
Author Topic: Super Paper Mario - GG style  (Read 25973 times)

« on: July 18, 2007, 02:42:25 PM »
(I had to split the darn thing into parts... stupid 20000 character limit...)

Prologue: A Hero Torn from His World

It was just another peaceful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Everyone was going about their daily business and not worrying about a thing. Bowser, the Koopa King, hadn’t tried to kidnap Princess Peach for quite some time, so there was really nothing much to worry about anyway. Since there hadn’t been any princess-nappings in a while, the heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario and Luigi, had some pleasant leisure time.

At the Mario Bros’ humble abode, Mario and Luigi had just finished breakfast. Luigi yawned a mighty yawn. “Man,” he said. “It sure is peaceful, huh, bro?”

“Mm-hmm,” muttered Mario, who was still a little sleepy.

“Maybe a little too peaceful,” Luigi continued. “I kind of wish something exciting would happen, you know?”

“Like Peach getting kidnapped, maybe?” Mario asked jokingly.

“Mario, don’t say that! It’ll happen if you ask for it!”

“Mama mia, I’m just kidding, Weegi!” Mario laughed. “So, what kind of excitement did you have in mind?”

Luigi shrugged. “I didn’t really think about the actual event, I just wanted something to happen.” He thought about it, then said,” Hey, how about we go see the Princess?”

“Sure thing!” Mario exclaimed. “Maybe something exciting’ll happen at Mushroom Castle, and we can have some of Peach’s yummy cake while we’re at it.” So they headed for Princess Peach’s castle. However, they didn’t get very far before a Toad, aptly named Toad, ran up to them in a panic. “It’s horrible!” he screamed. “Just plain awful!”
“What’s the matter, Toad?” Mario asked the distraught Mushroom person. “Toadsworth tell one of his grody old man jokes again?”

“W-worse than that!” Toad shrieked. “Mushroom Castle... RAIDED! Princess Peach... KIDNAPPED!” He burst into tears.

Mario stood there with his mouth open, while Luigi glared at him. “I told you,” Luigi said sternly. “I told you! I TOLD YOU! See what happens when you mention princess-nappings?!! IT HAPPENS!”

“Relax, Weegi, we’ll get her back,” Mario said. “We just gotta go to Bowser’s castle, kick his butt and rescue Peach. No big deal.”

“Eh, you’re right, let’s go.”

How very wrong they were.


Bowser’s castle was a formidable fortress made entirely of brimstone, which, given that the castle was on a rock platform above an active volcano, was a given. Of course, that made it smell bad, but the few mages that served Bowser were able to keep the smell away with perfume spells. Bowser himself was just as formidable as his castle. He was a tall, muscular man with brilliant red hair and blond bangs styled at an angle to look like horns. He wore spiked bracelets for no reason other than to strike fear into people. All in all, he was quite intimidating. Not to mention he had hordes of followers behind him.

That particular day, Bowser was about to initiate his plan to kidnap Princess Peach... again. This time, he had carefully analyzed every step and mini-step of his plan to make sure there was no way he could fail. Of course, by “analyze”, I mean he had Kamek look through it and thoroughly dissed every suggestion the wizard made. Anyway, Bowser’s forces were just about to head out as Bowser gave them the usual “we’re gonna get the Princess” speech.

“Alright, minions, listen up!” Bowser shouted. “Today’s the day we finally win! We’ll storm Peach’s castle and kidnap her. Then we’ll take over the world!”

All the minions cheered. “Bowser, Bowser, woo!” ”We will rule!” “Hail Bowser!” ”We’re under attack!”

“Ha ha, ‘we’re under attack’, you jokers are so funny,” Bowser chuckled to himself. Then he noticed two minions who looked like they didn’t belong. They had mustaches. “Hey, who are those two hairy guys in the back?!!” he shouted. “We shave around here, minions!” He stomped his way to the mustache men, the crowd of minions parting to make room for their king. The identity of the mustache men was soon revealed: Mario and Luigi.

“WHAT?!! Mario and Luigi?!! How the crap did you guys get in here?!!” Bowser shouted in rage.

“Not to make you seem more stupid than you already are,” Mario said. “You left the front gate wide open.”

Bowser was furious at this. “AUGH, those IDIOTS!!!” he shouted. He stomped the floor so hard, it might have split open had it not had reinforced steel beams to keep such an incident from occurring. “HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD THEM?!! IF YOU’RE THE LAST ONE IN, LOCK THE GATE!!! IT’S FREAKIN’ COMMON SENSE!”

“Quiet, Bowser!” said Luigi. “We know you have Princess Peach! Now where’d you put her?”

Bowser stared at the Mario Bros, confused. “But, we don’t have her, at least not yet. We were only just about to initiate our atta—”


Everyone heard a pure, feminine voice calling out to the Mario Bros, but they couldn’t see the person the voice belonged to. Suddenly, Princess Peach appeared before them, trapped in some sort of rainbow-colored cage floating in midair. Her floating prison moved over and someone else appeared where it had been. It was a man, a tall man wearing a top hat and a billowing sunset-colored cape and holding a diamond-tipped staff. The man had dark blue hair that matched his left eye, but his right eye glowed a brilliant red. The man spoke. “Your princess has been taken... by Count Bleck!”

“Whaddaya think you’re—” Bowser shouted at him, but stopped. “Wait, by who?”

The man bowed, as if this were some high-class dinner event. “By me,” he said. “Count Bleck! The executor of the Dark Prognosticus... is Count Bleck! The fine fellow prophesied to come to this dimension... is also Count Bleck!”

Bowser scoffed at him. “I’ll tell you who doesn’t make any sense... Count Bleck.” His minions would have laughed if this weren’t such a serious situation.

Mario decided that it was time to take some action, so he jumped up to attack, as he usually did. But as he landed, his boots didn’t connect with squishy top hat. They met something that felt like a combination of a wicker basket and an iron gate. He bounced off it, not harming Count Bleck at all.

“Mario, he’s got a barrier!” Luigi shouted to his brother.

“Yeah,” Mario said. “I kinda got that part.”

“You call that an attack?” Count Bleck scoffed. “Count Bleck will show you how this sort of thing is done.” He swung his staff in Mario’s direction. At first, nothing happened. Then a purple cloud appeared around Mario, draining him of energy and knocking him out.

“Big bro!” Luigi cried.

The count stared at Mario. “This man deserves ridicule. Weaklings cannot face Count Bleck.”

By now, Bowser was getting pretty angry. No one was allowed to pummel Mario but himself. So he decided to do something about Count Bleck. “Hey, here’s an idea,” he said threateningly. “You let the princess go and get the heck out of here... or ELSE!” His many minions closed in on Count Bleck to prove Bowser’s point.

“Your princess shall not be returned... by Count Bleck,” Count Bleck said calmly. “She is key to fulfilling the prophecy that will destroy all worlds.”

“Destroy... all worlds?!!”

“Yes, all worlds,” the count continued, as if it wasn’t any more important than a fly on someone’s nose. “In fact, Bowser, fierce king of the Koopas... Count Bleck takes you too!” He threw his staff into the air and it levitated, spinning madly. As it spun, a purple cloud formed in the hallway, just like the one that knocked Mario on his back. The cloud quickly swallowed Bowser, Luigi, Peach and all of Bowser’s minions with no trouble at all. Afterwards, Count Bleck disappeared, leaving Mario alone in the castle.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 02:44:37 PM by GiftedGirl »
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2007, 02:44:35 PM »
(prologue pt2)

“Oh... ooohh... where am I?”

“Bleh heh heh heh! Glad to see you’re finally awake, Princess!”

Princess Peach slowly opened her eyes. She was unmistakably at a wedding. She was the bride... and LBowser was the groom! Just what the crap was going on?

At that moment, Nastasia, a woman with cat eye glasses and magenta-colored hair wrapped neatly in a bun appeared in the room. “Yeah, Count Bleck, all preparations are complete now,” she said to Count Bleck, who was hovering above a white altar between Peach and Bowser.

“Excellent,” the count said. “Then it shall be begun... by Count Bleck!” Wedding bells chimed as Count Bleck began. “Bowser, fearsome and ferocious King of the Koopas, will you take Peach to be your lawfully wedded wife ‘til your games be over?”

“Uh, let me think,” Bowser said. “HECK YEAH!”

Count Bleck then turned to Peach. “Princess Peach,” he continued. “Fair and noble princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, will you take Bowser to be your lawfully wedded husband ‘til your games be over?”

“Now, wait a minute!” Peach shouted. “Just what exactly is going on here?!!”

“Why, isn’t it obvious?” Count Bleck exclaimed. “This is your wedding day, Princess!”

“Oh,” she said. “But why am I marrying Bowser?”

Bowser chuckled. “Hey, no gripes on this side of the altar, man!” he said proudly. “I don’t get the details, but the count here went through a lot of trouble putting this together. Just relax, Princess. We’ll get married, we’ll be in love, it’ll be AWESOME!”

“No!” Peach yelled in disgust. “And just who picked out this awful dress?!! I wouldn’t be caught dead on the streets of Rogueport in this thing!” Suddenly, she felt as if her mind was being squeezed. She dropped to her knees, overwhelmed by the energy clutching her. Nastasia was doing some kind of mind control on the princess.

“Sorry, but being rude to the esteemed count is kinda frowned on around here.” Nastasia said. “Just be cooperative and say ‘I do’, ‘k?”

“Uhh... nuh... no...” These words shocked Bowser. How could she not want to marry him? He’s BOWSER, for cryin’ out loud!

“My, you’re a fighter, huh?” Nastasia said. “Sorry, but no one withstands my super hypnosis. ‘I do.’ Say it now, ‘k?” She tightened her mental grip on the Princess.

“Oh... oooooohhhhh.... aah...

That was the trigger. As soon as Peach said “I do”, strange dark energy seeped out of the altar between her and Bowser. Slowly, a black heart pulsating with evil energy pushed its way through the altar.

Meanwhile, in amongst the group of Bowser’s minions who were watching the precession, Luigi came out of being knocked out cold. “What’s going on here?” he asked. “Hey, why is Peach in a bridal gown???” He noticed the Chaos Heart. Okay, Luigi, he thought. Now’s your chance to prove yourself! He jumped up the steps leading to the altar.

“HALT!” he shouted at Count Bleck and Nastasia.

“And just who are you? ...asked Count Bleck.”

“Oh no, I don’t give my name to scoundrels!” Luigi shouted. “Now Luigi will punish you for your badness! Here I go!”

Nastasia was freaking out. “Yeah, I’m gonna need you to stop this, ‘k? If you interrupt this now—” But it was too late. Luigi jumped up, bounced off of Bowser’s head, off the Chaos Heart and landed at Peach’s side.

“Here’s where Luigi rescues the princess!” he exclaimed. “Wait... what’s going on?!!” The Chaos Heart had started going crazy and the whole room was shaking. A blinding light shone from the Heart’s center, then... everyone and everything disappeared. Count Bleck and Nastasia had managed to avoid the damage the Heart caused.

“Yeah, so, you’re alright, Count?” Nastasia asked.

“Yes,” he said. “I’m perfectly fine. And the Chaos Heart has been unleashed, just as the Dark Prognosticus predicted! Excellent! ...exclaimed Count Bleck.”

“Yeah, ‘k, so this means you can turn another page of dark prophecies...”

Count Bleck spread his arms wide and took control of the Chaos Heart. “Open your mouth, darkness!” he commanded. “Consume all worlds as told in the Dark Prognosticus! Bleh heh heh heh! BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK!”



Mario woke up to see that everyone had disappeared. The only one left in Bowser’s castle besides himself was a strange fairy thing floating in front of him. It had white eyes, white hair and rainbow wings with a dress to match. “Are you awake?” the fairy said. Judging by its voice, it was clearly female.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Mario groaned. “What—I mean, who are you, anyway?”

“Sorry,” the fairy said. “My name is Tippi. I am what is known as a Pixl, a sort of fairy. Mario, I came to find you...”

Mario stared at Tippi. “What do you mean you came to find me? Wait a minute... you’re with that guy who kidnapped Princess Peach, aren’t you?”

“I am no enemy,” Tippi said sincerely. “You met Count Bleck and he captured a princess and an evil king, right?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what happened!” Mario exclaimed. “How do you know these things?”

Tippi didn’t seem to hear that last bit. “Then that means that Count Bleck is even now beginning to form the Void... We haven’t much time. You must come with me. Yes, if your friends are to be saved, you must come.” Her wings glowed as Mario felt some sort of benevolent energy start to swallow up his feet. “Let us go...” And with that, she teleported them both to another world.


At the top of a beautiful white tower, an elderly man with a mustache down to his feet and a brilliant blue robe was waiting for someone. He didn’t have to wait long, though, for at that moment, a white glowing object about the size of an average man appeared before him. When the light subsided, the elderly man saw Tippi and Mario. “Oh ho!” the man exclaimed. “Well, well, well... Back so soon, Tippi?” He gazed at Mario with a look that clearly said he was impressed. “And what is this? Red shirt, blue overalls and a magnificent ‘stache! Incredible! Tippi, you’ve truly outdone yourself.”

Tippi nodded. “He matches the description of the hero in the Light Prognosticus perfectly. His name is Mario...”

Mario stared at the older man and exclaimed, “I know you! You’re Dumbledore! I thought Snape killed you! I can’t believe you’re still alive! Can you tell me some things about the new Harry Potter book coming out?”

The man chuckled. “I welcome you, Mario. This is the town of Flipside. You have come far from the Mushroom Kingdom of your dimension. Of course, our fair Flipside is in no dimension at all, but rather between dimensions! I am called Merlon. I am a descendant of the Tribe of the Ancients that built this town. I study ancient texts to forestall the end of all worlds.”

“So... no Dumbledore?”

“No, no Dumbledore. Though some people say I bear a certain likeness to his more recent movie actor.”

“Oh,” Mario said. “So what’s this about the end of all worlds?”

Merlon looked shocked. “You mean Tippi hasn’t told you yet?”

“No, she hasn’t.”

“Well then, Mario,” Merlon replied. “The answer hangs above you.”

They all looked up. There was a gathering cloud of darkness in the sky. “Do you see the gathering cloud of darkness in the sky?” asked Merlon.

“Yes,” replied Mario. He would have added something like, What am I, blind? Of course I see it! It’s kinda hard to miss. But since Mario was a polite man, he kept those comments to himself.

“It is a hole in the very dimensional fabric of space! Such a phenomenon,” Merlon continued. “Is it near or far? No one knows. It may appear small, but it will only grow as time goes on. It is the Void. In the end, it will swallow all existence, all dimensions, all worlds... This void was created by our enemy, Count Bleck, who wields the Dark Prognosticus.”

A fair and beautiful princess... A furious monster king...” Tippi said, as if reciting from a play script. “The union of these two will call forth the Chaos Heart, the consumer of worlds, and the Chaos Heart will ravage in the sky, and so bring forth the Void.

“Oh my.” Mario was at a loss for words.

“Yes,” said Merlon. “The passage Tippi just quoted is from the Light Prognosticus of my ancestors. The book also says this: The Void will swallow all... Naught can stop it... unless the one protected by darkness is destroyed. The hero with the power of the eight Pure Hearts will rise to the task... So it is written.” Merlon held up a glowing red heart that was pulsating with positive energy. “This is one of the eight Pure Hearts,” he said with pride. “You are surely the hero spoken of in the Light Prognosticus. You are the only one who can stop Count Bleck and save all worlds! Mario! Take this and save all worlds from destruction!”

“Sure thing, Merlon!” Mario replied. “I can’t just let all the worlds be destroyed when I know there’s something I can do about it!”

“Excellent!” Merlon exclaimed. “You are truly the hero spoken of in the Light Prognosticus! My eyes never deceive! So, Mario, our brave hero...” he cleared his throat. “Take this!” He thrust the Pure Heart into Mario’s arms. “Now, great hero Mario, your first task awaits. You must take this Pure Heart and place it in the Heart Pillar in this town. Tippi will lead you there. Return to me when your task is done.”

“This way, Mario...” Tippi led him to an elevator at the far left of the tower’s roof. He followed her and entered the elevator, which lead to the main floor of Flipside, where there was a shop and a fortune-telling house. Tippi beckoned him to another elevator and he followed. The second elevator led them to an upper level.

“The Heart Pillar is this way...” Tippi told Mario. But he didn’t need to be told where it was. He could see it with his own eyes. It was a tall, white pillar that was a little red at the bottom. It also had a heart-shape indention that matched the Pure Heart he had in his possession. He got close to the pillar and placed the Pure Heart in the indention. As soon as it was placed, immense waves of energy blew off of it, so immense that it almost knocked Mario on his overall-covered backside.

As soon as it had started, the energy coming off the pillar subsided. “Well done...” Tippi praised him.

“Thank you, Tippi.” Mario replied.

“Now let’s return to Merlon...” she said. And so they did.

The moment they returned to the top of the Flipside Tower, they noticed something that wasn’t there before: a bright red door. “Ah,” Merlon greeted them. “The two of you return!”

“Yeah,” Mario replied. “We’re back.” He smiled a pleasant smile.

“Anyway, this dimensional door that just appeared...” he motioned toward the red door. “This will lead you to the next Pure Heart.” He turned to Tippi. “Tippi, you must use your power to help Mario find the Pure Heart and return here.”

“Of course...”

”And Mario,” he turned back to Mario. “I have something to give you which will aid in your travels.” He handed Mario something that looked like a clay sculpture of a Warp Pipe.

“Uh, thank you,” Mario said. “But why are you giving me a pipe?”

Merlon chuckled. “With this pipe, you can return to Flipside from anywhere in the universe! Use it when you feel you must return in a hurry.” As Mario put the pipe in his pocket, Merlon continued. “The Light Prognosticus details that the hero will meet a ‘dimensional governor’, and from him, the hero will learn a dimensional technique. I am almost certain that this refers to my friend, Bestovius, the Flip Wizard. Now go forth through this door and seek Bestovius!”

So Mario went forth through the door, which is pretty strange as there was no one to go first, second and third through the door.


“BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK! The Void has been ripped in the dimensional fabric!”

In a dark and dreary castle, Count Bleck and his minions were having a little meeting about what was going to happen. Nastasia, as always, was right beside him. Across from them were O’Chunks, a burly muscle-bound man with shaggy auburn hair and an even shaggier beard; and Dimentio, a strange jester-like man wearing a cape and cap that shared a purple-n-yellow color scheme and having his face painted white on his right and black on his left, hair dyed to match, and an seemingly eternal smile.

“Yes, Count Bleck is pleased,” he continued. “All has gone as foretold in the Dark Prognosticus. Now it’s just a matter of time until all worlds meet their demise! Bleck!”

“Wow, that’s just super, Count!” O’Chunks said(who, by the way, didn’t really sound like himself, as if someone had taken out his vocal cords and switched them with that of a ten-year-old girl). “First you’ll erase all these naughty worlds, then you’re gonna build a perfect world without war and all that other icky stuff!”

“Yes, yes, no one likes the icky stuff...” Dimentio said(who, by the way, sounded like David Bowie. Just thought you should know.). “Yesss, a perfect world... sounds magical... Ah ha ha! I can hardly stand the wait!

“SORRY I’M LATE!” Suddenly, a man dropped in... literally. It was... another O’Chunks. The second O’Chunks noticed the first O’Chunks and his jaw dropped. “What in blazin’ bog rats?” he asked(sounding more like he should). “How’d I beat meself ‘ere? What’s goin’ on?!!”

Mimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimi... Oh, O’Chunks, you big silly!” the first O’Chunks said. “Didja oversleep or something?” “O’Chunks” then turned into an exact replica of Count Bleck. “I guess it’s hard to be on time when you’ve got muscles instead of brains!”

“‘EY! Yeh can’t fool me wit’ that crazy shape-shiftin’ hooliganry! It’s Mimi, innit?!!” O’Chunks looked at Mimi with anger in his eyes. “Show a little respect for the count! Yeh can’t go a’borrowin’ ‘is face, lass!”

Count Bleck, however, wasn’t upset. “Bleh heh heh heh... How delightful, Mimi. Almost as dapper... as Count Bleck!”

Mimi responded by turning into Princess Peach. “Aw, golly, thanks, Count! With you around, it’s nothing but big smiles all the time! Hanging out with the count! That’s my idea of a perfect world!” She blushed after saying this.

Dimentio rolled his eyes. “And here I thought Mimi’s ideal world was a gem-filled pool with hunky lifeguards...”

Mimi transformed into Bowser in rage. “HEY! DIMENTIO! HAVE YOU BEEN READING MY DIARY?!!” she screamed. “... I mean... um... never mind.”

“Bleh heh heh heh... Well, different strokes for different minions,” Count Bleck said. “After these rotten worlds are ended, Count Bleck will make all your dreams come true! But for that to happen, we must follow the instructions of the Dark Prognosticus.”

“Yeah, about that,” Nastasia told the count. “Just an FYI? I’ve got an important memo for your inbox. Apparently there’s been some unapproved interdimensional activity lately. Yeah. I’m thinking it’s the hero of prophecy. We’re gonna need an action plan for this guy.”

“A dimensional interloper! And possibly the hero?!! You are sure of it, Nastasia?” Count Bleck pondered for a bit. “Interesting, mused Count Bleck. We must put an end to this nuisance.”

“Count Bleck!” O’Chunks shouted. “Lemme get this right in me brain. The ‘ero Nastasia’s goin’ on ‘bout... he yer enemy? Then yeh gotta cut me loose on ‘im! Yeh gotta! I’ll give ‘im a taste of O’Chunks!”

“Very well, O’Chunks,” Count Bleck told him. “I leave the hero chunking to you. Do not fail Count Bleck.”

O’Chunks grinned broadly. “Yeh can count on me, Count!” he said. “I’ll rain down on ‘im like a fat thunderstorm! I swear it!” Then he turned to Dimentio and Mimi. “Mimi! Dimentio! Yeh should tag along! Yeh could witness a proper chunkin’!” He jumped down to a lower level and headed out.

“Mmm... I do enjoy a good chunking,” Dimentio said coolly. “Well, then... I believe I’ll head out as well.” With that, he disappeared.

“Bleh heh heh heh... So hero... you would defy Count Bleck? Then hurry, for your world’s end draws near... BLEH HEH HEH HEH BLECK!”


I was debating whether or not to put this here, but here it is. Yay. *clap clap clap* Okay, you people at the art museum, expect character sheets as soon as I get off my fat, lazy butt and finish the darn things. I’m a bum! Yay! Anyway, some things I should point out:

-All the characters are humans. Well, not quite. They’ll all be human-like. Floro Sapiens will still be plant based, Cragnons will still be rock people who worship Big Rock Who Watches, Squirps will still be an alien(my own generic alien species, Kindreds), etc, etc.
-If you want to know/even care, Tippi is a chibi. More specifically, my version of chibi, which have their hands not attached to their bodies and no whites/pupils in their eyes. I don’t even think they have toes. Ack.

And... that’s it. Stay tuned for chapter 1: Lineland!

Disclaimer: Characters and plot belong to Nintendo, humanized versions of characters belong to Jess aka GiftedGirl
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario


  • Banned
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2007, 02:41:42 PM »
Wow. It's, like, huge. And really good. And...huge. Did you say there's a 20,000 character limit?

« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2007, 10:29:46 AM »
Apparently there is. Ah well.

By the way, thanks! And sorry it's so big. ^^;
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2007, 12:28:07 PM »
Now, I give you... the first part of chapter one! And please, people, someone say what you think of this. I worked hard on this.

On the other side of the red door was something Mario could not believe. It was a beautiful, grassy road with strange, polygonal trees and beautiful flowers. There were birds flitting peacefully from tree to tree. It was hard to believe that such a beautiful place could be accessed from a door at the top of a tower.

“Okay,” Tippi said. “I think we should find Bestovius now...”

Mario grinned. “Okay, let’s go.”

“By the way, you can use my power if you need help. I can see into the spirits of people and creatures... and also reveal hidden objects,” Tippi told him.

Mario headed off, taking care to jump over the first Goomba he saw, with Tippi closely following him. He jumped up and hit a block containing a Mushroom. He ate the Mushroom. He needed that. Soon, they came to a door that was barricaded on all sides by unbreakable blocks. To a doofus, it would seem impossible to get over. But Mario was no doofus. He found a block near the barricade, jumped on the block and used it to gain clearance over the barricade. Now there was only one problem: how to get to the door. Oh well, we’ll worry about that one later.

Soon, they came to a house. “This has to be Bestovius’s house,” Mario said. “It’s the only house here!” They went inside to find... nothing. No appliances, no furniture... nobody. “Helloooooo! Anyone home?” Mario called out, expecting that Bestovius(or whoever lived there) was hiding behind a section of wallpaper or something. “No one’s home,” he finally said.

“This is not an empty house,” Tippi muttered. “There’s something here, I can feel it...” She slowly closed her eyes. When she opened them, a beam of rainbow-colored light shot out of them and shone onto the wall. She looked around with her eye beams and saw a hidden door. When the beams dissipated, the door was still there. “Okay, let’s go in.”

“Wow, that’s really cool!” Mario exclaimed.



They went through the door. In the next room were things one would expect to find in someone’s house: a table, vases with flowers in them and a person. The person, however, was not what you’d expect. He was wearing one of the strangest hats you’ve ever seen, accompanied by glasses that made you think of Elton John, a red-and-yellow cloak thing and a mustache fuller than Mario’s own lip fuzz. He was also standing in a big pink cloud. Gotta be Bestovius, Mario thought.

“Hmmmmmmmmmmm? What is this meager mustache that stands before me?” the strange man, apparently Bestovius, said. “And how does it have the audacity to address my multi-colored glory? How did these flimsy whiskers detect my secret door...?” He then noticed what Mario was wearing. “Wait right there! Red shirt, conspicuous white gloves, jaunty cap... Hah!” he shouted. “You are garbed in the cloth of the hero of prophecy! You must be the great HERO...”

Mario smiled.


Mario fell over.

“What a costume!” he chuckled. “You look like you leaped out of the pages of the Prognosticus!”

“But I always wear this...”

Tippi shook her head in disbelief. “This is Mario,” she told Bestovius. “He’s dressed like this because he is the hero. Merlon told us to find you...”

 “Merlon?!!” Bestovius exclaimed. “Only his full-bodied beard rivals my hairy magnificence...” He thought for a bit. “Well, if Merlon believes you to be the hero, then you probably are. I think...”

“Yes, I am,” Mario reassured him.

Bestovius cleared his throat. “Well, then. As the ancient prophecy foretells, I, Bestovius, will bestow upon you the ancient secrets of dimensional flipping... for a nominal fee of 10000 coins!”

“WHAT?!!” Mario shouted. “10000 coins, you can’t be serious! No one has that much money!”

Tippi was also upset about this. “That’s preposterous! You can’t charge to teach the hero of the prophecy!”

“Why not?” Bestovius asked. “Even the great and splendiferous Bestovius has certain... expenditures.” He coughed. “Why should the hero get the world delivered to him on a well-garnished platter? These heroes think they can get away with shaking people down for free skills. A mere 10000 coins should be nothing for a hero of the universe. What do you say?”

Mario only had one thing to say to him. “No way, you greedy jerk.”

“I see,” Bestovius muttered. “So be it. I will settle for just taking all the coins in your pocket. Do we have a deal?”

“Oh all right,” Mario said. All the coins in his pocket didn’t sound half as bad as 10000 coins. He fished around in his right pocket(he never put anything useful in his left pocket) and pulled out 5 gold coins. He handed them to Bestovius, who snatched them away jealously.

“Scintillating! Let us begin!” After he had pocketed the coins, Bestovius moved closer to Mario. He raised his hands in the air and began to say the ancient incantation.

Flimmidy flammidy flooom!

Diggidy daggidy dooom!

Zibbidy zabbidy zooom!



With those words, rainbow-colored lights twirled and danced around Mario, finally absorbing themselves into his body. It felt kind of nice.

“There!” Bestovius exclaimed. “I, Bestovius, have granted you the ability to flip between dimensions. If you concentrate hard enough, you can slip between the very fabric of space and flip between 2D and 3D! Mind blowing, isn’t it?”

”Yeah, it’s totally awesome!” Mario said.

“You can use this ability to find hidden items and secret paths,” Bestovius continued. “But be careful. If you use your new ability for too long... to be blunt, you’ll get hurt.”

“Okay, I got it. Flip to find secrets, but if I flip for too long, I’ll get hurt. Thanks for the tip.” Mario turned to leave... but then he decided to test out his new ability. He closed his eyes and concentrated very hard on switching dimensions... then suddenly, he was seeing things in a way he hadn’t seen them before. He noticed that Bestovius was flatter than he had first seen him. He also saw three things lying on the floor; a block with a flame on it, a can full of some sort of milkshake-like mushroom juice and a shell similar to the ones Bowser’s forces would use in battle. Assuming that Bestovius wouldn’t have left them there if he didn’t want Mario to take them(and he assumed correctly), he picked them up and put them in his pocket. Then he and Tippi exited Bestovius’s house and went along their merry way.

Eventually, Mario and Tippi had returned to the barricaded door. “Okay,” Mario said. “How are we supposed to get around this thing?”

“Why don’t you try flipping? That might get us somewhere,” Tippi suggested.

“Good idea!” Mario replied. “Why didn’t I think of that?” So he flipped. He then saw that the barricade had three pieces: a pillar of blocks on the far left, a matching pillar on the far right and a floating bar of blocks up above. Mario walked through the huge gap the flip had revealed and entered the door.

On the other side, there was more grass and trees like before. One of the few differences was that there was a Koopa wearing sunglasses and spiked bracelets... and it was heading straight for Mario and Tippi. Acting more out of habit than thought, Mario jumped on the Koopa. Tonk! Plonk! He knocked the Koopa into its shell and kicked it forward. It struck the many enemies in its path, clearing the way for Mario to continue. Eventually, he came to some pipes. Nothing he hadn’t dealt with before, but these were some pretty tall pipes. Mario couldn’t jump over them. Luigi, maybe, but not Mario. So he decided to flip around them. It worked. Plus, he got a nice Mushroom out of it, which was nice. He then jumped over a Goomba and a small bottomless pit. Another pit was ahead, but it was much wider and could not be crossed by just jumping. So Mario flipped, hiked over a couple of hills in the background and went through the door on the other side... after stomping an errant Squig, of course.

The next area had some hills. Some very big hills. Again, Mario couldn’t jump over them, so he flipped past them. The first one was fine, but behind the second one was... a MOB of Squiglets!!! Crap, though Mario. How am I gonna get past all these Squiglets? Then he remembered the items he had found at Bestovius’s house, one of which was the flame block he was currently digging out of his pocket. Unlike most men would do, he read the instructions on the back of it:

Fire Burst

Shake vigorously

Throw at enemies

Get out of the way

Mario shook the Fire Burst, as it was called, and threw it at the mass of Squiglets. A gigantic fireball rose from the spot where the Fire Burst had landed. The smell of bacon hung in the air around that spot for days. He passed the fried Squiglets and went through the next door.

In the next area were a couple of Piranha Plants and a block. Mario jumped over the Piranha Plants and hit the block. Inside the block had been a shining star, a Mega Star, which bounced away after being released from the block. Knowing what Stars in blocks were usually capable of, Mario grabbed it. As soon as he did, he felt a familiar surge of energy through his body. He became invincible, while being supersized. It was similar to the Mega Mushroom from one of his previous adventures.

Some things never change.

With the power of the Mega Star, Mario rampaged through the remainder of the area, stomping Goombas, Koopas, Squiglets and Squigs along the way as the Mega Star’s power dissipated, which was expected since it’s not fair to be invincible forever.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2007, 07:29:24 PM by GiftedGirl »
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2007, 01:46:26 PM »
Very good so far. I like the humorous touches ("I know you! You’re Dumbledore!" XD).
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2007, 10:24:20 AM »
Thank you! *hugs you* My human version of Merlon looks like Sir Michael Gambon, so I had to stick the Dumbledore joke in there. XD
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2007, 11:56:26 AM »
You're welcome. ^_^

Hey, if you ever feel that a hug wasn't enough, and wonder how else you could possibly thank me, you could always reply to my Super Paper Mario-related fanfic. *looks away and whistles* What? I didn't say anything!
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2007, 07:52:20 PM »
It's okay, I know what you mean. ;)
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2007, 08:19:34 PM »

So, since I haven't gotten chapter 1-2 ready yet but I have some character sheets up, I thought I'd post those instead. Here's twelve of my character design sheets for my version of SPM:

Count Bleck
Bestovius and Watchitt

I'm almost done with chapter 1-2, don't worry. ;) It'll be on as soon as I'm done, just keep your pants on.
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2007, 04:15:14 PM »
It looks like everyones in a Paper Mario mood. :)

« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2007, 03:49:31 PM »
A-yep. :D

Okay, the rest of the character sheets then I won't post here until I've got 1-2 done.

Mr L
Flint Cragley
Floro Sapiens
King Croacus
King Sammer
Sammer Guys
Queen Jaydes
Super Dimentio

Crap, I almost forgot! I did the Pixls, too. Here they are.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2007, 06:59:33 PM by GiftedGirl »
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2007, 04:20:28 PM »
I like your Mr. L, but Mr. L is my favorite SPM character anyway...


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2007, 06:09:16 PM »
Wow, nice character art! It's good to have the art so we can picture the characters. And speaking of which, I really need to do some artwork for my Super Paper Mario fanfic. Every time I try to do it, I find myself...not doing it. XP

I think Bonechill is my favorite. He looks like some evil dracula dark knight...thing.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2007, 06:12:13 PM by Reading »
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2007, 07:27:57 PM »
Thanx! :D I tried to base Bonechill off of the Devil's son from Ghost Rider.

I'm now making Fungi Forums-usable preview images for the chapter sections. I'm gonna add 1-1's image right now!
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2007, 05:16:59 PM »
*bump* Just so I don't lose this. :D
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2007, 10:03:53 PM »

Soon, the plumber and the fairy came to the foothills of Mount Lineland. The foothills were brown. Not much else to say about them. There’s a Koopa over there, but he’s not important. “I feel the Pure Heart is closer, but it’s still far away,” Tippi told Mario. “Something tells me you’ll have to put your new skill to use quite often here.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Mario replied. With that, they headed off. Mario jumped on that Koopa I mentioned earlier and kicked his shell into the Paratroopas that were behind him(I told you he wasn’t very important). He climbed over some hills and saw some rectangles flipping in a pattern; each one would overlap the next when they were all perfectly flat with one another, the area of the overlap being equivalent to a red square about the height of Mario, the square being in a spot where Mario could easily get to it. I mean, it was right beside him! Come on! ... Anyways, Mario stood in the red square and waited. Eventually, the flipping rectangles carried him up and over a high ledge of the mountain, where there was a switch blocked off by... a block. Mario flipped, stood in front of the block and hit the switch. The switch caused more hills to pop out of the ground, then the hike that happened earlier was basically repeated. He proceeded through the door on the next ledge.

In the next area, Mario climbed up some short ledges and jumped over a gap, stomping on a Koopa in the process. That Koopa was an uncaring jerk, anyways. Mario soon came to a hill that he couldn’t quite jump over. “Why don’t you try flipping here?” Tippi asked. “I can sense something in 3D...”

“Okay, I’ll try that.” Mario flipped and found four paper-thin Surprise Blocks, positioned as a small platform to get over the hill. Mario hit each block, producing a coin from each one, before jumping over them and clearing the ledge. Above the ledge he had just climbed over were some red floaty blocks. He jumped onto them and used them as a bridge, kicking Koopas along the way. On the other side of the block bridge were falling Spiky Tromps, spiked boulders that roll down hills in hopes of crushing travelers. No problem. Mario just flipped past them... literally.

Through a door past the Tromps, Mario and Tippi saw an impassable gap that was, well, impassable. “Well, darn,” Mario groaned. “Now how will we get any further?”

“I have no idea,” Tippi said. Then she noticed something green out of the corner of her colorless eye. “Hey, look at that...”

A Warp Pipe. “Perfect!” Mario jumped into the pipe, as he had so often done before. At the other end of the pipe was a house on a hill. When they went in the house, it was like someone had planted bombs in strawberries and set them off all over the house. It was very red and very empty. “Another empty house,” Mario said. “Great. Just flippin’ great.”

“That’s it!” Tippi exclaimed. “Mario, maybe you should try flipping here.”

Mario nodded. “Okay,” he said. “Maybe that’ll give us some answers.” He flipped into 3D. As he did so, he started to hear something. It sounded like someone panicking upstairs. Mario went up the stairs to see a man in a red guard’s uniform sitting on the bed, panicking. “Hey,” Mario called to the man. “Are you okay?”

Startled by Mario, the man looked up. A mix of joy and confusion appeared on his face. “You can see me???” the man asked.

“Well, yeah.”

“This is unbelievable!” the man exclaimed. “I’ve been freakin’ out for days and finally someone sees me!” He did a little jig.

“Really?” Mario asked. “What happened?”

The man explained. “A couple of mornings ago,” he said. “I roll out of the wrong side of the bed. Once I get my coffee, I realize I’m stuck in some freaky parallel dimension!”

“That’s not pleasant.”

“No, it isn’t. I’ve been hollerin’ and flailin’ for days, but no one could hear me... or even see me. Just when I was starting to think I’d be here forever, I see you! You just blipped in here out of thin air!”

“Yeah, I guess I did, didn’t I?” Mario chuckled.

“So, I was thinking,” the man said. “if you can do that, maybe I can hitch a ride back with you?”

“Of course!” Mario told him. He put two fingers on the man’s shoulder and flipped back into 2D, the man being flipped back as well.

“WHUH!” the man exclaimed. “We did it! I’m back to normal!” He did a miniature version of the Macarena out of joy. “Listen, you really bailed me out there! That 3D buisness was freakin’ me out!”

“Don’t you mean business?” Mario asked.

“No, I meant buisness. Anyway, the name’s Red,” Red replied. “If there’s any way I can repay you, just let me know.”

“Well, actually,” Tippi inquired. “There’s this huge chasm we need to cross.”

Red smiled. “So you wanna cross the chasm, huh?” he said proudly. “You found yourself the right guy! But... I can’t let anyone pass without my permission.”

“May we have your permission?” Mario asked.

“Ah, seen Labyrinth, I see.” Red said. “Well, you did save me from being trapped in a parallel dimension and all... Tell ya what. I’m gonna ask you a question. Get the right answer and you can pass.”

“Okay, what’s the question?

Red cleared his throat and asked, “What’s the most manly color in the entire universe? Red or green?”

Mario inwardly laughed at Red’s easy question. “That’s easy,” he answered. “It’s red, of course!”

“Yes, you are SO right!” Red exclaimed. He hopped over to the lever behind his bed and pulled it downward. After a few seconds, Red said, “Alright, you should be good to go. You take ‘er easy!”

“We will,” Mario replied. “Bye!” With that, Mario and Tippi left Red’s house. Outside, where there had once been the huge chasm, there was now a wooden bridge. They crossed it, no problem.

Past the bridge was Yold Town, a quaint little town... emphasis on “quaint”. The only buildings were a shop and three houses. Beyond the small town was another extensive canyon. A young woman walked up to Mario. “Hey,” she said. “Are you the legendary hero?”

“That’s what they call me around here,” Mario said, trying to be modest.

“I knew it!” the woman said. “Well, since you’re the hero, I’ve got some information for you. There’s a lot of secrets hidden in this town. Try and find ‘em!” With that, the woman went off on her merry way.

“Well... that was different...” Mario thought aloud.

Tippi shrugged. “Maybe that was a hint about something?” she suggested. After that weirdness, they explored the town a bit. They bought some things at a shop called Howzit’s, then they checked out some of the houses. One house in particular seemed very suspicious. There was no one living there and the only decoration was a strange fence-like thing. “Hey, Mario...” Tippi said. “Maybe this is what that young woman outside meant about secrets in the town... Why don’t you try flipping here?”

Mario nodded. He flipped into 3D and saw there was a Warp Pipe behind the fence-thing. Mario once again took the plunge into the pipe. Down the pipe was a secret chamber... okay, maybe not so secret. IT WAS FULL OF THWOMPS!!! “Eep!” squealed Tippi. “What do we do now???”

Mario stared at the Thwomps, a small smirk forming on his face. “You know something,” he said to no one in particular. “I get really tired of Thwomps. They always use the same tactics over and over, just falling from the ceiling. They never change. They’re very flat characters, if you know what I mean.” He winked, and Tippi knew what he meant... and later rolled her eyes at his joke. Mario flipped and ran past the paper-thin Thwomps, reaching the door they were guarding. They entered the door... but as soon as they did, bars materialized in front of them. They couldn’t get out!

“Oh no, we’re locked in!” Tippi cried. Then she noticed something, like a setup for a puzzle. There was a block on the floor and some sort of switch at the ceiling, high out of reach. There was also a giant treasure chest. “What do you suppose this is all about?”

“I don’t know,” Mario replied. “But I have a hunch that that chest over there might have a clue or something...” He approached the chest and opened it. At first, nothing happened. Then...

Sweet freedom!!!

A small man flew out of the chest. He looked similar to Tippi, though he had yellow orange hair and wore a suit and tie. He also had a monocle, just for the friggin’ heck of it. Five colored rings floated around his head, making him look very much like a hand. “Wait a moment,” the small man muttered to himself. “If I have been set free, the legendary hero must have done it!” He turned himself to face Mario and Tippi, doing a slight bow when he saw them. “I expressed concern when the Ancients stuffed me in that chest 1500 years ago,” he told them. “But it seems my fears were quite unfounded, for the hero has arrived at last!”

Mario stared dumbfounded at the chest dweller. “Wow,” he said. “Just wow.”

“Are you... a Pixl?” Tippi asked him.

“Why... yes! I am indeed a Pixl! My name is Thoreau!” The Pixl puffed his chest out proudly. “You are a Pixl as well?” he asked Tippi. “But you don’t look familiar... are you a new model?”

“Well... I... uh...”

“No matter! Details do bore me!” Thoreau replied. “What is important is that I’ve waited ages to lend my skill to the hero. And, glorious day, here you are! Do take me with you, you simply must!

“Okie-dokie,” Mario replied with a smile.

“Smashing!” Thoreau exclaimed. He flew in circles around Mario in pure bliss. “With me at you side, you may grasp objects and hurl them with great vigor! Simply throw me at something and there you have it!”

“Okay, throw you, grab something, throw the something. Gotcha.”

Thoreau smiled. “Why not take a moment to get acquainted with my useful talent?” he asked. “You’ll need to use it if you wish to get out of this room. Ready, steady, GO!” Mario had no idea what Thoreau meant by this, until he remembered the block and the out-of-reach switch. Thinking quickly, he threw Thoreau at the block, grabbed it and threw it at the switch. Almost instantly, the bars on the door disappeared! “Glorious day! Consider me fully at your disposal. Now, to adventure and beyond!” They exited the room and backtracked all the way to Yold Town. There was still the matter of the second impassable crevasse to deal with. Mario figured that to get across, they would have to speak with Yold Town’s mayor(as was often the case in these situations), so they searched until they found someone who seemed like the mayor: a crotchety, bearded old man wearing a blue robe and holding a cane.

“Whoozit?!!” the mayor exclaimed when they entered his house. “I’m the elder here, so watch it! Whaddaya want? Get off of my rug!” He shook his cane at them as he said this.

“Well,” Mario explained. “We were hoping to pass through town. We kinda need to do something, so please?”

The mayor scoffed. “Nothin’ but desert past here,” he told them. “That’s what this here is for. Yold Town. Keeps the treasure safe from you. Watch it! Can’t let you pass. See this lil guy in my pocket? He’s got somethin’ to say to you. Know what he says? WATCH IT! So give it up.”

“I think you’re misunderstanding us, sir,” Tippi spoke up. “You see, this is the hero of legend...”

“Hero of legend? Dumplings! If he was, which he’s <i<>not, he’d have a Pixl that’s shaped like a hand! You don’t, so there.”

At this point, Thoreau poked the mayor on his shoulder. “I beg your pardon, sir...”

“Oh, you do!” the mayor realized. “Course you do! You’re the hero! Knew it all along! I’ll give that Green feller a call. He’ll get you across.” The mayor took out his cell phone and hit a speed dial button. “Hello, Green? It’s me, Watchitt. I said Watchitt... WATCH IT! I said Watchitt, not botch it! This hero feller wants to cross the bridge. Yes, I told him about the grit. Ah... yes, let’s just keep that between us. Just let the mustache guy through.” He hung up his cell phone and shook his cane at Mario and Tippi once more. “Just get off of my rug and go talk to Green at the edge of town... WATCH IT!” Watchitt then smiled. “Well, looks like I can finally retire, ‘cuz my job’s done! When you’re in the desert, keep a watchful eye out for some ruins. The treasure is there. Nasty beasts, too. So WATCH IT!”

“Thanks, I will,” Mario replied. They left crotchety old Watchitt’s house and headed to the edge of town, where Green lived. Inside Green’s house, they found out that he really lived up to his name. Just about everything in his house was some shade of green.

“I got a call from Old Man Watchitt,” Green told Mario. “So you’re the hero guy, then? Right on! I’ll put the bridge across for you straight away!” He raised a lever, which raised the bridge outside. “There you go!” As Mario turned to leave, Green asked, “Mind if I ask you a question? Red or green, which is better?”

Mario didn’t really know how to answer this question. Personally, he always looked best in red, but that didn’t mean he didn’t like green. I mean, it could be big like a mountain or important like a river or tall like a tree... “Um... both?”

“WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!! TAKE YOUR INDECISIVE WAYS AND YOUR HIDEOUS RED ATTIRE OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!” And with that, Mario was kicked out of Green’s house. No matter. Petty things such as which color is better had no importance when the whole universe was at stake. He got up, brushed himself off and went onward across the newly raised bridge towards the desert.
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2007, 08:07:40 PM »
Very nice. I like the humor in this part as well ("I told you he wasn't very important" :P). I like the chapter images too.

I'm looking foward to 1-3. ;)
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2007, 12:58:37 PM »
Thanks! :D I'm trying to add a Jess touch wherever I can, while still staying fairly loyal to the original, so as not to be plagerizing.
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2012, 07:08:13 PM »
Ummm....not to be rude or anything, but when might Chapter 1-3 be coming out?
Me: AH! It's a landslide, KABOOM!!! *Gets hit by landslide*
Me: OW


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2012, 08:30:18 PM »
Call me racist, but I would not want to be operated on by a Bob-omb doctor.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse

« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2012, 09:11:09 PM »
I like to imagine he's been waiting patiently for five years before he got the courage to make that post.


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2012, 06:01:02 PM »
All this bump has done is remind me that Super Paper Mario was almost five years ago. Feels old, man.
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2012, 11:24:06 PM »
Try this one then: According to his profile, Dr. Bob-omb is about the same age as the original Paper Mario.

And on the day he was born, Duke Nukem Forever had been in development for over three years.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse

« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2012, 11:40:23 PM »
I hoped this thread would be about a song about Super Paper Mario, written and recorded in the style of the infamous [dukar]core punk musician GG Allin.
YYur  waYur n beYur you Yur plusYur instYur an Yur Yur whaYur

« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2012, 11:25:59 AM »
