
Author Topic: "Mushroom Kingdom Menace" fanfic series (Now Finished)  (Read 12899 times)

« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2007, 02:51:27 PM »
Part 13

[The room that the troupe climbed into is much fancier than the run done house from earlier. It’s decorated into red and has a patterned carpet. A double bed lies in the corner. They are sitting by a brick fireplace that is not lit while discussing what happened.]

Mike Explained to the Mario Bros on how in the time they were in, there were two religions that divided the people of a former kingdom. One was the unchanged belief of what Mike referred to as the Golden Power. The other was a new belief spreading rapidly and related to the stars. It was the current belief of the Mushroom Kingdom people. And then he explained to the Marios on how a series of heroes and miracles emerged from the triangular power.

Mario: But Mike, if these miracles happened with this “triangular power” then why do the stars grant wishes and other things?

Mike: scholars debate that. Some say it was branched off from the gods’ power and others say a ridiculous theory of how the gods transformed themselves into stars and the power arose. Nobody really knows what happened, and besides that isn’t my field anyways. All I know is the conflict between the orthodox and changed believers.

Luigi: Great and we are stuck in the middle of an orthodox town too.

Mike: It’s a good thing that ladder was there; otherwise we would have met certain doom.

Mario: But won’t they find us eventually? We can’t-a hide forever.

Mike: Yeah you are right; we are going to have to sneak out at night when they are all asleep. We will wait just a little longer until nightfall and we will escape.

[Cut to the town meeting area]

A meeting is going on now; discussing about the “invaders” and “sinners.” The entire town is packed into a tiny square and is around the triangular fountain. The mayor

Townsman 1: Sense them I can, far away they are not.

Townsman 2: T’is a bold statement, I swear into thin air they disappeared.

Townsman 1: Haha, a fool you be. No wizard of nether could cast upon a spell so profound you see.

Mayor {Shouting}: Hear ye! Stop making what thou art doing! {Climbs upon a podium} These fiends escaped our grasp they have. But their crookedness shalt be punished to the maximum extent of the gods’ will! Tonight we will find them and destroy them!!!!!

[The crowd is rallied up and screaming; they are ready to kill]

Night had fallen and the group was sure that the town was fast asleep. The storm they had seen earlier had reached. The sky was dark and rain was pouring down. All three of them climbed out the window slowly; making sure they would not make a sound. At first they had thought they were lucky nobody was home at the time of their hiding. What they didn’t know of was that the reality was that the entire town had been gathering in the centre of town, preparing to strike the group to their deaths…

[Cut to the townspeople a few streets down]

Crowd: Kill the sinners! Kill the sinners! The gods’ will it!

The crowd was carrying typical angry mob accessories including torches and pitchforks. However the brainwashed attitude and their blood thirst was vampirish. It was as if there had been a drought of bloodshed from the protestants and orthodox were out to drink it. Everyone was yelling louder than a bomb blast, and there was a type of hate and anger nobody else could feel but them.

[A few miles from the crowd]

The troupe was completely unaware of what was going on a few streets down from them. Quietly, they walked briskly toward the crowd of putrid hatred and baseless rage.

Mario: Do you-a hear that-a n-noise?

Luigi: Yea-yeah-a, it sounded like-a……


It was the crowd heading steadily towards the group. Their movements became sluggish as they approached but no signs of fatigue were present. Blood rushed to the mob’s faces as the hypocrites advanced towards the Mario Bros and the Koopa.

Mike: I can’t believe this! Run away!

All 3 ran down a full street until a few moments later, Mike tripped and fell. By the time the Mario Bros realized what happened, they had ran down an ally to hide. By this time, Mike had been snatched away.

Mario: That was a close one Mike…..Mike? {Looks around confused} Uh oh…….

[Mike has been dragged back down to the town jail]

Townspeople: Let’s kill him and make him pay! Yea! Boo! Murder this mister!

Mayor: Now wait we aren’t going to kill him, at least not as yet

Townspeople: But these are the sinners we seeked?

Mayor: Nay! This is ONE of THREE sinners thou all seeketh. T’is not of wisdom to kill the sole captured being. Press information out of him must we, or else a waste of time would be he.

[Back at the front of the town centre]

Mayor: Now as ye can hear, we have three devices of torture here that have been brought from our jail. Thy life and lives of thy friends are all at stake. Tell us what thou art able to tell and we shalt spare thee. Seal thy lips with threads and we shalt torment thee.

Mike: Fools……

Mayor: Now listen here my enemy. Shutting thy lips will cause thee to await thy doom at a pace much slower. Thou shalt be put forth near the spears of our executioner. Then hooks will peirce thy skin. And if thou still refuse to give your information, t’is accurate to say a fiery death awaits thee, as a stake thou shalt be burnt at you see.

There had been grave pressure put upon Mike. In his own time, it was a well known fact that he was a coward and often unintentionally leaked information. However he had to put this all behind him. Mike didn’t want to let the Mario Bros die, but he also didn’t want to die himself. He briefly thought about it, while under extreme anxiety, and then in the end blurted out without thinking:

Mike: Go to hell! And I bite my thumb at you all! I’d rather die than betray them.

 Mayor: So be; bring him toward the devices of execution.

Mike was pierced with a spear and then hooked. However being a koopa, he was as tough as rocks and it didn’t hurt very much when he brought forth. The fire on the other hand was nothing to be dealt with as it could burn anything up within seconds. He was tied to a stake and bundles of wood were thrown at him to accelerate the burning process. Mario and Luigi desperately searched for him but by the time they reached him, it would have been too late…

[Cut to a few streets away from the town centre]

Mario: Where in the world could Mike be?

Luigi: Wait, do you smell something coming from the centre of town?

Mario: Yeah I do….it smells like smoke………………………..EEP! The crowd had torches! RUN!!!

Luigi: Wait a moment, that doesn’t smell like torch fuel at all! It smells like wood burning!

Mario: You don’t suppose…..well…you know?

Luigi: Yes I do think what you are thinking! We need to save him!

The Mario Bros ran toward the centre of town to the fire and discovered the stake being burned. But something was out of place when they arrived. First and foremost, Mike who had been tied very tightly but his burnt up body nor his bones were present near the site of the burnt stake. Then they looked up and saw the town hall on fire as well.

Mario: What is going on here?

?????: Hey you! Get on!

Mario turned around and saw a figure in some metallic armor riding something. Mario looked closer and saw Mike riding on as well. Mario turned around and saw many townsfolk fleeing the centre of town due to the fire. He and Luigi both noticed a few mangled bodies even.

Luigi: Okay, tell us what is going on here right now!

?????: In a moment

Mike: Just get on guys!

The Mario Bros hopped on and saw that they were on some sort of big, 4-man Yoshi. However this Yoshi had a shell rather than a saddle. The person in the armor was a Knight but noticeably a blonde female with long hair. Though the Mario Bros felt they had seen here before.

Out of the town they rode, leaving behind all the chaos caused by the fire the Knight had set. Once again the Mario Bros demanded an explanation.

Mike: I had gone through 2 torture devices and the final one would have been fatal. They tied me to a stake to burn me to death when this Knight showed up and saved me. She beheaded the executioner and untied me before the wood bundles truly went up in flames. Then to stir up a distraction the Knight lit the town hall on fire and killed some of the more rabid townsfolk.

Mario: Who are you? Why did you do this?

Knight: The name is Lucia of Royele, last niece of the Royal family before it collapsed 50 years ago.

The Yoshi: She is a beliver of the stars as well as I am

Mario: Whoa! You didn’t say this Yoshi was intelligent!

Lucia: You never asked

Mario: Okay STOP RIGHT THERE! I need a few things in my mind straitened out and I’ll bet Luigi needs to know them too. {Steps off the Yoshi}

« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2007, 04:28:09 PM »
Part 14

Mario demanded a full explanation and got one more detailed than he possibly imagined. It turned out that this “past” was actually part of a kingdom called Hyrule. Roughly 100 years ago, the land had begun to change and change due to some phenomena. The drastic changes could not be explained by the Knight and Yoshi however. Then they went on to explain some of the history of Hyrule, and a little bit more information about the Golden Power.

Mario: But if the triforce is the true power of the gods, then how come the 7 stars exist?

The Yoshi: The sages…..they appointed a vassal in this world for each of them to guard the entrance to the sacred realm. The 7 stars were created by these vassals and contain some of the gods’ power. They act as a substitute for the triforce but also are a gate to the Sacred Realm. When they are all brought together at a certain location, the sacred realm will open. But I sense them within you Mario and the rest!

Mario: Wait! I didn’t even introduce myself! Wait; tell me who you are first.

The Yoshi: The name is Joseph Vista, a Yoshi of the rare shell bread and I am quite proud of my rare dark brownish skin with faint Orange. My bread has a tendency to be smart and an ability to read minds, or have other physic powers. In my case I can see into any event into the past, present, or future; though I can’t change it because if I attempt to change it, nothing will happen.

Mario: Wait a moment, if we have come back in time, that doesn’t make any sense!

Joseph: Events up until the next millennia! {Disappointment shrouds on his face}. It is possible for events to be altered by going back in time though. I have to say that I never expected this to happen.

Mike: Just a question, how did you know of our presence?

Joseph: I could feel the stars in two places at once. After all, it is our duty for Lucia and me to help the vassals guard the stars. When I felt the duel presence, I couldn’t help but to think something was wrong. And I sensed them right within you Mario. I can’t imagine anyone else not being suspicious.

Mike: About the gods and the stars….

Joseph: The gods still exist, just not in their original form. We are not the ones to explain that. The sages and vassals however are…..wait! The vassals! We need to help them!

Lucia: Step on it Joe! {Worry}

*Joseph Vista rides fast towards the west, and very fast

Mario: Wait! Let me get back on! {Jumps on} What is the meaning of this now?! {Shock}

Lucia: Kamjikuru! He is steeling the stars! Joe predicted this would happen and we were going to be prepared.

Luigi: Who is Kamjikuru?

Mike: You don’t mean THE Kamjikuru? Founder of the Koopa dynasty and first magikoopa?

Joseph: That would be him; he is the first of his kind and only kind as of now. He has been trying to steel the stars for an eternity and this is supposed to be his chance! Me and Lucia intended to stop him but….but you guys had to arrive and make us forget to do our guarding duty today!

Lucia: You fools! You fools!

Luigi: Hey, it wasn’t our fault we got sent back in time. A bizarre series of events unfolded that lead to this. If your Yoshi could predict the future beyond 1999, then he would understand that!

Joseph: No forget about that! It isn’t his fault, but we NEED to save the stars! Hang on tighter and pull forward to the front so I can run faster!

Joseph ran as fast as he could to the site of the sages’ vassals in the sacred grove. His speed was amazing but the interference the Mario’s caused him and Lucia was disastrous. By the time they arrived, Kamjikuru the Magikoopa had ravaged the site…

[When reaching the site, they all jump off Joseph]

The troupe and the Knight with her stead were all too late. The Mario Bros weren’t quite sure who the Kamjikuru character was, but by the amount of destruction seen at the sacred grove, it was obvious that this was one powerful Magikoopa. The trees around it had been lit on fire and were completely black. And for the record, almost every remaining arc was no more. An area of ruins was in complete ruin

Lucia: Wow, this place has been in ruins for a long time….but…..but it is now completely gone! Everything! Even the statues guarding the old master sword pedestal are all gone too!

Mario was about to open his mouth asking what that was, but Mike opened his and said “Don’t ask. That isn’t important….at least not now.”

Joseph: The vassals! Look! [Spots the vassals lying on the floor and runs up to them] What….what happened! What did Kamjikuru do!
Vassal 1: Ow my head! AH! Oh, its you Joseph

Vassal 2: Lucia and thee were….to late! Kamjikuru ravaged the site!

Luigi: Can I please learn more about this Kamjikuru character?

Vassal 3: I suppose ‘tis duty of ours to speak of him. The right to know they all deserve. Hiding his true identity will be no more.

Lucia: Speak in Toad Town Vernacular you old timers!

Vassal 4: Very well, but there is one thing I’m worried about. I feel as if these heroes that showed up altered the past somehow…..oh mercy to the gods! Look!

Everyone looked at the Mario bros and saw that their hands were slightly dull and faded.

Mario Bros: What! What is happening! WAH!

Vassal 5: Surely Kamjikuru intends to kill your descendants.

Mario Bros: WHAT?! Hey wait, how do you know who we even are?!?!

Vassal 6: The sages….somehow they knew this day would come. They sensed a disturbance in time.

Vassal 7: I think it is time we explain the whole deal about Kamjikuru

The vassals then went on to explain that he was once a follower of Ganon before a great incident with the triforce that occurred 100 years ago that transformed the land. Ganon had died once and for all, but his chief follower remained. He had been one of the koopas that had evolved out from older species of Hyrule but because of the triforce’s recent warping of the land, a strange power arose on him and he gained magical powers unlike any being before. Strong they were not terribly but his spells were completely new. With his new power and stuck up mind that only worked alone, he rose through Power during the 100 years transition from Hyrule to the Mushroom Kingdom and has been trying to be stopped since.

On this day, Kamjikuru would attempt to enter the sacred realm and become the new possessor of the triforce. With the seven stars and triforce combined, he would be invincible and unstoppable. The world would be his. The event that occurred was supposed to be prevented by Lucia and Joseph, as they were picked by the sages themselves to guard the vassals and keep order to the land for their generosity and skills in fighting. However with the Mario Bros arrival, Lucia and Joseph were both distracted, and Kamjikuru finished the vassals and the sacred grove off once and for all. The vassals explained then that he had stolen each of the vassals’ stars that they all carried and entered the sacred realm with 2 others. The two others part of the story though, caught Mario and Luigi off guard.

Mario: 2…..2 others?

Luigi: You don’t-a think it could be….oh no.

Mike: If you guys are thinking what I am thinking, then we are in big trouble.

Lucia: Who! Who are you talking about! Tell me now!

The original Troupe simultaneously: Bowser…and Kamek….it has to be them….who else would Kamjikuru if he is so stuck up like you said let outsiders help?

Joseph and Lucia: Wait we won’t let this speculation go any further without proof. What were their appearances?

{The vassals all explain Bowser’s and Kamek’s appearance in grave detail}

Luigi: It’s-a them! They got-a sent back in time with us! And I’ll bet-a they are helping Kamjikuru for the sole purpose of self gain since he founded the Koopa dynasty!

Mario: We are disappearing slowly; we wouldn’t have a choice to stop them even if we didn’t want to.

Vassals: We see the power of the seven stars within all 3 of you though. If you may let us, we will let you enter the Sacred Realm to stop the 3 villains.

{The Mario Bros and Mike glow white and specks of stardust emerge out of them. The seven stars reform in what looks like a ball of a small explosion. Then they rotate to the ground and give off beams above them. A blue light forms around what was once the Master Sword pedestal, the Sacred Realm’s gate opened.

Joseph: I’m coming with you; the past may be destroyed thanks to you all and my mind reading is now cloudy, but I can feel this will all be for the better.

Lucia: Hmmmph, I suppose so. I regret doing what I did now but sitting around here won’t get anything done.

Various Vassals: You will join this troupe and help them. Without you two, things may have turned out very different. They need you, and you need them. Together, the five of you can make it through the sacred realm. Please note that because the triforce’s safety is crucial, you will be transported away from this location to the other side of Hyrule no matter what. Good luck to everyone. Oh wait! Take these (The vassals hand the troupe moon shaped pendants) they will prevent you from transforming in the sacred realm as the triforce has the power to do so.
And then all five of them stepped into the blue light at the same time; it sucked them up and made a stretching effect to their bodies, and they entered the Sacred Realm.

« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2007, 06:08:06 AM »
Part 15

The troupe transitioned from the RPGish yet Cartoonish world they were previously in, into a surreal world that had dark blue cliffs and shiny water. The ground was purple, and the sky was black. This was the true sacred realm as it should have been. The area the group had been placed in though wasn’t the same as the sacred grove though. It perhaps was the former site of Lake Hylia. Rather it was quite a distance away from it and was practically on the other side of the map. But oddities closer to the grove were scene in the distance….

Luigi: Wow, I feel like I’m in a dream world!

Mike: And that black narrow trail of darkness to the right reminds me of a nightmare! What the hell is going on?

Lucia: So, this was the corruption the vassals told me of.

Mario: Corruption?

Lucia: They told me and Joe that when a cold soul enters this sacred realm, they leave behind a dark trail temporarily that blackens the area where they walked. And I have a serious hunch to who left this.

Joseph: I sense the 7 stars in that direction! It has to be the ones we seek! Hurry up and we can catch them off guard!

The troupe ran down the path that was blackened. Halfway across Hyrule they probably ran. The trees within the black area were dead, the ground had no light on it, and the whole area was nothing more than shadows. However soon the trail disappeared and a problem arose.

Lucia: Dammnit! The trail is fading away! Now we will never find them. {Looks ahead} I mean, look how THICK the woods ahead are. And the vassals told me you have to go through these woods, into a cave, and into ANOTHER forest to reach the chamber of the triforce. 

Luigi: We have to do WHAT?!

Joseph: We have made it this far. You have to remember that the sacred realm isn’t fully corrupted and creatures of evil are not about. I’m sure if we travel in a straight line we will all be fine.

Mario: It’s worth a shot. Let’s do this!

They all entered the dark and misty forest; thinking getting lost wouldn’t happen if they stuck together. Unfortunately, their vision was dense, and getting through the forest successfully would be impossible. Their directions could not be conceived. Traveling at the slightest angle would be enough to through an explorer off, and the density of the fog was so thick, the visibility was a mere two meters. Soon, every single member of the troupe would be lost……

Mario: That was my foot!

Luigi: Sorry, I can’t see it. Have my eyes gone sleepy?

Lucia: Don’t you know anything about forests and mist you two! Mario? Luigi? Where did you guys go? Have you seen them Joe? Joe? Uh oh…..

[Cut to Joseph’s and Mike’s perspective]

Mike: Great, this is perfect; caught in a mist and separated from the group

Joseph: I hate being alone! I can’t stand it! If you weren’t here I would go crazy.

Mike: Well….let’s just try to find at least an exit to the place. Let’s go!

Joseph: Wait Mike! You don’t know what you are doing at all! Mike? MIIIIIIIKE!

[Cut to Mario’s perspective]

Mario: Come on Luigi, you still haven’t apologized for what happened just now…..Luigi? LUIIIIIIIGIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!

Luigi: {At a great distance} THIS ISN’T FUNNY MARIO! MAAAARIOOOOO!

Mario: Luigi? Where are you!

Luigi: {At a great distance} We must have gotten separated due to this annoying fog. Follow my voice!

[Cut to Lucia’s perspective]

Lucia: Dangit I dropped my sword! I had that lantern somewhere. Great, why didn’t I pull it out beforehand?! {Lights the lantern and sees a wolf-like figurine in front of here} AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGG!!!!!!

[Cut to Joseph’s perspective]
Joseph: Wait Mike! Stop wherever you are now!

Mike: {At slight distance} Sorry, I got carried away. {Heads slowly back to Joseph}

Joseph: Fleeing like that is extremely dangerous. Don’t you have ANY common sense Mr. Brains?!

Mike: Don’t yell at me like that! I get nervous when I’m lost! When I used to hike with my bro all the time, I would get lost and freak out! Then….then he would find me and save me…..bro……………*sobs*

Joseph: Mike, what are you talking about? Is there a more personal reason to why you are helping the Mario Bros out?

Mike: I’ll….I’ll tell you everything……..

[Cut to the Mario Bros perspective]

Mario: Luigi! You are safe!

Luigi: I’m so glad we weren’t too far away. PHEW

Mario: Hey, do you hear chatter?

Luigi: I….I do! It is coming from over there!

They both ran over to the voices they heard and discovered Mike and Joseph talking about Mike’s loss.

Mike: And that is why I have to help them. They are all I have left as help; I figured if I can help them, it would be an honor!

Luigi: Wow! What a statement!

Mike: Mario! Luigi! You found us!

Luigi: And I’m glad I did

Distant screaming: HEEEEELP!

Joseph: Lucia?

Lucia’s scream for help was heard by the four of them, and it wasn’t pretty. After some brief confusion, wolf barks were heard as well. Then a lantern light was visible and Lucia charged into the area where the rest were.

Lucia: {Running} you wolf *******! Get away and attack someone with a weapon for the gods’ sake!

The Wolf: Why don’t you calm down first?


The Wolf: I think a nice explanation will be needed. And I’ll answer all your questions…

« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2007, 02:52:40 PM »
And the wolf told his story of how Kamjikuru, Kamek, and Bowser completely ravaged him.

Wolf: I was in human form at the time. There were three figures I saw entering the sacred realm at the time. I asked them who they were first but then I noticed I black trail around them. My initial reaction was that they were an evil corruption, so I attacked fast. A few minutes later after severely hacking up the one with a greenish garb and brownish-black skin, another one that was incredibly large grabbed me, pounded me in the head. All three of them combined a strange magic that tossed me up in the air. Bombs ignited as well and through me even further, until I landed in this very forest’s edge, unaware of what happened.

Luigi: That’s quite….a hyperbole

Wolf: Well it happened. And I’ll lead you out of this fog. There is a cave at the edge of the forest that leads to the main temple containing the Tri-force.

Mario: How would you know that’s what they are looking for?

Wolf: That’s what, they always look for. Always…

The group traveled through the dense forest and to a large cave with a small entrance. It stood to be 100 stories tall and had rocks at the top of the entrance that looked like teeth.
 They walked into the dark gray cave, and started to fall…a great distance. When they reached the bottom, the hero changed into human form but it was too dark to truly see his physical appearance.

Luigi: Wah-what! What is this place! I feel claustrophobic in this narrow area! {Runs through the passage, only to discover a large area of vegetation} Wow! This is huge.

Lucia: So this is that underground passage-way to the Temple of Gold and Time…

In the cave, everything was damp but not dark. Large holes in the ceiling of the cave provided decent light, and Creatures were filled in the caverns galore; every Zelda themed creature plus a few Metroidish creatures were all present in the cavern. Featured in the cave were many alternating paths but the group decided to stick with the most well lighten route. The group ran through the cave for about a mile until they came to a sudden halt.

Luigi: {The current area is dark and he runs into Mario} OWWW!!!!

Mario: Hey! That was my foot!

Joseph: Will you two shut up? There’s a giant wall in front of us and it looks unstable!

Mario: Hey! How can you see in the dark?

Joseph: we Yoshi’s tend to see in Dark environments better than humans. And I assure you, that wall is cracked all over and is very unstable

Suddenly a vivid and hard rumbling was heard and the rock wall collapsed directly on the hero whose face had not yet been seen. The darkness had suddenly disappeared, as a grave explosion lit up the room, and the wall slowly came crumbling down. The explosion was so large that it knocked the Hero backwards into the rocks, and part of the ceiling caved in, lighting up the room.

Mario: AHHHHGGGG!!!!

Luigi: Hmmmmmphhhhhhh!................

The Mario Bros suddenly faded out for a brief second and then regained themselves a moment later; right after the hero got knocked into the rocks and was nearly crushed into the wall. After the Hero had gotten up, a squeaky voice from where the explosion was heard:

???: Joseph Vista, Lucia of Royale, and a possible one of many chosen Heroes of Hyrule? Ha ha ha, I haven’t seen any of you in so long. {The figurine walks into the light, revealing a red cloaked-magikoopa with subtle differences to a modern one such as no glasses and more warts}

Lucia: Kamjikuru!

Kamjikuru: You don’t think I traveled to this country all those years ago just to be defeated do you? This time, I got a boost from the present! And you won’t defeat me again either. Hey you idiot descendants! Come hither! NOW!

 [Bowser and Kamek walk out of the shadows from behind Kamjikuru]

Bowser: IDIOT?! Who are you calling an idiot? It was me who noticed that blackness cast from us!

Kamek: And it was my idea to wait for these guys by setting up this phony wall too!

Kamjikuru: Baka no Bowser, Baka no Kamek….are you two just going to sit here? GO! FIGHT! NOW! [Kamjikuru casts a spell to boost their performance]

Kamek: You idiot! It’s supposed to be Kamek no Baka! And I’m not stupid! 

With the performance spell, the villains completely pounded the troupe. Mario and Luigi did not last too long, as they walked into the light and gave their position away. Lucia and Joseph snuck up on the villains but attacked a dummy/clone instead. They were also defeated. Mike and the Hero remained but Mike being the coward in lone situations he was, fell quickly and was taken out with one swipe that he didn’t even bother to dodge.

The hero only remained and managed to fend off the villains from stealing the 7 stars of the present that they had...for a short period of time. The hero knocked Bowser and Kamek out cold when they were not looking; and so the mysterious hero and Kamjikuru remained, both ready to fight; armed and dangerous.

Hero: So, I see my arch nemesis hath teamed with thou men of descent.

Kamjikuru: Bah, you haven’t changed……Link.

Link: That’s a name I haven’t been called by for a long time {Draws sword}

Kamjikuru: You couldn’t defeat me all those years ago, and you will never defeat me now! {Casts up a spell that makes him taller and draws a magic sword made out of energy}

Link: So let it be {their swords clash together. Because of the energy beam of Kamjikuru’s sword, several sparks of various colors fly and light the room constantly}

Kamjikuru: You ruined my master’s dreams and I swore vengeance {pulls sword away and tries to stab forward. Link flips back}

Link: Vengeance is a terrible thing you know {swipes a short jut}, it can make you do things you would never normally do {Dodges a spin attack}

Kamjikuru: He was a great man! And you completely destroyed him {Makes a huge offensive attack forward. Sparks fly as multiple defensive counter-attacks are made}

Link: He had to be; otherwise all hope for Hyrule would have been lost.
Kamjikuru: You… murderer! {He manages to slash Link as he tries to roll and slice. He only chips him a little bit but makes him drop his defense. Kamjikuru then casts out a spell while his guard is down that knocks Link onto his back flat. Then Kamjikuru removes the stars of the present from the Mario Bros. Bowser and Kamek wake up and they begin to flee the cave}

While he fell in the end as well, he managed to preserve one single star from falling into the hands of the enemy. Link when lying on his back, reached out and grabbed one of the 7 stars, right before the villains leave the vacinity. Lucia and Joseph awakened and helped the Link carry Mario, Mike, and Luigi out of the cave…

[A few minutes later]
Link: Wake up you fools!

{When they awake, they see themselves outside the cave in the light. It is clearly the other side of the cave as there isn’t as thick brush. Instead there lies a path. The hero, who is obviously one of many Links throughout Hyrule’s history, has a very similar in appearance to the Mario Bros, but looks slightly different. His hair is blonde, his eyes are a little different, and nose is slightly smaller. But all else is still there, right down to a very familiar mustache.}

Mario: What…what-a happened? Where did Bowser and those other guys go?

Link: They took off with the stars. I managed to fend them off with my sword and some spells for a brief period of time but all but one of the seven stars of your time were taken by them. I don’t know what will happen if they intersect with the ones of my present, but I figured it would not be good. So I defended that last one with all my strength. Yet what they plan to do with the stars can not be good. They act as a gateway to the sacred realm, and possess the power to destroy the most violent guardians of the triforce chamber. We must not let this happen….

« Reply #19 on: November 11, 2007, 08:53:48 AM »
Part 16

Joseph: Recall if my memory serves right but this is the path to the Temple of Time.

Luigi: Wait; temple of…time?

Joseph: It was built not long ago to hold the triforce in a new location. Bad things have happened before in its previous location, which is why it was moved to this sacred grove area.

Lucia: And by the way, I can’t believe that you got your asses kicked so hard back there! If you plan to take on three at once, you guys need to use teamwork! Not individually charging at those guys. In a three on one, the lone solider will almost always lose.

Link: Will you all stop with your mindless bickering and trivial lectures? All of you got pounded into the ground! None of you used teamwork. There is no time to waste, time is running out, and without time, we will have no purpose.

The Heroes’ time was short, thus their urgency to race to the temple surpassed even the grand escape from the doom-ship and encounter with Giga-Bowser. They ran through what was a forest that was thinning up, but familiar. The trail lead eventually into a temple that resembled appearance to the temple at the light world’s sacred grove, but it was not halfway destroyed. Instead, it was vibrantly made and well constructed out of marble, diamond, painted bricks, and even sticks and clay. It was very obvious based on how the varying architecture of the many times, that this was that temple holding the Triforce. Something was out of place however.

Luigi: But why would the triforce be in a place like this? It doesn’t make any sense for it to be in a place about time.

Lucia: Questioning the mysterious is not why we are here. We need to get into there and destroy those villains immediately. I don’t know what they plan to do with those stars but Joe and I will fail our mission and duty without them.

Mike: Something is not right about this. I don’t know why but something about the temple’s exterior doesn’t fit….yes! Look! That mirror is broken!

Link: I hadn’t noticed! That mirror up there is a replica of a famous mirror on the inside of the temple. It is said to represent time. But the mirror on the wall is….broken!

Mario: What? What does that mean?

Luigi: It means seven years of bad luck, which is not good. Me and Mike will be going now

Lucia: Hold it! I object you leaving you cowards! And it is “Mike and I,” learn some grammar!

[Cut to the entrance hallway of the temple.]

Inside the temple, an intricate and narrow entrance hallway is revealed. The walls are made of marble, and the floor is so shiny and polished that the group’s reflections can be seen as clear as a mirror against the black limestone.

Luigi: I’ve never seen such a remarkable room! The columns, those arches on the side, the classic architecture! I love it all.

Mario {looking ahead into the hallway}: Hey, is there supposed to be piles of dust sitting around here?
Link: Oh great… {Runs over to the piles of dust, as he looks around, he sees that there are smashed statue guards everywhere} those fiends took out all of the iron guards!

Mario: What guards are you talking about? All I see is smashed statues

Link: These “statues” guard the entrance to the temple of time you see. Magic allows them to move and move swiftly. Normally they look elegant and resemble soldiers and knights, and they are all very strong guards. But for those villains to take them all out and crumble iron and granite into scraps and stones is astonishing. They must be getting more powerful with the extra star power.

Lucia: Well you had better hang onto that star for dear life when we encounter them. If you let it near them, who knows what will happen?

When they reached the end of the hall, even more devastation was seen in the next room. The main room to the temple of time had grandiose and similar architecture to the entrance hallway. It was enormous, at least 5000 square feet, resembling a large cathedral. Yet much of the more spectacular decorations were ruined and crumbled. A large security puzzle was in the center of the room. It was designed to bring a spiral stairway up. Though it was very obvious the villains cheated the puzzle out based on how some key mechanisms and stairway were damaged.

Lucia: Those fatherless *******s! How the freak do you solve a complex puzzle like this and then take out the mechanisms!?

Joseph: Lucia! Calm down and stop swearing!

Lucia: How can I stop swearing! The fact that they completely cheated the security puzzle is just astonishing. I’ll….I’ll get them for this. {insert anime-like close-up here}

Mario: Wait-a moment-a. There is no need for over the top anime like clichés. Though I’m worried! What will it become of later on?

Link: Ha ha, no need to worry. For none of you have clearly been stuck in a puzzle’s dungeon for hours.

(Mario Bros thinking to themselves: Oh we have, and we hate it when that happens)

Mike: Then just how complex are the security puzzles at the top floor where the triforce is?

[Cut to the villains perspectives at the top floor]

The villains were at the last room in the entire temple….well almost. The last hallway leading to the triforce was blocked off by a very complex puzzle. The door was locked by a weird magical red and orange force field which was circular shape moving in and out constantly. Unfortunately for them, the way of deactivating was very unclear. In the corners of the room, there lied three angelic statues that looked very familiar.

Bowser: AARRRRRHHGGG!!!! This SUUUUCKS! {Stomps his feet in frustration}

Kamek: Lord Bowser! Keep your blood pressure down! For the entire time since you were revived you have seemed like a completely new person, don’t go back to your old self now!

Bowser: Why! We’ve tried everything on this force field! We have tried bashing it, bewitching it, burning it. I even threw one of those statues at it too! BAH!!!

Kamjikuru: You unsophisticated brat! You are an insult to the dynasty I intend to found. Now think logically about the puzzle, where have we seen statues like that before?

Bowser: wait! WAIT! YES! That is right; these statues were on the very first floor in the very same position! But what would that have to do with anything?

Kamek: You haven’t caught on? Many of the puzzles involved all 3 of us pushing several statues simultaneously. We found an item that allowed us to make temporary clones of us for about a minute at any point in the dungeon. If we use the device simultaneously on the statues at the bottom of the temple, then we just might unlock the force field.

Bowser:……..I don’t know how you Japanese manage to figure out crazy puzzles like this (let alone think of them up) but it sounds crazy enough to work. Give me that red cloning rod!

Kamek: It’s maroon with a red crystal on it you idiot!

[Cut back to the heroes’ perspective]

Joseph: On the positive side, since all those security puzzles are likely to have been demolished, we can just run to the top within a few minutes and stop them before they get to the final chamber. Come on! No time to lose!

However just as Joseph said these words of encouragement, the clones of the villains spawned in the hallway’s center where the statues laid. These clones had entered the room in particle form and solidified from bubbles to real bodies.

Link: No! They discovered the secret to opening the final rooms to the triforce chamber!

Mario: What just-a happened?
Luigi: I’m so confused! How could they appear out of thin air!

Link: No time to explain! Just eliminate those clones before they push those statues forward! {Runs up and cuts the clones to pieces. The other party members follow right when the switches are about to be pulled}

[Cut to the villains’ perspective]

Bowser: Huh? What happened to our clones? They should have lasted more than 30 seconds!

Kamjikuru: [darn]! That medaling brat Link and those others have entered the temple! We will never get our clones down there to flip the switch at this rate. This time, we’ll show those losers what we are made of.

Kamek: Yeah! Let’s kill those Mario Bros and those other brats once and for all!

[Cut back to the heroes’ perspective]

Luigi: D-do you hear loud footsteps coming from the stairs?

Link: They’re here…

Bowser {from the spiral stairway}: So you made it this far after taking such a beating? I’m impressed; but now your journey ends here!

Kamek: For now your departure is near!

Kamjikuru: You are no match for us three; all of you will die in fear! Descendants, use the restraining spell!

Kamek: But we were going to use that to hold them back in case they reached the triforce before us!

Kamjikuru: Do as I say! Without it they will only get in our way!

The villains charged their powers once more, a beam of bright blue lightning shot from their arms and surged through the heroes’ bodies. It would cause them to stay immobile for 5 minutes, plenty of time for the villains to solve the locking puzzle and get away.
Kamek: No let’s get rid of these pests once and for all!

Kamjikuru: Hold on there for a moment. These stars….they are acting up, look! {The stars are jumping around and shaking}. Getting near that final star will cause something bad to happen, I’m sure of it.

Bowser: No! Not this again! Just forget about these guys and run up the stairs before the force field locks itself again!

And so the villains escaped; and they were running up the floors to the triforce as fast as they could to get to the open force field in time.

Lucia: No! They got away! They got away!!!

Link: Hold your horses, that big guy is very slow. We might still have time to reach them. Everybody! Run and pursuit! {all the heroes run as fast as they can up their 4 story temple to reach the villains before they themselves reach the triforce}

[Cut to the villains perspective at the top floor]

Kamek: Ah, no more force field. Beyond that door lies the room containing the triforce. Soon it will be ours and so will the world…

Heroes: Hold it right there!

Bowser: Gah! You guys again! Don’t you ever give up?!

Kamek: I told you wasting that spell was a bad idea! They just stand a chance to beat us now thanks to you!

Mike: The killers of my brother will at last be avenged!

Mario: I can not allow you to go any further Bowser.

Link, Lucia, Joseph: Kamjikuru! You will never have this land!

Luigi: I’m not that little kid Kamek you kidnapped, I’ll show you what I am made of now!

Kamjikuru: Uhhgg! This is no time to fight imbeciles! To the triforce right now! {Enters door and is followed fast by the others}

Link: Pursue them!

   The heroes ran after them, but just as they entered the door to the entrance hallway to the triforce chamber, the force field sprung back into place. It was no turning back; the only option was victory or defeat for one of the two parties…
   Within the Triforce chamber laid a small stairway leading up onto a stage/platform. In the center of the platform was a chest that clearly contained the triforce. Behind the stage was a large mirror that filled the entire wall. An odd illumination filled the room as everything was illuminated in this light blue glow.   Fountains were abundant within the rooms; so much that the floor was wet.

 Kamjikuru: Oof! I’ve been trying to get a hold of this triforce for practically my whole life!

Link: Stop them!

And so began the final battle; the climax of climaxes. Initially, both groups were lined up opposing each other. The heroes stood at the entrance and the villains at the edge of the stairway. Link and Kamjikuru both reminded their groups quickly on “teamwork” the groups clashed.

Mario and Luigi used a Bros Spin Attack on Bowser, but Bowser counter-attacked with a claw swipe. Mike shell-rolled Kamek and was successful, then Kamek attacked Mike with a poison spell; Mike’s energy is decreased down slowly! Lucia and Joe went after Kamjikuru using a joint-effort; they used a special move involving a combo of Joe’s powers (lighting) and Lucia’s sword. Kamjikuru got hit hard and took heavy damage, but managed to copy-cat the attack and use it right back at them. The battle turned into a complete stalemate despite the team’s efforts. Then Bowser had in his rare occasions gotten a deviously fantastic idea.

Bowser {murmuring}: you know that *Mumbles* well what if we *muttering.* We just might have enough power left to pull it off onto just one member of our enemies. I think we really should do that. 

Kamek: That’s just so crazy its genius! Why didn’t you ever think of that before? This could have saved so many troubles! Come on everyone, combine your powers!

The villains charged up blackness from their wands (claws for Bowser) and unleashed it towards a specific member of the other group. This spell appeared as an ellipse on the ground, and ran right up to Mario’s feet and ran the spell into him. Mario had received the dreaded “curse.”

Mario {with crimson red eyes and an altered voice} Hail Bowser! {Approaches Luigi Violently}

Luigi: No! NO MARIO! NO! {Dodges a super punch}

Lucia: I’ll get him off {Attempts to swipe at Mario but misses and Mario counter-attacks}

Mike: Stop Mario! Are you going to let that curse take over you once and for all after all this?! {Mario Jumps on Mike and kicks him across the room}

Joe {thinking to himself}: I…I can’t believe this is happening you need to think positive Joe, something will happen! Something must! But should I attack my own teammate or not?! Oh….such a tough decision! What to do! What to do! {Mario attacks Joseph while he is thinking about what happened and is brought down for the count}
Link: You fool! Do you wish to die? I’ll kill you and your whole family Mario! {Mario’s response is completely bland, and just takes out Link as well.}
{Thinking to himself} Drat! Doesn’t anything at all scare this guy? {Mario unwittingly takes the last star from Link}

Kamjikuru: Use the stars now! Hurry while they are down and distracted! {After this, Bowser and Kamek take the stars that they stole, and throw them up into the air over the triforce chest. It unlocks the container and brings the triforce up}

Eventually when the triforce rose up and about, the villains used the power of the stars with their relationship to the triforce to erase it’s coding for a previous owner. Beams of lighting zapped the triforce and then it glowed white for a moment. Then they approached…

Kamjikuru: The world is mine!

Kamek and Bowser: Ours baka!

Kamjikuru: No need to star that again, JUST TOUCH IT ALREADY AND GET THIS OVER WITH!

Bowser: Hmmmm, looks like Mario did the bidding of….why not let our new “slave” do

Suddenly though, mysteriously right when the cursed Mario was about to touch it and wish, the triforce sank back into the chest and then moved behind the giant mirror. Then the seven stars appeared once again.

Kamjikuru: What the hell?......

Mysterious voice from behind the mirror: you will never get this triforce!

Kamjikuru: Who is there! Speak up!

The seven stares rose up high and above into the air. Though this time, there was no large explosion or death to the villains. Instead, they first beamed energy down onto Mario that cured him of the curse. Then they crossed paths through the mirror. Just as they crossed through the mirror, the reflections of the stars of both the ones of past and present came out from the other side.

Then they all started circling through the mirror as if there was no barrier there. Afterwards, the Mirror completely shattered and burning white light filled the room. The other heroes then woke up just in time to see the marvelous site. At the other side of the room stood Mario, Luigi, Mike, and in no reflection but in flesh! Aside from them were other heroes including a nerdy short man with swirly glasses named twisty, Blumeire in his true form, and a similar looking but different hero from Link. Villains were also there including Bowser and Kamek, who ironically looked goofy and possessed themselves. The main villain standing at the other edge of the room a black cloaked Dimentio.
Mario 2: I think-a these-a other guys are literally confused and dumbstruck by what-a happened!

Twisty: Oh and I’m sure the other side of the fourth wall is confused as well!

1st group of heroes:………………………………………………………………

Dimentio: Oh I see those idiots who will get in my way of killing off the universe have no idea what is going on! They’ve obviously never heard of the split timeline of this land!

1st group of heroes:………………………………………………………………

[2nd group of heroes runs up the 1st]

Blumeire: There is no time to explain! Just think of us as alternate versions of you all from another dimension and for now we will leave it at that.

Twisty: And don’t even think of asking about how we got here! Save it for after this final battle.

And so the [really] final battle emerged. The 1st group of heroes had no choice but to comply and go along with everything. Dimentio then ironically put a control curse on the 1st group of villains to go along with his two brain-dead zombies so they wouldn’t question him.

Dimentio: At last! I will have my revenge on all of you!

Bowser 1 and 2: Hail Dimentio! {attacks Mario 1 and 2}

Mario 1 and 2: Hiya! {They simultaneously flip in the air and pound the two Bowsers together to knock him out}

Kamek 1: I have no idea what is going on but I’ll do Dimentio’s biding! 

Kamek 2: Oh my alternate form, you’ll never guess what is going on! {Both Kamek’s charge their wands while floating into the air and charge it at the duplicate sets of Mike and Luigi. The attack sends a blue beam of hyper energy containing many random spells toward them}

{All four jump up in the air and dodge the hyper attack, then all four land on Kamek and result in a devastating blow to the head to him}

Dimentio {to Joe and Twisty}: Oh you fools cannot defeat me! For I am the great Dimentio! {Summons a dimension styled attack like in Super Paper Mario}

Twisty: I hope you realize how flawed your attack is {pulls out a device that create a shield from the attack}.

Dimentio: No! How could that cheap contraption actually work!

Twisty: I sense a high volume of electricity within you Joseph. Unleash it at the same as I unleash this high powered Flash Liquidizer Dousing Device! {Twisty pulls out a Super FLUDD and Mike heavily shocks Dimentio at the same time. Combined with the water, Dimentio is zapped into oblivion practically}

Kamjikuru: No! I’m the only one left! Don’t! Don’t kill me!

Lucia: Your fear has broken that temporary possession of you.
Link: Now you get to feel the full pain we inflict on you before we seal you away forever where you belong! {Soon they stab him brutally, then kick his face in, and finally seal him away into a state similar to Ganondorf for all eternity where he would rot until his spirit would even die. Kamjikuru had never screamed in more agony then ever before.}

After defeating the six men of evil, the 1st group reformed to take a better look at themselves from the other side of time. The group from the “darker side” of the Mushroom Kingdom was very confused, while the group from the “light hearted side” of the Mushroom Kingdom was just glad that their own problems were over.

Part 17 (This time, the ending is for real)

Mario 2: Heh hey! It’s-a done! After all-a that! We’re-a finished!

Luigi 2: Yahoo!

Mario: Hey! I demand an explanation! Understanding the triforce and getting sent back in time was bad enough! And now ourselves and other people we have never scene have appeared?

Blumeire: Hmph…obviously yourselves from the other side of time do not know of the split timeline. Twisty, would you mind explaining?

The nerdy character called Twisty explained the odd situation. Many years ago, a split in the timeline occurred. For centuries in the hidden Temple of the Triforce, there was a mirror that linked the time periods together. When the villains from both periods touched the Triforce simultaneously in a Time period they were not even supposed to be present it, a chain reaction had occurred and sent all beings in the room into one solid room of time, separated from all else…that is until now. The stars meeting each other at the same point in time in the two timelines had caused a chain-reaction, destroying the odd split and bringing time together within this room.

Afterwards, the Triforce rose back up and its essence spoke

Essence of the Triforce: Welcome heroes, I am the Essence of the Triforce. The Triforce will grant the in the heart of the one who touches it. If a good hearted person wishes, then his good wishes come true. If an evil hearted person wishes, his evil hearted wishes will come true. The stronger the wish, the triforce’s expression of that wish will be. The seven stars of power had part of the Triforce’s power channeled into them, and for security reasons were used to lock the entrance to the sacred realm. For years this holy ground has been undisturbed until today. Your villains that you sought to destroy must be spared. As without them, the erasement of existence for many shall occur. For years Time has been split in half as well, until today. The evil ones who seeked me have been stopped, and my previous owner has me no more. The Triforce awaits its new owner….

The groups talked and couldn’t decide who would be the one to touch it. As an experiment, they all agreed on the same wishes; to reunite the two timelines into one, to thwart all evil from the Mushroom Kingdom, and to complete the strange peace immediately. And so it happened. Everyone touched it simultaneously, and it was the strongest wish the Triforce had ever received…

 The Mario Bros, Mike, Blumeire, and Twisty were all sent to their regular times, while the others were transported into their own time in the past. They shot upon the Mushroom Kingdom central square, where a crowd of people had been awaiting their return from the Doom-ship, as the memory of it hadn’t been erased with the wish. Upon arrival, the Mario Bros merged into their alternate selves, and Mike found someone sitting by the fountain, someone who he thought he would never see again.

Mike: KEN!

Ken: MIKE!

The brothers ran up to each other so fast they crashed into each other.

Ken: You still got the bowling sport within you….but why? Why am I alive? I just randomly woke up by the fountain alive…

Mike: I knew it! I touched the Triforce first! And deep inside me, the number one wish I was thinking among the others was your revival.

Mario: Hmmph, it seems I went through quite a lot. Now that time is back to normal, I can remember other adventures that were absolutely fantastic that I had no idea I even participated in.

Luigi: Hmmm…I remember there being two other men killed back when I first was possessed? What happened to them?

George/Hamm: Mario!!!!!!!

James: Well look who woke up? Why aren’t we dead?

Mario: Mike, did you?

Mike: Yep, I wished for the tragedy to end completely and for all conflicts to be resolved as well. It seems these guys woke up as well.

And so the greatest and strangest adventure the Mario Bros had ever encountered came to an end. For there was no more war in the Mushroom Kingdom, time was restored to the way it used to be 1000s of years ago, prejudice against races disappeared. Scholars agreed to what the past was and that the gods were somehow, somewhere, stars themselves. The police were out of a job at first due to the peace, but soon found better and less dangerous jobs. All those who were enslaved and died in the previous Koopa Occupation were revived as well. The Mushroom Kingdom and Koopa Kingdom merged together to create one absolute Kingdom…..

…..And the seven stars were never stolen again. Everything was restored at last. For all eternity, the stars were at peace, as was the gateway to a realm that would never be corrupted again. 

Author’s note: I’m worried though that people are going to be confused by the ending. I guess I found a way to keep Menace going after all. To explain the odd plot twist at the end involving the split timeline better, I intend to write a separate fan-fic about these parallel events to Menace in the other timeline. It will answer your questions such as “Why did these random characters show up?” and stuff like that.  Look forward to it sometime between the end of the year or sometime early next year.


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2007, 06:58:29 PM »
I finally remembered to finish reading the fanfic. The plot was very complicated, and seemed somewhat hard to follow sometimes, but I've always liked complex and dark plots. I'll probably read the whole thing over again soon.

My only real complaint besides the violence is that the story is intended to be the end of all of Mario's adventures; I've always been more fond of fan creations that are styled more like how Nintendo would create them. I'm not going to let that detract from my opinion, though, since what counts is how much you enjoy it.

Overall, it was a great story. I enjoyed it all the way through, and it was quite epic (and entertaining, Kamjikuru shouting at Bowser and Kamek made me laugh a little).  I'm looking forward to the "alternate timeline" story. ;)
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2007, 09:43:22 AM »
YES! Finally someone read the whole thing! Every comment I've gotten everywhere involves people thinking the story was too long and complex and said "I'll read the rest later." This is the first time someone has read all 17 parts (other than myself).

I wonder what you will think of "The other Menace" though? Since it's in an alternate timeline, that is kind of like an alternate dimension. It's supposed to be a little more light hearted than Menace, though I'm not sure how that will work out in many ways :P. For all I know, I might just go crazy halfway though the story.


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2007, 12:27:44 PM »
YES! Finally someone read the whole thing! Every comment I've gotten everywhere involves people thinking the story was too long and complex and said "I'll read the rest later."

Hmm...I just thought of something. Maybe length is the reason I've only gotten a few comments on my fanfic as well? The entire Menace story comes to 133 KB, but my story clocks in at 258 KB, and I'm only halfway through! Maybe it's the fact that I've always liked making things "epic".

(I'm not trying to coax you into reading my fanfic, but it's OK with me if you do. :P)

I wonder what you will think of "The other Menace" though? Since it's in an alternate timeline, that is kind of like an alternate dimension. It's supposed to be a little more light hearted than Menace...

I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it. I like Mario fanfics that are a bit darker than the games, but I think Menace went just over the brink...of course, there's no way to tell until I actually read it, but I'm definitely looking forward to it.
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.
