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Messages - MrWhitefolks

Pages: 1 [2]
Mario Chat / Re: What's the WORST Mario game ever?
« on: May 31, 2000, 02:48:29 AM »
i don't know about you guys, but for has to be the first smb game on gameboy. man, with floaty controls, wack graphics, stages that were in need of dire repair, just made me mad that i actually played thru it and beat it.

oh, i be lovin SMB2(USA)..dont know why, but it's my favorite version. maybe because of the huge diversion from other games?

Video Game Chat / Honest gaming poll for this forum
« on: June 12, 2000, 06:56:38 AM »
How many of you peeps are actually gonna wait for the dolphin, figuring that Nintendo is going to have anything more than it's own mascots and rare backing them up fully? I just need to see what the types of gamers we got in here so I can post replies accordingly to other topics.

-save the drama for your momma-

Mario Chat / Upcoming Nintendo titles...which will you play?
« on: May 31, 2000, 02:53:38 AM »
let's see here...we got Mario Tennis, Paper Mario(tentative title),and Kirby. Those are the games i'm looking forward to the most. might give me a reason to pull my n64 out of the closet for a few months.(especially kirby..he's a pimp)



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