
The Better Gal?


Author Topic: My One and Only  (Read 6325 times)

« on: March 14, 2006, 07:01:27 PM »
Advisory Warning (That sounds cool):
This story may contain:
Offensive laungage (example, slut)
Romantic Relationships
Mild Violence
Mild Lyrics
Suggestive Themes

If you are reluctlent about reading a story with any of the above, leave now. i can't assure you it may be safe for kids Ten under.
A small story about true love and finding it:

“The Only Way To Find Out If She Is Your True Love Is If When You Look Into Her Eyes, Hers Twinkles, and She Notices That Yours Do Too.”-My Friend

“If You Hold Her Hand and She Holds Yours, Then That’s A Very Good Sign”-Song

My One and Only

   It was that time of year when the trees started losing leaves and you felt the presence of school right around the corner. The rivers were silent and the birds chirped less often, and when you saw your dad bringing out the firewood, you know autumn is coming. Summer vacation over, and the start of the sixth grade loomed near. Hardly anyone notices the days of June, July, and August go by, until at that last second, you figure out: “Is school really that close?”. The start of a new year meant a clean sheet, new friends, and a chance to start over again. Plus, its time to do much more then that. Its time to start something. Be it a hobby, a book, or, in my case, a romantic relationship. Let my experience guide you in your path of romance. Let the story, my story, Jerry Dean, be your guide.

Chapter One: The Before Me

   “Hey, Jer’, wake up!” The screech of my sister’s loud and obnoxious voice pierced my ears, and I woke up immediately. “Its 7:00! You’re gonna miss the bus!” The truth sped into my head. I’m gonna miss the bus! I jumped into my jeans, lifted my backpack onto my back, sped into the bathroom, brushing my teeth furiously, and spit. The foam was tainted red, my gums were bleeding. I ran down the steps, grabbed some Pop-Tarts, ands sped out the front door. The bus just started speeding away! “Wait! Wait!” I ran towards the bus, but my speed didn’t match to the bus. Then, I noticed a bike on the side. I jumped on, not caring whether it was mine or not. I pedaled my life out, and traveled at a speed that matched the bus. I biked towards the bus, banging on the side. “Stop! Stop, darn you!” A big kid, Toby McGard pulled his head out of the window and taunted: “Hey, look. Jer da dumb bear is trying to join the Olympics!” the other kids started laughing. I started screaming at them, unknowing that a large downward hill was coming soon. “Might want to keep your eyes on the road, Big brain!” I looked forwards, and screamed in terror. I pedaled away from the bus, and went down the hill. My speed was now FASTER then the bus, and I sped in front of it. The bus driver started honking the horn, screaming out of his open window “Move out the way you troublesome kid. You’ll get yo’self killed!” I tried to turn, but the handlebars got jammed. I was in distress. The hill started to flatten out again, and bus just sped towards me. I just reluctantly jumped off the bike. I flew away from the path of the bus, and the bike flipped onto its side, the bus then crashing into it, sparks flying everywhere. I got up and saw the kids in the bus laugh and scream at me. I got up, dusted my pants, and walked the rest of the way.
   “Jerry Dean, TARDY.” Mr. Collen’s harsh  voice boomed. My face was leaning on my cool, cool, desk, me breathing hard. I heard snickering from the girls, and crude remarks from the guys, me against the world. The only one who fully understood me was the girl sitting next to me, Melissa Dan.
   We met in the summer of ‘98, when I was still four. The birds were singing, the sun was shining. It was a beautiful day. I was just sitting on my front lawn, watching the cars go by, but the house across the street, usually filled with the sight and smell of the Benny’s, was unusually quiet. A sign was erected on their front lawn, of course, I didn’t know what it was for at the time, but it was a Real Estate Sign. Underneath, it said in big bold letters, SOLD. A moving van came into view, with the sound of an eager family inside. The door swung open, and a girl, as old as me, stepped into view. She was like a magnet, and my little body was the metal. I sped across the street and approached the new girl.
    “Hi, my name is Jerry.” The girl smiled and said,
    “I’m Melissa. Nice to meet you!” The here on, we were the best of friends, in fact, she was my only friend. All my life, I was a lonely child, and that didn’t mean that I was diseased, mentally inefficient, or a hazard in any way. They just don’t like me. Okay, out of the flashback…
   “Class. CLASS! Class! Ya’ll better be quiet!” Mr. Collen screamed. The class shut their mouths and threw away the zipper.
    “Today, we have a new student in our oh-so-great Social Studies class, Lisa Kudro!” Inside stepped in the most beautiful peace of DNA I have ever seen.

Chapter Two: A Little Out Of Reach

   “Hiya Boys!” Lisa waved at the class. The boys answered back, they answered with their tongues hanging down and the panting of dogs. At least, that’s what it seemed like. Mr. Collen directed Lisa to my left, with Melissa to my right. Two girls surrounding the loneliest guy in the world. Lisa took out her purse, and started fixing her hair with the mirror in her other hand, all in a rather graceful and girl stereotypical-type thing you see in movies when a pretty actor comes in close contact with the main character. I leaned towards her and whispered,
   “Hi, my name is Jerry.” She looked at me and whispered back,
   “I don’t talk to geeks, nerds, goofs, dunces, freaks, or anybody with a face like yours.”  I went back into my original posture and thought, Is that what others think of me. A GEEK? I wandered in my thoughts, not bothering to listen to Mr. Collen. I walked home wallowing in self-pity, just deep in my thoughts.
    I sat in my Living Room, wondering what happened. I decided to surf the ‘net instead. I hopped and skipped to my Computer Desk, and marveled at my computer. An Alienware computer. I played Doom 3, Half-Life 3, all those great games on this baby. And that’s when it hits me. I am into the nerdiest stuff. I booted the computer, loaded Internet Explorer, and surfed. I then noticed that my Google Chat started blinking. I opened my Google Chat and noticed that  Melissa was online. I invited her to a chatroom and she accepted, as usual.

   CaptainUltima56: Hey Mel
   HappyPinkThang64: sup jer bear : )
   CaptainUltima56: what did you think of the new girl at social studies?
   HappyPinkThang64: she is 1 of those stereotypical gals that try to get all the guys. I don’t    like her
   CaptainUltima56: she said sumthing about me being a geek and her not talking to guys with    faces like me
        HappyPinkThang64: I can tell shes been watching 2 much movies. Anyways, the only boys I    
   Ever talk to is geeks like you
   CaptainUltima56: My sarcasm sense is tingling
   HappyPinkThang64: no rly
   CaptainUltima56: well, y?
   HappyPinkThang64: Most geeks don’t try to hit on me
   CaptainUltima56: ooo I feel touched anyway, I think that I like her
   HappyPinkThang64: like her like her or just like her???
   CaptainUltima56: she is just stunning beautiful amazing
   HappyPinkThang64: says the geek
   CaptainUltima56: huh y say that?
   HappyPinkThang64: its just that she is outta ur reach u heard her she doesn’t deal wit geeks    like u just stick to doing wat u do usually
   CaptainUltima56: and wat do I do usually?
   HappyPinkThang64: be a geek =^^=
   CaptainUltima56: well that wont be hard
   HappyPinkThang64: no just stick wit being urself
   CaptainUltima56: u just gave me an idea..
   HappyPinkThang64: wat idea
   CaptainUltima56: ull c 4 urslf tomorrow…
   HappyPinkThang64: cmon tell me
   CaptainUltima56: ull see good nigt
   HappyPinkThang64: night

With that, Jerry the Berry closed the computer, brushed his teeth softly, and slept soundly.

Chapter Three: Extreme Makeover

   I looked through my sister’s CD Collection and found the CD I was looking for. I popped in the CD and listened.

   It’s my life…
   My Own words I guess…
   Have you ever loved someone so much, you’d give an arm for?
   When they know they're your heart
   And you know you were their armor
        And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm 'her
        But what happens when karma, turns right around and bites you?
        And everything you stand for, turns on you to spite you?
        What happens when you become the main source of her pain?…

Eminem’s When I’m Gone was singing through the background, while I prepared for the new me. First, I grabbed some scissors. Snip snip. The hair flew down to my shoes. I admired my new haircut. Then, I grabbed some clothes my grandma bought for me I never used. I slipped it on. Then, I slipped on some sunglasses. I smiled as I looked at the mirror. The new me. I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. A new day, a new start, a new me.
   “Who’s the new kid?” was the expression I got when I entered the bus. I looked like a different guy, from their perspective. I smiled at the way people thought of me. A girl came up to me and asked,
    “What’s your name, cutie?” I told her in a suave-way while putting up my sunglasses,
    “Dean, Jerry Dean.” I slid my sunglasses back, and flicked my hair. A new me, a new me.
   Seventh Period. Social Studies. Game time. I plopped my binder onto my desk and smirk at Melissa.
    “So, this is your master plan? Be someone you ain’t? I thought I told you that you should stay as is!” I grinned, and said,
   “Geeks don’t get the ladies!” I leaned back towards my desk and sat, waiting for Lisa. Then, all of her pretty self walked in the door.
   Lisa was a blonde, and she was skinny, not toothpick skinny, just, you know, skinny. She liked wearing jeans with a tank top, or even a sassy shirt, usually sporting a jean jacket and purse. She wore expensive shoes, mostly high-heels. She walk in a girly way, swinging her hips side to side, and swinging her hair, like all blondes. She was the blonde bombshell.
   She put her purse on her desk, and sat, then she noticed me. She smiled, winked, and said,
   “You changed in a day, eh, geek?” I cleared my throat and answered back,
   “I gave up my geeky ways. I’m all ungeek.” She looked into my eyes and said,
   “Prove it.”   
   “Happily.” I reached into my backpack and got out a straw. I tore off a piece of paper and crumbled it into my mouth. It got wet and moist. Spit. Ball. Melissa hissed at me,
   “Don’t. You still have a chance to live.” I grinned at Lisa, and spit at Mr. Collen’s head.

Chapter Four: Fighting With A Part Of Me

   “Mr. Dean, step in.” I got up from my chair, and walked into the Principle’s office. The door had a window, and it was reflecting rather nicely, so I took five seconds admiring my features.
   My hair was cut rather messily, but really cool-like. My sunglasses glistened in the bright light of the Secretary’s  office, and my face was shiny and clean. I walked in the office where Mr. Hawthorne, the principle, was holding a folder and tapping his hands very sternly. He motioned me to have a seat, but I said,
   “I’ll stand.” Mr. Hawthorne nodded, and opened my folder, and passing it onto his desk, the insides of it gushing out. He then sat down and said,
   “So, Mr. Dean. First time here, huh?” I just nodded. “Hmm. Well, you seem like the last person I expect to be here in my office. You seem like a good kid. I’m holding your folder here right now. A poet, huh?” I just glanced through my sunglasses. “Listen, you are a bright kid, how did you get here into my office?” I eased up into a smile and said,
   “Cause Mr. Collen’s big, bald, head was ripe for the picking.” Mr. Hawthorne blinked.
   “What has caused you to change into such a manner? Depression? Anxiety? C’mon, take your pick.”
   “Its nothing, man. Just leave me alone.”
   “I’m just trying to help you. Usually, a good id stays a good kid and a bad one needs to change into a good kid. You’re bending the rules here, son.”
   “Please, lets cut the crap, ‘kay? I got here because I ****ed off my teacher, and now what? I was REALLY expecting a punishment, and this just doesn’t make the cut.” Mr. Hawthorne said back,
   “Look, son. You are a nice kid, and this was probably by accident. Just go back to your class, but if thre is any shenanigans, you will get a detention, got it?” I answered him with the sound of his door slamming into the frame.
   “What happened there, Jer’? It just isn’t like you to change into this kind of person. “ Melissa asked. We were sitting on a bench, waiting for the bus to pick us up. I looked at her and said,
   “I needed to change. I feel better being like this, this new me. I can finally be the one person I’ve always wanted to be. Ya’ know, the cool kids.” Melissa remarked,
   “Well, its not who you are. Its not YOU. You’re trying too hard to be something you ain’t. Just stop now, before you get yourself into trouble.” My nose twitched.
   “Listen, its my life, and I want it to be that way.”
   “CAN’T YOU LISTEN! I want to be like this. I want to be the ‘in’ crowd. If you have a problem, then say it to my face!” Melissa stood up abruptly, and stormed off. I was left alone with my thoughts.
Ahh, she’ll forget about it! said one part of my body. Apologize! says another. Comb your hair! says a persistent third. I then combined all parts, and thought about the subject at hand…
   Is this the right thing to do, be someone I ain’t? With that, the bus neared by, and I entered the bus. I walked down the aisle, when Lisa tapped me on the shoulder and said,
   “Wanna sit by me?” I plopped my bottom down on the seat, and looked at Lisa. She said while flinging her purse,
   “We need to talk.”

Chapter Five: Lisa’s Main Man

   “Look, you really proved your worth in Social Studies, and you have really showed me that you have given up your geeky ways. So, I’ll give you an offer you can’t refuse.” Lisa then held my hand. I swallowed hard. Well, this was sudden. “You know me, I’m still pretty new here, and most don’t know me, but most know you. So, I want you to be my boyfriend.” I lengthened my collar, and said with a firm voice,
   The next day, Lisa held my arm, and she stuck with me everywhere I went. She kept me close, and I kept her close. She clung onto me like gold. At the end of the day, she did something pretty amazing…
   “Look, Lisa. I know he have a relationship, but do you just have to cling onto me like that?”
   “Its because I love you, Jerry.” With that, she gave me a luscious kiss. When her lips met mine, my stomach felt like it was floating in mid-air, and my heart was flying with the birds. My eyes felt like they were spinning around and I felt light-weight. I felt like I was in space. Weightless and able to float. When she backed off and walked to her house, I just stood there, still amazed, still drowsy from the kiss. The feeling was unshakable, with every muscle in my body tingling with joy. When I finally gained control of my lightweight state, I picked up my backpack, of which I had dropped from the kiss, but really, I didn’t notice it until now. I felt dizzy and dazed. My steps crossed over each other as if I had one drink too many. Love was a wonderful thing.
   After thirty-some minutes of confusion and drunk-like characteristics, I finally got home, so I crashed onto my bed. I just kind of rolled around on the bed, just lurking through my thoughts. This must be some kind of wonderful dream. I pinched myself to make sure. Nope. Didn’t wake up. Yet.
   I woke up the next morning in a lighter mood. The alarms ringing, the wind is hollowing. The weatherman at Channel 7 News says it was going to be a bad day. A rainy one. A sad one. Not for me, nope, they’ll be no rain on my parade. I went out of the house in a good mood, and there was the bus, waiting for me, not at all speeding up. I guess it’ll be a good day. A lucky one at least. I walked up the stairs while the bus driver tipped his baseball cap and said,
   “Top of the morning to you, sonny.” I greeted him and walked down the alley. No feet were out to trip me, no arm was out to grab me. I walked over to Toby McGard and said,
   “What’s happening?” Toby said to me in a voice I couldn’t quite decipher,
   “You tamed the untamed lion.”
   “And who would that be?”
   “Oh, c’mon man, anywhere you look, Lisa Kudro is there, holding your arm! I tried to ask her out, but all she did was ditch me and shoved me in the stomach. How’d you tame her?”
   “Honestly, I don’t know. She was the one that came up to me.”
   “Why, you lucky dog! Oh, hey, sorry for what happened before. We cool?”
   “Yeah. We cool.” So, I tamed the lion, huh? I also tamed the tiger, Toby McGard. So, I strolled down the aisle with a good feeling in my stomach. Lisa noticed me and motioned me to sit next to her. I sat next to her and she started telling me how great I was. Just loving the big life.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2006, 06:43:20 PM by dude677 »
Most Wishy-Washy


  • Vance Vance Revolution
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2006, 07:06:28 PM »
Is this a true story? Even if it isn't, it's still very good.
Remember that your first Goomba boldly you walk? When Mario touched that mushroom being brought up more largely remember that you are surprised? Miscalculate your jump that pit remember that it falls?

« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2006, 07:13:18 PM »
Next group of chapters:

Chapter Six: Melissa Explodes

   I walked in through the school’s double doors a changed man. Lisa held me tight, as we strolled down the hall, heading for our lockers. Oddly, hers was next to mine. I was now the bigshot in school, the one all the boys envied, and the one all the girls desired. I strolled down to my Math class in a way that only cool kids could do. I walked into my class, with a grin on my face and a good feeling in my stomach. I sat in my spot, not a care in the world.
   Soon, Social Studies came around, and I sat in my spot in between Lisa and Melissa.  Tension rose between Lisa and Melissa, exchanging looks and hand gestures, where I wouldn’t have the guts to explain. After 30 minutes of this nonsense, I whispered out for both of them to hear, but under the volume of which Mr. Collen could hear,
   “Stop it, both of you. This isn’t the second grade.” Lisa smirked and whispered to Melissa,
   “Yeah, You should go back to the second grade, Mel. You are SO immature!” Melissa’s temper is very short-fused around Lisa, and made a public performance, screaming out for all to hear,
   “Oh, just stop it, Lisa! You side by him like he’s gold! You know what you are, a slut, that’s what! A whore!” The other kids remarked at this sudden outburst, from,
   “Wow, she’s crazy!” to
   “Wow, that’s hot!” and in-between. Then Melissa stood up, walked over to Lisa’s desk, and flipped it right over, Lisa’s purse and binder with it. Lisa screamed like a crazed gorilla,
   “AHHHHHHHH!” and stood up abruptly, and slapped Melissa right across the face. The loud smack echoed across the room, Melissa in tears. Melissa then reacted and countered that with a PUNCH! A punch! The fist slammed across the cheek of Lisa’s, and Lisa landed on the floor. Melissa jumped onto her and started punching her even more, reminiscent of Jahn Lee from Dead or Alive. Her fists turned into a blur, as fist after fist hit the soft flesh of Lisa’s face and stomach. Mr. Collen was busy calling security, and soon enough, Mr. Moan was outside the door with pepper spray, just in case. The group of security officials rushed into the room, separating the two girls. They got Melissa up-righted, and held her back. All she did was spit on Lisa, and then walked in the guards. Then, it was all over. Lisa was still on the floor, unmoving. No moan, no shriek, just the quiet that the students would not bother to fill. A security personnel came into the room, put his hand around Lisa’s arm to check a pulse. Then he put his ear across her chest.
   “She’s unconscious, but she’s okay. I bet this was the first time she was ever punched.” I walked up to Lisa and held her hand up. Her pulse was beating softly, faintly. A sure sign of life.
   Lisa was sent to the hospital with “Wounds and unconsciousness” on her medical sheet. Melissa was suspended from school for two weeks.
   “I just can’t believe I’m going to miss the dance!” I scoffed at Melissa’s remark and said,
   “I’m just happy you’re not expelled. Surely you would be sent to some kind of juvie center.”
   “Well, fate is on my side.”
   “You know, what does all about? That outburst was unnecessary.”
   “I just hate that girl. She’s a total witch! Why even hang with her, Jer’?”
   “It’s because, when I first met her, she seemed like the girl of my life.”
   “Oh, what?” Melissa started sniffing, showing signs that she was upset about something. She then burst into tears and ran into her house, slamming the door behind her.

Chapter Seven: An Afternoon With The Girl I Love

   Halloween was  nearing, a week off. Lisa, after being admitted out of the hospital, started planning a Halloween Party.
   “You’re my guest of honor!” Lisa announced to me while eating lunch. I nearly gagged on the sandwich I was eating.
   “What is that for?” Lisa kissed me on the cheek and said,
   “My Halloween Party, silly!” She then stood up and threw away her lunch, then returning to the seat next to me. I looked at Lisa and asked,
   “Hey, um, why did you do that to Melissa? She’s still my friend.”
   “She is just annoying. You shouldn’t stick onto her like that. She’s your past life, your geeky life, and you need to pass that stage.”
   “But she’s the one that helped me in those times in the first place!”
   “Well, some things you just got to let go.”
   “But, she was my first friend…” Lisa looked in my eyes and asked,
   “I’ll give you a choice, that neanderthal of a girl or me, the love of your life.” I thought about that question for a while.
   “I guess you.  I mean, I sacrificed so much for you.”
   “Hmm… Thought so.” The bell rang, as if on cue, and the scene ended with a bad feeling in my stomach.
   “Hey, Jer’, want to go shopping for clothes with me?”
   “Nah, I hate putting on new clothes.”
   “No, it’s for me, silly.” I fumbled through my pockets, finding my cellphone. I dialed in my house number, and waited for someone to pick it up.
   One ring.
   Two rings.
   Three rings.
   Four rings.
   I pressed the END button on the phone and looked at Lisa.
   “My folks ain’t picking up the phone. I think I should go home.”
   “No, don’t worry, we’ll be back quick in a jiffy.” Lisa grabbed my hand, dragged me over to the curb, and hailed a taxi.
   “So, where are we going?” Lisa dragged me inside the mall, and said,
   “Everywhere!” She dragged me everywhere, the first stop, a store called Judy’s Skirts And Stuff. She picked some clothes, some skirts, some shirts, and dragged me to the dressing rooms. She made me sit in a white chair, which, was unfortunately, was very uncomfortable and smelled of sour milk and melted cheese. She jumped out of the dressing room in jeans, jean jacket, and a black shirt underneath saying “Born 2B Wild”. She asked me if it was good, and I said,
   “Yeah, I guess its okay.” Lisa smiled and said,
   “Yeah. Its sucks. C’mon, just say it, it sucks.”
   “No, no, it doesn’t suck, its just, I don’t know, plain?” Lisa smiled yet again and said,
   “Yeah! We need something with a little more pizzazz! I know. I get some more clothes, and you just sit your cute little tushie on that chair!”
   “Cute tushie?”
   “Yeah! Its so cute!” She found some more clothes and hopped back into the dressing room. We spent two hours finding clothes, where shortly thereafter, she payed for her clothes, then she dragged me out.
   “So, where did you get that large sum of money from.” Lisa took out her purse, opened it, and showed me hundreds of dollars stuffed inside that.
   “My father’s the one who owns the Hershey Company. We moved here so we can be closer to the headquarters. Kinda makes you wonder why we were never here in the first place, huh?”
   “Yeah, I guess.”
   “Hey, I’m hungry, let’s get a snack.” She trotted off in her new high-heels, and I went of after her. She led me to an exquisite restaurant, called, The Cheesecake Factory.
   “Hey, I’ve heard of this place, I saw it TV. The have really expensive dinner and really good food. I heard their cheesecakes are to die for.” Lisa smiled, and motioned me to enter the restaurant. I went in, her after.

Chapter Eight: “Sitting Here With You”

   The waiter, dressed in a tux, sporting a grey mustache and wrinkles, walked up to Lisa and I, we were just sitting on chairs, waiting to be called.
   “Ah, Madam Lisa, and you’re boyfriend, no?” The maitre d’ peered into my eyes.
   “Ah, yes, Jeeves, this is my boyfriend, Jerry Dean.”
   “Ah, Mister Dean! Step inside, and I will give you the special booth.”
   We stood up and followed the waitress. The old man was unusually fast, and I half-jogged half-walked to keep up with him. He then led us to a table in the back, where many rich and fancy people were casually eating their food. Thankfully, Lisa bought me garb that matched up to what they were wearing. Take that, you rich people! Another waiter, this time, a more younger man, maybe in the early 20’s. On his dress shirt, a name tag was pinned on, covered with designs of cheesecakes and flowers. Matt, in black letters, was printed on. Lisa looked at Matt, and even without looking at the tag, asked,
   “Hey, Matt? Can we see the menus. Jeeves didn’t  leave some for us.”
   “Yeah, sure, Lis’.” Matt placed two menus on the table. I leaned towards Lisa and asked,
   “Okay, two questions. How did you know about Jeeves, and who is Matt?
   “One, Jeeves is my father’s friend. Two, Matt is my older brother.”
   “Yeah, because this restaurant uses Hershey’s in its cheesecakes, and Jeeves has always worked here, and Matt is just trying to save up money. So, what you want?” I peered at the menu. Everything was fancy, and expensive.
   “Lisa, how can you afford twenty dollar chicken?”
   “Hey, my dad is in charge of Hershey, hello?” Satisfied, I called Matt over, and said to him,
   “I’ll have the roast steak, medium rare, but drizzle it with some barbeque sauce, and some Caesar salad for the side. I’ll also have some water, please. Oh, and for desert, I’ll have the Hershey’s Kisses Cheesecake, but add some extra chocolate pieces.” Lisa smiled at my order.
   “Okay, I’ll have some sliced roasted chicken, well-cooked, and add some garlic on top of that, a Philly Sub Sandwich, hold the onions, and some of that Cheesecake that Jerry here was talking about.”
   “Hey, Lis’, are you sure you want to order all this? This alone is at least eighty-dollars.” Lisa pointed to her purse.
   “I’m rich, remember? You just wasted it all trying to invest in a new company.” Matt nodded, and walked away. I was curious on what Lisa had said to his brother.
   “So, what kind of company did he invest in?”
   “He wanted to start a company of where cocoa beans was grown in greenhouses. The whole thing snafued, and father refused to give anymore money to Matt. He wasted 1.5 million dollars alone on the trees!”
   “Heh.” I chuckled at the little story. Soon, the food came, with the food stacked high, and the prices even higher. My food was presented to me, and Lisa’s was presented too. They then gave us our utensils, and we began eating. Lisa started off with her chicken, and knifed a piece off. She put it into her mouth with grace and fashion, then said to me,
   “You have just gotta try some of this chicken.!”
   “Well, why not feed it to me?”
   “C’mon, you’re not a three year old!”
   “Well, then I’ll cry in my sleep, thinking about the date gone wrong.”
   “Oh, so this is a date?”
   “Well, it is kind of like one.”
   “Well, then maybe I will give some to you.”
She put a piece of it on her fork and lifted it towards me, then I did the same with my steak.
   The food was all finally done. I held my hand over my stomach, and felt my belt straining. Lisa said to me,
   “So, how is it?”
   “What is?”
   “This. This whole date, this whole boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. It felt like yesterday that when you called me a dork.”
   “Well, I guess people change…”
   “It’s just that, sitting here with you, its like a dream. Pinch me, I want to know that this is real. I’ve never been happier in my whole life. I feel like the king of the world, a new man.”
   “Oh, believe me, it’ll be better soon.”
   “Oh, how’s that?”
   “You’ll see soon enough. For now, lets go home.”
 With that, we put down our payment, twenty percent tip, of course, and left the restaurant.

Chapter Nine: Party Ever After

   Lisa smiled at me. Funny. An axe was through her head, and dried blood spew down her face, and she was just wearing normal clothing, other then at the axe.
   “Am I late for the Halloween Party?” Lisa smiled at me.
   “No, not really.” She invited me in, and I looked around. Keith Reynolds was in a badly made mummy costume, made out of toilet paper.
   “It has two uses,” says Keith, when I walked passed him. “It is a costume, and we can TP the neighbors soon after!” Ricky McLord wore a mad scientist costume, with the name tag, “Hello, my name is Dr. Frankenstein”. And Leonard Richie was, as his last name, a big-time millionaire with stuffed pockets.
   “They’re just rubber chickens.” he told me. I looked around, Melissa was absent. I turned to Lisa.
   “Lisa, where’s Melissa?”
   “Uh, who?”
   “You know, brunette, brown eyes, liked blue, my best friend?”
   “Oh, her… I didn’t think she wanted to come. I didn’t bother sending an invite.”
   “Look, I got to look for her. She is my best friend, after all.” I sped out of the house, quick as a flash. I was Dracula, so my cape flew back behind me. I sped down Hawthorne Street and took the left to Bluff Point Lane. Lisa’s house is at 3000. 3000 Bluff Point Lane. The lights were out. There were no cars on the driveway. It was eerily silent. A group of delinquent pre-teens walked towards the house, paper towels in hand. I shook my pointer finger at them.
   “I got this house,” I lied. “Find some other house to TP.” The kids walked away with a arrangement of comments, from “Oh, man!” to “This sucks.”. I looked around the house,  making sure that there isn’t any clue that Melissa is there, maybe watching TV in the center of the house, already sleeping, or silently crying. Nope. Nothing. I walked back to Lisa’s house. The chorus of “Ghetto Superstar” was clearly heard by the time I reached Hawthorne Lane. The party was still on, whether I was there or not. The door was still ajar. I opened the door.
   I let you go,
   Let you go like a thousand balloons,
   Without even thinking!
The song echoed throughout the neighborhood. I was sitting on the steps of Lisa’s porch. I just didn’t want to join the festivities. Lisa walked out of the house and sat next to me.
   “Why not join the party?”
   “I just don’t want to.”
   “Well, the party just isn’t the same without you.” Soon after that, she laid down on my lap. I looked at the stars.
   “Hmm…Party Ever After, eh?” Lisa looked up at me.
   “Yup. Party ever after.”

Chapter Ten: New Year’s Tears

   Mr. Collen was talking extra loud today.
   “Hope you have a Happy Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, Festivus, whatever you celebrate. You guys hav’ta be outta the building by 3:05. No ‘un gonna watch you after that. We teachers got lives too!” When the bell rang, Mr. Collen was the first one to step out of the room. We later saw him on the snowy grass outside, clearly had slipped on ice. The kids laughed, not just because of Mr. Collen, but because it was Winter Break. I took a deep breath, and took all the carbon dioxide out. A trail of white mist emitted from my mouth. I admired the shapes and warmth. The dorkiness was still in me. I just never let it out. Lisa went up to me, snuggled in a light blue jacket with those annoying, itchy, furry things on the hood and sleeve. I was just dressed in a common red coat. Lisa took a deep breath as well, and let it out. She smiled.
   “So, you going to go to watch the fireworks at McGron Hill?”
   “Sure. You betcha.”
McGron Hill. The highest hill in the county. The place where teens make out at night, mostly, but at New Year’s, the place where people watch the fireworks. We, of course, were doing the lather…
   It was 11:59 PM. A minute until the new year. Everyone had pocket radios, to hear the countdown. Everyone was silent, waiting for the countdown. Lisa was next to me, my hand over her shoulder. Everyone couldn’t wait for the countdown. I listened to my surroundings. The night was quiet, but a lingering sound was heard. Almost whisper silent, but in this silence, it was pretty obvious. I looked around. Two teens hugging each other, middle aged couple looking at the sky, a family, a lone kid. I then saw at the person behind the tree. Behind it, even through the tree and dark, was easily recognizable as Melissa. She was sobbing gently, as I could tell.
   The radio blurted out, “And ladies and gentlemen, and Jacob. (Laughs coming through the radio) Its almost time for 2007! Get ready for the countdown!” All of the people held hands, and screamed out loud.
Melissa left the crowd at one.
   “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” The New Year’s song was playing on the radio, and people were celebrating. The fireworks erupted. Blue, green, red, white, and a whole other multitude of colors were lighting up in the sky. Circles, squares, cubes, the banging ones, the loud ones, the missile ones, the rocket ones, all flew into the air. Explosions sounds flew all throughout the silence that was on eleven seconds before. Lisa held her hands on her ears and laughed. I laughed too. We both laughed. The end of the year ended with Lisa and I ending in a big kiss.

Chapter Eleven: “Do you remember you past self?”

   Lisa and I bid farewell. I headed to my house, and was startled to find Melissa on my porch. She motioned me to sit down. I sat down next to her. Her face was still wet with fresh tears. She looked at me. Her face glittered in the moonlight.
   “Hi, Melissa”
   “Hey, you.”
   “What’s the occasion?”
   “You. Okay. Look. Remember our conversation we had earlier. I had regretted what I said as soon as I said it. But, it was too late. I stormed into my house because I was embarrassed, and angry at myself. I shouldn’t be like that.”
   I tried to interrupt, but she continued.
   “I had went into my room and threw myself into my bed. I was just thinking. I decided that I should tell you this. I love you. I couldn’t say this before, because I was too scared. Then, Lisa had you. I tried talking you out of it, but it didn’t work. I didn’t want myself to be alone and sad for the rest of my life. I needed you. I wanted you happy. But, when I saw you with Lisa, you looked happy. You…were…happy.”
   New tears ran down her face.
   “I decided that I didn’t need you anymore. You didn’t need me. I decided that I couldn’t interfere with your life anymore, so I separated me from you. It had worked, until this evening. I saw you with Lisa, both looking at each other, the love was strong. I felt it. I wanted to be alone, but I couldn’t stop staring. I left at that moment. It was so hard to keep myself away from you. The sense and easiness of when I first planned this out was absent went I saw you. I couldn’t stand it. But, maybe there was a way. Maybe you do love me back. I just need to ask you one question.
   “Do…you…love me?”
In her eyes, the words Please love me was easily seen. I saw the tears on her chin. It hanged there.
   “I…can’t…I love…Lisa.”
Her eyes were now something else entirely. It now said Oh, how could I be so stupid!. New tears, now in a steady stream, ran down her face. She was heartbroken. She ran off immediately. She was sobbing to herself. I tried stopping her, but she muttered,
   “Its only best.”
I was then standing there, just with my own thoughts.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2006, 06:43:47 PM by dude677 »
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2006, 01:05:57 AM »
Chapter Twelve: “To You”

   It was Valentine’s Day. Kids gave their loved ones cards with poems in them, and girlfriends gave boyfriends the new video game, Exploding Barrels 5. Lisa opted for a giant panda bear instead. I looked at Lisa.
   “We need…to brake up”
Lisa was stunned.
   “Its just, I can’t have you. I don’t want you. Once I got you, you didn’t make me happy. Irony maybe, but more like faith. This taught me that I wanted somebody else. I needed someone else. That someone else just isn’t you.”
In a defending blow that was pathetic, she said,
   “Well then , you can’t have this bear.” She stormed off. That’s the third time a girl stormed out of my vision. I just couldn’t have her.
   At Mr. Collen’s class, neither Lisa nor Melissa was here. The two seats next to me was empty. Two girls out my life. Two empty seats.
   My locker area was silent, since all had left school early. I opened my locker and a red heart flew out. It landed gently on my shoes. “To You” it was entitled. I picked it up and opened it. It was clearly from Melissa. I read it.
Dear Jerry Dean,
This letter isn’t necessarily a love letter,
Nor is it a valentine.
Its more like a notice, really.
A notice with feeling.
I love you dearly.
You knew that, I guess.
Ever since I first saw you,
Across the street.
I knew that deep down in my heart,
You were the mystery man
That I saw in my dreams,
The one that  would kneel down,
And say the four most magical words,
“Will you marry me?”
I was pretty young,
But I understood true love,
And love at first sight.
You were that.
I bet Lisa is looking upon you right night,
Urging you to hurry up, right?
Yeah. You have your hands full.
I just have something to tell you.
I love you.
I need you.
Melissa Hedson.

I cried after reading the letter. I dug through my backpack, pulling out stationary. I took out my pen, and wrote the best I could through teary eyes.

To Melissa Hedson,
I learned a lot from this whole ordeal.
I never really did love Lisa.
She never really make me happy.
When I was still myself,
The only thing that kept me happy,
Kept me sane,
Was you.
You saw me.
I was smiling throughout all this.
I found out that loving Lisa was more like a sign from God,
From him to me.
It had taught me that I didn’t need the greatest thing in the world
To truly love who I love.
I didn’t need the ultimate
Girlfriend to find happiness
And satisfaction.
I have written a song.
Not just this.
Not just that.
But everything:
Is this true love?
A love that I will love every day?
Usually the love songs,
Have the words I love you.
But how can I say that,
When I don’t even know you?
Is this a love song?
To You,
To You.

Jerry Dean

I folded the stationary up, and stuffed it into my pocket. I put Melissa’s “notice” into my other pocket. I headed towards 3000 Bluff Point Lane.
   To give her this letter,
   To say that I love her.
   And I needed to see her face when I say it.

The End
« Last Edit: May 28, 2006, 03:10:28 PM by dude677 »
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2006, 03:57:06 PM »
Yippee! new chapter.
Oh, yes, this MAY seem like double posting, but most people add to their story in a new post, but to make readers happier, i made the updates on the first post and just posted new updates, so it won't go unoticed. 32 views, keep it up!
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2006, 02:49:44 PM »
If you like what you see, by all means, comment. I really want to know how I'm doing. So, drop a line, k?
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2006, 07:19:19 PM »
New chapter, added a poll. Its all good!
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2006, 07:59:10 PM »
ehhh... Yaknow, you just quadroopleposted... uhh, so... I'm not going to get involved...

« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2006, 08:05:43 PM »
Clearly, you DID not read my above 3 posts, of which I will NOW quote. Drum roll please!

Yippee! new chapter.
Oh, yes, this MAY seem like double posting, but most people add to their story in a new post, but to make readers happier, i made the updates on the first post and just posted new updates, so it won't go unnoticed. 32 views, keep it up!
« Last Edit: March 17, 2006, 08:07:27 PM by dude677 »
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2006, 08:09:45 PM »
Wouldn't it just be easier to put them in seperate posts? Some forums have character limits on their posts, and I think TMK wouldn't be any different.

btw, great story. Keep writing!

*Keeps eating biscuits*
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2006, 08:28:32 PM »
I'll then continue on the next post I have posted. Thanks for the comment!
BTW, why biscuits?
I prefer biscotti.
Or chocolate cake.
And, oh, yes, expect Chapter Five to be a little romantic.

Wow, this story, its so sentimental.
I'm so sentimental. I could just KISS my self.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2006, 08:46:01 PM by dude677 »
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2006, 06:45:12 PM »
Psst! I got a secret. Come closer...

Good. The new Chapter, numero cinco, the big five!
There is some romantic scenes, so prepare. Ah,
this chapter is a bit short...

*Eats cake*

If you want to be PM'd on updates, PM me saying so, and you'll join my little circle of fans.
Current PM'd Ones/Chosen Ones:
« Last Edit: March 18, 2006, 07:16:58 PM by dude677 »
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2006, 08:30:47 PM »
New chapter on my next post!
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2006, 08:28:05 PM »
Celebrate good times, c'mon!
New chapter now, c'mon!
Most Wishy-Washy

« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2006, 07:07:36 PM »
Runnig out of ideas...
Oh well, I'll spit it out.
Most Wishy-Washy
