
Author Topic: Cartoons or Reality?  (Read 7466 times)

« Reply #30 on: June 14, 2005, 04:25:52 PM »
Sorry dude, I misunderstood. Again, sorry for the trouble. Didn't know it was a joke. 0_o

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #31 on: June 14, 2005, 11:40:38 PM »
"I agree greatly with Mr.Wiggles and Latias Dita. cartoons and anime are 2 completely different things"
--I'm glad someone does ^_^!
"I like watching Pokemon, FullMetal Alchemist, and Sailor Moon. (Too bad Sailor Moon was cancelled.)"
--Hey if you can afford it, watch anime only on DVD! They had one more season to go with Sailor Moon but Japan wouldn't let the US dub it. They were afraid it would ruin Sailor Moon's "kid-friendly" image. Geez, it's been four years since SM was on TV. I think all the little kids that watched it either forgot or learned of what it was like originally!

 Random Anime Quote:
"Good LORD! Where did you get thoes things!??"--Jamie Mcgonnigal (voice of Takeo Takekura). DVD voulme 5 (this is an outtake made by the voice actor, not an actual quote from the series).

Edited by - Latias Dita on 6/14/2005 10:42:33 PM
Random Anime Quote: "Wiggle, Squiggle! Look, I'm a mollusk!"
--Freesia Yagyu, Jubei-Chan 2 episode 3.
