
Author Topic: If you could kill a character from the...  (Read 21687 times)

« Reply #60 on: January 16, 2003, 09:53:03 PM »
Ok, first of all, why would you kill baby mario?I mean if you kill baby mario, our mario would die because mario IS baby mario, and anyways why would you kill a baby? could you kill a pit in steve?3. Why does everyone wanna kill me? im mallow, mallow is cool 'cause i like marshmallows, their good i wanna eat him, but so they wouldn't eat me i made myself metal.

P.S.: This post is idiotic..........oooo big word!

 L is real 2041!
Don''t argue with an idiot. They will take you to their level and beat you with experience.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #61 on: January 16, 2003, 09:58:18 PM »
Idiotic, idiotic, idiotic, idiotic!!

...Screech, did you actually ever BEAT SMS?

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 1/16/2003 7:59:19 PM
That was a joke.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #62 on: January 17, 2003, 11:43:37 AM »
1. I never said Mallow. Read the list. Mallow never appears.

2. How do you kill a pit? You can... errrr... fill it with sand or something.

3. Baby Mario and Mario are on my list. Ne(e)d I say more?

Everyone has their own opinions, no matter how WRONG they are.

Edited by - Insane Steve on 1/18/2003 4:54:40 PM

« Reply #63 on: January 17, 2003, 05:26:39 PM »
Ok, can someone close this idiotic topic down, this is getting us nowhere. Oh and Insane Steve, it's Need, not Ned!!

There are some people in the world that never grow up...

Edited by - jjf8420 on 1/18/2003 6:49:30 AM
Does anybody ever wonder why the Blue Toad in Super Mario Sunshine wanders off from the rest of the group?

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #64 on: January 17, 2003, 09:58:48 PM »
Actually it's Ned as in Ned...


Ok, you got me there. But I will retaliate by saying that "nowhere" is 1 word, not 2.

I think this topic has served its purpose for now... for me, anyways.

Everyone has their own opinions, no matter how WRONG they are.

« Reply #65 on: January 18, 2003, 08:48:11 AM »
The feelings neutral.

I can see this site becoming the next big war on the internet too.
Does anybody ever wonder why the Blue Toad in Super Mario Sunshine wanders off from the rest of the group?

« Reply #66 on: January 18, 2003, 06:38:44 PM »
Why would you kill Shadow Mario? He's cool! With his Magic Paintbrush that was given to him by an old man in a white coat(Elvin Gadd duh)Plus I think Shadow Mario looks better than Mario cause hes blue.And Screech,Peach isnt Bowser Jrs(Shadow Marios)mama.

Do you know when we die,we''ll be boos too?
Find your inner monkey.

« Reply #67 on: January 18, 2003, 10:36:38 PM »
Steve, I never said YOU wanted to kill Mallow said 'everyone' as in lots of people.

P.S. They really should close this topic, and Steve are you a 'Mario' fan? Why Mario. *Mallow mumbles to himself* "First that Yoshi pic and now this?"
Don''t argue with an idiot. They will take you to their level and beat you with experience.

« Reply #68 on: January 19, 2003, 10:13:32 PM »
uhhh duh Steve hates green yoshi thats why there was that pic but that dosent mean hes no mario fan

Do you know when we die,we''ll be boos too?
Find your inner monkey.

« Reply #69 on: January 19, 2003, 10:18:29 PM »
Why the hell wopuld you kill Waluigi?Wario needs a brother just like Mario does.Wario needs to be equal to Mario maybe better.Plus its cool having the Wario brothers now.

Do you know when we die,we''ll be boos too?
Find your inner monkey.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #70 on: January 19, 2003, 11:07:48 PM »
Hmmmmm... Let's see if I can prevent this from becoming a flame war. Highly dubious, but... you never know.

Before I begin, I must say that I tend to look too much into things. That will explain a lot.

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Get ready for a long one):
I: Am I really a Mario fan?
II: Why I hate Mario
III: Why I hate Green Yoshi
IV: Why I hate all these other characters I have listed
V: How this pertains to the real world
VI: An explanation to my views (And why I made that imfamous and controvertial Green Yoshi picture)
VII: My actions on this forum, and why they are justifiable
VIII: Why you should care
IX: Summary

----I: Am I really a Mario fan?----

I am a Mario GAME fan. Does that mean that I have to like all the characters in these games? Nope. So what if I hate a few of the major characters? I don't have to like Mario to like Mario games. I mean, seriously, must you like the major good character in a series a lot to like the series? I like Luigi. Why doesn't he have more games? He deserves them.

I get all kinds of enjoyment from games that have Mario in them. In fact, 4 of my 5 favorite video games of all time have Mario or a major Mario character as a major role in them. And I tend to obsess about these games. So yes, I am a Mario game fan.

But am I a MARIO fan? Well, if your definition of that is that I have to like Mario, I guess not. All depends on whether you mean Mario (The character) fan or Mario (The games) fan.

----II: Why I hate Mario----

Ok, imagine this. Someone who does everything just as good as you, and no better, comes along and gains the respect of other and a HUGE following, whereas you are constantly neglected. And then you must put up with this crap every day. This MUST be how Luigi feels. I mean, he is just as good, if not better, than Mario is, and yet Mario gets all the fame just because he is Player 1 in SMB1. I bet if Luigi were Player 1, He'd be the famous one, and I'd hate Luigi and like Mario.

Generally, I dislike it when people get things they don't earn. Respect is a huge one of these "things". Mario gets all kinds of respect, Luigi gets hardly any. Most people don't call the earlier SMB games "Luigi" Games...

And he is even more neglected now. He isn't in SM64, nor does he even play a horribly good role in PM or any other major Mario game. (Don't ask me about SMS). Ok, and there's Luigi's Mansion. 1 Luigi game. As opposed to all kinds of games Mario is in alone. I think that was a pity game, personally.

Mario stands for anything in the real world that gains more respect than it deserves. See part V for a better explanation.

----III: Why I hate Green Yoshi----

Ok, let me begin by saying that I don't really hate the CHARACTER of Green Yoshi, or the race of Yoshies themselves. Actually, a lot about what is said in Part II applies here.

Green Yoshi's case is actually worse than Mario's. The only reason for his popularity is because he is the first color Yoshi you encounter in SMW. Green Yoshi is quite literally INFERIOR to a lot of Yoshies he is more popular than. Case in point:

Let me start with Blue Yoshi. The 2nd most popular color from what I can tell. Unlike Green Yoshi, he DESERVES this popularity. He can Fly with any color shell in SMW. That is really, really useful. There's a reason everyone wants to get the Blue Yoshi in SMW: HE'S BETTER THAN GREEN YOSHI. Being better, he should be more popular. But, nope.

Now, all the other colors.

Yellow: He pounds dust with any shell. This makes him better than Green Yoshi, ability wise. but, he is neglected, overshadowed by Blue Yoshi, and overpopularized by Green Yoshi. I almost feel sorry for him. He actually is made fun of because he is Yellow, a light color, considered weak for some reason. Don't ask me why.

Red: Again, he breathes fire with any color shell. Again, he is better than Green Yoshi. Again, he is overshadowed by Blue Yoshi's ability and Green Yoshi's popularity. At least no one makes fun of what color he is.

Black and White Yoshi: If any of you have played YS, you'll KNOW that these 2 colors are the BEST Yoshies. They can eat things the other colors cannot, they can DO things the other colors cannot, plus you score higher with them. They are quite a bit better than Green Yoshi. Yet, they are only in 1 game so far, and not a paticularly good one at that.

Orange Yoshi: The last color Yoshi to finally get a game. Need I say more?

And there are all kinds of Yoshies I didn't add. Essentially because they really don't have special abilities, and are equal to Green Yoshi, but less popular.

Green Yoshi represents undeserving popularity. I hate this trait. Hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE it.

----IV: Why I hate all the other characters I have listed----

These characters genuinely have annoyed me in one way or another. Peach? I hate her. She's annoying, constantly BEGS to be saved, leaves herself open, and screams for Mario (Not Luigi) in a high-pitched obnoxious voice, thus adding to HIS popularity.

Everyone else merely annoys me in at least one way. This post is already long enough, and thus I'll end it there. I really don't want to list all of the characters I have listed.

----V: How this pertains to the real world----

Ok, now you know my motives for hating these characters, and what I think they represent. Now, you'll see why I hate these qualities. If you haven't seen already from viewing the boards, I have excellent scholastic abilities, and tend to be a perfectionist. I also am misunderstood by my classmates, and am thus not respected or liked due to it.

Wait a minute, doesn't this seem A LOT like the characters above? I do good, other, "lower" people ability wise get the popularity? I am sick of this crap. If I were a Mario character, based on my role in real life, I'd probably be Black or White Yoshi (Heh, read the Yoshi color quiz post). Good at things, and neglected and made to look "Inferior to inferiors".

I am fed up with all the flack I put up with. I am fed up with looking bad despite being able to outdo others in a lot of things. This shoudl remind you of the other "neglected" characters I have listed... in at least 1 way.

----VI: An explanation to my views----

I share these views with you because I think I must be heard on these forums. As radical as they are, I deem them viable for consideration. I do not wish to have my veracity questioned.

The Green Yoshi picture is a good one. In case you are wondering why everyone is so offended by it, look at it. Well, maybe not. I'll just say it was a picture of a Green Yoshi with one arm ripped off and lying in a pool of blood, and a spear driven through its eyes. It's a parody of the Personality test things, plus it also has a different explanation of the Green Yoshi (Similar to what you read in Part III).

But why? Why did I have to revolt and frighten you all with such a morbid thought? It is a representation of my frustration of my views of the real world. Come on! Green Yoshi is a PERFECT example of popularity without reason.


Art? How? It's sickening! Well, let me define art in my own way.

Art is anything you use to express an emotion.

Does it express an emotion? YES! My feelings of anger towards popularity without reason! Green Yoshi is merely a smybol of this. A SYMBOL. If I were to magically appear in Marioland and see a Green Yoshi, would I gouge its eyes out and chop off its arms? NO! It's a SYMBOL. Get that through your heads.

----VII: My actions on this forum, and why they are justifiable----

To start, with that picture, I gave appropriate warning as to the content of it.

On this forum, I give my views on topics as they are stated. They don't HAVE to be happy, "Everything is AWESOME!!!" views! They can be NEGATIVE!!! I have all rights to say negative things about other things. First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Free Speech.

Whenever I am about to say something controversial or possibly offensive, I'll warn you first (Most of the time). The picture, I had a warning. When I insult, or give a tyrade, I'll warn you if you don't wish to read it. You don't HAVE to read what I say. It's your choice.

I am an eternal pessimist. I think everything will go wrong if given the chance. I tend to give negative views of things, too.

I may have one or more mental disorders, and I say most things late at night (Including this post) and I lose inhibitions when I am tired. I say things I don't mean fully, or things that aren't intelligent.

I'm surprised this post has stayed on topic for so long.

----VIII: Why you should care----

You should care because I have that personality that blows up at everyone. Sorry, but I wish for you to RESPECT my opinions, not matter how wrong you think they are. Thus my signature.

I wish for you all to understand me. I am NOT a very understandable person. Trust me. I want to be accepted. Not have my ideas and views thrown out due to the fact that they differ from the status quo.

I don't want to have to leave due to a lack of respect. I likely won't either.

----IX: Summary (It's almost over!!!)----

A: I hate Mario and Green Yoshi due to what they represent, not because of who they are.
B: This characteristic is their popularity without a really good reason.
C: I have other reasons to hate other characters.
D: Most of these views are due to what I've dealt with in the real world.
E: The Green Yoshi picture is a WORK OF ART used to express my feelings of this popularity.
F: I respect you all, and all your views, and wish you do the same to me. If I insult you, it is either unknowingly or because you insulted me somehow. I am offended not easily, but you do the wrong thing... say the wrong thing...

Sorry that was so long... but... It is my views. I took the hour to type this, at least respect my views...

Everyone has their own opinions, no matter how WRONG they are.


  • Quadruped
« Reply #71 on: January 19, 2003, 11:58:53 PM »
Well...  That was one of the most intelligently constructed posts I've seen on these forums.
If I didn't already have respect for you, I'm sure I would now...

Go Moon!
Go Moon!

« Reply #72 on: January 20, 2003, 08:22:51 AM »
I like the PM characters.

It''s-a me, Mario !
It''s-a me, Mario !

« Reply #73 on: January 20, 2003, 10:19:09 AM »
If I killed Baby Mario, I guess that would create a time paradox, eh?  I just don't like babies.  Especially whiney ones.  
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #74 on: January 20, 2003, 03:09:08 PM »
Dang, you write A LOT! That just wasted like, 10 minutes of my life, but whatever. Anyways I'm sorry, you really do have a point so lets end this.

 L is real 2041!
Don''t argue with an idiot. They will take you to their level and beat you with experience.
