
Author Topic: The MATURE console debate thread.  (Read 7315 times)

« on: February 02, 2002, 10:19:19 AM »
Hi, my name is 404NotFound and this is my first post. This site is great, and I love mario games, but i've read some threads and all I see is negitive propoganda about the X-Box and other consoles. Well I think the GameCube is pretty cool, but it's not for everybody. Neither is the X-Box. I've created this thread to give a debate of the consoles between mature people who don't flame others for opinions. I think this forum has enough GameCube positives so i'll just give all the X-Box positives I can think of, and maybe a few debunks of common mistakes. If you want to post back a rebuttal, be my guest.

1. The X-Box will be able to go online officialy in March, and has already gone online over GameSpy.
2. The weight of the X-Box doesn't mean much. I mean 9 lbs is about as much as a lap-top weighs... unless you get those super slim ones.
3. The size doesn't affect how well the games will be. Also, the unit sits on top of your TV, and therefore it doesn't really matter.
4. Who cares what it looks like. It's not like you're gonna be playing Halo and just staring at the console while you get fragged to death.
5. Of course it doesn't have Mario, but that's very given.
6. The games don't really suck. Halo is a killer-app and Phantasy Star Online, Grand Theft Auto 3, and Metal Gear Solid X are all comming to it. There are even rumors of Square developing for it, but like I said, that's just a rumor.
7. Microsoft is, of course, making the X-Box for money. I mean like Sony and Nintndo are doing it out of the goodness of thier heart?
8. The X-Box is actually a decent deal. It's just as much as a PS2 only most of the stuff that would have to be added on to a PS2 come with the X-Box.
9. The infamous "It's MS so it will crash" argument is also irrational. I mean it doesn't run Windows, which I agree sucks, in fact i'm not sure if it runs any OS really. Even if it did, however, it's proven that as compatability go up, stability go down. Therefore Windows is very unstable.
10. Everybody talks about how X-Boxes are defective, and I even heard one person say how MS was being sued... well that's just bull. I mean less than 1% of the consoles sold, or around 100-200 consoles, were defective. Sony and Nintendo posted about the same number of defective consoles.
11. Oh yes, the controller. If you don't like it then good for you, but they make third party controllers you know.
12. The "X-Box is just a PC argument" Well X-Box is NOT a PC. It does have some PC parts, but is no more a PC than a GameCube or PS2... well not really a GameCube because that runs off of the PowerPC processor.

That's all I can think of for now. Have a nice day and keep this topic flame free.


« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2002, 11:45:00 AM »
Look, look, look: those are pretty good arguments, but the people here are narrow-minded fanboys. (and i'm one of them)


« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2002, 12:13:09 PM »
The only reason I don't like X-box is simple... no Mario. No mario, no good.
Like frostbite said we're all narrow-minded fanboys
Oh, and welcome to the boards

Go hang a salami! I''''m a lasagna hog!

NOT edited by n/a at 4:56 PST

« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2002, 01:02:48 PM »
Narrow-minded fanboy = me
Small Console = Big Ballz

« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2002, 01:17:55 PM »
umm no the reason y u hate the x-box cuz it sucks 4 sum reason same with PS2

« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2002, 01:53:16 PM »
The X-box SUCKS! Anyone who likes it should get off of this message board!

 I''m-a Luigi, number one!
 I''''m-a Luigi, number one!

« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2002, 02:13:02 PM »
  I hate X-box too, but calm down Green Luigi.  It's his first post and your already trying to kick him off!


« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2002, 02:35:29 PM »
Well it looks like most of you are incapable of rational thought... I thought I presented a good topic, but it seems people like Green Luigi have a problem seeing the other side of the coin. I already said, the GameCube is a good system, and telling me to leave because "The X-box SUCKS! Anyone who likes it should get off of this message board!" Yeeeaahh... that argument was very supported and factual. Oh let me just leave because I like the X-Box...

Nah. This site needs an X-Box lover, and that's me :)  But the GameCube isn't bad either, I just prefer the Box.

« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2002, 07:02:39 PM »
even though i love nintendo a respect your liking of the x-box.... infact i have a dream that there wont be tones of game sites that rival with other's.... my dream is for all game lovers to come forth and be reunighted after what seems like forever. A long time ago it used to be like this.... untill a few people decided that one company was better and then people joined them and soon there were huge comptitions and fights over games. The world of gaming has changed from friends playing together and having fun and singing songs and not careing about the graphix of a game or the sound but the fun of coming togther and playing and having fun... but now everyone is fighting about whop is better and what games are the best... its sad really... a friend of mine who hates Mario was saying how stupid i was to like it... i asked him that what if mario was a robot and you shot huge monsters with lazers... he said it would be cool..... *sniff* why cant things just be back like they were back then when people were never laughed at for playing Mario games or liking nintendo.......... Will they ever be like that again.... i for one do not care about sound or graphics, i think of them as extras or gifts... I play old games with out flinching ayt the graphics or the games... its soo soo sad.... *sniff*
CANADA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2002, 07:12:04 PM »
Mario is a robot, sort of. We control him. Bowser's a lizard. All we need is lasers!

« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2002, 10:34:04 PM »
Ok, I played Halo on the X-box and it got really boring in just a few hours. Me and my friend beat it on lengendary mode and got the special ending. Now I have no interest in replaying Halo, some replay value there. I hate 3rd party controllers, there unstable and they break so easily; if the makers of the system can't make a decent controller, than I'm not going to play games with controllers I hate using. It weighing more than your average system and it being bulky IS a downside, another friend of mine was carring it in his backpack. It unzippes the backpack since it's so big and heavy, now he's paying to fix it up due to damages. If you were to drop the cube, it would not take major damage. Heh, you could drop kick it and it would be fine, but I don't know anyone who would do that! ^_^
Why does that dog keep staring at me?

« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2002, 12:56:47 AM »
red_yoshi, nobody cares, nobody cares.

Doomba, King of the Goombas
Doomba, King of the Goombas

« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2002, 01:14:27 AM »
Hiya 404, welcome aboard. Please don't let some of us scare you away. Lots of people here are young, and some a bit immature. Don't let them get to you, they can't help it.

Another thing I'll set straight right away is that I am also a Nintendo fanboy. I'm not sure why "fanboy" has such a negative connotation. It just means I am know what I like. I have high standards and only my favorite games reach them. Those are the games I buy. I'm not fickle enough to be tricked out of my money for a cheap thrill. In other words, I'm a shrewd consumer...or a fanboy, whichever term you prefer. And, of course, I also have very particular tastes. Not a single game on the Xbox has been able justify the cost of purchase, in my obviously harsh set of expectations. A few games on the Gamecube have (SSMB, MonkeyBall). Not many, mind you. No. I still play my SNES and N64 a lot. But, at least, the Gamecube promises to provide many more of the sort of game I crave. Ah, yes, Mario Sunshine, Legend of Zelda, Metroid Prime, any Rare offerings. And, of course, these are going to appear only on Nintendo's machine. Yes, Nintendo games are the best. And, that, my friend is why I am a Nintendo fanboy.


« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2002, 10:02:55 AM »
Sorry about telling you to leave, 404notfound, but I really can't stand the X-box. I don't think this forum needs anything good said about the X-box. Any system without Mario games is a useless system that I would be more likely to use as a door stop then actually try to play games on.

 I''m-a Luigi, number one!
 I''''m-a Luigi, number one!

« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2002, 10:24:13 AM »
     I play the N64 some still too. It has good games like Paper Mario, 007 Golden Eye, and 007 The World is Not Enough. On the Game Cube I like Super Smash Brothers Melee. Luigi's Manshion is ok. Pikmin is ok too. I also have Rough Leader and a Hocky game. The Game Cube still had a while to get more great games. The thing is I love Nintendo. I've had it since I was a kid. I'm most likely not going to change to anouther system, just because it's made from a computer company (No offense, I love what they did with Computers. Windows. What would we all do if there wasn't Windows? I for one prefer Windows over Machintosh. I love Windows.), or just because it has a DVD player. One thing it won't ever have is Mario. Without Mario why would I want it? It also wouldn't have Pokemon. I've been with Nintedno for a long time. I plan to stay with them. They do great work. They have made, and have had, many great games over the years. So what if it dosn't play DVDs. You bye a Video game system to play Viseo games. You by a DVD player to play DVDs. I love Nintendo.

(I have returned.)
