
Author Topic: More than the sum of their parts  (Read 2786 times)

« on: August 31, 2006, 11:08:01 PM »
I've decided to write a story about Mario.  I normally don't come into the FG&S, not really a fan of the games, and only a few stories I like.  But that's not the point.  The point is, I've had this story bouncing around in my head (or at least parts of it) and I was going to turn it into a comic, but I decided that it would take to long, and I'm not patient enough to draw each panel, so I decided to make a regular story out of it.  I haven't really decided on names or specifics.  I'm writing the story as I go, but I have the basic plot down. 

About the story.  It takes place in the Mushroom Kingdom, and a few other places around the main nation.  It involves younger cast, though only about mid 20's for the main cast.  Bowser has become increasingly more ruthless, with less plots to overthrow the kingdom.  What is he planning?  Mario is still working on his skills and powers, and is finding it hard to last in some of the longer fights.  Peach hasn't had to do so much work in all the time she's ruled, and it's starting to show.  Will we find out the real reason Bowser has always wanted to take over the Mushroom Kingdom?

Alright, enough bad foreshadowing.  I'll put up the Prologue and 1st chapter, and see what people think.  Oh, and the original writing has a few swears, though it's only been 1 in the first 5 chapters, and for posting on here, I will edit them. 



As the smoke settled, both stood, with bated breath as to what the other would try next.
“I have to finish this now, before the whole city is destroyed!”, Mario thought quickly.  “I hope I have enough left on my gloves…”
Bowser knew something was going to happen, tensely waiting for a sign for what to do.  He instantly understood, as Mario began clinking his fingers together frantically, looking for a spark.  With little thought, Bowser let loose a monstrous roar, and began to charge.
“C’mon, c’mon…”  But there was nothing.
Bowser was advancing quickly, and Mario had to think fast.
“I got it!!”, and rapidly clapped his hands.
Almost automatically, the small spark became an overwhelming blast of heat and fire, aimed directly at Bowser.  As the attack lasted, Mario felt the fatigue begin to pry at him, and the blaze become less focused, more difficult to control.
Mario felt something sharp graze his face, which momentarily made him lose his focus.  The resulting blast from his hands threw him back.  Slightly dazed, he tried to see through the smoke. 
A fleeting glimpse of a spiked tail was seen slipping down the pipe.  By the time Mario got up and over to the lip of the warp, Bowser could have been anywhere, maybe millions of miles of piping away.
Panting, bruised, and a little singed, Mario trudged off.  For now, the Mushroom Kingdom was safe, and Mario needed a nap

Chapter 1

“Master Mario!”, a small mushroom retainer squeaked.
Mario rolled over, eyes squint, “Ughh…Wha…?”.
“Master Mario, you must wake up!  It’s nearly 8 o’clock!”, as the pintsized servant swept the covers from the drowsy hero.
Mario grumbled “That’s great, Big Ben, let me know when the clock strikes P.M.”, as he rolled with his back to the window, whose blinds were moved to allow the light to break the dark room.
Puzzeled, “Big Ben, sir?  But my name’s Tad.  Anyway, you don’t want to sleep the day away…-Oh, uh, SIR”, he quickly added, to keep from sounding disrespectful.
“Fine, Fine, I’m up…And drop the ‘sir’ stuff*.  It makes me uncomfortable.”
Mario rolled over, looked at his watch, hoping it was actually later than 8 A.M., but was disappointed when it said 7:58.
“Oomph, last night was really rough on the ol’ rump…Hey, Tap, d’you know where I can get some aspirin?”
“Uh, yes, you’ve got some in your bathroom…and it’s Tad”, he said, barely heard by Mario.
Tad puttered over to the fine Mahogany door, pushed it completely open, and stepped on a short stool to reach the light switch.  The fluorescent light bounced off the pristine white tiles and the swimming pool-sized tub.
Mario slowly shuffled in, awestruck by the mere size of it.
“D-do I get this all to myself?”, as he gazed at the dome ceiling, and felt the fine marble countertops.
“Heheh, yup, as long as you’re in the castle, this is yours.”
“Heh, sweet.”
“Alright, I’ll leave you to get ready.”, Tad said as he was walking out of the washroom.
Quickly, Mario stopped the little man “Wait, what?  What am I getting ready for?”
“Why, for breakfast with the princess, of course.  The food will be ready in…”checking his pocket watch, “23 minutes.  I’d advise you not to be late.”
Stammering, “Oh, uh, yeah, Okay…”
The bedroom door closed, and Mario was left standing there, in his still burnt overalls, wondering about the breakfast.  For a few months now, Princess Peach has been too busy to have anything more than a quick “Good job”, and now she’s able to have a full meal with him.  Well, I’d better get ready, don’t want to keep her waiting, he thought as he swallowed a few aspirin, and got undressed for a quick shower.  I have got to find out her contractor, as he slid the nacre door shut.

22 ½ minutes later..

Mario walked into the grand dining hall, to see it almost completely void of life.  That is, except for a single small mushroom retainer chef, and Peach at the end of the long table.  Each step against the stone floor echoed through the whole room, causing the two to look up at Mario. 
Mario got up to the chair next to Peach, and looked down to her.  She looked up, and smiled.  She looked tired, yet her eyes showed vibrance
“Hello, Mario.  Please, sit, breakfast should be ready in a moment.”
“Okay, thanks.” Sitting down, he looked at Peach.
Are you alright?  You look exhausted.”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine; just been busy.  Bowser keeps springing these attacks, and I’ve been trying to keep the kingdom in one piece.  It’s rather alarming, though, that he’s started to attack innocent civilians.”  She looked down at the table, rubbing her hands together.
“Hm,” looking down at her hands, as well “Yeah, but I think things have calmed down for a while.  Last night, he seemed pretty spent, even before we began to fight.”  Mario knew she wasn’t telling him everything.  She only rubbed her hands when something was truly wrong.  The last time was when Bowser had killed her father 9 years ago, during the first rebellion.
Trying to change the subject, he turns to the redesigned halls.  “I love what you’ve done to the castle.”
“Oh, thanks.  It cost a bundle, but luckily the nation isn’t in too much debt…But if we can find Bowser’s base, we should be able to pull out about even.”
“Yeah, hopefully.  Ooh, the food!  I’m starving.”  Mario exclaimed, as a man with a tray larger than him waddled to the table, exhaled a quick “Bon Appétit“, before hurrying back to the kitchen.
Peach knew the way to Mario’s heart.  She told the chef to cook up a pasta-omelet, one of his personal favorites, and a few more traditional breakfast dishes, including a stack of hotcakes, and a nice fruit salad.
The rest of breakfast was mostly quiet, save for a few “Could you pass the…” and the frantic apologies of Peach upon knocking over the syrup onto the table.
The food was cleared, the table set for the lunch hours, and the two made some minor small talk, before Peach stood up.  Mario shot up, hitting his thighs on the hardwood table.
“Mario, I want to thank you for coming and having breakfast with me.  We don’t get together much, unless the kingdom is in peril”, she said with a sort of half-laugh.
With a smirk, Mario replied “Yeah, I’ve practically had to burn down the First Bank of Toad Town to get your attention lately”
They walked to the main hall, when Peach turned, “Well, I should get back to work.  The Chancellor is going to be rather uppity at me for just having a nice sit-down breakfast”
“Alright.  Can you get away from the Chance’ tomorrow night?  I was hoping to show you some of my master cuisine skills.” Mario boasted, while playfully puffing up his chest, giving a cheesy smile.
“Hahaha, yeah, I think I can.”
She leaned in, hugged Mario, and gave a gentle kiss, before walking up the flight of stairs to the towers, where most of the business went on.
Mario, rather happy with himself, walked out to the courtyard.  Luigi was speaking with Toadworth, both adamantly pointing and exclaiming over the garden on the Southeast corner of the castle grounds.
“Hey there, Luigi.  When did you get here?”, nodding at Toadsworth, who paid little attention to the red clad brother.
“Hi!  Oh, only about 15 minutes ago.  I’ve been discussing with Toadsworth what we could use these hybrid Piranha plants for.” Luigi excitedly bounced.
Rather bored with the garden talk, Mario began to wander away, “Alright, well, I’ll talk to you guys later.”
“Yeah, yeah, okay…” the other two trailed off while admiring the Man-eating lilies.
Hmm, wonder what I should cook up for Peach? and Where could Bowser have gone? were the main two, of the many things, running through his head as he walked into the town.


Well, that's the end of what I have on the computer right now.  Let me know what you thought, and I'll work on getting the rest of it typed up quickly.
"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special." Stephen Hawking

« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2006, 08:28:15 AM »
Nice story! I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie
