
Author Topic: Who Are You?  (Read 6829 times)

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2005, 01:29:04 PM »
My name is not Stan.
I am not 27.
I don't like beef.
I don't go to work.
I don't have many friends.
I don't like many things.
I'm not lying.
That was a joke.

« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2005, 08:48:22 PM »
My name is Stan.
I am 27.
I do like beef.
I do go to work.
I do have many friends.
I do like many things.
I'm lying.

"All this guy ever does is eat, sleep, say stuff, DDR, and wear glasses."

« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2005, 10:10:08 PM »
My real name is Cassandra. I am 18, turning 19 this December. I shoulder length dark brown hair (nearly black)that I usually keep in a braid or ponytail and brown eyes. I'm 5'5" and I wear glasses. I usually wear comfortable clothing, not caring about fashion (I have no vanity whatsoever).

Desptie what you may think, I'm actually a very quiet and shy girl. I have few friends and I'm very insocial. It's okay for me. It's just who I am. I'm generally a more open person in my writting than speaking. However, I'm always friendly and I hate violence. I never raise my voice to anyone. I'm fairly intellignet and mature (though I get a goof if somehing involves games/anime/manga. When I do talk, I tend to talk alot.
  I spend most of my days reading, writing, drawing, playing games, and watching anime (when I'm not doing school work). I draw fanart and write some fanfics.

My fave anime series are:
Sailor Moon
I My Me! Strawberry Eggs
Magic User's Club

My most favorite game of all time is Yoshi's Isalnd. After that, i ahve no real order to them: Tales of Symphonia (proablaby second, though), the Pokemon series, Skies of Arcadia, PM:TTYD,M&L:SS SSBM, and several others.

My favorite book series is the Redwall sereis. I also like reading books on theoretical phyics. My favorite manga series are:
Girl Got Game
Hot Gimmick
Alic 19th
Eeriee Queerie

And that's all, I guess ^^;.

 Random Anime Quote:
" If you keep punching holes in the definition of death, you''re going to be dissected for real one of these days!"--Excel Excel. Excel Saga episode 12.
Random Anime Quote: "Wiggle, Squiggle! Look, I'm a mollusk!"
--Freesia Yagyu, Jubei-Chan 2 episode 3.


  • Self-evictor
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2005, 10:53:42 PM »
Chupperson and Lizard Dude make me want to laugh. Even better, they make me laugh. This is no joke. :D

"He is not a fool who gives up what he cannot keep for the sake of what he can never lose."
The weaker you are, the stronger you can become.

« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2005, 11:27:30 PM »
Well, my name is Michael, and I live in Syracuse NY.  I enjoy writing short stories, usually about less than normal topics (my last one being about a Greek donkey).  Even though I write all the time, I hate my English class.  The saying "A Jack of all trades but an Ace of none" fits like a glove.  I am told that I can draw really well, but I don't REALLY enjoy it.  I am 15, and so far it’s a good age, though I would like to get my drivers license.

   I am lanky, with minimal physical strength.My voice has a slight Boston accent, though its just that my sister had a slight speech impediment, and I learned to speak mostly from her.  I have blonde hair a couple inches below my shoulders,  and though it needs a trim, cause it's all split ends now, this memorial day was two years since I cut my hair last, which was down to my middle to lower back.  I donated my ponytail to Locks of Love, and I plan to do it again next memorial day.  I have glasses, and green eyes, though they get kind of grayish during the winter.

   I try to make a joke of everything, but certain things I can’t stand.  I am very sarcastic, and my mother says I am going to get the [censored] kicked out of me for it, which is why I have friends that are big, though I am taller than most of the people I know.  I like my privacy, though I can speak my mind if the conversation is something that I know.  Kids annoy me

If I can, I would very much enjoy doing some kind of video game work.

   I wear what I believe is comfortable, which in the winter is flannel shirts over a long sleeved shirt, and summer would be polo shirts or a light button up shirt.  Pants are optional.  I love this one pair of jeans, though, but I don’t know why.  That’s why I have worn them for the last three months straight.  And I will always have a plaid hunting hat on, though I find hunting stupid.

   I wish I knew more about computers,  like my cousin, who though only a year and a half older, is a genius with computers.  But ask me anything about the Simpsons and I will most likely know the answer.  I try to think of what I would like to do after high school.  I will most likely go to college, but I have no idea what I would go for.  Just trying to come up with another sentence to write has taken me ten minutes.

Well, there you go.  Any more you would know TOO much about me.

 Coconut Mike-N-Ikes->Marios preferred candy
"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special." Stephen Hawking


  • Self-evictor
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2005, 12:34:37 AM »
I'm not Lizard Dude, so I'm not a fan of posting important personal information like my Social Security Number on the Internet. However, since I will be permanently removed from my current Seattle residence in less than 48 hours, I've decide to go ahead and expose it. I'll even show you where my room is. Or was, as the case almost is. Heh.

The house's web site has the street address and lots of photos. I'm in room 4A, which is approximately here:

The dude named Kyle moved out months ago, thankfully. (This image is just from even longer ago than that.) He played electric guitar with a huge amp whenever he felt like it, and he took the name "Mansfield" that's stamped on the toilet way too literally and freely. Nice enough guy, but a very challenging neighbor.

And here's a romanticized or idealized or whatever version of the nice part of the view from my room's window that was viewable through my camera at about 7:45 in morning on January 4th:

"He is not a fool who gives up what he cannot keep for the sake of what he can never lose."

The weaker you are, the stronger you can become.

« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2005, 07:23:08 PM »
So, if LD was lying, then his last sentence would be untrue. But that would mean he was telling the truth. But that would mean he was lying. Then his last sentence is untrue. But that would mean he was telling the truth. But that would mean he was lying. Then his last sentence is untrue. But that would mean he was telling the truth. But that would mean he was lying. Then his last sentence is untrue. But that would mean he was telling the truth. But that would mean he was lying. Then his last sentence is untrue. But that would mean he was telling the truth. But that would mean he was lying. Then his last sentence is untrue. But that would mean he was telling the truth. But that would mean he was lying. Then his last sentence is untrue. But that would mean he was telling the truth. But that would mean he was lying. Then his last sentence is untrue. Gah! This hurts my head.

"It''s impossible this way!"
This is a secret coded message.
