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Messages - TheMightyThor

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Not at the Dinner Table / Re: Sexual Orientation
« on: November 04, 2014, 08:43:30 PM »
So, uh...I can't for the life of me seem to understand the difference between bisexual and pansexual. Today, I saw someone say "bisexuality is being attracted to two genders, pansexuality is being attracted regardless of gender" and I couldn't understand the difference. Why would gender matter if you're bisexual, considering you're attracted to both genders? I'm not trying to be a rude dick or anything like that. I just don't get it, but hopefully someone more enlightened can kindly help me wrap my head around the difference.

I also don't really get what "panromantic" is supposed to entail.

Video Game Chat / Re: N64 Controller Order
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:11:03 AM »
Go to that big castle, wait for it to be daytime again, go inside and find a little girl with red hair, go to the area where there's a big white castle in the background that takes you outside to a field with climbable vines nearby, talk to the little girl with red hair until you get an egg from her, sneak past the guards to get to the big white castle, wait until night passes and it's day again and the egg item will become a chicken, use the chicken to wake him up, push the blocks in a way so you can jump to the other side of the moat, crawl inside the castle through the little hole that's directly in front of/below you, sneak past the guards inside until you reach the garden with Zelda, talk to her until you get the Zelda's Letter item from her, talk to Impa and get Zelda's Lullaby from her, then go to that village that's across the little bridge in the field, find the gate with a guard next to it that's blocking the path to a mountain, give him the letter, go back into the big castle with the drawbridge (The area inside is the Market, by the way), go into the store with the bearded dude's face on it, buy the Hylian Shield but don't equip it yet (if you don't have the money just cut grass, there's some grass to cut in the Market), go back to Kokiri Forest, find the entrance to the Lost Woods, navigate through there (hint: listen for the music to not get quieter as you walk through an entrance), find the "Sacred Forest Meadow" area, fight through the enemies and navigate through the maze to find Saria after walking up some stairs and going through a corridor, talk to her and get Saria's Song, go all the way back to that mountain in that village (called Death Mountain by the way), go up it, find the door that shut, play Zelda's Lullaby while you're standing on the rug, then go inside and play Saria's Song to the guy in there and trigger a funny cutscene and get the Goron's Bracelet, find an area where there's a bomb flower and a goron curled up, throw the bomb down to blow up the rocks blocking the cave down below (If you mess up, just wait for the bomb flower to regrow, which doesn't take long), go back down, enter the cave, use a bomb flower to blow up the wall you see as soon as you're inside, and voila, you're at the second dungeon! Equip the Hylian Shield when you get inside, as lava and fire will burn your Kokiri Shield.

Got all that? I'm a little hazy at the part where you talk to the little redheaded girl (whose name is Malon), but otherwise that should be accurate.

Video Game Chat / Re: N64 Controller Order
« on: November 02, 2014, 01:54:10 PM »
I've had about four total.

My clear controller, which alternates with the blue one as my main, is fully operational, with the exception of a slightly loose control stick, which is annoying. I've had it since elementary school.
The blue one has a better control stick, but the Z-button's kind of stuck. I got this one a year or two ago from a friend at school. He also gave me a GameShark for N64, but I'm afraid to use that because I'm scared it'll totally screw up my system.
When I got my N64 at the age of 6, it came with a grey controller (Along with NHL 99 and Ready-2-Rumble Boxing. I now have a pretty good N64 library, although I really wish I would've let that dude give me Conker's Bad Fur Day...), which I ended up throwing away because it stopped functioning. Good thing my uncle picked me up that clear one for me at some kind of place with lots of garbage! I used to be a jerk and make people use the grey one as the second controller when it was in its death throes and only half-functioning...
I got a second grey controller at some point, which I may or may not still have in my closet with my clear and blue ones. It was either DOA or died not long after I got it, but I'd already had my clear one to use at that point so it didn't bother me.

Man, I'm so lucky to have gotten an N64 and been able to experience Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie (which I can never manage to stop being stuck in), Mario Kart 64, Yoshi's Story, Star Fox 64, and other classics at a young age. Along with an affinity for DBZ and BOTVGH, as well as using Limewire often for my musical needs at that age, I got to almost slightly sort-of experience some of the charm (used loosely, given certain events) of the late 90s-early 00s era, and gained a sort of pseudo-nostalgia for that time.

Site Discussion / Can't connect to #TMK?
« on: October 30, 2014, 09:46:40 PM »
It keeps saying the connection timed out for me when I try to connect to the TMK chatroom. What gives, yo?

Video Game Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U and 3DS
« on: October 26, 2014, 01:28:56 PM »
I was really hoping they'd have thought to let you use the Omega Mode skyboxes for custom stages.
That would be so, so awesome.

Video Game Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U and 3DS
« on: October 23, 2014, 05:33:33 PM »
That might be the most hype direct I've ever seen. Like, ever.

Five players

Video Game Chat / Re: The Uncle Who Works For Nintendo
« on: October 21, 2014, 08:18:34 PM »
Quote from: the uncle who works for nintendo
for content and trigger warnings, click here
This game isn't going to make me check my privilege, is it?

Video Game Chat / Re: Hyrule Warriors (name not final)
« on: October 07, 2014, 05:31:20 PM »
I reaaaallly wanna get it ASAP, but money is hard to come by for an unemployed 16 year old with no allowance, so I probably won't get it until Christmas. Oh well.

Forum Games / Re: 3D GIF thread
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:57:43 PM »

does this count

Video Game Chat / Re: Favorite Final Fantasy
« on: September 29, 2014, 07:56:01 PM »
VI and VII are the only ones I liked enough to beat.

Video Game Chat / Re: Hyrule Warriors (name not final)
« on: September 27, 2014, 11:03:59 AM »
The DLC situation with Hyrule Warriors is 100% a Tecmo Koei thing.

Phew, I figured as much.
I figured what's going down with Hyrule Warriors doesn't really line up with Nintendo's usual stances on paid DLC. I'm still just a little worried, since Nintendo are the publishers outside of Japan and Eiji Aonuma is involved with this. I don't think we have to worry about any installments of core Nintendo franchises having a heavy emphasis on paid DLC or lame [dukar] llike microtransactions, though.

Video Game Chat / Re: Hyrule Warriors (name not final)
« on: September 27, 2014, 01:29:16 AM »
I have zero qualms with there being no Wind Waker characters (It would look pretty strange with all the more "realistically" designed characters in there), but Majora's Mask characters being reserved for DLC? That's just silly.

I am definitely worried about the whole DLC thing, though. To be fair, though, Omega Force (who work for Tecmo-Koei) and Team Ninja are the developers, not Nintendo, so I'm not really pinning a lot of blame for this on Nintendo, and I don't think they'll go in this direction often anymore. Regardless of whose fault it is, though, it is pretty lame seeing a Nintendo published game with Eiji Aonuma as a supervising producer with this much paid DLC stuff. At least you don't have to buy it, r-right? ;_;

Video Game Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U and 3DS
« on: September 17, 2014, 09:36:25 PM »
I got a code at almost 12AM.

Guess I'll be tired at school tomorrow...

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