wow, Boaty-" 
"King of Red Lions."
"-It looks like a storm's about to hit." He said to his boat.
"Hmmm," said The King of Red Lions as he tilted his great wooden head to the sky.  "You are too right, Link."
Alright, people who have the ears of Hylians, listen up:
Link woke one morning feeling drowsy (late night partying, perhaps?) to find his sister, the cute, sweet little Aryll hovering over him.  She had reminded her older brother that it was his birthday.  Oh, happy day!  This boy was of very innocent mind, and calm nature.  He loved his sister quite a lot, yes, as a loving family member should.  Aryll told Link that their kind old Grandma wanted to see him back at the house.  Being obedient, Link did so, hopping along the beach (scaring a couple of crabs) and venturing into his house full of curiosity. 
He was finally of age, and it was time he participated in tradition.  For decades, boys his age wore the garments of the sacred "Hero of Time" told about in old tales.  It was respectful to the hero, and blah, blah, blah, he basically had to put on some uncomfortable green tunic and white tights that rode up a lot.  Along with that he had to wear some kinda... green hat thing... that looked like a giant sock(?)
But, any way, the young Link was not too excited about the whole thing.  I mean, what was the big deal any way?  Well I'll TELL you what the big deal was!... after I say:
Link ventured back outside and climbed the lookout to greet his sister, Aryll, yet again.  She was giddy and found humor in what he was wearing, saying he looked like a blade of grass (Oh she didn't say that?... well, whatever).  As a present, she gave her big brother her favorite telescope... for a day... which isn't really a present, but okay.
Link accepted it gratefully nonetheless, and used it to gaze out over his peaceful little island.  Oh, how relaxing.  Hey, look there!  There's the flying bird-person guy!  Oh, look how he delivers letters.  How adorable...  Wait, what?  What's wrong with the mail-bird-guy?  He's looking up... and.... Holy crap, a giant bird.
Yes, there was a random monster bird, flying through the sky!  His tail was of neon green and yellow, dangling from him like ribbons on a kite.  His head was masked with a horrid metallic plate, red designs like thick blades of fire encrusted into it.  He looked like trouble.  A closer viewing allowed the dumb-struck Link to see a young girl in its claws.
BOOM!  The monster was then shot at randomly!  Who was shooting him?  The telescope told Link that it was none other than bloody pirates!  They shot the evil flying demon straight in the face with a cannonball (bull's eye) and the bird dropped that girl into a forest, which was way up high on top of a tall cliff of the island (there were two cliffs upon the island, and only one was accessible by climbing.  The one, holding the forest, was accessible by a bridge stretching to it from its neighbor).  Naturally, Link had to get the girl, because he was wearing the kick-awesome green clothes, and because everyone else on the island was too old, too young, or didn't see what happened and won't listen.  Plus, the pirate ship was coming too dang slow.  Either way, Link was an adventuresome guy, and, though a tad frightened, had a spark of interest about him.  Before going to the forest, though, he took precautions by consulting the man who trained Link's dexterity with swords.  After explaining the bird thing, the old teacher entrusted the young hero with his very own sword, to be used with caution, and courage.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2006, 05:56:04 PM by The Blue Toad »
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2006, 11:15:11 PM »
Link trudged up the first cliff, and crossed the rickety bridge to the next.  He ventured into the thickness of the forestness, and explored a bit.  He could see where the young girl was!  She looked about his age.  He rescued her, after coming face-to-face with gross pig things, using his skill of the sword to defeat them, and she didn't thank him at all!  Rather, she ran away with one of her friends: a dirty pirate!  As it turns out, Link had rescued a pirate.  Well, whatever.  Link followed them outside of the forest, and to the foot of the rickety bridge.  He could see Aryll on the other side, who had so innocently ventured up the cliff in curiosity (or idiocy) to see how her big brother was doing.                   
Link waved "Hi!" to her, which looked weird since he was standing next to two pirates.  Aryll started to cross the bridge, when, dun dun dun, you guessed it, that stupid bird.  It came out of nowhere and took her!  Aryll!  He took her!  Snatched her right off the bridge!  Link gave some sort of small cry of alertness, or perhaps surprise, and tried to run after the giant flying bird by running off the cliff.  Luckily, though, he didn't fall because the young pirate girl had grabbed him by the wrist just in time. 
The pirates were plotting after that bird (for revenge?  excitement?) and Link begged to come along, hoping to save his sister.  After some persuasion given by Quill (that friendly bird-mail-carrying-guy) the pirates agreed to take Link along.  Before setting out, Link supplied himself with something to defend himself with: a shield, and he was good to go.  He thanked Quill and said farewell to all the inhabitants of his friendly island, going off with promises to return with dear, sweet Aryll!
And thus he was off!
After sailing for some time, they stopped behind a big ol' rock once it got all dark.  Beyond the rock was none other than the haunting, scary, really dang creepy, Forsaken Fortress!  In a tall, twisted tower, there was a nest, and in that nest on the tall twisted tower, there was that big, stupid bird!  This bird was OBviously the pet of whoever ran this joint.    Tetra, the young pirate girl, said that the Forsaken Fortress was home to a group of nasty pirates, who were busy raiding the seas and stealing stuffs and whatnot.  They were Tetra's greatest competition!
The pirates, being pirates, decided that Link should be the one who goes to investigate.  And so it was.  After all, it was his sister that the bird captured, and none of the other guys really knew Link that well, so it didn't matter too much if he died.  They cast him away via catapult into the fortress (giving him a Gossip Stone to communicate with beforehand), in which Link snuck sneakily through, and eventually made his way to find young Aryll!
She was caged, behind bars, like a common crook!  Oh, joy of joys, he rescued her!  But not really!  The bird was kind of still alive, and when Link tried to free his sister, it snatched him up!  The evil bird held Link in his beak, and showed him to his master (a fat guy in a cloak).  With a slight nod of his head, the evil fat guy commanded his bird to do away with Link, tossing him into the oceans! 
No, the pirates didn't rescue him, but someone else sure did!  It was the King of Red Lions, a talking boat that sure was friendly.  He kind of resembled a very small Viking ship, with a red wooden face and round yellow eyes.  But the thing that really made him stand out was the fact that he could friggen talk.  Anyways, The King of Red Lions told Link that the evil fat guy who Link had seen was none other than.... Ganon!  Only, actually, Ganondorf, but you get the picture.  However, Link hadn't actually heard of the legend starring Ganon, so you could say he wasn't very shocked by his weird name.  The K.O.R.L. stated that the only way to save his sister was to defeat Ganondorf, and that the only way to beat Ganondorf was to get the Master Sword *angels singing*.  Link just sat there and nodded, thinking 'Well, okay... I do love Aryll, after all.'  So, after Link received a sail from resident Eskimo on Windfall Island, Link let the wind sail him to his first destination... which was apparently the home of those bird-people-guys-who-often-mail-letters!  Dragon Roost Island!  What fun!  Before meeting with the Rito (that's the bird-people's technical species name, Rito) people, Boaty "handed" Link a strange baton.  With said baton, Link learned how to control... the wind!  Thus, Link was titled... The Wind Waker!!!  Link was told to come back with a shimmering red orb, known as Din's Pearl.  So, Link, being oh so obedient, ventured into Dragon Roost with hope in his mind
Link was first introduced by his new friend Quill to the chief of the Rito people.  The chief said he was too upset to help Link with ANYthing at the moment, because apparently his son was angry.  Link, naturally, had to help his son for reasons either unknown or dumb.  As it turns out, they were reasons for dumb.  But that's besides the point.
Prince Komali was his name, being whiney and/or annoying was his game.  He had Din's Pearl.  He could see it, it was RIGHT THERE!  Link asked for it, but Komali got all upset and said stuff like "No." or "You can not have it." and even "My granny gave this to me, and you suck."  Link drew the pearl out of his mind, and asked Komali why he was sad, in which he said something like,
"I can't fly yet, and that sucks!  I want to fly, but the only way I'll fly is if I get a scale from Valoo, the dragon who resides at the top of our volcanic island."
Now, it wasn't that Prince Komali was afraid to confront the dragon, it was just that he was deathly frightened to approach Valoo.  You see, the once-kind dragon was suddenly angry, and very very P.O.'d at something or other.  None of the Rito knew/really cared what was bothering him, so it was naturally up to Link to go and find out.  Link journeyed through the depths of the volcano until he reached the top, where Valoo was.  It was only then with the help of a little seagull Rito girl that he was able to succeed.  Her name was Medli, and first she translated what the great dragon was saying for our young hero.  Aparently, something was wrong with the Great Valoo's butt.  Secondly, she gave Link a special tool that would help him.  Link used this tool to grapple to victory, venturing into the chamber below Valoo and destroying/making poof of a giant evil beetle thingy.  Horrah!  That beetle thing had been bothering the dragon Valoo's tail, but not-any-more!
Link got to take that pearl from little Komali, who, actually wasn't all that whiney.  He was happy that he could now get a scale from the dragon guy, and was overall ashamed of the way he had acted.  Link then proceeded to show the red orb to KORL, who hardly gave any compliments.  He was just like, "Okay, you got it, now, ON TO THE NEXT ONE!"   
And, wow, can you say "next one"?
Link traveled far South to come face-to-face with a giant talking tree!  The Deku Tree, to be exact, and age old plant with a large lower lip.  This tree introduced Link to creatures called Koroks, small potato-like guys who wore leaves as masks.  They all seemed pretty bliss.  The Great Tree was so dang Great, that he could guess what Link needed.  He said that he would to happy to grant Link with the green one, Farore's Pearl, as soon as the ceremony is complete.  Oh yes, the ceremony.  It was a little tradition the Koroks did every year.  They all sang and danced to music played on a leaf violin, and then flew away to plant seeds in different places. 
Link thought he might enjoy seeing this, but was disappointed, because apparently the violinist was gone.  I mean, sure, if one of the dancers was gone, fine, but this was the soul musician!  Apparently, Makar, the violinist, went for a flight, and misjudged his endurance.  He only made it so far out to sea, when he gave out directly above the Forbiddon Woods!  OMG!  The FORBIDDON!  Yes, you know, it was up to Link to get the little guy back home safely.  So, Link, with the help of a Deku Leaf, flew over to the neighboring island; a creepy, thorny place known as the Forbiddon Woods.  Inside, Link met many creepy things.  Evil plants, giant bugs.  Stupid plants, smaller bugs.  And the occasional normal plant and moderate-sized bug.  After many turned backs and dizzy heads, Link finally found Makar!  He had conveniently managed to land himself directly into the mouth of some kind of evil Venus Fly Trapping Thing!  With the help of his new boomerang, Link did it.  He defeated the evil plant, no problem (okay, a few problems) but no major problems.  He and Makar made it back to the Great Deku Tree, and, with his violin at the hand, Makar played wonderfully, his fellow Koroks joining in with slight percussions and such.  The Koroks (all except Makar and a potion maker) then flew up to the leaves of the Great Tree, and picked a seed, promising to plant it somewhere in the world.  Then they left, all teary eyed and what-not.
So then, after that, Link was granted with Farore's Pearl!  w00t, another down, and, apparently, one more to go!  The last one was Nayru's Pearl, and, knowing her fickle mind, it would be a tricky one.   
The King of Red Lions was happy to see Link and his new pearl, but was still quite serious.  "Alright, now, we must hurry!  MMMH!  Yes, hurry to the next location!  I've marked it on your sea chart.... Link... LINK!  Listen to me!  I've marked it on your sea chart-" and whatnot.  So, Link and Boaty ventured out to sea yet again, and eventually made it to the marked location.  Link was happy at this, but Boaty was not.  Apparently, the island looked a lot stupider than it used to.  It was all ripped up, and had this HUGE cloud hovering over it.  Boaty supposed that the evil Ganononononononondorf had already been here, and, well, he was right.  As it began to rain, Quill, that good old Rito postman, came flying in.  He told Link of what had happened to this place.  Apparently, Ganon crashed it, hoping to get the last pearl, but the holder of the pearl had swam away somewhere safe.  Link wasn't listening that hard, but then he heard a familiar name.  Outset.  It was the name of his home island!  Quill told Link that the Jabun guy had swam off with the pearl, and had hidden inside a cavern that was located in the back of Link's Outset Island.  Quill, for some reason or another, had told Tetra and the pirates this.  Apparently, she had gone to the island and tried blasting the back of one of the cliffs, knowing it to be where the pearl was hiding!  Fortunately, the stone had lasted longer than their bombs, and they had to plumage the nearest bomb-selling island for more.           
This was Link's chance to set sail back to Windfall, find out what the pirates were up to, get some bombs, sail back to Outset, 'splode the stone wall, and get that pearl!  So, he did it, really.  He went to Windfall (where everyone was all "Pirates, wha?" and "OMG!  Pirates!") and snuck in to the Bomb Shop.  Apparently the pirates were either trying to blast their way into the secret cavern to find riches, or to make sure Link's island doesn't get the same treatment as the island first holding the pearl.  It was hard to make out which.
But, either way, Tetra had a soft spot for Link (when she "secretly" found out that he was spying on them) and let him get there with the bombs first.  Link did so, blowin' up that place like a bomb to a stone wall!  Inside, Link met Jabun, who was apparently a gigantic fish.  After a dragon, potato-people, a talking tree, and bird-people, it didn't seem all that bad.  After a lot of foreign talking (probably behind Link's back) Jabun gave the hero the pearl of Nayru, and the endless storming (did I mention the endless storming?) seemed to draw to a close.
And, I think I speak for all when I say, wow, finally, ALL THE PEARLS!  :) 
And it was now time for Link to place all of these in their proper locations, and to get on with the actual story... 
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2006, 04:37:17 PM »
      Chapter 1:  Oh, Woe, The Tears of Din

And the rain, it came, dripping and dropping into the thick sea as if no more than a puddle.  The thunder brumbled, and rumbled, as if the sky had an upset stomach. 
"I need a tums," said the sky.
"What what?" spoke Link as he looked up quickly and suddenly.
The sky said nothing more... it would never give up its secret... never!
Link looked back down at his sea chart.  Yes, yes, there were three marked areas, the exact spots to be sailing to.  In each spot, one of the pearls is to be placed, and then, after that, something is sure to happen!  And it's probably goin to be great!  And grand!  But until then, it was starting to get very chilly.
"King!  Red!  Lions of!"
"-do you still have that extra blanket?  Boaty.  Boaty, hello?"
"Er.... no, it... uh...fell... off... the boat... or... me..."
"What?  When?  I don't remember any... heyyy, wait a second... why are you wearing a bonnet?" Link questioned, looking at the peculiar head dress wrapped around The King of Red Lion's head.
"Er... what bonnet?"
"That one."
"It's right there, just let me-"
"I don't see anything-"
"There!" Link reached up and yanked off the mysterious cloth over Boaty's dull, wooden horns, to find... gasp!  It was the blanket!
"Boaty, you're a boat, you don't need this blanket-"
"-Link, I-"
"-I need this blanket!"  Link happily wrapped the cozy covering around him until he resembled a poorly wrapped Christmas gift, only his face peering out from a hole in the top. 
"Ope, there goes my head," The King of Red Lions stated dryly as the wood of his face began to swell up with rain.
"Now then," Link said, leaning over like a limp hot dog to peer at his chart.  They seemed to be heading in the right direction, according to his compass, which had proved trustful so far... so faaar, anyways...  "Strange, isn't it?"
"What, my head?"
"No, not that.  It seems almost like.... yeah!  These marks you made on the chart form some kind of... three-sided... shape of some sort!"
"Oh yeah, here's the Hero of Time for ya..."
"How cool!" Link found delight in his finding a shape, which, if you connected the three marked areas on his chart, resembled a triangle.  He was so happy, he bobbed up and down a little bit in glee. 
Link then fell down a little bit in glee... or... fright... yes, fright. 
He hit the back of his head against the stern, feeling blood rush to his cranium.  Rather than getting back up, Link took this time to look at the atmosphere above.  Mini-darts of rain pecked his sun-dried cheeks and washed out his large, black eyes.  His wispy blonde hair blew frivolously in the harsh winds coming in from behind.  They proved rotten for comfort, but excellent for the sail.  The gray clouds stirred about in the sky, as though God was stirring up a great kettle of stew.
Ah, yes... stew.
His grandmother sure could make a mean soup.  Warm to the tongue, hot to the belly, and all with a flavor that was golden.  His eyes closed as he pictured it vividly.  His tongue touched his lips, and his throat swallowed dry air, a twinge of the common cold causing it to burn for a second. 
"Are you still living back there?" asked The King of Red Lions.
"Yes," Link replied loudly over the storm as he sat up. 
The boat replied with a sigh.  "Are you sure we're on course, Link?  We don't want to be wasting our time."
"Yes, I know, you and your time.  We're fine!  I've already looked."
"Good, because I am seriously tired of these stormy seas.  The sooner we can stop the better."
"You know, I think I might be catching a cold," he cried out.
"Yes, I suppose so," the boat said wryly, "just hang in there, Link."
"I've never actually asked you this, Boaty," cried Link.
"Well... how is it that you can mark these spots on this chart?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, like, you don't have any hands-"
"Or any kind of arms-"
"-Well, no-"
"-Or fingers either!"
"No, Link, no fingers-"
"-So how do you do it, Boaty?  How?"
"Well, you know, I've never told anyone this, Link, but-"
In an instant Link was sent flying out, over the majestic head of the K.O.R.L, and ka-splash, directly into the cold, freezing, frigid, icy, bone-chilling, blood-dropping waters!  It was like getting slapped in the face a million times by a penguin. 
"OOO-oOo-OoOO-Hh-hhh crap," Link said as he grabbed a handful of the blanket, and blindly swam backwards to where he thought the boat was.  He muscles were tense and he legs numb underneath the dark, lonely waters.  "I... th-th-thought... all... th-this s-storm... st-stuff.... was o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-over!"
"Link!" cried Boaty.
"Boaty!" cried Link.  There was no sign of his companion, though he could hear his rough voice nearby.
"My name is the King of Red Lions, Link!" cried Boaty.
"I'm just gonna keep calling you Boaty, Boaty!" Link cried back. 
"Whatever!  Just- WHERE ARE YOU?"
The King of Red Lions drifted directly into the face of Link.  The poor young hero recoiled in pain and horror, splashing about in fear.
"Okay, my gosh, stop yelling!"
"Oh," The Monarch Of  Big Cats With Furry Mains That Are Crimson spoke as he dipped his wooden snout-thing into the water, grabbing Link by the collar of his tunic.  He craned his slivery neck back to his stern and dropped his young friend into the boat... or... himself.  Link remained sitting there, shivering with a soaked blanket. 
"My gosh, what happened?"
"I dunno, I think I hit a rock."
"A rock?"
"Pretty sure."
"Then we must be getting closer to land of some sort!  Press onward, Boaty, press press!"
"I'm doin' it, be patient!"
Yes, hitting a rock and then flying out into freezing temperatures was a sure sign of nearer victory!  It was true that the boat and Link were now closer with each other than before, and The King of Red Lions found it refreshing that Link never asked why he could talk, or what the purpose was of his help.  Link merely assumed that a talking boat was the norm around giant fish, dragons, talking potatoes and such.  However, refreshing or not, it also made him worry.
The K.O.R.L was no ordinary red talking boat, for he was on a certain mission.  He was out to locate the Hero of Time once again, or at least, someone who was good enough to wield the... power.  His goal was to seek this person out, and then, after being sure of their ability, help them collect the Goddess's Pearls.  After placed in their appropriate places, the Tower of the Gods would be awakened.  The hero he had found would be judged, then, on his courage, wisdom, and power.  If he passed this fatal test, and the Gods approved, then he would be allowed to ring their bell, and open up the portal to an old home of his, beneath the sea, where it is currently locked in time.  It all seemed quite confusing when thought of all at once, but when time tells the tale, it all becomes more clear...
And this great hero, this hero of time, this conqueror of evil was actually not found, but hey!  He got himself a Link, any way!
"Yes, I c-can s-s-see it!" Link cried, his bottom jaw quaking in the frigid chill.
"The reason I desperately need your blanket?" Boaty spoke hopefully.
"No!  An island!"
"Oh... well, good then, here we go!" 
Link's eyes gazed at the shadow of the island.  The King of Red Lion held his neck high, sailing directly towards it.  The isle rested on the horizon like a bird perched on a branch.  They were making the first of three steps closer to victory, and then, after taking two more painfully annoying steps, that were sure to last longer than supposed, Link would be ready to rescue Aryll!... for some reason!
Why did he collect all of those pearls anyway?
"We're almost there!" Boaty called back to him.
"Greatness!  How far, do you think?"
"Uh... what part of 'almost there' don't you understand?"
"The 'almost' part!"
"Are you kidding me?"
"Never mind..."
Before Link could've asked, his rather weak intention span did away with the question of what the purpose of the three pearls was.  Besides, he was sure to find out soon enough.  From what he had to go through to collect all of them, they had better be worth it!
The sea gave a mighty toss.
"Woah!  Hulla-buh!" Boaty cried as he found himself jumping into the air, splashing back down onto another swell of the ocean. 
"I'm friggen freezing back here, Boaty-"
"-Just hold on!-"
"Boaty, something's wrong with... my hair-"
"-HOLD ON, Link-"
"OMG I THINK IT'S CHIPPING OFF!  Dang!  How cold IS it?!"
Link patted his blonde hair to find it slightly frozen, like a scarf after witnessing a blizzard. 
"Boatyyyy, it's not safe out here-"
"-Really, do you think so?-"
"-Was that snow?-"
"-My gosh, Hero-guy, it's a tad obvious!-"
"-IT WAS!  OMG!!!"


They toppled over yet another wave, this time almost submerging beneath the trouble waters!  The K.O.R.L. spit out a mouthful of sea water, along with a strange fishman who seemed to flip him a certain finger before swimming away.
The lightning cracked the murky sky, and the thunder rolled in anger.  The darts of rain became arrows shot by flying archers way up high, and they struck Link like bullets.  It was now impossible, even, to spot the silhouette of the island up ahead, for the sky was so dark, it blended right in with it!  The only way The King of Red Lions could tell that they were going the right way was when lightning decided to light up the path, and the rocky mountain peak that rose above the waves was in sight.
"I thought the never-ending storm was over!" Link cried angrily.
"I know!  After retrieving Nayru's Pearl, Ganon's storm curse should have worn off!  I'm... not sure what to think of this!"
"I'm sure of what to think of this!-"
"-Now, Link-"
"-It SUCKS!"
They suddenly felt a lack in strong winds.  Perhaps the front had moved on, and they were now only left with harsh rain and thunder.  A warm air started to spin in circles around them, and before Link could scream, "Holy crap, Boaty, we're being lifted up into the air!" they were lifted up... into the air!
Yes, Link and friend had conveniently wondered into the eye of a cyclone!  But, this was no ordinary cyclone, for as The King of Red Lions soared into the air, they remained still, not spinning, as though they would simply rise up until they popped out the top. 
"What kinda tornado is this?" Link asked as he looked around, the warm, fierce spiraling winds acting as a barrier to the strong storm outside. 
"This is the tornado... of Cyclos!"
"Omg!  Wait, who is Cyclos?"
"It's Cyclos, Link!  The brother of Zaphos!  The god of the winds!"
"Ohhhh," Link said in awe as they rose higher and higher.
Link had met Zaphos once, back on Dragon Roost Island after receiving the Wind Waker.  Zaphos, being a wind god, had strangely taken the form of a portly bluish-green frog sitting lazily atop a swirling cloud.  He was a very laughable creature, who actually taught Link a song to conduct on the worthy baton.  Link had found him a friendly guy.  However, Link suddenly recalled upon what Zaphos had warned him about.  If he should ever run into the cyclone of his cruel brother Cyclos, he should try to talk some sense in to him...
and/or swim away!!!
Link was about to jump over the side of Boaty, when they suddenly stopped in mid-flight.  Link turned his head to find that he was facing what appeared to be the image of Zaphos, only the color of red.  It must be Cyclos!
"I am Cyclos!" he said.
It was Cyclos!"
"Cyclos, let us down!  We are trying to place this dang pearl in the dang statue of that dang island!" The K.O.R.L. cried out.
"Yeah, dangit!" added Link.     
"Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah!" Cyclos laughed annoyingly as Link and Boaty furrowed their brows at him.  "Ohhhhh..... nnnn[size=9.5pt]N[/size]NNO!"
"What?" cried Link.
"Why not?" Boaty asked loudly.
"Because I'm a naturally angry person, and you guys suck!" the wind god replied.
"No we don't!" Link shot back.
"Ooooooooooooh!" Cyclos said mockingly, "Well, whatever!  My shrine has been broken, and I'm taking out all my anger on random peoples!"
"And you wonder why your shrine was broken?" said a sarcastic Boaty. 
"Hey!  Shut it up!  Shut it down!  Shut it all around!!!  Just because of that, S.S. Jerk-Anne, I'm never going to allow you to reach this island!  NEVER!!!
"Oh, we'll see about that!" Link said triumphantly.  He drew his Hero's Sword, and, with a Matrix-worthy leap, jumped atop Boaty's head, and flung himself at Cyclos!  Cyclos moved two inches back, and watched as Link plummeted down into the ocean bellow. 
"HAH!  What a fantastic 'Hero of Time' you've got there, S.S. Jerk..."
"Yes, well.... Shut up!  And, my name is Boaty... I-I mean King of Red Lines!  Lions!  LIONS!!!"
"Okay, listen, Kingy, I'm not a happy frog.  If I see you and your..." he looked down to see Link trying to leap out of the water at Cyclos, mouthing the words 'I'm gonna getcha!', " ever again, I will not show any mercy!"
"Listen, just let us do the business with the pearl, and we'll be on our way-"
"-What pearl?  I care about no pearl!  Do your pearl business somewhere else!  You have angered the great Cyclos, boat-guy and friend!"
"The King for Red Lines...dangit- King of Red Lines-"
"-Yes that's great, but I don't care!  Be gone, and never come back!"
With that, Cyclos rose his froggy arms to the stormy sky and laughed horrifically.  Then, as if the cyclone was throwing up, it became immensely narrow at the base, forcing Link to come flying upwards. 
"You haven’t seen the last of me, Cyclos-"
"-No.  We'll be back, and we'll get past you-"
"-if it's the last thing I DO!"
Right as Boaty spoke 'DO!' Link came flying up from below and whacked his head on the under-side of the boat, causing The King of Red Lions and Link to shoot out the top of the tornado, up-chucked by a storm.  They left with Cyclos laughing up a lung, calling an ambulance, getting it put back in, and then chuckling some more at their suspense.  The heroes were sent spiraling through the stormy air, not sure of where their next destination may be.   
« Last Edit: August 19, 2006, 04:39:19 PM by The Blue Toad »
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2006, 07:59:40 PM »
   Chapter 2:  Without Any Hope

Being thrown through the air at wind-blinding speeds was not very fun, Link could tell you.  It was a good source of adrenaline rush, though.  The best Link had had in his adventure thus far!  Oh, sure, battling an enormous beetle to calm a vexed dragon, and defeating a gigantic exotic plant was thrilling, but Link, above all, hated heights... and spiders ticked him off as well.
But anyway, the boat landed first, falling faster due to its mass, and Link, unfortunately, fell at such an angle that his head was perfectly square with the boat's, thus resulting in a dizzy collision, which left Boaty a scar, and Link a large bump that took a while to heal.  The two argued for some time (Link's threats being childish and rabbit-involving while the boat's being mumbled and sarcastic) until Link started crying and Boaty had to stop at a McDonalds drive-thru and buy him an ice-cream cone. 
Anyway, the two of them had landed, luckily, in a familiar placed called Windfall Island, where Link had once received his sail.  They took some time to re-establish a plan here, and then headed back with valor to the place of Cyclos, that rotten-minded, foul-speaking, disgruntled old toad.  Link's plan was to come in from behind, hoping that Cyclos would not notice, and then quickly stop at destination isle to set the pearl, nicely, in its proper place.  This worked not at all as the angry wind god in fact did notice, and sent them whirling away towards yet another island.  Unluckily for them, the sea chart that Link often read off of had slipped away with the mighty winds, leaving them stranded at a random spot in the sea yet again.  This time, however, they were without a map.  Though they were near a tall, strange-looking totem poll with two short, hooded figures at the top.  They were taking shelter from the rain underneath the top-most head of the poll, which was actually a head very much resembling their own.  They almost resembled classic elves, with squinty black eyes and charming pointed ears.  They groomed their mustaches condescendingly when Link asked them where he was.  Merely looking at him, they took to sipping their iced-tea and laughing haughtily like snotty Victorian know-it-alls. 
"Oh, if Tingle were here to see this!"
"Oh, yes, Jingle, Tingle would get a crack!"
"Out of it, do you mean, Ringle?"
"Oh, indeed, Jingle, I do!"
"Ho ho ho!"
"Oh, hah hah hahhh!"
Link, being patient, simply thanked them for their time and scaled the seas with that King of Red things without much hope.  They met a few strangers upon the great waters, such as an odd grouping of scuba divers.  Completely unlike the annoying Jingling-Tinglings back at the mysterious totem poll, these people were kind enough to tell Link and friend that the nearest island was to the North where they would land upon Dragon Roost.
"They you kindly," The King of Red Lions had said to them, who all sounded in a simultaneous "Bye!!!" 
With the help of his trusty baton, Link guided the wind North in song.  He believed himself to be getting much better at this conducting business by each passing try.
"I believe myself to be getting much better at this conducting business by each passing try!" he had said gaily.
"Yes, well, hopefully!  You know, you're still very novice at it.  Don't get proud, buddy, because anyone with proper training and a pinch of magic could do what you're doing."
"Then why don't you do it?"
"Arms, Link... ARMS, DANG YOU!!!!1"
They arrived at the old Rito-populated island after a brief trip over waves.  It was here that Link was heartily greeted, yet again, by Cheif Komali's Father.  Link had shamefully taken to avoiding Komali, actually, who was apparently frustrated at this whole process of flying.  Link accidentally, as a matter of fact, stumbled in upon a group of Ritos who were heartily enjoying a scene acting below the balcony from which they stood.  Being a curious little Link, he had squeezed his way through this crowd (getting feathers in his face and being offered a handful of popcorn) to see what was so entertaining.  Down below, he witnessed a very dry-eyed, chalky-teethed Komali, who had his blood boiling in rage as he tried again and again to lift himself off the ground with his rather small wings.  Being completely oblivious to the audience above, he didn't think twice about openly cursing or giving himself pep talks (in which he casually referred to himself as "Dragon the Cool 'K').  The crowd Link was a part of giggled in attempted silence each time he flapped.  It was true, though, Link had thought, that Komali really did resemble a stupid chicken trying to soar through the air as if an eagle.
Before taking his leave, he had spoken briefly to his good friend Medli, the Rito girl who had helped him fix (and find) the problem with Valoo the Dragon.  She claimed that she was giving young Prince Komali flying lessons, and smiled with a roll of her eyes while she said it.  She hoped that he would learn to fly soon, because she humbly told to be still in the midst of learning the proper annunciations of the vowels of the Ancient Language.  Medli was, after all, the Dragon's attendant in training.   
Quill, Link’s old mail-carrying friend, the first Rito he had ever laid eyes on, had earnestly given Link a new sea chart, very willing to be helpful.  His respect towards Link's young, kidnapped sister, Aryll, was touching, and once Quill had reminded Link of it, Link was sad again.  But then Quill gifted Link with a golden feather as a token of gratitude for calming down the Great Valoo, and Link's mind... well... let's just say it focused on the feather. 
Waving goodbye, the young hero sailed away again in his boat, thankful for the warm hospitality of the mysterious Rito people.  Luckily, the rain was not as harsh as it had been.  It seemed to be easing up slightly, as though the after-tears of something horrible. 
With a sea chart at hand yet again, things were made much easier as well.  This time it was appropriate for The King of Red Lion's plan to go into action.  The major goal, as of now, was to get the pearl into the statue that resided on the island guarded by Cyclos, and once a goal was set, it was about the only thing going through Boaty's mind.
"Alright, Link, are you ready?"
"LINK!  Come on, if you want that pearl to be set in the statue, then you're going to have to do this... now, quick!  Stuff those drops of Chu-Chu Jelly down your shirt!"
"Mehhhh," said Link as he did as he was told.  "Why can't you be the girl?"
"... Because why?-"
"Because I'm a BOAT!"
"Okay, now, when I give the word you jump out-"
Link dove into the water.
"Awww, Link!  Now you're make-up's REALLY fading!"
"Well, saw-ree!  Looks like SOMEbody should've bought the water-resistant kind-"
"I TOLD YOU!  THAT MAKE-UP WAS MY SISTERS'!!!!" Boaty cried quickly.
"Riiiiight..." responded a wet, vexed hero.
"Well, whatever, Link, just, whatever.  Now that you're in the water, go swim out into Cyclos's view."
Link and the King of Red Lions were behind the island of destiny, making sure that Cyclos had his back towards them inside the great mist of his tornado.  Link obediently swam out towards the island, his sea-weed crafted wig of long, "beautiful" hair being tugged at by gulps of water. 
"Oh, gosh, I hope this works," The King of Red Lions said.  The red pearl was held in place by a metallic claw hanging from a rope that was propped by a short crane, which erected out of him from the base of his neck.  It was normally used to search for treasure at the sea floor, but in this case it was going to be used as a "hand" for Boaty.
Link took in a deep breath as he swam into the view of Cyclos, who didn't seem to pay any attention to the cross-dressing swimmer.  His gaze was glassy and firm, looking out before him as though daring Link’s return.  The further young Link swam, the more he believed this was never going to work.  He hesitated, looking back at Boaty who was slowly drifting over to the island, prepared to dislodge the orb into the statue's hands like a crane letting go of a sticky, stuffed bear from within the glass of an amusement park machine.
"GO!" Boaty spoke with his eyes.
Link gulped.
He swam out a little further.
"And flip your hair!" The King of Red Lions said, again, with his eyes.
"What?" Link said back.
"Do it!" the boat replied.
"Fine!" Link confirmed, his eyes now slightly blood-shot.  He hastily gave a flip of his gross, slippery hair, accidentally dislodging a strap from his original damp blonde (which was groaning of humiliation underneath), though it didn't contrast too much to give away his disguise.  This movement attracted the eye of Cyclos who suddenly turned all of his attention to Link. 
The young boy swam on his back, looking to the bewildered, cloud-hovering amphibian with a nervous charm. 
'What is this? Cyclos thought to himself slyly, A little mermaid lost at sea?  He gave a wink at Link.
"Ehh-hh-h," Link said through gritted teeth, a fake, twitching smiled on his face with eyebrows that looked sympathetic, truly bringing out his big, alert eyes.  Cyclos blew a small kiss.
The King of Red Lions was going in for the kill.  His bow was practically quaking in anticipation.  It seemed as though his water-swollen boards were creaking now more than they ever had.  The orb, at eye level, quivered nervously in the hook’s metallic grip.  What if it dropped into the sea?  OH!  That would suck.
"Hey, beautiful," Cyclos called down to Link, at last.  Link froze.  "Is all this rain bringing up the mermaids?"
Link knew that his small voice would never reach all the way up to Cyclos, who was drifting up at the top of his cyclone quite omnivorously.  He merely waved and gave a twitchy wink, his chest heaving.  Oh, for the love of Aryll, please hurry up Boaty!
"Hunny," Cyclos bellowed down to Link once more, "did it hurt?"
Uh-oh.  A stupid pick-up line was just around the bend.
Boaty was almost there, just a liiiitle farther!
Link gave Cyclos a questioning look.
"When you belly-flopped down from heaven, of course."
He smiled with a raise of his eyebrows.  This was, perhaps, the most awkward thing he had ever done.  As he looked behind Cyclos he could see that The King of Red Lions was almost there!  Just inches away was none other than the sacred statue!  Feeling anxious, Link gave a flip of his sea-weed.
"Or did it hurt more," Cyclos began to question as Link looked back up at him, intent, "when I flung you across the sea to Atlantis?"
Link gave a confused smile.  "Oh crap."
In an instant Link was thrown up into the air by a strong updraft.  His skirt made of palm leaves flew up to his armpits as water attacked him from all around.  His make-up was completely wiped away, and the two globs of Chu-Chu Jelly flung from his white under-shirt.  Link was horrified as his whole mermaid costume came to pieces, the strands of sea-weed hair not standing a chance.  And then, once again, he found himself hovering near the walls of the great tornado, facing the angry wind god. 
"You thought you could catch me off guard, eh?" asked Cyclos menacingly.  Boaty flew up into the air as well, hovering next to a bewildered Link.  "Well I'll be DARNED before I get tricked by a guy who wears Piglet underwear!"
It was true.  Underneath the skirt of palm, Link had been wearing white boxer-shorts holding images of Piglet.  Link's face flushed red.  Boaty simply remained motionless, looking as though he could have predicted all of this and was tired, nay, annoyed of it. 
"Wow," he said, the rope hanging from his crane dangling like mad through the air as though an angry fish was pulling at the end instead of a shimmering red orb.
Suddenly, as though bad luck was out to get them, the strong friction of the wind forced loose the grip on the pearl, and before Link could say, "Oh my gosh, the red one is leaving!" the metal clamp snapped together on nothing, and the pearl was sent spiraling inside the powerful wisps of the cyclone!
"NO!" cried Boaty, suddenly full of life.
The orb reached the top of the horrific funnel, and was tossed with great force into the sky, flying away with a sudden flash of red.  The entire adventure on Dragon Roost Island flashed before Link’s eyes. 
"Hey, hey!" cried Cyclos as he watched the pearl go jetting through the air.  "There goes your precious orb thing!  Looks like you are done for!  HAH!" 
"No!!" Boaty said again, looking dumbstruck.  “You dirty old frog!  Look what you’ve done!”  Link was a little busy hiking down his unmentionables against the strong updraft to add anything. 
"What I did?  What I did?  You didn’t have to come here a third time after I had warned you the first!  You didn’t have to tie your stupid pearl on to the end of some flimsy string!  Hah hah!  You foolish fooling… fools!  Be gone!  Away!" spoke the zealous frog, "I leave you to the winds!"
And, again, they left, spiraling through the air to God knows where.           
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2006, 05:22:29 PM »
I forgot how fun it was to write a comedy.  Apparently my mind has been a tad too serious as of late.  Though, I suppose I should get back to the old grind (my other story), but I think I'll wait until I'm in a sentimental mood.

  Chapter 3:  Stuck on Windfall

The wind tickling your hair when it's feeling matted, and thick.  That gentle breeze, touching it, and poking at it like a curious child.  Rough ground, serious as stone, softening for no man, and mimicking a pillow when rain was literally cats and dogs.  The hair of the Earth, green, sharp, long, ambiguous; tiny patterns drawn into the texture that are too small for the naked eye to see.  The strands of grass rise from the hard earth, making it softer, but not smoother.  The call of a seagull for no good reason other than stating its presence.  The hushed voice of the waves as they run up on the sand in great sudsy foam, excited and overzealous for the land, only to be pulled back in.  That feeling you get when you know, even though your eyes are closed, that one of the naturally traveling clouds is respectively drawing over the maternal sun.  The voice of the young; an innocent child stating: "Oh my gosh, he's not wearing any pants!"
"Wah?!" Link suddenly cried as he sat upright, rubbing his head.  Past the toes of his bare feet stood two young girls, appearing newer to life than Link (though, to be correct, with Link's experience, even an adult could be newer to life than he).
"Do you think he’s forgotten them, or..." said one.
"Is he just a gross boy?" completed the other.  They giggled.  Link moved back slightly, his eyes looking fearful.  The girls were about the same height, while one had long, dangly brown hair and sharp black eyes, the other had great eyes of sky blue with blonde hair up in two short pigtails (with a nose like a pig as well).
"Who...?" Link began.
"Who?" repeated pig nose.
"Joanna and Potova that's who," stated black eyes.  
"Er... meh... wah?!" stated Link again, glancing around his shoulders in haste, seeing nothing behind him but a great drop into water.  Was he on some sort of steep, slanting cliff?  It seemed so familiar.  "Where am I?"
"Where ARE you?!" they repeated in shock, their voices coming together to make an annoying parrot mock, followed by obnoxious little girl giggling.  
"Ehhh..." Link said, casting them a raised eyebrow look.  "Yes, where?"
"Well, boxer boy, you're on Windfall Island!"
Link didn't take this in, as he had suddenly realized what he was wearing.  Or rather, what he wasn’t.  Apparently, he was still in his underwear.  
"WAH!" his efforts to cover them up were, well, pathetic, as they only giggled more at his squirming humiliation.  Quickly he stood up in which they gasped as if his young self was going to go all "rampage" on them.  Clearly, they didn't know Link.  He eased out a half smile as he blushed boyishly.  "Er... have you seen a red talking boat anywhere?" he asked.  
"Oh, nooo, we're not telling you anything!" Joanna spoke happily.
"Yeah, nothing!" said the other.  
"We'd never tell you our secrets!"
"Secrets?" Link quietly repeated to himself.  "But, it's my boat."
"AH!  What the cr-?"
"That's YOUR boat!?!"
"-ap?  Uhhhh... yes.  And, listen, I seriously need him back!"
"I know where it is!  It’s over near!-"
"Nuh-uh!  We're not telling you anything!  Not even for 2 Rupees!"
"Yeah!" spoke pig nose, instantly agreeing.
"What?  Nuh-uh!  Hey, you were going to tell me!" Link said, his brow furrowed in sudden frustration as he gazed into the blue eyes of the frightful Potova.
"No, no, no I wasn't!  YOU LIE!" she shot back.
"Very well, I'll give you girls two rupees..." he stated dryly as he looked to his rear in order to pull out two green gems from his pocket, only to find, instead, Piglet waving at him.  "Grrrr..." he growled.  "Okay!  That's it.  I'll find Boaty myself.   This town is friggen small anyway."
He trudged onwards, past the two girls who laughed and pointed at him as he walked away blushing.  At least he still had his white undershirt on.  Apparently, from what it seemed, he had landed directly on the peak of this small cliff erecting from Windfall Island.  Actually, you couldn't even call it a cliff if it brought to your mind a large rocky edge in the middle of a canyon.  No, this was more a small hill that came out of the island like a rounded point.  Link had been perched at the tip (lucky enough not to have landed on the soul grave marker that rested there).  
As he headed down from it, he felt his head begin to swell (physically).  He hadn't realized it, but his whole body was in quite an ache.  It was as though all of the organs, muscles, and bones in his body had been served a swift punch.  His stomach was queasy at the thought.  Quickly, though, he shook it off, feeling his head for the touch of his familiar green cap.  But, oh yeah, Link had taken that off too.  All of his clothes were in a special compartment of the King of Red Lions!  Now he was back to being Link, the older brother and crab haunter from Outset Island.  Who, apparently, walked around with Piglet on his butt.  
Unexpectedly, a little, black-spotted pig came hopping over to him once he had reached the base of the cliff thing.  It snorted with glee as though it had just found a nice, wet mud puddle to dive into, or a full heap of whatever it is that pigs eat to keep them full.  Yes, pigs were quite common here on Windfall.  But, no, this hog hadn’t found any food, or mud, but rather, Piglet!  It tackled Link, with grunts galore, more aggressively than the hero had thought, who had simply stood there ready to stroke him between his ears as a friendly gesture!  He found himself falling unto the grass below, the pig apparently wrestling with his shorts.
"What the crap?  NO!  STUPID PIG!..." Link cried out as, strangely enough, a gigantic anime sweat drop suddenly appeared next to his forehead.  "Let go!" he cried out, his muscles tense, resorting to whacking the pig with a nearby stick he had spotted lying in the grass like a snake.  
"Woah, MCJorggles, Woah!" cried a man (apparently) as the carrier of the voice came running after the wild beast.  Link was resorted to lying defensively on his stomach, swinging away with the stick.  Before he knew it, the man had settled the obedient hog/picked up the rampaging beastie, and Link found that he could stand, making the quick and embarrassing gesture of pulling up a certain clothing item to its rightful place.
"Looks like that pig thingy on your shorts, there, attracted McJorggles," stated the man, who, after Link finished blushing and got a look at him, had a pig-like nose himself, with buck teeth that could open a can of soup.  He was a burly fellow with a ridiculous-looking red stocking cap worn tight to his hollow head.
"Yes, so I see," Link said as he looked vexed towards the pig wriggling in the man's arms.  He flushed red yet again as he heard the immense laughter of the girls behind him.  Scratching the back of his head, and pulling his shorts up even higher, he said to the man, "Could you help me find something?"
"Well, it's a boat, you see, but - wait, what?"
"Nope," the man stated again while his back was turned, walking away with the struggling pig and disappearing within the bomb shop located on the edge of the southern harbor nearby.  His lack of curiosity and his display of blunt forwardness inspired Link for a second, but only that, as he found himself embarrassed and puzzled yet again.  He was left to consult another man, of around the same build and height, surely a sailor from the looks of him.  He stood near a long dock that stretched out into the small harbor, its posts dipping into the swaying water, which, as the tide went down, revealed to be covered with small clams and oysters.  The man's chin was bold and his eyes very beady and black, reminding Link of Joanna's.  He had brown mousy hair that curled up at his neck, as if it was reluctant to touch the hem of his pea-green shirt.
"Excuse, me, sir," Link stated as he slowly walked up to face the man’s muscular back.
"Quiet, child, you annoy me," the sailor stated bluntly as he gazed out to the sea.
"Aren't you that little rascal who flew out of the sky with his boat?" he said quickly and suddenly, not turning to face the boy he spoke to.  
"Yes, I am," Link said feeling a great deal of shame.  "Oh no, I hope I didn't cause any trouble with that... you see, I was caught in a tornado out at sea, and-"
"Oh, I don't mind.  I don't care whose house your boat crashed into, I just gotta know..."
Link listened intently as the man turned his dark face to the ground.  A great lock of his hair shadowed his eyes, and his hands were in sincere fists.  He suddenly spun around, and, to Link's great surprise, clasped his hands around the lad's shoulders and lifted him up into the air!  "Where did you get that underwear?!" he cried out, his eyes sparkling and his mouth in a excited full smile.  
"Gah!" Link cried as he squirmed in his grasp, much like the pig held by the rude man in the bomb shop.  "Enough with the underwear jokes!"
The man let go of Link and regained his serious composure.  Link fell to the ground, landing with a heroic pose (looking awkward without a sword or shield) and looked into the face of the sailor with a spark in his black eyes that meant business.
"I'm quite sorry about that, lad, I seemed to have... lost my... cool... for a second there.  Now, now, then, be away with yourself ya little scoundral!" with that the burly sail-guy turned his back on Link once again, looking to the sky with a squint and a scowl.
Apparently, this town was friendly to a variety of people.  As it not only held sailors, but also children, it wasn't too much of a shock to think that the adventurers of the oceans would feel vexed by the silliness of mere youngsters.  Link had to realize this, and not take too harshly at their rough and tough attitude, as he was very young himself, and more than likely judged by his mousy, mischievous smile, and boyish, messy hair (not to mention what he was clothed in).
He left the mini-harbor alone, drawing himself away from the sailors and deciding not to bother the strong man standing solemnly at the end of the dock, looking to the sea as intently as Beady Eyes.  He walked through the shadow of a tall, fresh pine tree that grew out from the grassy ground just beyond the stone bricks holding the harbor.  Underneath the sticky needles of green sat a pathetic man.  Stating he was pathetic was not cruel, in this case, because anyone with a sense of social class knew the adjective perfect to describe this certain street urchin, and that was pathetic.  He almost looked like a clown, with a painted face meant to look poor and dopey.  His skin was a pale gray, baggy and wrinkled.  His nose was runny, his eyes were swollen, and his sunken cheeks seemed worn away by tears.  Link had noticed that the two gossiping girls had been making their way down the pathway (stretching from the grave marker on the cliff) and towards Link himself.  They hopped downwards to the small, open, grassy area (the spot just beyond the harbor where it ironically seemed a perfect place for children to tumble and play) with keen looks in their eyes that meant a foreshadowing to shy contact.  They, however, stopped in their tracks once they noticed that the poor man beneath the proud tree was going after Link first.  With a look of disgust, the two girls waited over near a small patch of flowers instead.
"OH, boy!" stated the man with a voice that was pathetic as he, shaky and weak.  "Kind boy, listening boy, gentle, gentle, wonderful boy, boy with... why are you?-"
"Whaddya want?" Link asked quickly with his eyes to the sky and his hands on his hips.  
"Please, youngster, put a good name to people your age, let me tell you a tale of woe and despair!"
Feeling slightly creeped out, Link quickly and efficiently snuck away from the poor old man, who actually managed to begin creeping after him in a sorry effort to keep up with the young blonde.  As Link departed from the tall-standing tree and through a great archway (with ancient letters written in the arch) the sad man simply whimpered in depression and slumped his way back to the base of his tree.  The two gossiping girls looked peeved as they noticed that the old gray turtle had scared Link away, and they simply frowned in a huff.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2006, 06:34:10 PM by The Blue Toad »
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2006, 05:24:33 PM »
Link crossed under the shadow of the great arch and made his humiliated march up a slightly ascending dirt road.  Alongside the road was a woman with wiry brown hair who stood next to a small picket sign reading an advertisement for potions made in the next shop.  She paused in her making her way down the road, and looked bewildered at the young boy, Link.  Link ignored her gaze, as he made onward, feeling her eyes on the back of his head. 
Farther up the humble road, Link found himself amuck a crowd of people.  They were all gazing to the sky as if there was something particularly amazing about what it looked like in the very spot where they stood.  Link held back a bit in order to eavesdrop and listen to what they were all busy speaking of.
"I'm telling you, I heard it talk!" said a portly man wearing red overalls and sporting a black mustache.
"Oh, come on, now, Garrickson, you can't be serious!  I hear that if you get up on the windmill you'll get a clear view that it's a boat that crashed right out of the sky and into poor Phineus's roof," said a rather plump blonde woman with a great bundle of hay-like hair atop her oval head.  It was tied up into an enormous bun that was more like one poof of hair emerging out of another.
"She's right, Kreeb told me myself!" spoke a woman next to her, sporting thinner brown hair pulled into a damp-looking ponytail who was about the same weight as her hay-haired friend.  The two girls nodded to each other in secret with eyes of alertness.
"Oh, come on.  Kreeb?!  That guy spends all day up in his perch, he's probably just trying to get a rise out of us," said a woman in the back.  She was petite with a pose that meant business (her arms folded with her shoulders back) and yet also appeared relaxed.  She had the golden blonde hair of a Swede (but rich coffee eyes that weren't) that was cut short and curling around her amiable cheeks.  She dressed herself in a long blue dress, buttoned down halfway before it cut off at a white apron. 
"Gillian's right," said a sailor, agreeing with the blonde woman.  He wore yellow with a turned up nose and a shirt too small, "all he does he listen to the wind and gaze at the sky... which would be fine, if he were a sailor of the seas!  I doubt Kreeb even knows what a boat looks like!"
"We live on Windfall, Gummy, ya great bloke, EVERYone knows what a boat looks like!" said a thin fellow standing next to him, wearing a cap like a smooshed berry and a horizontally striped green shirt.  He was a lot wimpier-looking than the beastly Gummy, but had a sly fox-like mouth that was sure to be talkative. 
"Keep your words to yourself, Anton," Gummy shot back with a finger jammed into the berry-hat's chest. 
"I'm just saying, if you people are really that curious, why don't you climb the windmill and find out for yourselves?" Anton spoke to everyone with a shrug of his shoulders.
"I have to tend to the cafe," said Gillian.  "In fact, I shouldn't even be loitering around out here as it is..."
"And I've been looking forward to a nice sailing trip all morning!  My boat's ready and everything," Gummy replied. 
"Riiight, the job of a sailor," Anton mumbled with a roll of his eyes.
"Hey, I would go up to the windmill, but I borrowed one of Kreeb's hats recently, and I know that if I meet up with him he'll want it back, and I was REALLY looking forward to wearing it for the party!" a childish Garrickson spoke. 
The two gossip-obsessed women simply looked at each other and giggled feverishly, apparently shy about something. 
"What about you, Anton?  Why don't you go check it out?" Gummy questioned.
"Hey, pal, I've got better things to do than go looking for some stupid 'Talking Boat'."
"What?  Boaty?" Link suddenly spoke up.  The crowd of six people all turned their faces at Link, questions in their expressions.  "Er... I mean..."
"Who's this kid in the underpants?" asked Anton.
"I've had enough.  I'm going back to work," said Gillian as she gave a small wave of her hands at the crowd and boxer Link, as though sweeping them all from her mind, and rolled away from the scene.
"I've never seen this runt here before," Gummy said, crossing his arms.
"Oh, but you have!” Link said, ignoring the ‘runt’ part of his comment, “I've come to this town before, looking for a sail, and-"
"No, no, young boy, that was a young lad in green, not... boxer shorts..." stated the lady with a haystack on her head as she laughed bubbly.  Link scowled.
"Yeah, see?  This is why I NEED THAT BOAT BACK!" he cried.
"Oh my!" said a silky blue-haired woman who had just rounded the bend nearby and was randomly passing through the crowd.  She was petite and beautiful like Gillian, only seeming less harsh, and friendlier with her dark blue eyes and sunset orange dress.  Link's face suddenly grew very rosy as he looked to the ground.  "What's going on here?" she asked. 
"Oh, hello, Linda," Anton spoke up, barging his way passed Gummy the sailor to get closer to her.  "Well, the townsfolk were just talking about this strange thing that came crashing into Phineus's house last night.  They're all pretty concerned, but I, quite frankly, find it a mystery that ought not to concern us, but poor Phineus alone.  I can only imagine how embarrassing this must be for him..."  He spoke as if he were reciting a play in hope of getting the lead role, all the while thinking that he was doing so greatly, and amazingly, as though if anyone were to stop him in mid-speak, it would be a crime! 
"So, who's the boy?" asked Linda, eyeing Link suspiciously.
"Who?  What?" Anton questioned as he blinked, like, a million ka-trillion times.
"Haven't you been here before?" she asked, directing the question at Link.  He thoroughly went red and held his hands behind his back.
"Well... yes, I-I have," he said quietly.
"I thought I recognized that adorable little face!" Linda said with a small, sweet laugh as she gripped his rosy cheek with her thumb and forefinger.  Link's eyebrows rose and his eyes widened.  He toppled over as soon as she let go.  "Oh my!"
"Er... I hafta go!" Link cried as he raced off through the crowd of Windfallians.  They gazed after him in wonder as he trampled up the small stone steps and disappeared behind the bend of the road, feeling sorry for not visiting the man who sold him the sail, Zunari, whose shop was the one that Link had just run past.
Now he found that he had run himself into the square of the town, if you will.  It was a small circle of a place, where a few pine trees shot up in the center of it all.  Acting as a border around the ‘would-be’ highest place in Windfall, a ring of buildings, all connecting to each other, played ring around the rosy in circles about the trees.  Occupying the circle of buildings, there were several places such as a school, a pictograph shop, and a fun shop, which lead up to a large, yet still, windmill.  Next to the school there was a flight of stairs, seeming rather silly being built outside, but for the practical purpose of climbing up to the long balcony of Phineus, which extended outwards all the way from his house.  He was, after all a very rich man.
If you can picture that Link had run in a complete circle in order to get away from the crowd, he was now merely hidden from their curious eyes by brick.
Link wanted, first, to make sure that it was, indeed, Boaty stuck in the roof.  Hoping not to draw the attention of an arrogant-looking group of four young boys, Link quickly stepped into the fun shop, which was the closest store to his left.  Inside, though, it seemed anything but fun.
There was a terribly bored looking man with a head like an upside down pear standing at a booth, his blunt chin resting lazily upon the palm of his right hand. 
"Hey!" he said with a low, snotty voice.  "No shirt, no shoes, no... pants... no service!"
"That's okay!" Link said.  "Can I just get up to the windmill, please?"
"Uh..." The upside-down pear said.  "Meh.  Kreeb won't mind.  Up the stairs, take a right."
"Thanks!" Link said as he raced off, letting Piglet give a friendly wave to the bored clerk.  Link's bare feet slapped up the wooden steps as he quickly headed right.  A single door met him in the face, and he quickly stepped through. 
He was up on a sort of balcony like thing, made entirely of wood and connected to the side of the giant windmill that erected from the island.  The wind rustled playfully with his hair as he stepped forward. 
"Hey there," said a man suddenly, who seemed to come out of nowhere.  It was Kreeb, sporting a lemon-yellow hat that covered happily perked brown hair. His nose was red, probably from all the wind he had to witness, and his thick eyebrows rested atop his deep brown eyes. 
"Are you Kreeb?" Link asked him.
"Yep.  That would be me," he replied gaily.  He sniffed the sudden breeze with his bitten nose and sighed.  "I suppose you've come to ride the Ferris wheel."
"There's a Ferris wheel?  Hm.  Well, no, actually, you see, I-"
"Yeah, well, I'm sorry, kid, but that ride shut down ages ago..."
"Really?  Well, I'm sorry to hear that, however-"
"You see, the windmill just stopped spinning one day... I think the machine that powered it just managed to somehow get malfunctioned, or something of the sort... but without the machine working, this thing's veins won't spin, and without the spin, the-"
"Ferris wheel won't work, yes, yes, that's all well and grand.  HOWEVER.  I do not want to ride this non-existent Ferris wheel, I want to see the boat that landed on top of that roof!" Link said, gesturing to which house he was speaking of. 
"Oh!  Well, you're the first, surprisingly!  Apparently, a lot of people simply aren't too concerned.  Any ways, I'll take you to go see it, if you'll just follow me!"
"Oh, I'll just," Link said patiently as Kreeb passed Link and opened up the door from which he came.  Link followed the bliss man down the steps, ignoring the boring guy, and made it outside.
"Woah, the wind... she doesn't blow... as... strong...." Kreeb said when he walked out of the shop, acting as though he was a Texan just visiting Minnesota in the wintertime. 
"Yahhh," Link said.
"I mean, it's like... gahhhh-h-h-h," Kreeb was getting woozy.
"Kreeb... Kreeb..." Link began as the yellow-hatted man began to sway as though he was drunk. 
"Yo, bud, what'd you do to the windmill guy?" asked one of the annoying little childrens as he came up to poke his nose some place it didn't belong.
"Oh, uh..." Link began.
"YeAHHHHHH!" cried the three other boys. 
"Er..." Link said again as he tried to help Kreeb during his ‘there’s no wind’ episode.  Finally, as though no one could've predicted this, Kreeb fell to the Earth in shock, flopping around on the worn away turf like a fish out of water. 
"Oh..." said the meddling boy as he took a step back, the others following.  "I was never here!" he cried as he raced away with his posy.
"What?!" Link called to them.  "Grrr!"
He wasn't entirely sure of what he should do.  There was a height-obsessed man flopping around on the ground.  Could he breath?
"Can you breath?" he asked the strange windmill guy.
"Guhhh-hh-hhhh...meh-heh-heh..." he replied.
"Okayyyy...." Link responded.  He turned his head from side to side, hoping to find someone who knew the ways of Kreeb.  Apparently, the entire town was now gathered at the base of Phineus's house.  Except for the boring guy!
Link poked his head into the entrance of the fun shop.
"Hey," he said.
"Wha????" spoke the lonesome fruit as he picked his heavy head up from the booth.
"What do you do if the windmill man is..." Link began.  He could put the right word on it.  Looking back to Kreeb, who was busy imitating a lobster/maybe a crab, Link said, "running hysterics?"
"Oh, just blow in his ear," the clerk replied with the essence of a smile at Kreeb's expense.  "He'll be fine then."
"Okay, thanks," Link said truthfully as he closed the door and got back to the crazy wind-lover. 
"Alright, Kreeb, don't pinch me... OW!  Mother!" Link cried out as, indeed, Kreeb pinched him.
"Meh!.... mmmMEH!" he cried out madly as he hobbled to and fro.  Acting very quickly, Link took a deep breath and blew straight into his ear.  As though an inhaler, it seemed to help instantly. 
"Quick!  Before I'm a puffer fish!" Kreeb cried, taking Link by the wrist and pulling him behind the Windmill.  Still grasping, Kreeb began to climb up a tall ladder that ran from the base up to a small hidden window within the old bricks of stone.  "There!  You can get a perfect view from there!" he cried.
Link stumbled up the ladder, tripping over the wooden pegs.  The wind began to kick up again once they were high enough to be free of the buildings; the windbreakers.  Kreeb was calm, and allowed Link to climb the rest of the ladder on his own. 
When he finally reached the secret window above, which was deep enough to hold both of them, Link found that it was vacant save a bird’s nest atop a strange button.  He turned to look out from the windmill’s gap, half expecting to see Boaty looking him in the eye.  Below were the tops of the heads of all the townspeople, and right across from him was none other than the King of Red Lions!
"Boaty!" Link cried to him.
"Shhhhhh," Boaty replied, looking as alert as a frightened child playing hide and go seek, or a bird being scrutinized uncomfortably by a bunch of foolish tourists.  He had crashed so hard, that he had actually managed to kick up some tiles, and even emerge half of his body into the roof!  It was quite obvious that he was stuck.
"What happened?" Link asked.
"Oh, come on, now, Link.  Isn't it apparent?   When Cyclos tossed us from his stupid whirlwind, I flew a tad farther than you, and crashed into this stupid building!"
"That's stupid," Link spoke quietly.  "So, how are we going to get you out?  I would like my clothes back, after all."
"Oh, I don't know!  GAHH!  Why me?  We lost the pearl... your clothes... the sea chart... again!"
"Well, I'm sure we'll fend - we lost the what-now?" Link said, suddenly gazing intently at the boat.
"Yeah, everything kind of fell out of my compartments... our sea chart, all our rupees, and... well, sorry, Link, but your clothes as well."
Rather than replying to this, Link didn't at all, simply gazing blankly into nothingness.
"Hey, you know, this button has always seemed so suspicious..." spoke Kreeb.  "I wonder what woudld happen if... you know... I give it a little push..."


"Woah!  Wait... that sound..."


"It's the... the... windmill... SHE WORKS!!!"       
« Last Edit: August 25, 2006, 05:49:52 PM by The Blue Toad »
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2006, 07:52:32 PM »
... Are there absolutely no Wind Waker fans on this forum...?
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2006, 08:01:09 PM »
Err...........I played the Wind Waker, but it wasn't a very good game. Compared to the likes of the Ocarina and Mask, it was just a time in Link's carrer I'd like to forget.

(Okay, so mabey I'm being a tad harsh, but still.)
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2006, 08:49:35 PM »
Hmmm... maybe I'll stop posting this here, then.
I, personally, loved the Wind Waker.  :) 
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2006, 11:16:11 AM »
JUst because we haven't posted in the topic doesn't mean we haven't read the story. I actually like it. I just wasn't planning on giving my full opinion until it was complete.

« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2006, 04:04:14 PM »
Hmmm... maybe I'll stop posting this here, then.
I, personally, loved the Wind Waker.  :) 

I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry...................

It's a great story, I'm just not a huge fan of the Wind Waker. Seriously, don't stop.
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2006, 02:25:59 PM »
Really?  Haha, okay.  And, sorry PaperLuigi, I dind't mean to give an offended tone to my last post.  I was just thinking, from the moment that I started this story, that no one would really be into it, since, after all, this is a Mario forum. 
But, I'll post a chapter later.
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...
