
Author Topic: More modern dreams.  (Read 20601 times)


  • Bruised
« Reply #90 on: December 10, 2006, 08:08:31 PM »
I felt this thread needs to be revived, since I've had some dreams recently that aren't wacko.  My most recent dreams involve my search for a Wii.  I'm growing ever more desperate in this search. :(
Regards, Uncle Dolan


  • Giddy fangirl
« Reply #91 on: December 10, 2006, 08:24:13 PM »
Wacko?! NOOO! *Jman comes running out of nowhere* NOT THAT AGAIN!!!
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

« Reply #92 on: December 10, 2006, 08:25:39 PM »
Well, I have some kind of a flu-cold like thing, and I woke up at about 6:30 AM due to a stuffed up nose. I blew my nose, and went back to sleep. I had a dream (that was literally only 5 minutes long), and I dreamed that I was in the book that I was reading for school (Where the Lillies Bloom). I was in the book, and after about 4 minutes in the dream, I felt like I started to suffocate. I woke up to another stuffed up nose. I blew my nose again, then went back to sleep. I kept on dreaming that I was in that book, and I always kept waking up due to the sensation of suffocating. Strange.

« Reply #93 on: December 11, 2006, 05:49:21 PM »
It's awfully strange that my I awoke from my dream last night due to a stuffed nose, too. Although I don't remember what I dreamed, I woke up and unlocked the door. That enabled my mom to wake me up this morning.
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie


  • FitchPitch
« Reply #94 on: December 12, 2006, 07:30:04 PM »
One that's NOT wacko, eh?

Here's one. I was in the lounge area at my college and at this table were two of my close friends from high school (both of whom still go there). I don't know if I was a few years older then (I would have had to be a senior if both of them were there). It was great because I love those two to death--they are like my little sisters.

The only strange thing (although this may also be a good thing) is that we acted like there was nothing strange about being at this college together! I know they both want to go to a larger place but perhaps they finally saw the light in my dream! We were sitting around talking about just about everything, still looking exactly the same as we do now even if this thing was in the future. One of them was injured but she's got a new injury every other month so it's nothing new. Also, they were both wearing the same Abercrombie & Fitch top for some reason. (All three of us are hopelessly in love with that store)

Now that was a good dream. Better than the nightmarish ones I've had a lot of lately.

« Reply #95 on: February 27, 2007, 07:18:37 PM »
Yay phor topic revival. >_>

Anyways, I've had two dreams that are remotely familliar. But insted of making a summary of both of them, I've decided to make bullet points marking major "points" in the dreams (it would take up WAY too much space if I summarized both of them. I've tried before, and it didn't work). I had the first dream on February third:
Feb 3, 2007
 - "Spawn" in Train Station
 - Find rifle
 - Run into schoolhouse
 - Find room full of Nazis, about 3-5
 - Take out all of them
 - Find sniper rifle
 - Get out of school
 - Make way into Tractor Factory
 - Find Germans, one inside a tank
 - Take out Germans

And the one I had just last night:
Feb. 26, 2007
 - "Spawn" in train station
 - Get out of train station, run past Water Tower
 - Run into Schoolhouse
 - Escape, making a way through a "neighborhood"
 - Arrive at Tractor Factory
 - Go inside Tractor Factory
 - Go into room full of dissassembled tanks
 - Find rifle

What's familliar about both of them? These:
 - In both of them, it is raining, and cloudy. The surrounding trees are always "dead".
 - They are both set in WWII.
 - Main structures in both of them are a Schoolhouse, a Tractor Factory, and a Train Station.
 - Both of them involve finding a Mosin-Nagant rifle, with scoped or unscoped variations.
 - Both involve me going inside the Tractor Factory.
 - Both involve me finding a room full of disassembled German Tiger II tanks.
 - They both take place in the town of Ponyri, Russia.
 - The setting was the exact same as a Call of Duty: United Offensive version of the map.

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #96 on: February 27, 2007, 08:34:33 PM »
I've recently had a bunch of wacko dreams due to being sick, and some before that which I forgot to post.

For now I'll say that last night I had a long dream where I joined a high profile club but found out later on that it was really some sort of Neo Terrorist organization. Somehow I knew that would happen, though.

« Reply #97 on: February 28, 2007, 01:15:13 AM »
#1) I like how CTOAN presented his dream. It was much more attractive to read than a giant block of text like most dreams here.

#2) Haha, you really do "spawn" into your dreams now that you mention it. It's hard to remember the start of a dream, but I'm totally using that terminology from now on.


  • Steamed
« Reply #98 on: March 03, 2007, 03:42:02 PM »
For some reason, I've had some pretty epic or memorable dreams recently. Just two days ago, I was ice skating in our high school's cafeteria-turned-into-a-gym-with-enormous-empty-swimming-pool. That dream ended when they were covering up the rink for a basketball game.

But most recently, I had a dream which appeared to combined Knights of the Old Republic 2, Twilight Princess, and random stuff from the depths of my mind.

I remember it beginning with a severely injured person who had all organs removed and placed in a clear cylinder of liquid. This person had been brutally assaulted and almost killed by some group of bad people who were trying to cover up something. I began my adventure looking at these grotesque remains in a technologically advanced office building, being briefed about what was to come.

Enter KOTOR2: many of the people looked like the people in that respective game. A military leader showed me a strange crystal of unknown origin, and then the building came under fire. Thousands of unstoppable shards came raining through the ceiling! These shards looked like parts of the strange crystal, and as people screamed and ran around, I managed to escape with some female office technician. Enter another KOTOR2 thing: The party system. It felt like I was controlling a real time RPG now, with another person in the party.

Memory lapse...

Spy mission. I joined a team of elite snipers in an attempt to infiltrate a summer camp, for unknown reasons. I remember sneaking through the wilderness and clambering on the roof of old and ugly wooden buildings.

Memory lapse...

A new party member! I saved a Twilight Princess goat from being sacrificed by a tribe of pilgrims (black hat, buckled shoes, wtd). This goat, somehow, was hyperintelligent, and managed to pull its weight in battle as I, the office technician, and the goat made our way towards the big bad group of unknown crystal wielding people. We began a long trek across Hylian fields and crossed creaky rope bridges across canyons. I recall being attacked by morphball-like creatures, and disabling explosives meant to break a certain bridge.

As fun as it was, no dream lasts forever (unless you're in a coma). I eventually woke up because my arms, one of which had been under my head, the under beneath my pillow, hurt. This concludes yet another bizarre and difficult to explain dream of mine.


  • Bruised
« Reply #99 on: March 03, 2007, 06:45:50 PM »
I had some interesting dreams while my internet was down, but I can't remember what they were about. :(
Regards, Uncle Dolan
