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Topics - Super-Jesse

Pages: 1 ... 20 21 22 23 24 [25]
Game Blog / POYKPAC's Mario: Game Over
« on: May 05, 2007, 04:44:41 PM »
(Note: YouTube Video has excessive bleeped cussing)

What happens when Mario and Friends leave the Mushroom Kingdom? Mario turns into a 'Shroom addict, Peach wishes for something more, and Luigi wears a tie. Gotta love the music (done by Luke Roberts) and use of SMB gameplay. Though the ending leaves much to be desired, it's worth the entire 5:22, if just to see Kenny Velez's art come to life.

Link: YouTube

Game Blog / Super Sam and Maxio?
« on: May 05, 2007, 04:02:14 PM »
Why didn't this surface earlier? It demands to be placed into the Mario PC Cameos!

Sam and Max pay tribute to the Super Mario series by featuring the signature coins (Pic1), moves (Pic2), and talk (Pic3) to provide yet another hilarious take on the plumber we have all come to know and love. I didn't play the game, but the episodes got big hype each time they came out.

I've heard rumblings that my linkage makes some PC's crash. I'm using html "a href" links, nothing more. Anyone else running into these problems??

Link: GoNintendo

Game Blog / Etsy Bisty ? Block
« on: May 05, 2007, 04:01:15 PM »
Finally, someone is putting Arts class to good use. What we have here is a genuine "? Block", made from Perler Beads to form a 3D representation. Unfortunately, only the front has the actual question mark, with the other three sides featuring the brick block pattern. It measures approximately 3" by 3" by 3". Etsy will even send you a piece of wire to hang it up, how cool is that?

All this can be yours....if the price the right.

What other lovely Mario items would make a fine compliment to this?

Link: Etsy

Game Blog / New Mario Shirt @ Hot Topic
« on: May 04, 2007, 09:54:52 PM »
What happens when the Abel Sisters start designing for Nintendo's Merchandise?

We get this.

Simple, yet elegant. I bought it last week, but decided to hold on until today to post about it. If anyone finds any Mario T-shirts, please post links here. I suggest checking out the rest of the Gaming section of HT for Ninty goodies. They some Four Swords- inspired Link shirts, as well as Racoon Mario, Tanooki Suit Mario, and Frog Mario from SMB3.

Video Game Chat / What Are YOU Playing This Weekend?
« on: May 04, 2007, 09:49:34 PM »
Well, I decided to start a thread, get an idea of what's hot right now amongst the other forumers (forumnites?). For this weekend (5/5/07-5/6/07) will be playing Animal Crossing DS, and maybe some Mario Strikers (My wife saw the 'Charged' trailer and is begging me to dust off the old gamecube discs). I got a good reason, two actually...

1) For my Mom's birthday, I got her Animal Crossing DS and she's been hooked. I've been having to go to her town, show her the ins and outs, and this has effectively hooked my wife and I back into the game.
2) In order to avoid that little voice in the back of my head that says "buy-a the pokemon ds jesse! It's the company's fault for making you want it!" with a sensible "Don't do it, just work on your Fishing" countered by "JUST TAKE IT-TAKE IT TAKE IT TAKE IT! TAAKE IT!"

So, we'll see how all that works out. I'll probably cave by next weekend...:P

And what are you playing?

Game Blog / Miyamoto Time'd Out
« on: May 04, 2007, 05:12:52 PM »
The Time 100 was published earlier this week, and Miyamoto was included on the list. What's infuriating, to me, is that they get Johnathan (Fatal1ty) Wendel to write the article, who opens with "I vividly recall playing on my Nintendo from the age of 4" which is the equivalent of asking Charles Barkley to critique a Tennis match. His article written about Miyamoto is basically moreso about the Wii, mentioning nothing about Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, or even Donkey Kong. Sure, to guys like you and me, Miyamoto is synonymous with those titles, but to the average TIME reader?

I dunno, and not to toot my own horn, but before the Wii was released I wrote this article for about Miyamoto. Though I'm sure mine needs professional editing, I'll let you decide which does Miyamoto more justice. Don't worry, I won't cry TOO much.... :'(

Link: TIME

Game Blog / Super Mario Clock: Flavor Flav Edition.
« on: May 04, 2007, 04:58:57 PM »
That's right, let's see Mr. Love place this baby around his neck (1ups for the first person to Photoshop that!). What we got here is a DIY Mario Clock, that's worth more than those crappy ones they make and sell on Ebay.

The kid made it with paper print outs of the Mario stuff, paint, and some other crap. Hey, he gets a "B" for effort, and it looks cool and all, but wouldn't be better if, say, he had something more like this?

Now I <strike>wanna</strike> WILL make a Mario clock!!

Link:The Wiicast

Game Blog / Mario Strikers Wii Site Opens
« on: May 04, 2007, 04:43:56 PM »

...The FRENCH one, that is, so don't think we US of A'ers are getting a Wii-Online title anytime soon. What's up with that, NoA?! Is it because we didn't buy enough copies of Brain Age?!!

All that's there is some concept art, lighting bolts, and a trailer (or possibly the game's intro) that teases us of graphics the game won't hold up to during regular gameplay, according to a review by NGamer, it only achieves gamecube+ graphics. Looks like fun, to me, but when will Nintendo unleash Camelot on more sport games than Golf and Tennis, or was IGN right when they said CSP is pulling Nintendo support??

Game Blog / New Wendy's Toys to Rule Them All
« on: May 03, 2007, 08:54:48 PM »
Okay, I loved the Mario toys Wendy's put out before (moreso than those Active MD's ones that came out around September), but these top them all. Starting this month (I presume sometime this month) Nintendo and Wendy's are teaming up once again to bring us...

WiiToys! (to view, click "Coming Soon")

 Of course, even though there's no true "Mario" game out on the Wii, leave it to Nintendo to find a way to tie Mario into this. Looks like he's pretty excited to be riding that turtle shell (maybe even too excited), but how exactly are we going to move it with that Wiimote? Also, check out the disc shooter in the corner, in all it's NEW Super Mario Bros. Concept Art glory. I hope the other disk feature other Nintendo Wii games (or maybe a few miis??).

Hrm, any suggestions for future toys? 

Extra Lives if you figure out what each one is. Poison 'Shroom if you think Red Steel should've been a disc(it'd probably still have terrible graphics and controls)...

Game Blog / Itadaki Street DS scans
« on: May 03, 2007, 08:45:27 PM »
These are a bit old, but I didn't see any posts about them:

(click to enlarge)

There are some more here.

What do you all think? I like the way the game is looking so far. I mean, it's gotta be better than Mario Party Advance, right?

Site Discussion / DDR Mario Mix Page Error
« on: June 14, 2005, 01:03:40 PM »
I didn't know that DK: Jungle Beat was really DDR Mario Mix!

Heh, in all seriousness, you got the wrong SS on the maDDRio page. Just letting y'all know.

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